Seeing that the blackmail was hopeless, the girls had no reason to continue to pester Li Menglong when they could not dig out more secrets.

They didn't mind causing trouble for Li Menglong, but the premise was that they had to seize the opportunity.

Li Menglong was obviously at risk of falling out at any time. It was too dangerous to stay here. He might as well go upstairs to chat about some private topics.

The topics among these women were obviously not suitable for Li Menglong to participate in, so it was not that they could avoid Li Menglong, it was just that he could not participate.

If the girls had turned around and left, Li Menglong probably wouldn't have been able to say anything, but they just gave this reason.

Li Menglong retorted almost subconsciously: "Tell me what topics I can't participate in. I'd like to learn more today!"

It was originally supposed to be a one-shot ending, but because of a word from both parties, it seems that we can still chat for a while?

Kim Taeyeon and others looked at Li Menglong with unkind eyes, wondering if their kindness in the past had given Li Menglong some misunderstandings. They had not been lying all the time.

At least the reason given this time is the truth. Some topics are just not suitable for men to participate in. He actually has doubts about this?

Or does it mean that he feels that his status is a bit special, and as their "male bestie", he should enjoy some privileges in such matters?

Since he wants to challenge, the girls will naturally give him this opportunity, but at what level of topic should they start?

The girls' thinking is not because there are too few topics, but because there are too many choices. They have to filter out some low-difficulty ones, otherwise what should they do if they scare away Li Menglong?

"Ahem, let's talk then. The latest season's new satchel has arrived. Have you all seen it?"

Kim Taeyeon took the lead in raising a topic, which can be regarded as an introduction to the topic.

The girls were also kind to each other, and each of them could more or less finish a couple of sentences. Even Xu Xian could talk clearly and logically.

Of course, after everyone finished speaking, everyone naturally turned their attention to Li Menglong.

In fact, the rhythm of the conversation itself is very rigid. There is nothing in the chat between sisters that everyone must take turns to speak.

If you want to talk, just talk more. If you're not interested, just lower your head and play with your phone or close your eyes to relax. You don't have to force yourself to talk non-stop.

But Li Menglong is not a newcomer. As a new "sister" joining the chat industry for the first time, the girls naturally have to take more care of him.

Realizing that the girls were all looking at him, Li Menglong knew that it was time to pay off his debt. Who told him to boast so much just now? What should he do now?

"This... is indeed pretty good-looking, but the price of the new model is too high. You can wait until after the season to buy it. It will be at least half the price, right?"

Li Menglong thought he had given quite honest advice, and there was no harm in saving money.

Even if they do make a lot of money now, can they continue to make it until they are sixty years old?

In terms of current income alone, every extra day is enough for them to enjoy themselves secretly.

If their income can slowly decrease over a few years, it is the best outcome they can imagine, and they should not cut it in half instantly.

Even girls find it difficult to refute such mature and prudent remarks, but he doesn't understand the situation inside. Out-of-season items are leftover from other people's picks, and it is difficult for them to get the styles they like.

And there are many theories here. They continue to get the new products of the season at high prices in order to maintain their membership level, which will have many corresponding benefits.

Specific to girls, they actually won’t lose money. After all, for artists like them who have their own publicity effect, the brand will always give some feedback secretly.

For example, when they feel that their backpack is a little outdated, the brand will replace it with the latest model, so that they can enjoy VIP treatment as much as possible.

But these have nothing to do with Li Menglong. They are not even the conditions he negotiated. They are all the treatments that the girls enjoy.

Even if this topic is dropped, because if we continue to chat, we will have to explain these inside stories to Li Menglong, which makes my head feel heavy just thinking about it.

They might as well change a new topic, one that Li Menglong could not participate in: "You heard about that so-and-so breaking up with her rich boyfriend..."

Gossip is also one of their daily topics, and because they are in this circle, the news they can get is often more exciting.

But whether the news is true or not is beyond their consideration. What they want is the emotional value of this moment.

And the topics they talk about are often extended, such as why they broke up. Was it because the boyfriend who was decades older than the woman was unable to do what he wanted?

I have to say that after a group of women got together, they really dared to talk about anything. Li Menglong couldn't help but blush.

This is even if these women are not married and have children, otherwise Li Menglong might run away immediately.

But you can still stick to it at this moment. Why don't you just talk about some colorful topics? What does he, a grown man, have to be afraid of?

"It's not what you said. What's wrong with being older? Those old men have won a lot with their methods. Do you need me to give you some knowledge?"

Li Menglong deliberately paused after saying this, mainly to give the girls time to be shy and refuse. It is impossible to really continue the conversation, right?

And despite Li Menglong's words, if he continues to talk, he really can't give any too detailed plan.

After all, he himself is still many years away from becoming a "rich old man", and he has only heard of it occasionally.

However, because of his rich enough status, the girls were still intimidated by him. If the conversation continued, it seemed that they would be the ones at the disadvantage.

The two sides once again did not agree with each other, which gave the girls a rare sense of victory. Originally it was just a joke, but now it seems that it is getting serious.

Does Li Menglong think he can chat on any topic? Next, let him know what awe is!

"Ahem, I just went for a physical examination recently, and the doctor specifically told me to pay attention to some gynecological diseases, such as..."

Next, it was time to popularize science. Li Menglong didn't pay much attention to it at first. Although they were all gynecological diseases, he would refer to them. There was no harm in it.

But it sounds a little weird. The description of various symptoms is too detailed, and it also comes with some medical instructions.

When they started to prepare to talk in detail, Li Menglong finally couldn't hold it any longer.

In fact, if he could persist for a few more minutes, he might be able to win the final victory, because many of the girls' faces turned red like apples.

This kind of topic is really not suitable for men to participate in, and even small talk between women is a bit embarrassing, so he did not lose unjustly.

After successfully driving away Li Menglong, Kim Taeyeon and others were very proud. This meant that they had defeated Li Menglong again, which is worth celebrating!

"So on this day of universal celebration, should we..." Kim Taeyeon waved her arms, trying to make herself look as crazy as possible.

But Xu Xian interrupted her directly: "No, you shouldn't!"

No matter what the girls wanted to do, Xu Xian didn't think it would be a good idea. What they needed to do now was to rest and reduce energy consumption as much as possible, so as not to be starved to sleep again at night.

A proper celebration was rejected by Seohyun. Kim Taeyeon's expression was very pitiful, but the other girls were helpless.

Although they are also looking forward to Kim Taeyeon's next speech, it seems that there is no chance to continue talking now, or else they should go back and rest?

Although Kim Taeyeon kept trying to persuade her to stay, the girls still didn't give their captain too much face in the end.

After all, this is not outside, why should we save face for Kim Taeyeon? Does she have that much respect?

Considering their interactions with Kim Taeyeon in the past two days, they have already treated her very well by not taking the initiative to trouble her. Don't ask for more.

Kim Taeyeon obviously understands this, but she is simply unwilling to do so. Why is she so unpopular in the team? Is she still the leader of this group of women?

"Uh... Do you have to ask me this kind of question? I personally don't respect you very much, Captain Jin!"

Li Menglong said helplessly with a grimace, why does this woman have to come to him to find a sense of presence?

He is not one of the girls, he is not even qualified to call Kim Taeyeon Captain.

If her group of women is extremely dissatisfied, Li Menglong can take the initiative to find some new people for her and let them form a new team.

With Kim Taeyeon's current qualifications, she might be able to scare two people to death if she sneezes casually.

In this way, she can let go of the management, and absolutely no one will dare to raise any questions. Is this okay?

"Who do you think I am? Am I that naive? Besides, I can't bear to leave them!"

Kim Taeyeon's answer made Li Menglong's response seem very redundant. They just came over to complain, but did they ask him, Li Menglong, to help with ideas?

Moreover, the method she gave was pretty bad in itself. If she were to find new people to form a team now, wouldn't she be sharing her money with them?

After all, the popularity of the new group is supported by Kim Taeyeon herself. Even if she alone takes 90%, the remaining 10% should still belong to her.

How is it like now, even if I don't work, I can still live by sucking my sister's blood, and my life is extremely nourishing.

Such shameless remarks came from Kim Taeyeon's mouth, and Li Menglong was really speechless.

Theoretically, he could refute it from a practical perspective. For example, the income from the girls' personal trips is shared by different people.

But as long as Kim Taeyeon is happy, should she go find those sisters to "suck blood" now? Just stop hanging around here, delaying the problem will delay her making money!

Kim Taeyeon thinks this advice makes sense. She is going to make money now. For example, some people have a lot of work, so it is best to fill every minute of the day!

This declaration may only sound like that to Li Menglong's ears. After all, he doesn't expect girls to make money for him.

But in the ears of the girls, he guessed that Kim Taeyeon would be beaten. Why didn't she go to work and insisted on instigating everyone here? What was she thinking?

Li Menglong had just been quiet for a while downstairs when Xu Xian ran down quickly and asked him when he came up: "What on earth did you say to Ernie?"

Is this effective? Li Menglong didn't expect the effect to be so fast and so good. Didn't Kim Taeyeon have a brain? Dare to say anything?

However, it is understandable that as the captain and eldest sister of the team, she really has nothing to take care of. She is the god of this team!

Although Li Menglong really wanted to know what happened upstairs, in order to avoid Xu Xian's misunderstanding, he could only say that he knew nothing and he was very innocent!

"Hmph, I didn't feel it before, but now it seems that my sisters are right. Sooner or later, we will fall apart because of a man like you. Do you look forward to our disbandment every day?"

Xu Xian's accusation was immediately rejected by Li Menglong. This kind of speculation without any evidence was unacceptable. His inner thoughts were not so dark.

Besides, even if they disband, what good will it do to Li Menglong?

If he were an ordinary agent, he might still be able to hope to leave with the girls and sign a contract with a new company.

But Li Menglong was already bound. Even if the girls left, he would probably not be able to escape. To be precise, it would be difficult for Lee Soon Kyu to escape.

Therefore, his innocence can be seen from the sun and the moon, and he is not as dirty as Xu Xian imagined!

"Tch, so I still wronged you?"

What Xu Xian said was not careless at all, as if she had already determined the answer in her heart and didn't care what Li Menglong was saying.

This kind of messy attitude is reflected in some girls. It is indeed their sister. No matter how firm Xu Xian's will is, it will inevitably be affected.

Li Menglong didn't want to see Xu Xian become a shrew one day. She should use wisdom, logic, and reasoning to solve problems, instead of coming here to mess around with preset answers.

He felt that it was necessary to have a good chat with Xu Xian on this topic. The child was still young and there was still a possibility of being rescued.

Inexplicably, Li Menglong dragged him to drink coffee for more than an hour. Although this thing does not have many calories, drinking too much can cause problems.

For example, you always want to go to the bathroom, or you are physically tired but mentally excited!

Xu Xian clearly didn't want to listen to Li Menglong's nagging at this moment, but his eyes were still as wide as bells, and he didn't even yawn.

This gave Li Menglong enough excuses, even though Xu Xian had expressed several times that he was tired and wanted to go back and rest.

But Li Menglong just took out a palm-sized mirror and asked her to take a look. Who is this radiant person inside?

"Don't worry, we'll talk about him all night today..."

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