The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3191 Failure in the Draft

But this group of people should not include Kim Taeyeon. Do they have any reason to be jealous?

The company doesn't say it's obedient to them, but it almost gives them whatever they ask for. They are lazy and don't seek to make progress, so they come here to complain?

That is to say, there are no reporters around, otherwise the report might say something like, for example, the company has wronged the girls and allowed them to use this method to ask for the rights they deserve.

"Okay, let's start your performance. If your performance is good enough, it's not non-negotiable."

Li Menglong's words were the final word, but why did they always feel that they had fallen into a trap? This feeling was very subtle.

The girls' feelings were not wrong, they were just too obsessed with the original goal, and the time was a little urgent, so they lacked a little consideration.

It’s easy to figure this out. Do they really lack resources? Or do they really want these resources?

This question doesn't seem to be a question. There is no one in the circle who doesn't want to climb up, even if it is to protect themselves.

It's just that resources correspond to work. Although the degree of hard work varies, they are destined to not be able to rest peacefully.

This becomes a problem. They don't really want to work, or they don't want to work themselves so hard.

If we are being arrogant, in the few years since they debuted, they have finished all their hard work for the rest of their lives.

When they occasionally have nightmares, the scene they dream about is the time they went back to debut. It was really hard, even in their dreams.

Of course, they didn't choose to lie down completely. They still had to work hard, but they could just slow down the pace a little.

Even if they miss a lot of opportunities because of this, or even speed up their fall from the top, they will never look back.

No one can sit in this position forever. Being the first girl group seems to be an honor, but in fact it is more like a target.

All kinds of overt and covert attacks make it difficult for people to guard against, and they can't even tell whether outsiders are being hypocritical.

This kind of life, where you need to be on guard subconsciously no matter who you meet, to be honest, it really tests a person's mental endurance.

So although they didn't say it explicitly, they did all have similar thoughts, that is, they could escape from this kind of life as soon as possible.

In short, their attitude towards this is extremely ambivalent. It is very likely that they themselves do not understand their own thoughts, and in the end they can only go with the crowd. Anyway, they are not the only ones who worry about them.

There are many people in the company alone who are counting on them for food. Those people may understand their situation better than they do and come up with some reliable plans.

Among them, the person who reassures them the most is undoubtedly Li Menglong. It stands to reason that the relationship between an artist and a company would not be so close, unless it is the artist's own company.

After all, everyone is just a combination of interests, and there is only so much money that can be earned in total. If the company takes more points, the artists will get one less point.

This dispute over interests lasts throughout the cooperation between the two parties, and it is almost an irreconcilable relationship.

But some small changes occurred among the girls, mainly because of various coincidences.

There is an extra buffer between them and the company. This buffer can be said to be Li Menglong, so there is no problem.

An agent that they can completely trust, and who can influence the company's decisions, is simply one of the most ideal situations for an artist.

But the real soul figure is actually Lee Soon Kyu. Her existence is always deliberately ignored by many people. Of course, it is also related to her own active hiding.

She is the real bridge, building mutual trust between the girls and the company!

First of all, she holds absolute equity in her hands, and can forcefully violate any of the company's absolutes, and even let them save money in place.

Secondly, there is the relationship between her and Li Menglong. Although each of them has a good relationship with Li Menglong, this woman is the only one who can accompany him to the end.

On weekdays, with Lee Soon Kyu's deliberate behavior, everyone seems to get along with Lee Meng Yong in the same way. He even likes Seohyun the most, not Lee Soon Kyu.

It's just that once you encounter some difficulties that you can't overcome, Lee Soon-gyu's position will be highlighted as it should be.

It's just that there is no such opportunity so far, and it may not be possible to see it in the next few years. In other words, life is almost all trivial matters. How can there be so many major events that affect a life?

So with the support of these two couples, the girls have one more thing that can be envied and jealous of by most artists.

Fortunately, they are used to this, and can face it calmly, and even feel a little proud of it.

But what Li Menglong brought was not entirely beneficial. He looked extremely hateful at the moment. Couldn't he just let them go?

"Why are you still standing there? Didn't you come here to perform by yourself? Start quickly!"

Li Menglong is just like a customer who has spent money, and his tone is so rude. Is this basic respect for the actors?

But Kim Taeyeon and others can't ask for so much. After all, they will be in a weak position for the next period of time.

They still have to face Li Menglong's comments. Will this man's comments be extremely unpleasant?

It is said that the girls are relatively optimistic about this, not out of trust in Li Menglong's humanity, but entirely because they believe in their own strength.

If it were any other performance, that would be fine, but when it comes to singing, their self-confidence can make them grow a lot taller out of thin air!

Of course, they are not so arrogant that they think they are invincible. They must have shortcomings, but is this something Li Menglong can pick out?

Based on his level of appreciation, whenever he can get some points, he should take the initiative to shut up, because opening his mouth will only make everyone think he is ridiculous.

In order to make Li Menglong feel ashamed, they had temporarily opened their voices before. Even if their physical functions were not up to the best standards, it was still enough to shock him, a bumpkin.

As Kim Taeyeon and others performed with full energy, the whispers of everyone around them gradually stopped, and everyone was immersed in their performance.

From a pure audience's perspective, Kim Taeyeon's performance was indeed shocking. Judging from the minutes of applause that followed, they deserved this evaluation.

And they were naturally very humble and kept bowing to everyone around them. The scene was like a concert.

Especially when compared with the performances of the previous group of people, this sense of fragmentation becomes even clearer.

So the girls looked at Li Menglong with extremely provocative eyes. They wanted to see what Li Menglong would say.

But don't say those threatening words. It's amazing that they really go to work. They can make a lot more money. Why should they refuse?

Of course, this kind of one-shot response is a last resort and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.

After all, they can't make enough money. On the premise of ensuring that their future expenses are sufficient, they really don't want to work so hard, so Li Menglong should give in for once, there's no shame in it!

But Li Menglong said that he wanted to rebel for a while, so what if everyone was praising him, he just didn't like it personally, couldn't he?

Besides, they are not perfect enough to have no flaws, and the three judges on the scene are all professionals. They have seen many big scenes and will not be intimidated.

Li Menglong said that he could wait, so does Xu Xian or Li Eunxi want to speak first?

He was not polite to these two people, mainly because Xu Xian's status was not good enough to take the lead, so Li Enxi took the initiative to stand up.

"Although we are all familiar with each other, as the president of the company, I must treat everyone equally. Can you understand?"

At first, he said a few polite words, but in fact, this made several people on the opposite side a little uneasy. Is Li Enxi going to be real?

And Li Enxi's next words also confirmed this point: "Your performance is too stylized. I don't know if you can understand it. Your singing is indeed good enough, but within the standard framework, it does not exceed my expectations." Cognitive scope!”

Does this make sense? There is indeed a little bit, but really not much!

What is stylization? What does it mean that it is not beyond her scope of cognition?

The performance of those people before was beyond her knowledge, why didn't she praise them?

There is also the so-called standard framework, which is even more nonsense. If there is no unified evaluation standard, then why can they secure their position as the number one girl group?

Instead of causing trouble for them, Li Enxi should reflect on her own logic. It seems that she is the one with the problem!

Of course, there was no need to say these words, because everyone around him had already booed.

Even if they are facing Li Enxi, who holds the power of life and death, they are fearless. They are speaking out for justice!

Faced with the collective resistance of this group of people, Li Enxi rarely showed any expression. After all, she still wanted to save face.

If you can pick out some bones from the egg, you are worthy of the position you are sitting in, and then it will be the turn of those two people to have a headache.

At Li Menglong's signal, Xu Xian took over Li Enxi's position. She was still a little nervous at the moment.

Mainly because the people standing opposite put great pressure on her. Is she qualified to evaluate the performances of these women?

But Li Enxi had the courage to speak. If she didn't say anything, would she appear too stingy?

Isn't it just to comment on these women? She took it as venting her anger for herself: "Well, don't you have any ideas? Why don't you comment on yourself first?"

This is Xu Xian's little trick. It is said that this kind of question will be mentioned on many occasions, and it is often not easy to answer.

Because if you praise yourself, you will appear too proud, and if you criticize yourself, you will appear not confident enough, and you may even hand your weaknesses to others to attack.

Kim Taeyeon and the others are all experienced and tactful. Their answers seemed to mean they said something, but when they thought about it carefully, they felt that they didn't say anything at all.

"Self-evaluation? We put on a show that satisfied the vast majority of people, that's it!"

"Although the performance is good, there are still shortcomings. We still have room for improvement. I hope the teacher can give me more guidance!"

"Do we need to do it again? I don't think one performance is enough for a few people to recognize our strength!"

As several people spoke one after another, Xu Xian shot herself in the foot. She didn't know how to continue.

Fortunately, Li Menglong took action at this time. He was like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark. Whenever he poked his head out, he would basically kill him.

"I admit that your singing is perfect. There is no doubt about it. I give you enough recognition!"

It was still mainly about praise, but everyone at the scene knew that things couldn't be that simple, so everyone was waiting for his "but".

Li Menglong did not disappoint everyone. How could he praise these women for no reason? They deserved it too?

"However, your singing is disconnected from your performance. You are not immersed in your roles. You are just singing and showing off your skills. Although it is good, it is still not good!"

What he said was somewhat level-headed. It was also a matter of nitpicking. Li Enxi just picked an angle at random, but Li Menglong picked what he was best at.

How can the girls retort and discuss acting issues with a big director? They don't seem to have the qualifications.

But this comment made them unhappy. When did singing involve performing?

Even if there was a performance, it would be dancing on the stage, but that was obviously not what Li Menglong said.

His point of view has a certain basis. Some singers will indeed bring their songs into their own imaginary stories to make their singing full of emotion.

It's just that this kind of thing is quite idealistic. To put it simply, being full of emotion is not judged by the singer himself, but by the fans' perception.

To put it simply, the so-called emotional investment is just that. It can be said that the singer's "acting skills" are not enough, or it can be said that the audience's appreciation level is not good enough. In short, everyone has their own opinions.

Now that Li Menglong wants them to immerse themselves in the role, they must be prepared. They have no plans to take this path.

It's just that this kind of thing cannot be explained, or the identities of both parties are here. Li Menglong seems to be doing everything for their good, so how can they refute it?

It can only be said that Li Menglong was really deliberate in order to ridicule them. Could he have been prepared in advance?

"You are acquiescing by not speaking? That's right. You are still young. Don't be discouraged. Although your debut within the company failed this time, you can still make a comeback. I look forward to your progress!"

Li Menglong took the initiative to stand up and applaud while speaking, trying to lead everyone to give the girls a perfect ending.

But obviously not many people want to sell him this face, mainly because his words are too hypocritical.

Even the girls have not successfully debuted. Are their standards for the so-called internal audition of the company too high?

Even if they fail, the people around them will not naively think that they are on the same level as the girls.

Although Li Menglong forcibly praises them, they don't appreciate it at all. Instead, they are very sorry for the girls. They have dragged down the level of the girls...

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