The strongest soldier

Chapter 9 Waiting for an opportunity to fight for your life

The female soldier didn't respond. Luo Zheng couldn't bear it anymore. It was the first time in his life that he ran at such a fast speed and was ridiculed as if he was crawling like a snail. He immediately shouted coldly: "Zangmao, if you have the ability to hit your grandfather, let me bully you." What kind of hero is a woman? If you have the guts, let’s fight against each other. I don’t dare to be a grandson.”

After waiting for a while, no one agreed. Luo Zheng knew that the provoking method was useless against these people, and it would definitely not work if he ran out like this. The speed that he thought was good may not be enough in the eyes of experts like them, so the reason why he did not fire was, I just don’t want to expose myself. I guess I’ve changed my hiding place when I spoke just now. What should I do?

Suddenly, Luo Zheng remembered something about hunting before he joined the army. When faced with cunning prey and traps and strategies were unavailable, the best way was to fight fiercely to see who dared to risk his life. In the eyes of the enemy, he was insignificant, even if After being exposed, the other party didn't dare to shoot easily because there was a female soldier behind him with excellent marksmanship.

"Anyway, it's a dead end. Fight." Luo Zheng glanced at the hidden female soldier not far away, but found that the other party had disappeared. Luo Zheng was sure that the female soldier would not abandon him and retreat first, so he shouted loudly: "Zangmao, Your grandpa has come out, let’s have a duel, if you don’t know what to do, just hide and be your coward.” After saying that, he slowly walked out of the big tree and stared nervously in front of him.

After waiting for about two seconds, no one fired. Luo Zheng knew that he had made the right bet. He became courageous and continued to walk forward without looking for cover. If the enemy wanted to shoot, he would have died several times ago. Thinking of dying miserably As a comrade, Luo Zheng's eyes turned red and he shouted loudly: "You little turtle, come out, you bastard, come and kill me if you dare."

Suddenly, Luo Zheng felt his eyes blur. A pair of big feet flew over and hit him in the heart. He had no time to react. He only felt that his whole body was flying up. He hit the big tree heavily and rolled to the ground. He only heard "Boohoo!" There were two gunshots, and the corner of his mouth cracked, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out. There was only one thought in his mind, what a fast foot. When his eyesight went dark, he didn't know anything anymore.

I don’t know how long it took. After Luo Zheng slowly regained consciousness, Youyou woke up and felt a burning pain in his heart. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was still in the forest, under the big tree, and there was no one else around. There was a sound coming from further away. There was a gunshot, and soon there was nothing.

"Hiss—" Luo Zheng moved his body, feeling as if his chest was about to burst. He smiled bitterly. In the face of absolute strength, he was vulnerable. Fortunately, there is a family-inherited breathing method that can help quickly recover from injuries, otherwise These people are so strong, who are they? Looking up at the sky, the sky gradually darkened. Occasionally, gunshots were heard from deep in the forest, and the battle continued.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng knew that he must seize the time to recover. The virgin forest at night was even more terrifying. He struggled hard, sat on the ground, and started breathing according to the family secret method. Gradually, after half an hour, his burning heart no longer felt so uncomfortable, and his breathing became smoother. It became smoother, and Luo Zheng vaguely felt that his recovery ability had improved.

After a while, Luo Zheng felt a lot better. He touched his chest. Fortunately, he had the breathing technique passed down from his ancestors for generations. His recovery ability had indeed become stronger. Luo Zheng looked around and soon found that it was not far away. There was a corpse lying on the body. Luo Zheng walked over slowly and saw that it was a Westerner with blue eyes and a high nose. The bullet hit the center of the body.

"Retribution, you deserve it." Luo Zheng guessed that it was the female soldier who did it, so he cursed loudly. When he saw a pistol on the other party, he quickly pulled it out, searched him again, and found two magazines. From the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw There was a familiar army dagger stuck in the opponent's military boots.

Luo Zheng took it out and saw that it was the familiar Type 65 army dagger, which was the favorite of the squad deputy. There was also the word "海" engraved on it. It was said to be a military merit reward given by his superiors. Luo Zheng often borrowed it to play with. He will admit his mistake and immediately realize that the other person is the murderer of his comrades, and he will burst out with overwhelming anger.

"It is indeed the murderer." Luo Zheng stood up angrily, turned around and walked towards the place where the gunshots were heard. His face was so gloomy that it was about to drip. After taking only two steps, Luo Zheng stopped and returned to the murderer. I took off the other party's camouflage and combat uniform, and then took off my military boots to try on them. They were a little too big, but they were wearable.

After putting on the opponent's equipment, Luo Zheng smeared the mud on his face. When he felt it was about the same, he kicked the opponent hard and walked towards the place where the gunfire sounded. He rubbed his chest to recover from his injuries. The enemy was in front. , without any hesitation, Luo Zheng's eyes turned red, and the only thought in his mind was revenge.

After walking for a while, the gunfire in front became clearer and audible. Luo Zheng thought that he was wearing the enemy's equipment. He didn't have to worry about being shot coldly by the enemy. Even if he was shot coldly, there was nothing he could do. The gap was too big. No matter how concealed it was, it would be a joke. He might as well Just go up and play it by ear.

Perhaps it was because of the equipment he was wearing that Luo Zheng walked close to the forest where the two sides were fighting. He could see bullets flying, but he couldn't see where the people were hiding. He found a place to hide, turned on the safety of the pistol, and the high-end weapons could not be used. Knowing how to use it, Luo Zheng could still understand a weapon with a relatively simple structure like a pistol.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng found that two people shot in one direction, and only one person on the other side fired back. He made a judgment in his heart, and immediately moved in the direction of the two shooters. According to the method taught by the female soldier, he stopped every time. They are all blind spots formed by three trees.

There was a gunshot, and Luo Zheng judged the approximate location of the enemy's hiding place based on the gunshot. It was only a few dozen meters away from him. When he was not injured, he could not do anything to the enemy. Now that he was injured, he would surely die if he rushed over. He had an idea and prepared to wait and see. , and immediately found a suitable place to hide.

Luo Zheng knew that these battle-hardened masters were very sensitive to murderous aura. In order to prevent the enemy from discovering his existence, he switched to the family breathing method and imagined himself as a part of the big tree. Gradually, his breathing became gentle and long, and his eyes were slightly closed. , observing the front with his peripheral vision, feeling the enemy's position with his heart, and turning a deaf ear to the surrounding gunfire.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe one minute, maybe three minutes, maybe more, a footstep that was so slight that it could not be detected sounded. Luo Zheng knew that the enemy was coming, but did not move. In order to hunt, Luo Zheng was fifteen years old. I once lay in the snow for three hours, and didn't shoot until the prey walked in front of me without any scruples.

At the critical moment of life and death, in order to take revenge, Luo Zheng exerted his extraordinary potential and waited motionless, silently judging the distance between the other party, counting the footsteps of the other party as he walked towards them, and calculating the distance between them.

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