The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3189 Looking for a substitute

The "players" who came to participate were not too shy, but the "mentor" sitting here couldn't stand it at first. No one believed it.

"If you keep persisting, if you change people now, it will be very unfair to those who were eliminated in the past. Who knows if you have received any dirty money!"

Li Menglong persuaded Pani from the side, but the reasons he gave were a bit strange.

If Pani had received dirty money, he wouldn't have failed anyone by now. He would have to provide evidence when speaking.

"Isn't it obvious enough? What a mess those people are, and you are still praising them without conscience. If you have this way, you can take me with you. I'm not a good person either."

Li Menglong tried to let Pani take him to make a fortune together. Because Pani was sitting in the middle, Li Enxi listened roughly to the conversation between the two.

We are all in the same company, so don't leave her out when doing small tricks. I think no matter who has a high limit, she can also be despicable and shameless.

Pani looked left and right. She was really curious, how did their company develop under the leadership of these two people?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. Could it be that they are working too hard as employees? So let these two people sit back and enjoy the results?

This truth can barely be justified for Pani herself. After all, when they came, it was not an exaggeration to say that they would go to the countryside to help the poor.

What was the company like at that time? Calling it a grassroots team was just to give them face.

It is almost entirely supported by Li Soonkyu's funds, and Li Menglong, as one of the few employees, relies on various connections to bring people in.

It seems that all the veterans in the company are related to some extent, and it is difficult for Li Menglong, because all his friends are so capable.

But those hard days have passed, and Pani is not willing to look back on the painful experiences of the past. He would rather look forward and see how wonderful life is now.

Of course, the premise is to let her leave. If she continues to stay here, Pani is really afraid that she will not have any extra time to enjoy it.

Everyone who comes to perform should develop into a comedian. Don’t they themselves have this understanding?

Pani sincerely recommended it. She was well-informed, but she was still amused by these people.

If she were watching it through the screen at home, Pani would be laughing so hard that she would be breathless at this moment, and she would be willing to reward a large amount of money for this.

It's a pity that she is in the company, and the people who come to perform are all colleagues she may work with in the future. What can she do?

Like Li Menglong and the other two, they just say whatever they want? She doesn't dare!

What kind of status did Li Menglong and Li Enxi have? To put it harshly, even if they pointed at each other's nose and scolded them, the other party would have to endure it unless they wanted to resign.

As for possible revenge later, that doesn't exist at all. These two people at least already have a transcendent status in the company.

In comparison, Pani is far behind. Although his status and popularity are very high, it is not to the extent that others cannot retaliate.

These staff members just used some tricks at work, which was enough to make her feel aggrieved for a while.

Besides, even if these utilitarian factors were not considered, Pani would have to be lenient just for the sake of his colleagues.

This is the most basic politeness issue, and she believes that everyone should subconsciously abide by this.

But the two people around her taught her a lesson again. Li Menglong and Li Enxi did have an accurate evaluation of themselves. They were bad people!

So Pani is eager to escape from this small gang of three people. Firstly, it is for his own health, and secondly, it is for his own character.

No matter how Li Menglong tried to persuade her, Pani stubbornly ran out. But she finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, but she was still responsible for bringing someone over.

Who to deceive? This is indeed a difficult problem!

It's impossible to just pull someone over. Wouldn't this offend someone to death? Besides, you should also consider professional issues a little bit.

It seems that the most suitable candidates are the girls, but the few people who were guarding the door just now saw what happened, and there is no possibility of being fooled.

I heard that Kim Taeyeon and the others are downstairs, why don't you go find them and try?

Pani didn't have much time to think about it, so when she walked downstairs, she hadn't even thought of an excuse to cheat.

"So you just want us to go up there, but you can't give us any reason to do so. You're a bad learner!"

Kim Taeyeon looked at Pani with pity in her eyes. This child is usually stupid enough, but there are still people who are cruel enough to lie to others. Does he still have a conscience? Even fools are bullied!

However, this kindness was declined by Pani. She is not stupid. Don't blame her randomly. She won't accept it.

In this case, everyone just broke up. Anyway, no matter what she said next, Kim Taeyeon and the others would not believe it.

Speaking of which, it is still possible to go up and watch the excitement later, but I just went up to protect Pani from disaster, so forget it.

After Pani came down, he said these two sentences in total, but now he is about to return without success? She even felt useless!

She was determined to fall out with these women. If no one came up today, she would be killed right here!

Whether this trick will be effective or not will be discussed later, but isn’t it a bit of a fuss? Her death was too easy, and she was sorry for the fans who loved her.

So Pani hesitated again and again, but still walked up lonely, and she was ready to sit back again.

It’s amazing that these two thighs are no longer needed today. They should be able to last until the end of the performance, right?

But just when Pani was desperate, things suddenly took a turn for the better. She actually saw Xu Xian on the second floor.

Speaking of which, the girls were really scattered today. Xu Xian seemed to have been missing for a long time. He hadn't seen this little girl since eating.

Because she was only focused on escaping, she almost forgot Xu Xian's existence. Now go over and say hello?

However, considering the next request, Pani felt that the tone should not be too relaxed: "Where did you little girl run away before? Don't you know that I am worried about you?"

Pani pretended to care about Xu Xian, but at the same time she was paralyzing herself in her heart. This is indeed what she thought, and it has never changed!

It's just that no matter how good her acting skills are, Xu Xian won't watch it seriously.

Anyone trying to distinguish the authenticity of Pani's words at this moment from the perspective of acting skills would be considered deceived.

Xu Xian didn't believe every word Pani said. He still cared about her. Was it because he didn't see Xu Xian being beaten, so he felt unbalanced?

Although it is not appropriate to guess her sister like this, it is better than being deceived twice. Besides, she can continue to observe.

If Pani kept talking about caring, then Xu Xian could also take the initiative to apologize, but Pani obviously couldn't wait so long.

"Come up with me now, I must teach you a lesson today!"

As she spoke, Pani tried to reach out to pull Xu Xian, but Xu Xian avoided her hands with extraordinary dexterity: "Speak carefully and don't move your hands or feet."

"Hey, I can't even touch you? You really think of yourself as an artist, right? I still insist on touching you today, what can you do to me?"

After all, Pani was honest. When he couldn't think of any good excuse, he simply took action directly, which was more direct.

It's just that she hasn't considered the difference in fighting power between the two, or can she beat Xu Xian?

Pani quickly discovered this problem, and she didn't blame her for being unprepared. Xu Xian was usually too easy to bully.

Of course, she usually goes with the big team, and the number of times she can teach Xu Xian alone is extremely limited, but now she has hit a wall.

After fluttering for a few times, Pani became really anxious. After all, they were still waiting for her upstairs. If she dared to leave without coming back, she would probably never have to come back again. There was no place for her in the company. place.

Seeing that deception and physical actions failed, Pani had no choice but to resort to the last resort. Doesn't it take a few tears to get that taste?

But not everyone has Yoona's talent. If you can cry when you want, then the actors won't have to use eye drops when filming.

Seeing Pani "winking" over there, Xu Xian didn't think it was deliberately making him laugh.

"Just put down your magical powers. I can't go up with you. Just put your expression back. It looks too awkward."

Xu Xian couldn't help but take the initiative to speak. If this really made Pani burst into tears, she would have to apologize to this woman.

In this case, it is better to be more direct. What exactly does Pani want her to do up there?

Xu Xian quickly knew the answer. She sat between Li Menglong and Li Enxi. She kept twisting her body and it was awkward no matter how she sat.

Logically speaking, this is not the case. In terms of familiarity with these two people, Xu Xian should be the first among the girls.

But now I feel uneasy, the main pressure still comes from Li Menglong on the side.

The two of them had indeed met before, but because Li Menglong was eager to surprise Yoona and the others, he let her go lightly.

The best thing Xu Xian could do at that time was actually to follow him in. Since there were so many people there, there was a high chance that she would not be held accountable.

But I don’t know what she was thinking at that time. Maybe she was afraid of Li Menglong? Or maybe it feels like it has nothing to do with me?

In short, Xu Xian ran away and disappeared for a long time. This was a bit of a self-inflicted suspicion. Li Menglong had every reason to suspect that Xu Xian played a more important role in the previous actions against him.

"Don't move around. You are a judge now, so you need to learn to be more steady." Li Menglong whispered in Xu Xian's ear: "Isn't it Miss Xu Xian who has learned to do great things!"

This action makes Xu Xian's ears itch. Can it be normal? Isn't it just running around for a while? It's not such a big sin, right?

Seeing that Li Menglong had recognized her guilt, Xu Xian felt much more at ease.

Anyway, seeing that the explanation was useless, although she felt a little aggrieved, she also knew how to deal with it: "I don't have to bother you, old man, it's time to be fair in the review, and be careful of being said to be shady!"

Even if he hadn't seen the previous performance, Xu Xian could roughly guess something from the atmosphere at the scene and the reactions of everyone around him.

Li Menglong must not be able to say anything good with his mouth. Although there can be reasonable explanations for this, it does not prevent Xu Xian from labeling him as jealous of talents and talents.

Li Enxi was watching the excitement with his head propped up on the side. Speaking of which, it was really rare for the two brothers and sisters to quarrel. It was very interesting to watch.

But these two people were still the protagonists today. As the performance returned to normal, everyone finally fell into their own rhythm.

Because Xu Xian is new here, he naturally doesn't talk too much. He mainly focuses on observation.

This gives Li Menglong and Li Enxi room to show off, especially Li Menglong. He can be as unpleasant as he sounds, humiliating each other in all kinds of ways, but he doesn't use any curse words.

"You do have the potential to be a comedian. I'm laughing so hard that I'm scratching my feet. What, you've always been a singer?"

"There is a character in my next work that suits you very well. He is a fool who can be recognized by others just standing there motionless. Are you interested?"

"I remember that you were once responsible for reviewing the company's programs? I'm going to reconsider whether you are suitable for this job. There is something wrong with your aesthetics!"

With Li Menglong firing on all cylinders and Li Enxi barely able to keep up, Xu Xian really became a vase here.

In the past, she had done it intentionally, but this time it was indeed limited by her own abilities. She really couldn't keep up with the pace of these two people.

How did she come up with this kind of statement that is both embarrassing and hard to find fault with? Can she find someone to learn from it? It feels very interesting!

But Xu Xian seemed to have misunderstood her positioning. She was not asked to come here to help increase the firepower output. She wanted to act as a middleman to ease the conflicts between the two parties.

Pani listened in the corner outside for a while. She was really anxious. Why didn't Xu Xian do anything?

This little girl doesn't want to use this method to force herself to go back. Why does it feel like Xu Xian has also turned dark? She can even think of such cruel methods?

Pani really didn't have any good way to deal with this, unless she could just watch Xu Xian turn against everyone.

Of course, this feud itself is what Pani thinks. Maybe these people haven't taken it seriously yet. This is not impossible.

It's just that Pani didn't dare to gamble. If the bet was wrong, wouldn't it really push Xu Xian into a pit?

With a responsible attitude toward Xu Xian, Pani pushed the door open again and looked at Xu Xian with complicated eyes. How could she, a sister, not be able to compete with the maknae?

But she was being reasonable and knew that she couldn't blame Xu Xian entirely. The real bad guy was Li Menglong. Why could he act so calmly?

But when Pani tried to replace Xu Xian, she was rejected by the little girl, which made her not know what to do.

She mustered up the courage to make this decision. Xu Xian didn't appreciate it at all and even refused. Who gave her the confidence?

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