The strongest soldier

Chapter 10 Crisis Evacuation

Suddenly, Luo Zheng, who was leaning against the big tree, moved, turned around and took a step forward. The gun in his hand rang out, "Bang, bang, bang!" Three shots came out, and Luo Zheng saw a man with a horrified face whose body exploded. He fell to the ground, his eyes filled with unwillingness and confusion, as well as the desire for life.

After Luo Zheng succeeded, he leaned against the big tree, breathing heavily, his heart beating hard. He was so nervous that he forgot that this was his first time to kill someone. His palms were full of cold sweat and his back was soaked.

"Boohoo!" Three bullets hit the big tree. Luo Zheng reacted in a flash and hurriedly lay down. He felt his scalp was burning. He quickly touched it and found that the bullets had grazed his scalp. He became angry and rolled his body to hide. After walking behind another big tree next to him and passing death one after another, Luo Zheng had forgotten his fear and only had anger and revenge in his heart.

On the battlefield, no one expected Luo Zheng to be a variable, nor did they expect that Luo Zheng would actually kill people by waiting for the chance. The enemy was angry, and the bullets hit the big tree where Luo Zheng was hiding as if it was free. Fortunately, the big tree where Luo Zheng was hiding was It was as big as four people holding it together, and the wood was hard and difficult to penetrate.

Luo Zheng was determined to kill the enemy, but in the face of a strong enemy, he wisely chose to hide. There was a strange sound of bullets hidden in the gunfire, and with a scream, the forest became quiet, leaving only the rustling of the tree crowns blown by the wind. Luo Zheng I guessed that the female soldier had taken action, but she still didn't dare to move. Who knew how many powerful enemies were lurking in the deep forest.

"Da da da!" Suddenly, there was a burst of dense automatic assault rifle sounds in the deep forest. Luo Zheng was shocked. He turned around and saw that there were many people rushing over deep in the dense forest. He didn't know who it was. Looking at the direction of the shooting, he could only see I'm afraid enemy reinforcements have arrived.

"Escape quickly." A cold female voice suddenly floated from not far away.

The voice was very familiar. Luo Zheng knew it was the female soldier without looking. She was about to evacuate. When he saw the discarded weapon of the enemy he had killed not far away, he decisively rushed over and quickly rolled to the side with the gun in his hand. Hearing the sound of bullets, he didn't dare to look back. He quickly got up, hunched over and ran towards the east. He thought of what the female soldier had just mentioned about turning around and running in vain. He didn't quite understand. He thought that turning around was just turning around. He ran in a curve, then kept changing direction, spreading his legs and running like crazy.

When the female soldier behind the scenes saw the running Luo Zheng, her frosty face showed a touch of surprise, but she quickly regained her coolness and fired to stop an enemy who was trying to pursue him. After waiting for a while, they saw that enemy reinforcements were about to arrive. , also decisively retreated back, and disappeared after a few dodgers, his movements were incredibly fast.

After running wildly for a while, Luo Zheng felt that his chest was so uncomfortable that he was suffocating. He quickly slowed down and stopped after his breathing became easier. He looked at the dark sky and saw that the female soldier did not follow him. He couldn't help but worry that it would be troublesome to move after dark. I don’t know where I lost my camping bag. I didn’t have anything to eat or drink. It’s not a good night.

"Why did you stop?" A cold female voice suddenly came from the woods.

When Luo Zheng heard this cold voice, he felt relieved. He followed the sound and saw the female soldier walking over, her steps staggering a little. He suddenly remembered that the other soldier still had injuries on her thighs, so he quickly went up to help her. When he met the female soldier, The soldier's eyes were cold and his outstretched hand stopped awkwardly in the air. He smiled and said, "It will get dark soon. What should we do next?"

The female soldier did not answer Luo Zheng's words, but looked around coldly. She looked up at the sky and saw that the North Star had come out. The female soldier lowered her head and began to ponder. She didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, the female soldier also No nonsense, choose a direction and walk forward.

Luo Zheng could tell that this female soldier didn't like to talk nonsense and was too lazy to talk. He followed closely behind while observing the high-end weapon that he risked his life to snatch. Unfortunately, he couldn't understand it and couldn't use it. He immediately said: "I don't know how to use this gun. You can use it. I wish I had a pistol."

The female soldier suddenly paused, stopped, put the gun in her hand on her back, took the gun, took a look at it, and said: "M16A4 automatic rifle, effective range 600m, magazine capacity 30." As she spoke, she quickly He took off the magazine and took a look. There was still half of it inside. He snapped the magazine back into place with an unusually skillful movement. Luo Zheng was dumbfounded and envious. This is what he calls a soldier.

"With optical sight package, including AN/PEQ-5 laser designator, holographic diffraction mirror (HDS) and AN/PVS-14 night vision sighting system, etc., with three shooting modes: single shot, burst fire, and fully automatic shooting." The female soldier explained to Luo Zheng with a cold face. While explaining, she disassembled the machine parts and inspected them. Finally, she told Luo Zheng how to open the safety and fire, and handed the gun to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng stared at the female soldier dumbfounded. Although the explanation just now was very detailed, he could only remember most of it. Fortunately, he knew the key actions of opening the safety and shooting, but he did not take the gun and said mockingly: "To tell you the truth, I'm pretty good at being a slut. I used to play it a lot when I was young, and this gun was just for the recruits to shoot a few bullets at that time. I've never touched such a high-end thing, so it's a waste to let it go in my hands."

"Treat him like a troll." The female soldier said coldly, threw the gun to Luo Zheng, turned around and walked forward.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at the female soldier who turned away in surprise. The camouflage uniform was full of mud, but it gave the female soldier a bit of heroic appearance and gave people a different kind of surprise. Luo Zheng quickly put aside the messy thoughts in his mind. , chased after him, while carefully asking how to use the gun. The female soldier did not hide her secrets and answered all questions.

After a while, Luo Zheng basically mastered the use of this gun and couldn't put it down to play with it. As a soldier, Luo Zheng also loved guns very much. He turned on the night vision aiming function and aimed forward from time to time. He became excited and asked : "Hi, I can't call you 'Hi' all the time. It's so rude. My name is Luo Zheng. What about you?"

The female soldier suddenly stopped and turned to look at Luo Zheng. Her cold eyes were full of scrutiny, which made Luo Zheng's scalp numb. The female soldier turned around and continued on her way forward without saying anything. Luo Zheng did not dare to ask this question anymore. He quickly caught up and continued to play with the weapons in his hands.

Soon, it became dark and the road was no longer visible. The female soldier suddenly stopped, looked around, and found a place to sit down and rest. She didn't care about Luo Zheng at all. Luo Zheng had to find a place not far away to sit down and rest. Using the sight on the gun, he looked around and found that there were trees everywhere, lush and green, with no end in sight. He immediately said, "You take a rest for a while, and I'll keep watch."

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