"I'm just a little assistant. Shouldn't it be you, the s*m president, who tells me what I should do?" Li Menglong kicked the ball back.

"Assistant? Assistant! You are the first assistant to talk to me directly!"

"That would be my pleasure!"

"Wait for the news. Don't go back to South Korea for the next few days. You can tell Park Xiangmin directly about the event. All activities with low liquidated damages will be cancelled. Just stay in Japan and don't see the light of day. I will handle the details!"

"Then I'll wait for your good news. If you need any help, please feel free to tell me!"

Listening to Li Menglong's relaxed answer, Jin Yingmin felt that those light words were full of ridicule, mocking him for Jin Yingmin's lack of ability, mocking him for shooting himself in the foot...

Li Menglong always made calls in front of the girls, so everyone could hear the communication between the two. There was no intuitive comparison before, but now it seems that Li Menglong can use this tone with Kim Young-min. People who communicate directly.

"Okay, someone has solved the problem. Although the final result may still not be very good, you and I really have no better way, because those people will no longer listen to any explanations. They They only believe what they believe!" Li Menglong tapped the cell phone in his hand.

It’s self-evident as to who they are referring to. Among the current netizens who support the girls, no matter how accurate the so-called irrefutable evidence is, they will see loopholes in it; while the antis, no matter how absurd the so-called evidence, also firmly believe It's all true!

It's like a meticulous and considerate boyfriend who has taken care of his girlfriend for many years. In the end, he probably no longer loves the girl. What he loves is his love for the girl! Although it is convoluted, the point of view is undoubtedly accurate.

"If I say that the most important thing for you to do now is to put everything aside, enjoy your personal life during this quiet time, and do things that you usually want to do or do two days ago, will it make you think that I am particularly cold-blooded?" Li Menglong spread his hands and asked the girls.

The girls all understand what he means. Since the matter cannot be solved and it depends on the s*m company's adaptability, then they might as well relax themselves and prepare to deal with the difficulties in the future.

But not everyone has this ability. Besides, what did they want to do two days ago? It was still a full day at that time, and everyone just wanted to have a good sleep. It would be better if Li Menglong and the maknae could come back to make the atmosphere better, and it would be better if they could have a big meal!

But can you sleep now?

Li Menglong can sleep, but the girls won't let him sleep! The group of people returned directly to the dormitory. Li Menglong and several staff members frantically purchased a huge amount of food and stored it in the room.

Because the girls are likely to stay at home almost all the time except for going out for fun at night, so they have plenty of food. It is said that turning grief and anger into food intake is a good way to solve worries, and Li Menglong thinks they can try it.

He didn't know what the girls were going to do for at least a week, but Li Menglong's own plan was very clear, and he still had some things on his hands.

Editing may be a bit mysterious and distant to ordinary people, but if you edit the climax of your favorite song as a mobile phone ringtone, I wonder how many ordinary people have done it?

In fact, there is no essential difference between the two. Film shooting is just a lot of songs, and then you use software to cut out the appropriate parts of the songs (movie shots), and then connect them with what you want. It is the simplest editing. the process of.

When we were shooting with film in the past, what ended up in the editing room were rolls of film, so editing, as the name suggests, really requires using special knives to cut and splice the film, and finally copy the film again. .

But now it's all digital shooting, and a shot can be cut out with just two mouse clicks. The cost of a movie shot is probably tens of thousands at least.

So the editing job is to piece together all the shots into a complete story according to the inner understanding. There are many professional editors, but Li Menglong is still used to doing it by himself here.

So that night Li Menglong purchased the equipment, a high-end computer, two 24-inch secondary monitors, and the most expensive high-fidelity display screen of over 30 inches, and finally equipped with a special keyboard for editing. A small studio on the balcony is complete.

But after all, they are two separate places, so the professor on the Seoul side is there, Li Menglong completes the initial editing or provides ideas, and the professor does it again in the professional editing room in Seoul. Although it is a bit troublesome, fortunately, it is in Room 7. Editing can begin.

If you are not familiar with Li Menglong, seeing him like this will really make you feel a little chilled! Fortunately, the girls all know that as long as things take a turn for the better, Li Menglong will drop everything and come without hesitation, just like he did many times in the past.

Therefore, what everyone envies even more is Li Menglong's calmness, or his ability to concentrate on one thing amidst the noisy things. At least the girls have not done anything serious lately except eating.

Li Shunkyu stepped on his slippers, yawned and picked his own drink from the refrigerator, while looking at the food that everyone had purchased online that had recently arrived today.

Leaning against the door of the kitchen, they first looked at the weather outside the window. It seemed to be a sunny day again, but Li Soonkyu hoped it would rain because they didn't have to go out, so wouldn't it be just right for them to rain?

After looking at the balcony, my eyes naturally fell on the man working hard in the corner. He was holding a cup of bitter coffee in one hand, not drinking it but just smelling the rich aroma of the coffee.

The other hand was controlling the mouse, while his eyes were constantly switching between the three screens. In fact, the girls were quite curious when Li Menglong worked on the first night. After all, it was a rather mysterious job.

So everyone temporarily put aside their depression and came to watch. Li Menglong did not drive them away because he seemed to have foreseen the final result.

How many scenes are there in a movie? Anyway, Lee Soon Kyu and the others were dazzled just watching Lee Mong Ryong operate there. This job that requires patience and talent is really not suitable for them, not to mention that it requires an understanding of the script itself.

In less than twenty minutes, the girls were each looking for things to do for fun, eight girls to be exact! Because there is still someone beside Li Menglong: "oppa! Can I study with you?"

"Don't you want to be a female director in the future? Didn't you agree to be a diplomat?" Although Li Menglong said so, he still agreed. Xu Xian would be the director, why not?

Editing is a patient job. For example, if two shots are connected, one second earlier and one second later, these may become so-called flaws. Moreover, every shot is the hard work of the actors and directors. In layman’s terms, those unused shots are money, so we have to be cautious.

These big principles have nothing to do with Li Shunkyu. What she cares about is that her man seems to have stayed up late again. She didn't even notice that Xu Xian was driven away by him to rest. She walked over and took his coffee away. This thing was too refreshing.

Then she put her own blueberry juice into his hand, then gently held his head and leaned it against her chest, then put her hands on his temples and rubbed them gently.

"Don't worry! You have to think about me and the child in my belly!"

Smelling the faint fragrance of Li Soonkyu, Li Menglong felt very peaceful, and sleepiness came to him unconsciously: "If you have a child in your belly, you need to talk about this carefully. His surname is not Jin, right? "

"It's okay if the surname isn't Li anyway!" Li Shunkyu muttered with resentment. In fact, according to the progress of the two of them, they should have reached the last step, but they never had the chance.

You can't just go out and book a room together. You won't be laughed to death by these people when you come back! Li Soonkyu silently increased his strength, certainly not on the fingers on his temples, and then moved Li Menglong's head and pressed it hard against his chest. As for the subtext, it all depends on Li Menglong's ability to understand.

"Okay, I've wronged you! You act like I can't do it, and you're just waiting to go back to Korea!" Li Menglong's meaning was expressed clearly, and Li Soonkyu naturally let him go.

"Have you eaten and gone to bed?" Li Shunkyu reminded from behind.

Li Menglong waved the juice in his hand and walked to Lee Soon Kyu's room. On one bed were signs that Lee Soon Kyu had just gotten up, and on the other bed was Kim Taeyeon lying there with her legs crossed and playing hard on her PSP.

He walked over and grabbed the psp, put it on the floor and slid it to the living room: "I'm going to bed, let's go out and play!"

"Ah, this is my room! Why can't I stay here?"

"You have to think about it, I will close the door and you won't be able to get out even if you think about it!" As he spoke, Li Menglong threw Li Shunkyu's underwear and pillows on the bed to Kim Taeyeon, causing her to be dissatisfied again. .

Then Li Menglong took off his shirt and got into Li Shungui's still warm quilt. After looking back and forth for a position, he turned sideways to sleep: "Put your quilt over my feet. Close the door when you go out. You don't have to call me for dinner." ! But I have one box left of that beef rice!”

Kim Taeyeon felt quite distressed hearing his tired voice, so although she mumbled to express her dissatisfaction, she still did everything Li Menglong asked.

And it seemed that Li Menglong was treating her the same way, and he was carefully tucking him in. As for Li Menglong's threat that he would not be able to get out if he didn't get out, it was not the kind of pornographic plot that one would normally imagine.

When Kim Taeyeon went out, she found that Lee Soon Kyu was already playing. Kim Taeyeon immediately ran over yelling. At the same time, the girls upstairs seemed to have gotten the signal and ran down one after another.

Wouldn't it be too wasteful for Li Menglong to use such a high-end computer and screen just for editing, so Li Soonkyu was the first to use the waste and directly purchased another racing game device.

So after Li Menglong finished every day, it was time for the girls to race. Kim Taeyeon also quickly became obsessed with this game, so the full version of Li Menglong's threat is - if you don't go out, then stay here with me, and then you will Can't play games anymore!

If this computer wasn't a bit expensive and the girls really didn't need it except for playing games, they would have bought it themselves.

So it was a busy time of the day in the dormitory. Xu Xian and Li Menglong were sleeping, while the girls were eating snacks, playing games or watching TV. There were even people getting their nails done and eyebrows drawn...

But if you look at everyone carefully, you will find that although everyone seems to be relaxed, they are not completely relaxed.

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