Li Menglong wanted to chat with Xu Xian all night. This idea was completely understandable. After all, there were many people who wanted to chat with Xu Xian all night long.

But has he considered Xu Xian's wishes? Does she want to chat with her here?

It would be fine if it was about something meaningful, such as work, or teaching her some work skills.

But Li Menglong was educating her. To be precise, he was driving a wedge between her and the other girls. Isn't this a bit inappropriate?

"Why did I alienate you? I just asked you not to imitate them. You can be yourself."

Li Menglong tried to prove the purity of his intentions, but Xu Xian insisted that he had no good intentions. Did he receive dirty money from someone?

He was not professional this time. If he really took the money, he would work hard for the other party. Why did he choose to attack her first?

Xu Xian considers herself to be the most determined one in the team, so she thinks Li Menglong can try to persuade Pani. That woman is easy to fool.

Xu Xian figured this trick out to Shui Dongyin, and she even took the initiative to run up and call Pani down, leaving Li Menglong dumbfounded.

"What's your expression? The maknae said you have something to say to me. You can say it now. I'm listening."

Pani looked at Li Menglong cutely, she had no idea what would happen next.

Now that everyone has come down, Li Menglong also thinks that he can try it. Otherwise, if Xu Xian is the only one awake, the little girl's living environment in the team will be too bad.

But Li Menglong soon encountered obstacles. When chatting with Xu Xian, because the little girl did not agree with his views, she would raise objections from time to time, which required Li Menglong to constantly think and explain.

This kind of interaction is actually quite hard, so Li Menglong kept drinking coffee.

And Pani was at the other extreme. Her attitude was so good that she had nothing to say. She sat there politely, tilting her head and listening to Li Menglong's words, and there was even a hint of admiration in her eyes.

Although everyone was already familiar with her, Li Menglong was still delighted by Pani's expression. It was always a happy thing to be admired by such a beautiful girl like Pani.

So Li Menglong worked even harder, striving to make Pani the sober one among the girls.

But Li Menglong soon realized something was wrong, because no matter what he said, Pani's expression did not change.

It was as if Pani's expression was fixed and not affected by the outside world at all.

Li Menglong now wanted to step forward and give Pani a mouthful to see if the little girl could still laugh.

He finally understood. Pani clearly used the same tactics to deal with fans.

In other words, if the person sitting in front of them is their fan, this smile alone is enough to satisfy them.

But Li Menglong couldn't do it. He wanted Pani's brain. Was she really thinking?

"Of course I do. I'm thinking very seriously. I'll go up and think about it now for you to see!"

After Pani said these words, he almost ran away, which was very similar to Xu Xian's back before.

It's just that Xu Xian knew how to call someone down, but Pani went up to make peace with her and there was no news. Did she not intend to let other sisters suffer?

But Li Menglong didn't think that he had done anything excessive. Didn't Pani get any nutrition from the conversation just now?

In fact, Pani still has some insights, for example, stay away from Li Menglong!

This man didn't even look at what he was saying, and asked her to distance herself from Kim Taeyeon and the others. He clearly didn't want her to survive in the dormitory!

The reason why she was able to enjoy life in the dormitory like a fish in water was because of her support. She followed the ideas of those in front of her unconditionally and supported them unconditionally no matter what they did.

Anyway, there are so many younger sisters below her, and it’s not her turn to do normal things. She can just follow behind and enjoy it. Isn’t that good?

According to Li Menglong, she even needed to break away from Kim Taeyeon and others to build a new mountain in the team. Wouldn't this cost her her life.

Pani really doesn't have such big ambitions. Li Menglong had better find someone else to fool him. For example, Jessica Jung and Lee Soon Kyu are good candidates.

Considering her position, Pani did not hide anything. Even if she had to face Li Menglong's revenge later, she would tell Kim Taeyeon the truth.

"What? Li Menglong is inciting you to rebel?"

Kim Taeyeon is applying a facial mask to her face at the moment. Although her specific expression cannot be clearly seen, judging from the wrinkles on the mask, her expression should not be very good.

"Anyway, that's what I heard. He had a lot of chats with the maknae before. Do you need to ask her to come and ask?"

Pani continued to report the information she had learned. Kim Taeyeon originally wanted to refuse to talk, but she has nothing to do now, so how about we talk about it?

Pani turned into Kim Taeyeon's lackey and immediately went to the next door to call Seohyun in an extremely arrogant manner.

Speaking of which, Yoona was the one who played such roles in the past. Did Pani get the wrong script, or was she trying to replace Yoona?

This scene happened to be seen by Yoona who was passing by. She was still very nervous: "What's going on? Do you want to be the maknae too?"

Pani's prank has not yet started, but it has a tendency to be forcibly ended. Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon still has something to say. This is the problem Seohyun has to face.

"I want to cause a split? Where did you hear this rumor? Should your source of information be updated?"

Seohyun stared into Kim Taeyeon's eyes as he spoke, so he immediately realized who the other person was looking at. It turned out to be Pani "stoking discord"?

But this is considered appropriate. After all, it was Xu Xian who tricked the other party first. This is called reciprocal revenge.

Xu Xian was reasonable enough, so he had no intention of complaining about Pani. Instead, he was thinking about how to explain to Kim Taeyeon.

The other party just knew that there was a conversation between her and Li Menglong, but he probably still knew nothing about the content, so she either went down to chat?

After all, when it comes to the source of this thought, it must lie in Li Menglong's head. She can just trace it back to the source and completely solve the problem from the source.

Kim Taeyeon didn't shirk this. This was her responsibility as the captain. How could she watch Li Menglong poison her sister's mind?

Especially since these thoughts were used to attack her, this was an unforgivable crime. He had to be prepared to be punished.

However, Kim Taeyeon did not rush in recklessly. If she went there alone, wouldn't she be serving food to Li Menglong?

She must take her sisters with her, but it is difficult for everyone to agree with this idea.

"Do you still want to go down so late? I'm already lying down. How about we talk about it tomorrow morning?"

"Why are you so extreme that you have to choose one of the two? Then I choose Li Menglong, can you go out?"

"Remember to knock on the door next time you come in..."

Kim Taeyeon is like a rat crossing the street. Although she is not beaten up by everyone, she does not get the respect she deserves.

These women are really rebelling. Have they forgotten who supported them in the past? Don’t come to her when you get beaten in the future!

Fortunately, apart from the gang of white-eyed wolves, there were still a few people gathered around her, but this lineup was a bit weak.

Needless to say, Pani and Yoona are well-known losers in the team and are not reliable at all.

Xu Xian's position has always been quite firm, but she always sides with Li Menglong. She is a complete traitor.

If she takes these three people down to find trouble for Li Menglong, will she become the one being besieged? It's not impossible.

Kim Taeyeon was still thinking, but before she could come up with a result, she found that she had been taken downstairs.

At this moment, the person sitting opposite her was Li Menglong, and three or three women behind her were vaguely blocking her escape route. Was this really not going to give her a way to survive?

"What do you want to do? I advise you to be careful, otherwise I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

Kim Taeyeon has already tried to use supernatural elements to threaten these people. This is certainly a sign of her lack of skills, but can she understand the current situation first?

"I want to find out? You guys worked together to deceive me, and you still want to ask me? After all, it costs money and your life. You just have to figure it out."

Kim Taeyeon still did not choose to compromise, but there was something wrong with the confidence in her words, and Li Menglong pointed it out without evading.

"Who gave you the confidence? We only want money and have no interest in you as a person. Do you understand?"

Although Li Menglong didn't know what happened, he could provide necessary cooperation to make Kim Taeyeon "happy".

But Kim Taeyeon didn't appreciate it and even thought she was insulted.

She, Kim Taeyeon, is standing here, and she doesn't intend to do anything to her. Instead, she just wants money. Are they blind?

Since Kim Taeyeon has such a request, it doesn't seem like she can't satisfy it?

Although it was difficult for Li Menglong to take action, there were several people standing behind him. Why were they so polite?

However, it was Li Menglong who was the first to take action. He hung the coat behind him directly on Kim Taeyeon's face, and then it was time for Xu Xian and others to take action.

They and Kim Taeyeon have been grudges for many years. In the past, even if there was a chance for revenge, they would not dare to kill her because they had to worry about her possible revenge.

But now is a good opportunity. She can't tell who did it at all!

Although Kim Taeyeon can sort it out one by one, in that case the three of them will bear the responsibility together, not to mention Li Mongryong at the front.

In short, this group of women became more and more excited. Li Menglong could still follow and watch the excitement, but he quickly walked out on his own initiative and politely helped to close the door.

That picture was really not suitable for him to watch, and his presence also affected the performance of several people.

As Li Menglong wisely left, the screams in the room became louder and louder. Of course, it could be called laughter.

Because the girls were fastening the soles of Kim Taeyeon's feet and armpits, and of course they didn't forget to assign someone to fix the clothes above Kim Taeyeon's head.

After nearly ten minutes of tossing, these few people finally recovered from the pleasure of getting their revenge. What they now need to consider is how to retreat safely.

Since there was no extra time to discuss, the three of them could only communicate with their eyes. At a certain moment, the three of them almost fled out in a swarm.

However, Kim Taeyeon was not a decoration. She had already sensed certain signals from the moment of silence, so her hands and feet were also fluttering desperately.

This effort was not wasted, she really caught one!

At first it was just her ankles, but then Kim Taeyeon seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and climbed up immediately.

Seohyun and Pani have already tried to rescue, but Kim Taeyeon hugged her too tightly. Will Yoona be strangled to death if this continues?

Since everyone is dead, Yoona should live a little longer. This is the reason Xu Xian and Pani gave in their minds when they fled.

Whether this reason can make Yoona feel relieved is unknown, but it is enough to make Seohyun and Pani feel relieved. The two of them have indeed tried their best.

Looking at Xu Xian and Pani's fleeing backs, Yoona no longer cared about keeping secrets, shouting their names at the top of her lungs, but no one looked back the whole time.

After realizing that the gang was already fighting among themselves, Kim Taeyeon finally had a free arm to take the clothes away. She wanted to see how bold Yoona was!

It's just that she is destined to be disappointed, because Yoona's expression should not be too flattering. If Kim Taeyeon hadn't fixed it too tightly, Yoona would probably kneel down to her.

"Onnie, I can explain...I can be your internal agent!"

Yoona keeps exploring the value of her existence, especially compared to Kim Taeyeon, she can do anything for Kim Taeyeon!

After all, they were the ones who were the ones to blame first, and Yoona didn’t feel sorry for them!

"Are you sure everything is okay?"

Kim Taeyeon deliberately touched Yoona's chest, then put her hand on the tip of her nose and took a deep breath with an extremely lewd expression.

This made Yoona a little scared. She knew that she was very charming, but she never thought that she could conquer Kim Taeyeon.

This was a pure accident. Can Kim Taeyeon wake up a little? They are sisters and cannot develop a further relationship.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon's vision was clear enough, and she only let Yoona go after touching her twice, which would have been too easy for her.

Kim Taeyeon has her own bigger plans, such as taking Yoona back!

These confident words made Yoona doubt herself for a while. Is there anyone else around them? Or is it a ghost?

Otherwise, who gave Kim Taeyeon the confidence to believe that the two of them alone could beat the three of them?

Especially since there was a bastard named Li Menglong inside. He only had one arm and was enough to knock them both down.

Not to mention that there are Xu Xian and Pani as accomplices. If they take the initiative, will they cause greater harm to themselves?

"Don't think so much. What you have to do now is bite. No matter who I am pointing at, don't hesitate. Can you do it?"

Kim Taeyeon slapped Yoona on the cheek, trying to inspire her self-confidence, but Yoona's eyes only became more and more withdrawn. She is really not stupid!

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