The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3187 Convergence

Girls have long been accustomed to Li Menglong's inappropriate behavior from time to time.

At first, they always thought that Li Menglong was deliberately causing trouble and wanted to add some discomfort to them.

But after being in contact for a long time, they changed their minds. This seemed to be Li Menglong's true emotional intelligence.

If all of his behavior was just an act, then the girls would admit it and blame themselves for being blind, which is also Li Menglong's fault.

However, so far Li Menglong has not shown shrewdness beyond their knowledge. Facing a person with low emotional intelligence, they can only choose to ignore him besides being tolerant.

It seems that at this moment, is it possible that Lee Soon Kyu can still argue with Lee Meng Long?

Is it up to him, Li Menglong, to judge whether she is really old?

So the three people walked into the store surrounded by this happy fan. As for Li Menglong, did he still want to come with him to chat?

The topic between them is destined to be the interaction between fans and idols. What will Li Menglong talk about after joining?

If he had to say it, he could provide some different information from the perspective of the agent. For example, they pick their feet in private and are used to smelling them?

The girls naturally know Li Menglong, so they are strictly guarded against his appearance. He should just stay behind the scenes honestly.

Even if you just go for a walk on stage, it's best not to talk about anything about them, they can't afford it!

Therefore, Li Menglong, who was not welcomed by the girls, was naturally excluded. If he really wanted to eat something, they would not mind setting up a table for him alone.

Anyway, Yoona needs to please him, so she is still willing to pay such a small amount of money.

But Li Menglong did not choose to accept the good intentions of several people. Even though he knew it was Yoona's way of delaying time, he still gave them moderate freedom.

This does not mean that he has given up on pursuing Yoona. Where he is now is not as good as the chance of Yoona bringing him humiliation.

He just felt that he still had many enemies, and they didn't necessarily have to hang them on a tree like Yoona.

The group of people who just ran out of the store in advance should be in place, so everyone can chat. They must miss him Li Menglong very much, right?

It is said that the choice of these people seems to be a shortcut, but the shortcut does not mean the right one, and it is even far from it.

The most sensible thing for them to do would be to stay with Yoona throughout the entire process, and it would be best to express their attitude directly the moment they see Li Menglong.

Whether they admit their mistakes or be tough, they have to make sure that they have enough people and that Yoona, the culprit, is by their side.

With how much Yoona cares about her feathers, it is impossible for her to watch these people attack Li Menglong while she sits back and enjoys the results.

In that case, Lin Yuner's reputation would be completely destroyed. This was a scene she would rather die than see.

Therefore, Yoona is likely to be coerced into launching an attack on Li Menglong. Even if the result is destined to be an egg against a stone, Yoona will definitely be the first to suffer blood.

In this case, Yoona alone can bear at least half of Li Menglong's anger, and with the support of Kim Taeyeon and others, they will probably not suffer too painful revenge.

It's just that it's too late to say anything now. Their "short-sightedness" has destined them to have no good results, and they have to face Li Menglong's wrath alone.

But this may not be their original plan. Maybe they don't want to involve Yoona.

It seems that they were bewitched by Yoona and launched a rebellion against Li Menglong.

But who really knows what they are thinking?

If there was no dissatisfaction with Li Menglong in his heart, even if Yoona could spit out lotus flowers, would they be bewitched?

It can only be said that they and Yoona are willing to fight and suffer. With both parties having this tendency, they got together directly, which triggered everything that followed.

Directly put all the responsibility on Yoona. If they can't do such a thing, they won't be able to pass the test in their hearts.

In this case, what else is there to say? They simply waited for Li Menglong's sentencing. Do they need to write a resignation report in advance?

It is said that this kind of thinking is unnecessary, and I don’t know if Yoona did it intentionally. In short, she did not recruit people from a certain department alone.

The group of people who actually squeezed into the bathroom almost spanned the entire company. Even if only half of them were the backbone of the company, they were still not people that Li Menglong could fire.

If he dared to fire so many people in one go, Li Enxi would hand over his resignation report as well.

Li Menglong doesn't want this company to be good anyway, so why is she still here to clean up the mess? Wouldn't it be nice to take these people out to start a business?

This is not an alarmist statement by Li Enxi. Their abilities and relationships are sufficient. They have been working with each other for several years, and they have become a mature team.

The key is that these people still have experience. In this case, there are not many people willing to invest money. Maybe everyone can get a collective salary increase.

Of course, doing so involves taking certain risks. Opportunities in the industry are constantly changing, and their past successes cannot guarantee that they will succeed next time.

When starting a business alone, one failure is likely to be enough to sentence them to death.

Just like in your own company, although it will still be refrigerated for a period of time after failure, that is not the end.

After a period of recharging, there will definitely be an opportunity to prove yourself again. This is the treatment that a mature company should have.

So if possible, this group of people don't want to leave, even if Li Menglong puts on small shoes for them.

Everyone was so determined that in order to make it easier for Li Menglong to do it, everyone consciously crowded into the practice room on the third floor.

If you want to squeeze so many people into one room, it seems that the practice room is the most suitable, because there is no obstruction in it.

But this is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage, because this group of people can't even find a seat, so they can only sit on the floor and chat along the way.

Maybe the waiting time was too boring, and I don’t know who made the suggestion first, but anyway, they used the equipment used by the girls to practice dancing and played their MV.

This choice is definitely not that they are deliberately flattering, but that they are the only ones that can be put in the equipment without any preparation.

Fortunately, this choice seems quite good. While you can enjoy the performance of the girls, you can also join in and sing loudly.

To a certain extent, this was their last carnival, so they sang louder than the other, and the entire third floor echoed with their "Ghost Crying and Wolf Howling".

This evaluation is based on the face of a colleague in the company. Doesn’t the company have any threshold for singing ability when recruiting people?

Even if it has nothing to do with the main job, they are an entertainment company after all, and there are many singers in the company, so it should be regarded as some kind of hidden condition, right?

Anyway, the girls really recognized this and took action. They are brainwashing Li Eunxi at the moment, trying to incorporate this.

Li Enxi's response was a bit subtle. The promise was indeed promised, but the specific implementation was hard to say.

Several people, led by Jessica, also saw the other party's perfunctory attitude. What can they do? They are just small artists in the company.

But they were unwilling to give in, because the roars in their ears were a blow to them, and they wanted to deny that this was not their song.

In order to keep the company's atmosphere normal, they could only passively join in when the snitching failed.

They are indeed professional singers. With them singing as lead, the singing became much more pleasant to listen to, and many people finally took the earplugs out of their ears.

Although it was lunch break, this kind of suffering was still too much for them, so when can Li Menglong come up?

Some people are waiting for his judgment, and some are waiting for his salvation. Has he heard it?

Li Menglong did hear it. He heard a neat chorus just after he arrived on the third floor. He didn't react for a while.

According to the news he got from the second floor, shouldn't these people have already accepted their fate and are just waiting for him to come up and harvest.

In the end, this was a sign of their resignation? He obviously lives a more chic life than Li Menglong, but this will cause a huge imbalance in his heart.

In particular, the voices of girls can be distinguished among them, and he knew that it was them who had instigated the plan again without asking.

So these women really want to fight him to the end?

Yoona and others worked together to come up with a plan to target his body, and Jessica and others also tried to scare him away with this kind of mental blow.

This was really not good. He thought Jessica was on his side. After all, they had acted together before, and Li Menglong was looking for someone to help them out.

As a result, these people stabbed him in the back. He really wanted to see the ugly faces of these women. How should they face him?

When Li Menglong kicked open the door of the practice room, no one noticed him at all.

The practice room itself has enhanced soundproofing, and in this case they can still let the sound out, so you can imagine how loud it is inside.

The moment he opened the door, Li Menglong was surprised by the sound wave inside. He took several steps back before he could barely adapt to the rhythm of the volume.

It seems that these people are no longer singing, they are clearly hurting themselves. Are you sure that such a loud volume will not cause damage to the human body?

Li Menglong's action of opening the door did not attract everyone's attention, but the few singers in front could still see it.

Almost as soon as they saw him, Jessica and the others immediately rushed towards him.

So rude? Then don't blame him. He raised his arms to protect the sides of his head. If anyone dared to attack, he would punch a child!

But the imagined confrontation did not happen. The girls came not to fight, but to seek comfort, just like children who were bullied outside.

Now Li Menglong is a little confused. This group of people in the company dare to bully him, but I have never heard of anyone daring to bully these girls. Aren't they walking around in the company?

"Their singing is really terrible. Even if we ask them to change the songs of another singer, they have to sing our songs!"

Jessica lay down in Li Menglong's ear and roared hard, not even trying to ensure that Li Menglong could hear her at such a loud volume.

Fortunately, this sentence made Li Menglong understand what was going on. It turned out that these girls were also held hostage. They are also today?

But he soon felt the helplessness of the girls. After they quit, the group started their own original creations. For a moment, Li Menglong was almost stupid. Did this group do it on purpose?

He quickly dismissed this possibility, because it takes talent to sing so beautifully. It doesn't mean that you can sing like this just by learning.

Was this specially selected by their company? People who sing poorly are generally better at work?

Although it sounds a bit metaphysical, but combined with the facts he knows, at least this point is considered that their company is established.

But these are questions that Li Enxi wants to think about. Now he just wants these people to stop, because he is afraid that he will not be able to help beating them.

The power in the room was cut off directly from the outside, and the whole world suddenly became much quieter. He seemed to hear the sighs of relief from the offices around him.

He was singing excitedly, and no one could bear to have his power cut off at this time, until they saw Li Menglong.

What else is there to say? The reason for waiting here is to solve the problem between them. Is it possible that now they want to take the initiative to provoke?

"Go on, I also want to hear about your a cappella singing ability. It happens that our company also has professional counterparts. If they are really talented, they shouldn't mind having an additional group of junior brothers and junior sisters."

Li Menglong pointed to the girls as role models, as if he wanted to inspire this group of people?

There is really nothing wrong with the words themselves. With their company's supporting facilities, launching a new group of people is easy, isn't it?

Especially after debuting, you can choose to work with girls, follow Liu Jae Suk in some variety shows, or even play small roles in Lee Mong Yong's works.

These opportunities would be the envy of ordinary artists, but they are easily available to the people in front of them. Of course, the prerequisite is that they can really make their debut.

Based on their previous singing skills, it is estimated that they will be dead as singers. Or should they consider transforming into comedians? The company has also accumulated experience in this area.

But this was more like a joke by Li Menglong. No one took it seriously at first, until Li Menglong repeated it again.

Don't talk about the people inside now. Even the girls on the side think he is fooling around. Don't bring your personal emotions into work.

"Are you afraid? Are you afraid that newcomers can threaten your position? Haha..."

Li Menglong was hesitant to say what he said. Did he dare to finish what he said? Would they be afraid of these "crooked melons and jujube" challenges?

Although it is inappropriate to describe my colleagues in this way, at least when it comes to singing, this is what they said. Would anyone object?

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