The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3188 Judge Teacher

While the girls were arguing with Li Menglong, a group of colleagues around them were also thinking secretly. They were obviously here to work, so why did they suddenly discuss the topic of debut?

This is very different from the scope of work they discussed during the original interview, so do they need to be given additional subsidies?

Of course, being the junior brother and junior sister of the girls is very lucky, and they should not ask for more.

But this kind of thing sounds unreliable. Everyone has a strong point in their heart. It’s enough to deceive outsiders, but also to deceive oneself?

Do they have the talent to debut? Just talking about the persistence and hard work before debut may not be enough.

They are just ordinary people. Compared with the girls, they are not only inferior in appearance and talent, but also in many spiritual aspects.

If you insist on saying that everyone has the same nose and two eyes, there is no difference, those trainees who failed in their debut will be the first to stand up and refute.

This kind of contempt is an insult to their past efforts. It is not easy for every newcomer who can survive the long period of being a trainee.

If we have to compare it to the normal workplace, most of them dropped out of junior high school and then came to the company to start working as odd jobs.

Earning a meager income and undertaking heavy physical work, they have to find various gaps to study continuously, because they still have to climb up.

Having the opportunity to debut is considered to be an internship offer in a technical position, and being able to establish a firm foothold after debut is considered to have successfully become a regular employee.

The process of climbing all the way up is equivalent to the performance of an artist. If you are lucky enough to climb to the position of president, it will be almost the status of girls now.

From a cleaner who never graduated from junior high school, to working his way up to the highest position in the company through his own efforts, you will know how inspiring and difficult this process is.

There is personal effort involved, and of course luck. In short, it is not something that ordinary people can try just by talking about it.

If you are an ordinary person outside the circle and your understanding is not so in-depth, you may still have the idea of ​​​​challenge: as long as I have that appearance, success is inevitable!

But this is what this group of people does, and they know more than one group of artists around them, so they have long since given up on such naive ideas.

So in the face of Li Menglong's temptation at this moment, although everyone was a little tempted, most of them still thought calmly, was Li Menglong setting a trap for them?

This idea is much more realistic. After all, there is not that much warmth between them, especially since they had acted openly and openly against Li Menglong before.

Will repaying evil with kindness happen to Li Menglong? Anyway, they were the first to not believe it, saying that he was just a vengeful person.

Now that they can see the trap, do they still need to step on it?

There really is! After their simple discussion, this group of people decided to respond to Li Menglong's "call"!

This does not mean that everyone believed him, but that they used this "self-abuse" method to obtain Li Menglong's forgiveness when they had already made enemies.

No matter what happens, he will be embarrassed, right? Everyone has been toyed with by him, how long will he hold on to the past?

This is exactly the same as Yoona's thoughts when she was jumping around on one foot. It can only be said that everyone is smart and knows how to calm Li Menglong.

"I must participate. My parents have said since I was a child that I have the talent to be an actor. Who do you want to partner with me in the performance?"

"I'm really not good at acting, but I sing well. Can I sing a cappella now?"

"Personally, I don't tend to debut as a comedian. With my looks, I should still become an idol!"

Now that the decision was made, this group of people didn't know what politeness meant, so they gathered around Li Menglong and began to recommend themselves.

Jessica and others didn't know the thoughts of this group of people, so when they saw this group of people interacting actively, they were filled with questions.

Who gives them this confidence? They are both actors and idols, and they don’t even look down on the debut of comedians, so they are worthy of it? Do you dare to say this in front of Yoo Jae Suk?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. These people have come into contact with people in some circles, and they should know that their talents are not enough to support their unrealistic dreams.

Could it be that they have failed to keep up with the times? Do today’s audiences like to see this kind of blind confidence?

Faced with things they don't understand, they subconsciously choose to be cautious in their words and deeds. This is a good habit developed by many years of being an artist.

After all, these are all bloody examples. Every year, there are artists who speak carelessly, which leads to the complete collapse of reputation and career.

As for the topics involved, they are also all kinds of weird. Some people are talking about historical figures incorrectly, while others are commenting on current events. The most common one is undoubtedly swearing at seniors.

And when the girls chose to shut up, it was Li Menglong who had the final say, so what else could he say?

As a company that extremely respects the wishes of its employees, Li Menglong believes that he cannot ignore everyone's voices.

Just like the daily overtime work in the past, was that something he forced everyone to do? It was obvious that everyone wanted more overtime pay, and he was just complying with everyone's wishes.

The same is true now. Colleagues want to have higher artistic pursuits after work. Since the company happens to have this resource, why not give them a chance?

Li Menglong seemed to have planned everything in advance and arranged everything in a very orderly manner. Even before he arrived in ten minutes, the scene was already starting to look presentable.

First, everyone was cleared to line up in the corridor, and the empty practice room was used as a venue for their performances and Li Menglong's commentary.

Secondly, since everyone was a contestant, Jessica and the others automatically became staff members. After all, it was impossible for them to participate in such a farce.

Besides, once they also participate in the assessment, wouldn't it be reduced to a blow, and it will make other colleagues feel inferior.

The girls are quite comfortable with the job itself, because when they were trainees, they had to engage in similar activities almost every month.

Distribute temporary numbers to people outside, and bring in a set of tables and chairs for Li Menglong. Otherwise, should he sit on the ground and comment?

They were even afraid that he wouldn't be able to offer any constructive suggestions, so they just threw Pani over to be his secretary.

After all, Pani has been an artist for so many years. Based on her experience, there is no problem in judging these amateurs.

But Li Menglong was not willing to be a mouthpiece, so he simply asked Pani to do it, and it would be great if she also became a judge.

At this time, Li Enxi also came over from outside and insisted on joining in the fun. Her reason was very good: they were all employees of her company, how could her comments be omitted?

So the three-person judging team was officially established:

A top company manager with many years of experience in the industry; a popular idol group with a complete artist career starting from a trainee; an all-rounder in front of and behind the scenes as an artist and director, who is good at variety shows and film shooting.

Although it is just a temporary team, the resumes of the three of them are put here, and it seems that they are really suitable and complementary.

If anything, it may be that Pani's status is slightly inferior. The main reason is that her achievements were obtained in a group manner and lacked certain personal honors.

But is it important? Anyway, Pani has a very clear positioning of herself. Sandwiched between these two big guys, she will just be her vase.

Otherwise, if she disagrees with these two people, will she still fight with them? She doesn't have that much courage.

As the judges inside took their seats, everyone outside felt a little nervous for no reason.

When there were a lot of people just now, I naturally spoke casually, not even thinking that I would have a chance to truly perform.

But seeing that they were about to go in and perform in person one by one, they suddenly panicked.

Let’s not talk about the pressure brought by the three people inside, but just talk about their performance itself. What are they going to perform?

Speaking of interviews of this level, even well-informed girls are quite confused, let alone the ordinary people present.

But there was no room for discussion at all. Li Menglong and Li Enxi were both sitting inside. Who dared not to go in?

So with the blessings of everyone, the first warrior walked in with heavy steps: "Hello teachers, I am from..."

"Just introduce yourself. The company has your detailed information. We don't have so much time to waste. Let's go straight to your talent."

Li Menglong interrupted the other party's greetings rudely. His behavior was really bad!

After all, simple greetings can effectively reduce the other party's tension, but Li Menglong refused to give the other party this opportunity, and even put pressure on the other party: "What is your performance area? Which judge needs to focus on you?"

This question is more difficult because it is necessary to first distinguish the areas in which the three of them are responsible and good at each other.

Li Menglong's performance is mostly about his acting skills, Li Eunxi's performance may be about overall quality, and Pani's main observation is of course music.

Instead of choosing one of these three people, is there any need to be picky?

It was also embarrassing. He would rather be scolded by Pani for three minutes than listen to Li Menglong and Li Menglong say one more sentence: "I choose to sing, please give me some advice from Teacher Pani!"

This person bowed slightly while speaking, and Pani immediately couldn't sit still, and returned the bow in embarrassment with his whole body half-hunched over.

Because she had been in contact with the other party several times, and if she remembered correctly, this person was there every time they settled accounts, so he was in charge of the company's finances?

It's all Li Menglong's fault. He had to interrupt the other party's previous self-introduction and let her listen more.

If they are employees of some important departments, then Pani must say a few nice words. Anyway, they are just free compliments, and it is not an important occasion.

As long as she can accumulate one more point of favor, she has earned it.

So in this situation, the other party's politeness made her feel on pins and needles, and she didn't know what attitude to use to face it.

Compared to her uneasiness, Li Menglong and Li Enxi were as stable as a rock. Not to mention the other side bowing, even if they knelt on the ground with a plop, the two of them responded without changing their expressions.

"We specialize in a cappella singing. We have extra points for dancing. You can start your performance now."

Li Menglong urged again, and now everyone in the room saw his intention, which was just to embarrass the other party.

For girls, singing a cappella is a way to show their strength, but even if they are idols, not everyone has the strength and courage to sing a cappella.

So when it comes to the person in front of him, it's understandable that his hands are shaking nervously and his mouth is dry. Even if the other person twitches on the spot, Pani would agree with it.

"Do you need my help as a guide?"

Pani is really kind, especially when Li Menglong and Li Enxi are highlighted, she really becomes the white moonlight of the person in front of her.

But Pani soon regretted her move, which was too hasty.

With her acapella being the best, the person behind her would appear mediocre no matter how she sang, not to mention that her original singing was quite abstract.

Comparing the two, Pani proved her strong self-control ability by not laughing on the spot. Of course, her thighs suffered.

Pani is really worried. If the people who follow are at this level, can she still want her thighs? Will he be pinched until he loses consciousness completely?

But even if she doesn't have this leg today, she still can't laugh. This is Pani's realization!

And this is not even more difficult, because after this person sings, Pani still has to try to give comments.

After all, as promised before, they came here for her as a judge, but how to give this evaluation?

In principle, you must give positive comments. Pani doesn't want to easily turn against the other party. He really can't do it, even if it is for the sake of his colleagues.

But how to give a positive comment? Even though she had completely lost her conscience, she still couldn't find any words that were too positive.

"You sing with a sense of originality. I personally think you are an uncut gem that has the potential to be further explored. I look forward to the day when you stand on the stage!"

Pani finally gave a comment after searching her guts, but her own heart was completely numb. She, Huang Meiying, was not clean anymore! She feels sorry for herself!

Even though this person knew that what Pani said was polite, he was still extremely happy. After all, this was a comment from Girls' Generation, the most popular group at the moment.

He had the intention to record this conversation. In the future, whenever someone said that his singing was ugly, he would tell them Pani's words. Could it be that the person opposite would be more professional than Pani?

As for his final results, he was naturally unqualified. Li Menglong and Li Enxi didn't need to consider who to give face to, so they directly voted against him and sent him away.

But this person went out with a smile, and everyone who was guarding the door naturally heard the interaction in the room, and immediately felt confident, at least they knew what talent to choose to perform.

So after ten people in a row chose to sing, Pani felt that he could not continue.

Even if her conscience can withstand the condemnation of lying, her bruised thighs and poor vocabulary are not enough to let her continue. It will kill people!

"Substitute, must replace!"

Pani almost shouted these words.

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