The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 409 Intensifying

It would be more appropriate to say that Li Menglong's recent work and rest schedule is irregular. As long as Li Soonkyu doesn't ask him to go to bed, Li Menglong will keep working, that is, editing the gifts for Room 7.

Thousands of messy shots in a movie are gradually becoming more orderly, and the final coherent shots are getting longer and longer. It has to be said that it is a very fulfilling thing.

It was already dark when Li Menglong got up again. He rubbed the dry corners of his eyes and found a bottle of eye drops from Kim Taeyeon's bedside. This girl had bad eyesight and had a lot of these things.

With "teary" eyes, when Li Menglong came out, he found that the girls were gathered in front of his computer, but the sound that came from the game was not the sound of driving a game, but the sound of a movie, and the movie was the one he had just played today. Completed fragment.

After looking through the food on the floor, there was so much food that it was almost too much to put down. These girls who had no money but had nothing to do were buying and buying every day, so Li Menglong could only eat along with it.

He bought a box of instant beef rice, the kind that can be eaten after being heated, and then stood behind the girls and looked at the part on the screen that he had just edited recently. In his opinion, it was a perfect shot.

The response from the girls was also good. Although there is no connection between it and the scene, this short clip of less than five minutes also made everyone's eyes redden. After all, women are made of water, and Li Menglong's movie Full of tears!

"Will Long Jiu be separated from his daughter in the end? He is a good person, isn't he? They will definitely be together in the end, right?" Kim Taeyeon ignored the tears in the corners of her eyes and kept asking Li Menglong.

Li Menglong and Xu Xian, who knew the plot, couldn't talk, because this movie is strictly a tragedy, and all the emotions were sublimated at the moment when Long Jiu confessed for his daughter.

But Li Menglong looked at a bunch of red-eyed wolves, and he felt that if he told the truth, there might be domestic violence, so he nodded along with Kim Taeyeon's words, but said nothing.

After everyone was satisfied, they watched the clip again, and then left the computer with peace of mind, and went to the kitchen to find food, but Li Menglong always felt that there was a look full of resentment staring at him. .

After searching around suspiciously, he finally found the owner of his gaze. Li Menglong didn't know how to explain it, so he could only sell Xu Xian out: "The person who will replace your heroine is here, go find her!"

The only thing Yoona can comfort herself now is that the heroine's role in this movie is small enough, but her reason tells her that this is the movie that is most suitable for her. She has qualifications and doesn't have to bear too much. It can be said that it is a good piece of work. A stepping stone!

But it is a pity that she is not the one who can turn heads. Compared with Seohyun, Yoona feels that she is inferior. Her career in acting was to guest star in two TV series, and then to be the heroine of a Japanese drama. The popularity of the girls has led to them becoming the heroines of popular TV series.

It can be said that Yoona's path is relatively solid. Once she has a TV series that becomes popular, she can take the opportunity to make movies. Originally, this was also a path that could be envied by others.

But what about Seohyun? The first movie was the nation's first love. The word innocence has been directly equated with her. Although her acting skills were not good enough at this time, it was natural for Seohyun to film a TV series because of the popularity of the topic.

but? Seohyun actually got another heroine in a movie. From Yoona's point of view, she is not sure how much this movie will have at the box office, but the reputation must be good, so Seohyun's identity as a movie actor is so unclear was settled.

In other words, if nothing else happens, Seohyun will be a movie star in the future, even if she is a movie star, she will be a movie star even if she is a movie star. And she, Lin Yoona, the earliest actress among girls, is still struggling in a TV series.

She is Seohyun's unnie. As the second maknae, she pays great attention to her dignity in front of the maknae, so she can't suppress the maknae. After that, Yoona becomes unhappy, and the culprit is the one holding the box of beef. People who watch the excitement.

"Oppa! Please tell me who the heroine is at the end of that movie!"

"Zheng Eunji!" Li Menglong said directly, but he didn't expect Yoona to know this person.

But Lee Mong-ryong miscalculated again. How could Yoona not recognize the few girl groups that have crossed paths with Lee Mong-ryong? You must know that Lee Mong-ryong is already a key protected target within Girls’ Generation, and the outsiders were seduced by some vixen. They are not What a loss.

These are still a bit of a joke, but Yoona really quits it. The movie role is accepted by the maknae, but for that TV series, you can find a big name like Yoon Eun-hye to give Yoona a comfort. excuse.

Now she has actually given the opportunity to a junior who debuted much later than her. This is like tying Yoona to a chair while the people opposite her eat Korean beef like crazy, but they don't give her a piece of it.

"Onies! Lee Mong-yong has moved on. He has fallen in love with that Ah Fan Tuan, and that one named Jung Eun-ji. He actually filmed a TV series for his little wife!" Yoona said directly with a unique cry. Rushed into the kitchen.

When Li Menglong heard her nonsense, he almost spat out a mouthful of food. Is this true? It seems that Zheng Eunji was chosen by Director Luo and the others, and Li Menglong just brought Zheng Eunji for the interview.

Looking at the aggressive girls, Li Menglong didn't even bother to explain, because the girls would insist on the most crucial point, that is, Zheng Eunji is the heroine, and they would not listen to Li Menglong's explanation.

So Li Menglong became a bachelor: "This girl is younger than you, prettier than you, and more polite than you. Is it okay to like her? Besides, have I never said that I am a fan of Girls' Generation!"

Li Menglong's move directly made the girls a little at a loss. What they said makes sense! What's wrong with chasing stars? Although he lives with Girls' Generation, Li Menglong also has the right to chase stars!

But the more I think about it, the more dissatisfied the girls are. The charm of the nine of them can't keep you, Li Menglong? He actually dared to climb the wall openly! Not even the slightest feeling of guilt!

So the girls transformed into nine resentful women with big bellies, and they all looked for Li Menglong to make him responsible. Li Menglong also found the right way today, that is, just didn't speak. Although his ears suffered a little, but he felt that the girls He would be content if he took it easy.

This is already the fifth day after the incident broke out in Korea, and there is still no substantial progress. It is similar to what Kim Young Min originally thought. Now many netizens have voted to apologize to Girls' Generation and Tara with their real names.

Jin Yingmin is still holding on, because once he does something now, it is very likely that the trend will become darker and darker. His idea is to delay it for about half a month. I believe the limelight can be reduced a lot. .

And with the confidence and fan base of Girls' Generation, including Tara, there shouldn't be too many obstacles when they come out for activities.

It’s just that many people say that they are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs. Lee Sang Hyuk and those who have been playing LoL for many years understand this sentence best, but today Jin Yingmin finally understood it.

Looking at the big news headline on the web page, Jin Yingmin wanted to pull out the president of ccm from the computer and ask him if his brain was full of shit?

Just today, CCM made a public statement, canceling the plan of Tara's nine-member group and restoring it to the original six members. One of the heroines in this incident, the bullied Hwayoung, quit the group.

Naturally, there are a lot of explanations later, such as why Huaying had a foot injury, mental exhaustion, etc., but will netizens read these?

They will only see that Huaying, who was the target of being excluded, has quit the team and terminated her contract with the company. Do you think this is not an internal discord? This is simply an open suppression, and many neutral netizens are siding with Hwayoung this time.

Because everyone is accustomed to sympathize with the weak. If Huaying and Tara are just a conflict between the group, then Fatty Kim, the president of CCM, directly confirmed the rumors first and then publicly suppressed them.

Jin Yingmin felt tired. He had been busy for so many days, eating, drinking and doing public relations with the presidents of various newspapers and media every day. As soon as he had some signs, he was completely game over by Fatty Jin.

Kim Young-min, or Girls' Generation and Tara can be said to be one and the same in this matter, so after Tara's side is confirmed to be in internal strife, do the girls still need evidence for the infighting?

The best evidence is: Look, Tara is like this. Girls' Generation must be scheming every day. The entertainment industry is like this. There's no telling what they are like in private!

This is the news this morning. The girls and Li Menglong all know it, but there is nothing they can do. All they can do is wait, wait anxiously.

But the girls were actually very uncomfortable. They were like sentient vegetative beings, watching helplessly as a giant man-eating beast began to eat away at the name Girls' Generation from its toes, but they couldn't do anything yet.

The same is true for Li Menglong. Even Jin Yingmin can't solve the problem, how much can he do? So all Li Menglong could do was try to make the girls relax.

At the same time, Li Menglong didn't tell them that he was already preparing for the worst, that is, the name Girls' Generation would be completely stinky, so stinky that even his own fans wouldn't buy it when the nine people appeared again.

However, Li Menglong didn't tell the girls about this. He also hoped that things would turn around, but this time the darkness was particularly long, and Li Menglong at least hadn't seen any light yet.

"Wait a little longer!" Li Menglong said silently to himself, while turning towards the editing table. Life still has to go on, and maybe Li Menglong's brain can only take a break at work.

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