Yoona's sixth sense was accurate enough, and Li Menglong had indeed set his sights on her at the moment.

But he was not appreciating Yoona's beauty, he just wanted to get some money from Yoona to spend.

Although the two of them are said to be penniless at the moment, Yoona's existence itself has enough value, it's just a matter of how to realize it.

The simplest thing is to let Yoona perform on the street and sing casually for half an hour. It might be enough for the two of them to travel abroad, not to mention the travel expenses back home.

However, this method requires Yoona's cooperation, and also takes into account the safety of the site, etc. It is a good alternative.

However, Li Menglong is still more inclined to find another method, a simpler and more direct method, such as "borrowing money"!

"I want to borrow it too, but do you know anyone around here?"

Yoona was sitting on a chair on the street rubbing her calves. She was not that delicate, she was just performing for Li Menglong.

On the one hand, it makes the other party aware of her dissatisfaction at the moment, and on the other hand, it makes Li Menglong remember her dedication. As a human being, you must be grateful!

Does Yoona break with the girls this time because of him? Maybe the girls are already discussing how to expel her from the team.

Therefore, Li Menglong must be responsible for her. Not only will he pay her hundreds of millions in cash, but he must at least prepare heroines for several movies for her.

She, Lin Yoona, is not a picky actor. Even if the script is a bit bad, Yoona is confident enough to complete it. So when will Li Menglong take action?

Li Menglong naturally couldn't understand Yoona's complicated heart. He was still thinking about making money.

As for Yoona's so-called opportunity, if she has such a need, then she will go for it.

With Yoona's current popularity, she certainly has no shortage of scripts. Do you want to experience the thrill of spinning around all year long?

"Hmph, I'm warning you, don't scare me. I, Lin Yoona, am a woman who escaped from the hell of work!"

Yoona tried to use her own experience to make Li Menglong wake up. She had really experienced all this.

It can only be said that this is the only way for a popular artist. If an artist has never experienced death, he would be embarrassed to say that he has become famous.

But there was no point in discussing this with Li Menglong now. She still wanted to know how Li Menglong was going to borrow money. It was impossible to just borrow money from someone on the road.

"How could you be so reckless!" Li Menglong first gave Yoona some reassurance, and then continued: "At least make sure the other person is your fan first."

Lee Mong-ryong's two-part speech almost caused Yoona to miss the key information. Does it mean that Lee Mong-ryong is targeting her and her fans again?

Can you be a human being? The fame that she, Lin Yoona, who worked so hard to debut and worked so hard to accumulate was not just for him to use like this.

"There's nothing you can do about it. Otherwise, if you go to my fans to borrow money, I will definitely cooperate unconditionally!"

Li Menglong spread his hands and said rather bachelorly. It's not that he doesn't have any dignity, but that his fans are not easy to meet.

Compared to a national idol like Yoona, Lee Meng Yong's recognition is much lower.

And what should I say? Even if you recognize him, it is not easy to borrow money directly. Maybe the other party will refuse. Wouldn't that be even more embarrassing?

"You know it's embarrassing, aren't I afraid?"

Yoona continued to accuse Li Menglong, always feeling that he spoke too easily, and even seemed to be watching the fun.

Li Menglong could only continue to explain this. From Yoona's popularity to her beauty, in short, as long as she finds the right person, it is really not easy for Yoona to borrow money.

It's a pity that Yoona has no intention of following his idea and finding some young and sultry boy. This sounds like he is trying to cheat money.

She, Lin Yoona, can borrow money, but she relies not on her popularity and beauty, but on mutual trust!

Of course Yoona thinks so, but in practice it is not so easy.

Yoona tried to block her at first, but it was really difficult to stop a stranger from borrowing money without recognizing her.

Several people didn't even listen to Yoona's words. They shouted "Don't buy insurance" and "Don't apply for a card" and left indifferently.

This made Yoona extremely depressed for a time. Is this society too indifferent?

But Li Menglong has a different view. This is what society should be like. However, Yoona was very well protected in the past, and all she could hear were compliments and submissive voices.

"How about I do it instead? Don't worry, it won't be in your name!"

Li Menglong was afraid that Yoon'er's setback would be too serious. If the little girl failed to recover due to this, he could not bear the responsibility.

Yoona is naturally accommodating, but what she feels is not Li Menglong's kindness, but the pressure of competition.

Did this person think that she couldn't even borrow money, so he wanted to show off his ability?

Sure enough, he had bad intentions from the beginning. She, Lin Yuner, wanted to see what results Li Menglong could achieve.

Yoona is already prepared. As long as Li Menglong uses the name of girls, she will immediately want this man to look good!

But Li Menglong didn't give him this chance. He saw Li Menglong stopping a girl, and after a few simple exchanges, the other party actually gave her the money. The whole process was so smooth that Yoona thought there was a camera filming it.

Why should Li Menglong do it? It can't be because of his looks, he doesn't have that kind of thing.

So Yoona is more inclined to believe that he is lying to others, and he specifically picked a young girl to lie to. Wouldn’t his conscience hurt? Or do you think the law has no effect on him?

Looking at Li Menglong's proud look, Yoona was already ready to kill her relatives out of justice, and was going to send Li Menglong in today!

"Why are you still hanging around? Let's go, get ready to go home."

Li Menglong gently waved the banknotes in his hand towards Yoona, and the linkage between his movements and words was quite frivolous.

First, this face looks familiar, otherwise Yoona would have thought she was being teased.

"Ah, how did you get the money by cheating? Can you have some morals?"

Yoona's accusation was so timely. In Seohyun's absence, she was the moral benchmark for the girls.

She must let Li Menglong take the initiative to reflect on his mistakes today!

"What nonsense are you talking about? Why did I cheat money? I am innocent!"

Li Menglong didn't even plan to talk to Yuner. If she felt there was something wrong with the money, she would just go back alone without him accompanying her.

This rogue-like method was too much. Yoona only said that his money might be a little dirty, but she didn't say that she couldn't use it.

Besides, she was here to better supervise Li Menglong, for fear that he would make more serious mistakes again. This was all for his own good.

Li Menglong was too lazy to listen to Yoona's nagging. He hugged his shoulders and closed his eyes to rest, pretending that there was an artist singing to him on the side.

However, I have to say that Yoona's singing voice is really harsh. Otherwise, she would consider completely transforming into an actress, otherwise she would be just a charlatan if she stayed in the team.

Of course, Li Menglong didn't have such low emotional intelligence that he said these words, otherwise he would probably be kicked out of Yoona's car.

Yoona herself knows that her singing talent may not be that good, but she has practiced very hard, and besides, it is not as bad as Li Menglong thought.

Therefore, the differences are all relative. If she is always compared with Kim Taeyeon and others, it will naturally not highlight the level of Lin Yoona.

But how many Kim Taeyeons are there in this industry?

With Lin Yoona's level, if she were placed in any other team, she would probably be an all-rounder and excel in all aspects.

Li Menglong almost had his ears blocked after listening to Yoona nagging. Finally, he got some breathing space after returning home, because Yoona had already replaced someone else to nag.

In fact, Yoona is quite conflicted now. On the one hand, she wants to settle accounts with the girls. After all, they were the ones who left her behind.

On the other hand, they still want to share with them that Li Menglong made a mistake, are they obligated to do something?

In the end, the sense of responsibility prevailed. She, Lin Yuner, was a girl who understood the general situation and would not delay her business because of trivial matters.

As a result, the house quickly became lively, and there was a subtle change in the spread of the news. It was obvious that they were not separated by several rooms from each other.

Yoona's news is naturally the most original. Although her own conjecture has been added to it, it is still close to the truth.

But when Pani went to the second floor to spread the news, the news turned out that Li Menglong had blocked the road and robbed him, and the division suddenly became much more outrageous.

The key is that the subsequent communication focuses on the identity of the person who was robbed, from ordinary passers-by to police officers, and even Li Menglong's so-called ex-girlfriend.

It was Li Soonkyu who finally came to Li Menglong to confirm the news. She was forced to come here. After all, she was really not curious.

Part of Lee Soon Kyu's calmness was due to his trust in Li Menglong, and the other part was due to his understanding of this group of women.

After they spread this news, she didn't believe it at all. She didn't know how much water had been added to it.

These women have time to make up gossip, so they might as well take a break. If they have extra energy that needs to be released, they can let Li Menglong arrange some itineraries. They can also make more money, so why not do it.

Li Shunkyu looked hopeless. After sitting across from Li Menglong, she didn't bother to confirm the information that had been processed by countless hands. She pointed out the essence of the problem: "Your ex-girlfriend... Bah... How did you borrow it?" money?"

Although the topic was different from what the girls expected, they still listened carefully. They were really curious.

You can borrow money by just stopping a stranger. If Li Menglong had this ability, why would he be a director and go directly to this business without capital?

Regarding the results of the girls' exploration, Li Menglong did not intend to confess at first. He had the right to retain a certain degree of mystery.

Besides, these are all his cooking skills. If he really taught them, wouldn't he possibly starve to death?

This kind of stingy talk brought a burst of complaints from the girls. How could they think so much of his small income when they make so much money every year? He was clearly making malicious speculations.

They advised Lian to hurry up. Now they could chat with him calmly. If it went on for a while, they themselves didn't know what would happen.

But before that, they still made some small guesses and always raised their own reasonable doubts.

In the end, everyone reluctantly came up with a possibility, that is, Li Menglong borrowed money from the passerby in their name.

This speculation is not outrageous, after all, Li Menglong is famous for his love of defrauding their fans.

Of course, this is their feeling. Fans have always been satisfied with Li Menglong's transaction, and many people are even upset that they did not meet Li Menglong.

Compared with the hot prices of various peripherals for girls online, the prices provided by Li Menglong are already relatively fair.

Maybe only young girls would despise the value of these things. After all, in their eyes, they are just trivial things that they do casually.

However, this time their guess failed to guess the answer. To be precise, Li Menglong had indeed planned this at first. This move was really easy to use.

But when he actually walked over, an amazing coincidence occurred.

It stands to reason that this place is not far away from the company, and there are not too many people in the company to scare people. How can we just bump into each other on weekdays?

It's just that it was such a coincidence, otherwise Li Menglong would not have been able to ask the other party to pay directly in just a few words.

Even if you are a fan of girls, you have to confirm Yoona's identity. You can't just give money directly because of Li Menglong's words.

On the contrary, everyone in the company has a high ability to accept Li Menglong's borrowing money from time to time. It seems that Li Menglong should be this kind of person.

As for whether he will pay back the money, this is not within the scope of everyone's consideration. Even if he is stingy, he can still ask the girls for it.

Given the face-conscious nature of the girls, it was impossible for the other party to go back empty-handed.

"Impossible, my eyes are not that bad. I clearly don't recognize that person!"

As a witness at the scene, Yoona still has enough say.

Is it just that her question is a little childish? Even Xu Xian can answer it.

Even if the company is small, it is not small. There are at least hundreds of people there. How many of them can Yoona accurately identify?

Xu Xian didn't dare to say that he could recognize Quan, and Yoona shouldn't have such confidence.

She even suspected that Li Menglong didn't recognize the other person, maybe he was the one who spoke first.

But there is no point in exploring these anymore, it is just a coincidence after all.

Li Menglong doesn't have any way to get rich. To be precise, he does, but girls can't learn it.

So they should just continue to be their idols honestly, and the speed of making money doesn’t seem to be much slower than Li Menglong’s...

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