The strongest soldier

Chapter 11 Cure diseases and save people

The female soldier didn't say much, but she really closed her eyes and rested. Luo Zheng smiled, thinking that the female soldier had lost a lot of blood and had injuries on her legs. The wounds must have burst during the journey, and her body was weak. It was not easy to come all the way. Unfortunately, The marching bag was gone and there was no way to re-bandage it and change the dressing. I saw a branch not far away that was as thick as my arm, so I picked it up and whittled it with the recovered Type 65 Army dagger. After a while, a simple crutch came out.

Luo Zheng gently placed his crutches not far from the female soldier and climbed up a tree branch to stand guard. In the past, he went hunting with his uncles and brothers and often did sentry duties. He had a sight with night vision function in hand, which could be used when hunting. It is not difficult to stand sentry when you see the surrounding situation at night.

I don't know how long it took, but Luo Zheng felt a little sleepy. He rubbed his eyes and suddenly noticed a bright light flashing deep in the dense forest. It was so slight that it wouldn't have been noticed if it hadn't reflected on his face. Luo Zheng suddenly became alert and fell asleep. No, how can there be reflection in the dark dense forest? Set up the gun, put the sight in your eye and observe.

Not long after, Luo Zheng noticed a figure approaching, like a cheetah looking for food in the dark night. It was extremely vigilant, moved very quickly and agilely, and there were several people vaguely behind him. Luo Zheng knew that these people were beyond his ability to deal with. He quickly and carefully slipped down the big tree and tried to wake up the female soldier, but found that the female soldier was sweating profusely, her eyes were closed, her face was pale, and her whole body was shaking.

"Not good." Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that the female soldier had a fever and fell into a coma at this time. She was in trouble. Thinking that the enemy was about to get close to him, Luo Zheng didn't care much and hung up the female soldier's gun and his own gun. He ran wildly with the female soldier on his back.

While running, Luo Zheng suddenly noticed that the female soldier's body was shaking. This was a sign of clonus caused by high fever. He became worried, ran away the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, and ran away.

In the dark night, the moonlight was weak and the visibility was very low. Fortunately, Luo Zheng had been hunting in the jungle since he was a child and was no stranger to walking at night. However, the speed of carrying a person on his back was limited, and he soon became tired and out of breath, so he had to carry his daughter. The soldier put it down, only to find that the other person's brows were furrowed, his lips were chapped, cold sweat was pouring on his forehead, and he had a painful expression on his face. Luo Zheng became embarrassed. Where could he find medicine in this dark late-night wilderness?

If not treated in time, I am afraid it will burn out the brain and even be life-threatening. Look at the position of the female soldier's thigh. The gauze on the wound is completely dark red. You can tell at a glance that there is excessive blood loss. If no treatment is given, this leg will probably be destroyed. , Luo Zheng became anxious, heard the gurgling sound of the stream next to him, and hurried over with the female soldier in his arms.

The stream was very small. It fell from a cliff and formed a small pool below. Luo Zheng put the female soldier to the edge of the pool and scooped the water to the female soldier's mouth. The female soldier instinctively opened her mouth wide and swallowed, shouting like she was dreaming. Saying "Water, water", Luo Zheng hurriedly brought more water to feed him. As for whether the water was in a hurry, he couldn't care less about life and death.

The female soldier fell asleep after drinking the water. Luo Zheng looked at the darkness all around and was anxious. He suddenly saw that the lush flowers and plants beside the pool were familiar. He walked up and took a closer look under the moonlight. He saw that the leaves were wider and broadly lanceolate. The small umbrella stems are as thin as silk, and I am immediately delighted. It is Bupleurum grass, a good medicine for treating colds and fever, cold and heat, fatigue and fever.

Luo Zheng picked a large amount of Bupleurum in twos and twos. After washing it, he became embarrassed. The conditions were not mature and it was impossible to make medicine. Even eating it raw was unrealistic. It was impossible for the female soldier in a coma to chew it by herself. What should I do? Seeing the painful expression on the face of the female soldier whose face was burned red, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, grabbed most of the Bupleurum and rubbed it, quickly forming a medicine ball. He opened the female soldier's mouth with one hand and squeezed the Bupleurum medicine ball with the other hand. The juice came out and dripped into the mouth of the female soldier.

In order to ensure its effectiveness, Luo Zheng picked a large amount of Bupleurum grass and squeezed out the concoction and fed it to the female soldier. Then he took off his clothes and spread them in a dry place. He laid the female soldier flat on the ground and then gently tore off the female soldier's clothes. Wash the gauze on the soldier's thigh wound, and then wipe away the blood on the female soldier's wound.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng looked at the unconscious female soldier and smiled helplessly. The situation was terrible. He didn't know how long he could stay here or when the pursuers would come. Hey!

Late at night, the wind picked up, and the moon came out of the dark clouds, casting silver light on the earth. It fell on the edge of the pool, and there were bursts of silver light. Luo Zheng, who was sitting by the pool and resting, glanced at the female soldier. The dirty oil paint was covered with Cold sweat washed over her face, which made her whole face stained and ugly. Luo Zheng's heart moved and he couldn't help but wet the gauze with water to clean the female soldier's face. After a while, a beautiful face appeared in front of Luo Zheng's eyes.

During the day, I was busy working hard and didn't pay attention. I didn't expect that the clean female soldier was so beautiful. Liu Yemei frowned slightly, her eyes were closed tightly, her delicate nose was breathing rapidly, her face was burning red, she was so pitiful when she saw it, Luo Zheng couldn't help it. He wanted to hold the other person in his arms and feel sorry for him, but he still restrained his presumptuous actions. He sighed, picked up the gun, looked around, and found a commanding height to hide.

Luo Zheng used the traditional breathing method to restore his physical strength while being vigilant. Fortunately, the night was uneventful. After a few hours of rest, the exhausted Luo Zheng fully recovered his physical strength and was full of energy. When he came to the waterhole, he found a female soldier. He had woken up and was looking up at the sky blankly. His face was ugly and his eyes were lifeless. Luo Zheng walked forward slowly, coughed and said, "You're awake, are you feeling better?"

"Did you save me?" the female soldier asked weakly, still cold.

Luo Zheng walked aside noncommittally and whispered: "Can you leave? Those bastards are probably going to catch up."

"No." The female soldier said coldly, looking at the sky steadily and saying no more.

Luo Zheng wanted to ask why the enemy wouldn't catch up. Seeing the female soldier, he didn't want to say more. Then he thought about the group of people who were not far from him last night, and now there is no trace. With the strength of those people, it is impossible that they can't find this place. , there is only one explanation for not showing up, the other party is too lazy to chase.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became annoyed. If he had known this, he should have chased after him. Thinking that his enemy was far away, Luo Zheng became anxious and said quickly: "Do you have any way to contact the outside world? I will leave the weapons for you. I will go after that person." They’re helping the bastards, by the way, do you know who they are?”

The female soldier looked at Luo Zheng coldly, with a little surprise in her cold eyes. She did not explain, but just stared at Luo Zheng so closely, which made Luo Zheng feel uncomfortable all over. She asked in surprise: "Are you looking at this?" What am I doing?"

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