The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3190 Need resources

"Don't make trouble, go over there and play with Jessica and the others, be good!"

As if coaxing a child, Xu Xian touched Pani's head and fooled him back in a daze.

As for Pani's good intentions, Xu Xian knew it, but she still chose to refuse.

This does not mean that considering the relationship between the sisters, Xu Xian would rather sacrifice himself to save Pani. The relationship between them does not seem to have reached this level.

Of course, this was just a joke. The real reason was that she sensed a deeper truth. Pani's previous behavior was not very gregarious.

It seemed like a good choice. When Li Menglong and Li Eunxi both chose to be sarcastic, she acted like a little sun and gave everyone warmth.

But is this really the case? Not to mention what Li Menglong and Li Enxi would think, would everyone who was praised by her really thank her from the bottom of their hearts?

This is not a real talent show, and the people who come to perform do not really want to break into the entertainment industry. This is the premise.

They even have a clear self-awareness and know that their performances are like clowns. Apart from making people laugh, there is really no room for praise.

The reason why they were willing to be clowns was Li Menglong. Although they didn't say it clearly, as long as they came up and threw someone once, the grudge between the two would be wiped out.

An operation that sounds a bit humiliating, but is quite feasible in practice.

This is in line with Li Menglong's usual methods. He will not break up with everyone easily. This can be regarded as his wisdom.

Because he had been learning from Li Menglong, this set of answers came to Xu Xian's mind as soon as he sat down.

This technique makes Xu Xian want to remember it. If there is room for application in the future, she will make an original reproduction.

She really liked it, and at the same time she admired Li Menglong's skills. In this case, if one person failed, it would easily arouse everyone's resentment.

And if there is no reaction at all, and if you don't talk about your grievances, it may also arouse everyone's contempt.

The intensity was just right now. As a prank, Li Menglong did not choose to attack in reality, but just made them embarrassed.

If these people choose to refuse, then Li Menglong will have something to say. In the end, he won't feel ashamed?

I was blocked in the bathroom by people from my own company and stripped of my clothes. No one would believe me if I told her.

After Xu Xian clarified the basic logic here, he could conclude that Pani's previous behavior was somewhat thankless.

Even if she was able to leave temporarily to find someone to replace her, it was probably because Li Menglong deliberately gave her a time difference, not wanting to see Pani continue to attract hatred here.

Of course, the matter is not serious yet, and everyone can still feel Pani's kindness, but the compliment itself is too contrary to one's will.

Their level is really not worthy of Pani's praise, and it even sounds vaguely like ridicule.

If anything, it was Li Menglong's sarcasm that really affected their thoughts. This shouldn't be considered a bitch, right?

Just mastering the basic logic is not the end. Xu Xian can't always pretend to be mute here, she has to speak up.

But she soon encountered the same dilemma as Pani, even earlier than Pani.

After all, Pani was short of words after praising more than a dozen people, and couldn't think of any new words.

But Xu Xian didn't even wait to speak, so she didn't know what to say. It seemed that no one had ever taught her how to be sarcastic since she could remember.

Of course, ordinary people may not have studied it specifically, but the social life around them will eventually teach them this lesson.

Xu Xian's subsequent growth environment was too special, so special that this lesson has been delayed until now.

Xu Xian, who calls himself a top student, doesn't know what to do. Is it possible that he should imitate Li Menglong's words?

But everyone has their own way of being sarcastic, and Li Menglong's technique of not using curse words was not something she could learn at a moment's notice.

Fortunately, Xu Xian doesn't have stage fright. After being an artist for so many years, her mentality has really grown a lot. This can be considered as compensation for her career as an artist.

So Xu Xian relied on her intelligence and combined with her past experiences to slowly find her own style:

"This singer sings so well. I have never heard such a natural voice in all my years of debut..."

Xu Xian's compliment was so inappropriate and even more disgusting than Pani's before. Li Menglong wasn't sure whether he should stop him or not.

However, out of trust in Xu Xian, he was still willing to wait for a while. Besides, the person opposite could really make a judgment. Does the other person feel happy now?

"If you can make a debut, be sure to tell me in advance. I will definitely take the Ernies and retire. We are not worthy of having the same career as you. How can we call ourselves singers?"

Xu Xian had finished speaking. She was not sure how she performed, so she kept looking at the expressions of the people around her with her peripheral vision.

Li Menglong and Li Enxi were relatively calm, if you could ignore the corners of their mouths that twitched from time to time.

But the face of the person opposite turned a little red, his hands kept making fists in the air, and his eyes were full of complex expressions, as if he was asking Xu Xian: Why are you like this?

This question can be answered. Xu Xian briefly reviewed his life before. If he had to say that he had experienced some strange things, it was probably the praise from his seniors when they first became famous.

In the past, Xu Xian was relatively simple and found these compliments from her seniors very heart-warming. She even secretly vowed that she would become the same senior in the future.

But as time passed, as the number of such compliments decreased, she gradually forgot about them, but now that she thinks about it, she doesn't seem to take them seriously.

Those compliments were a bit flattering, and their tone also had a sinister flavor. Why didn't she catch it at the time?

It can only be said that looking back now, she will feel that she was innocently cute at the time, but at the same time, it also caused a headache for girls, right?

After all, their maknae has become such a fool, so they must keep a close eye on her. Otherwise, if she is abducted, wouldn't they have to take full responsibility?

With this basic concept in mind, the remaining work will be much simpler. Xu Xian only needs to praise the other party desperately.

There seems to be no essential difference from what Pani said before, but the other party's reaction said it all.

After the other party didn't deserve such a level of praise, Xu Xian's praise seemed like a mockery, but was it too powerful?

After all, Xu Xian is just a newcomer who has just learned sarcasm, and it is normal for him to have difficulty controlling his strength.

Fortunately, she is not fighting alone. As Xu Xian's elders, Li Menglong and Li Enxi naturally have the obligation to protect this little girl.

And the method they chose was very simple, just increase the output firepower.

As long as what they say is more extreme, Xu Xian's words will not attract special attention and can only be said to have reached the average level.

But the average level was still a bit high for everyone who came to perform, and everyone was so shocked that they couldn't hold their heads up.

They do know that their performance is terrible, and they came here just to embarrass themselves, but the other three should also know that, so can't they be merciful?

We are all colleagues in the same company, and we see each other without looking up every day. Is it really worth it to make the relationship so tense over a trivial matter?

Li Menglong didn't care about that much. He would apologize to them later. For now, he just wanted to make sure that he was the most carefree and comfortable.

Besides, it is rare for Xu Xian to awaken a new talent. Even if it is for Xu Xian to grow better, these people should dedicate themselves.

It's just that he is not worried about his next situation, but someone is worried for him!

To be precise, it was just that he wanted to die on his own, but could he not bring Xu Xian with him? It would not be easy for them to bring Xu Xian up.

As Kim Taeyeon and others sneaked up, all the girls had gathered here.

Once there were more members, their courage also increased several times. They decided to intervene, and they could not watch Xu Xian being dragged into the abyss by Li Menglong.

Just how to participate is still a test of wisdom, but the benefits of large numbers of people can be brought forward again. Everyone comes up with an idea, which is enough to create new sparks.

As a result, they quickly ended the discussion hastily, mainly because they did not leave much time for discussion.

Even though there were a lot of people queuing up to perform at the venue, I couldn't bear the short time each person performed. If I had to say it, the complaints of those three people would have been longer.

In order to surprise everyone, they also needed to make some preparations. In short, they worked for a while and finally caught up.

"Excuse me, can you jump in line? I'm really sorry."

Although Kim Taeyeon said this, she was already standing in front of her very politely, while waving to the sisters behind her to come quickly.

But unlike regular queue cutting, the person who was cut in line didn't have any anger at all. She was just curious. Why did they come? Do you need to rush for such a humiliating occasion?

The same doubt appears in the hearts of many people. After all, the appearance of the girls is too inconsistent. Are they sure they have not gone to the wrong place?

"Of course not. We are just here to perform. Are we not considered employees of the company?"

Kim Taeyeon talked eloquently while facing Li Menglong's playful gaze. She tried her best not to look at Li Menglong because it was easy to get discouraged.

It is said that their actions are for Xu Xian on the one hand, and for themselves on the other hand.

They and Li Menglong also have Liang Zi here. Since everyone can resolve their grudges in this way, why can't they?

But this kind of behavior is suspected of taking advantage of loopholes. Everyone is humiliating themselves in exchange for Li Menglong's forgiveness, but how can they be embarrassed?

It's also a performance. Is it possible that their performance is worse than everyone else's?

Naturally, Kim Taeyeon and others cannot make fun of their own reputation, so they must perform well. Besides, they also want to hear what the three judges opposite them have to say. Is it still sarcastic?

As for what Li Menglong would think, they couldn't care about it for the time being. They could only say that they had done everything they could, and Li Menglong would just let him go.

"Okay, let's start by introducing myself, Miss Kim Taeyeon!"

Li Menglong leaned on the back of his chair as he spoke, crossing his legs and looking quite leisurely. Is this a good start?

"Ahem, my name is Kim Taeyeon, and I came here with a few sisters to give it a try. I heard that if you perform well enough here, you will have the chance to debut. We are looking forward to it!"

Realizing that Li Menglong on the side did not intend to speak, and Xu Xian had not yet adjusted from the shock, Li Enxi could only take the lead himself.

"As far as I know, you are already artists, right? Isn't it a joke to debut again?

"How could it be possible? Any resource is precious to us, not to mention that at least 90% of artists' biggest resource investment in their career is during their rookie period. We don't mind experiencing it again."

Kim Taeyeon's explanation was reasonable and even revealed a touch of greed in her words.

Indeed, as she said, the resources of new groups when they debut are often heavily invested by the company. As for whether they can hear the response, they have to wait and see.

Of course, this so-called "heavy sum" is also related to the resources of each company, but basically we can do our best within our capabilities.

News that the presidents of individual small companies have sold houses and cars for this reason are not uncommon. It can only be said that this is the consensus in the industry.

No matter in any company, the introduction of new employees is always considered a top priority, and there are even many examples of sacrificing the elderly in order to praise the new employees.

It's not that the veteran groups of those companies are no longer popular, but that these people have often survived the newcomer contracts, and no matter how much they earn, they can't get much from the company.

On the other hand, it is different for newcomers. From the day they debut, they are working for the company for free. The work is likely to last until the entire newcomer's contract is over, which is about seven years.

If it's tepid, that's it. Once it becomes popular, the money it earns for the company is not a small amount.

Therefore, even if it is for the good expectations of the future, the company will spend a lot of money to promote it. This level of resources is indeed worthy of making some people jealous.

But this group of people should not include Kim Taeyeon. Do they have any reason to be jealous?

The company doesn't say it's obedient to them, but it almost gives them whatever they ask for. They are lazy and don't seek to make progress, so they come here to complain?

That is to say, there are no reporters around, otherwise the report might say something like, for example, the company has wronged the girls and allowed them to use this method to ask for the rights they deserve.

"Okay, let's start your performance. If your performance is good enough, it's not non-negotiable."

Li Menglong's words were the final word, but why did they always feel that they had fallen into a trap? This feeling was very subtle.

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