Girls' Generation has many nicknames, such as the Aunt Age and the Plastic Surgery Era, but the most popular name is the Thigh Age, because girls wear a lot of shorts in singing costumes, have many people, and have good figures, so they have 18 long white legs. When it was unveiled, it was very shocking.

Li Menglong was naturally shocked. He had seen it more than once, whether on the screen or in person. In fact, it was just the same after seeing it too many times. But could it be the same now as that situation?

This was in private, and the girls had just finished bathing, with natural body fragrance and long, original, white-washed legs. Li Menglong had not yet reached the stage of a saint. Besides, after spending a whole night with them, let's see how his thighs are doing. Got it!

However, because the girls were a little cold, they all walked very quickly, and Li Menglong didn't dare to move, so he just watched the back from a fixed angle, so the time was short.

With the last bit of reluctance, Li Menglong finally raised his head silently, trying to see the last beautiful scenery, but like a TV series, Kim Taeyeon turned back at this time, and their eyes met in mid-air.

Li Menglong's first reaction was to lower his head immediately, but as soon as his neck moved a little, his rationality made him stop the movement, because it would be too guilty.

Fortunately, his mind was spinning quite quickly: "Good morning! Do you want to run together?"

Is Kim Taeyeon stupid? Maybe he is a little silly sometimes, but most of the time he is still above the normal level. For example, now, would she believe that Li Menglong just woke up?

Lifting her legs out of habit, she immediately realized that she might be exposed, so she instinctively pressed the hem of the towel with one hand as if covering her skirt.

But the bath towel was just that big, and when she pulled it down, she made a big move, so the bath towel slid down slowly but firmly...

Li Menglong felt that time stood still at this moment, if he hadn't been swallowing saliva all the time.

Xu Xian was still the first to get up. The good mood and the beautiful scenery made the little girl feel relaxed in her bones, so she naturally got up very early.

But when she saw Li Menglong, she immediately ran over and asked with concern: "Oppa, why is your face so blue?"

When asked by Xu Xian, Li Menglong recalled the intoxicating scenery yesterday and what he saw. Li Menglong would not say anything even if he was beaten to death, otherwise he would really die.

As for the bruises on his face, Li Menglong could only say that the beating was not unfair. At that time, Kim Taeyeon changed her clothes and came down, but Li Menglong was still there maintaining the original posture and thinking about it.

It wasn't until Kim Taeyeon kicked him in the face with grief and anger that Li Menglong stopped spitting and started to cover his head. As for the dissatisfaction at all, he deserved it!

Nine people got up one after another. The food here was all ready-made, so it was served quickly. However, everyone instinctively felt that something was not right. There seemed to be something missing on the dinner table.

After going around for a while, I realized that the crux was Kim Taeyeon. After Lee Soon Kyu and Lee Meng Yong made their relationship public in the team, the two of them actually quarreled a lot less. After all, they were suspected of showing off their affection and abusing dogs.

And having reached this point, they are like an old married couple. They both understand many things without having to say them. It is a very mysterious feeling.

So the main force in the quarrel with Li Menglong at the dinner table has to be transferred. Needless to say, Xu Xian is the one being teased! Although Yoona and Jessica have a tendency to rise to the top, it depends on time and specific circumstances.

The only one with 24-hour, all-weather combat capabilities is Kim Taeyeon. In other words, when the dinner table is quiet, it is usually Kim Taeyeon who takes the initiative to pick up the topic with Li Menglong, and everyone will follow suit.

It's just that Kim Taeyeon is wilting. Lee Soon Kyu is a little excited, but he immediately realizes that he slept with Kim Taeyeon in his arms yesterday. There can't be such a bloody thing unless someone drugged her.

If it's not that kind of thing, what is it? Lee Soon Kyu seemed to have transformed into the famous detective Mouri Kogoro, eager to say that classic line - there is only one truth, and that is...

But she was not Conan, so she couldn't figure out what happened. Li Menglong also saw everyone's curious looks, so he didn't care about recalling anything anymore and directly launched his ultimate move.

The method is not clever, and even a bit old. To put it bluntly, it is to divert attention, and the thing thrown out is the intensifying turmoil in South Korea.

Li Menglong also found out this morning. He thought it was time to let the girls know. Isn't it just to take a day off to better prepare for these things? Avoiding has never been his style.

This matter itself has become a big deal, at least it is no longer within the control of s*m. Even if Jin Yingmin personally comes forward to try to control the progress of the situation, it will have no effect at all.

The current trend is that everyone is discussing the affairs of these two hottest girl groups, and some so-called experts have begun to discuss the recent impact of the groups on teenagers.

Although it has not reached a situation where everyone is shouting for a fight, the situation is already a bit pessimistic. That being said, Kim Young Min has never thought about ruining Girls' Generation. Even if the worst outcome is that they don't sign the contract and run away, they will give it. How much does it cost to buy the name Girls' Generation?

Therefore, as a businessman, Jin Yingmin is also a little helpless, and even secretly hates Tara's company CCM. It is not the same as s*m. There is a backend behind this entertainment company. As they are not short of money, for the present of their company Sister, please show your strength!

But what makes Jin Yingmin powerless is that it feels like Tara is not their artist. Until now, they haven't even issued an official statement. If they didn't know that Tara's contract would expire now, Jin Yingmin would have doubted whether it was Tara. The contract is also about to be terminated.

"President, several people appeared at the door of the company, holding signs calling for the disbandment of Girls' Generation!" the secretary knocked on the door and came in to report.

"Let the security guards drive them away. Are you raising them to make a living?"

"But there are already reporters here, and strictly speaking they have not broken any laws!" the secretary said carefully.

"What's the point of coming and telling me if you can't help me? Do you want me to go out and kneel down to apologize?" Jin Yingmin rarely got angry.

In fact, South Korea itself is a place where people can follow the wind and rain, and there is ample freedom of speech. They protest at every turn. This time, the bad luck is on their own doorstep.

Although these people do not represent the opinions of the majority of people, Jin Yingmin, who has been in the industry for decades, knows. Now that the seed is there, the furious netizens are the soil. As long as it takes more time, the seed will surely sprout.

By that time, there will probably be overwhelming voices calling for the girls to disband to calm the public's anger, but anyone with more sense can see this.

Even the girls who are watching the news now, each girl is constantly refreshing their mobile phones, their faces are very serious. If the Black Sea is a crisis, then the second crisis has arrived.

The first people to raise their heads were those with more direct ideas, and they all turned their eyes to Li Menglong, because they instinctively wanted to throw the blame on Li Menglong's head.

If it were not for Li Menglong's existence, everyone might have renewed their contract long ago, and these problems might not exist. This paranoid idea only existed for a moment.

Because if you think about it a little more deeply, you will know that you can’t blame Li Menglong. He was kind enough to help, but the girls made the whole decision themselves. Li Menglong had no material interest relationship with them. He just reported things objectively. Just for girls.

And even if there was no renewal of the contract, the news about Tara was broken like it should be broken, so no one could say anything except a deep sigh.

At this time, I saw Kim Taeyeon's role in the team. Even though she was as panicked and scared as everyone else, Kim Taeyeon still told herself to stand up and lead the sisters out.

Ignoring the little ambiguity last night, Kim Taeyeon looked directly into Li Menglong's eyes and asked sincerely: "What should we do now?"

At least there is someone who is awake and able to communicate. This is what Li Menglong is thinking now. When faced with a difficult situation, it is meaningless to feel sorry for oneself, reflect on the reasons, or even look for the origin of the problem. These can all be thought about in plenty of time afterwards.

The most important thing to do now is to find a solution. Although Li Menglong doesn't have one, at least he is thinking about it. Although Kim Taeyeon can't even think about it, she knows that there is someone who can help her think about it. This is also one of the ways to solve the problem!

"Now you should contact the company first. Don't forget that you also have a company!" Li Menglong can always find solutions to problems in an almost tricky way.

He, Lee Mong-ryong, has little experience and resources, but Kim Young-min and S*M shouldn't, and they also have a common interest, which is to maintain the name Girls' Generation.

So when Kim Young-min received the call from Lee Mong-ryong, she was a little surprised, thinking that he was going to use this opportunity to add insult to injury and come here to buy the name Girls' Generation, and then go out to find a solution.

If this is really the case, Kim Young-min might just sell it, because without him and s*m to fight, can girls survive this trend? Or can you still achieve your current glory after surviving it?

It's just that he underestimated Li Menglong. Now that Jin Yingmin wants to terminate the contract, Li Menglong still refuses to do it. Now he wants to hug Jin Yingmin's thigh tightly. Even if it is for the name of Girls' Generation, Jin Yingmin will do his best.

Because Girls' Generation still has a s*m name in front of them, and the girls' collapse will be a fatal blow to the company's image and stock price, Kim Young-min simply cannot let go.

After learning about Li Menglong's intentions, Jin Yingmin almost threw the phone away, but in the end he patiently communicated with Li Menglong: "What do you want to do now?"

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