The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3148 Appearance show

Yun'er is still trying to pass on her captain experience of just a few hours, but it's a pity that these women don't plan to learn.

This is very difficult, I believe many teachers will have the same doubts as Yuner.

It is obviously for the benefit of these students, why are they unwilling to learn?

Of course, there is still a difference for girls, because they are already adults and have their own ability to distinguish.

They can distinguish what is the essence worth learning from, and what is the dross that should be avoided.

What Yuner instills in them now is basically classified as dross.

Although it is a bit harsh to say this, it is a fact, and they cannot change it.

Among them, the person who wants to refute the most is Kim Taeyeon, what Yoona said is simply contrary to her philosophy.

What Yuner said inside and outside the meaning is nothing more than inciting the remaining girls to rebel together, this is not good!

It's not that she, Taeyeon, sits at the captain's position, so she blindly opposes everything.

It's that she really thinks that her captain is doing a good job, and besides, these women only want to overthrow her, but is there a plan for everything after that?

If it's just a momentary impulse, then the follow-up will be very troublesome.

She Kim Taeyeon was kicked out, naturally it is impossible to come out again, but is there any essential difference between the rest of the people and the current Yoona?

They don't have any experience as captains, don't laugh at the current Yuner, maybe they are not as good as Yuner after they come up.

In short, this kind of thing must be cautious, Yun'er should have this awareness, why are you still talking nonsense here?

Kim Taeyeon really couldn't listen anymore, she chose to turn around and leave when she couldn't take the initiative to refute Yoona.

Seeing that Taeyeon made moves, and the rest of the girls looked at each other, it didn't seem so difficult to make a choice.

Now it can be said that they are allowed to choose between the current captain and the outgoing captain. It stands to reason that they should choose Yuner unconditionally. After all, the power is concentrated on Yuner at this moment.

But Yun'er, the captain, is too special, the countdown to abdication is almost engraved on his forehead, who would put his wealth and life on her doomed boat that is doomed to sink?

Besides, following in the footsteps of Kim Taeyeon now can barely be regarded as a timely help, proving their loyalty to Kim Taeyeon.

Comparing the two, they hardly hesitated, they got up and followed behind Kim Taeyeon, and the group went directly to the second floor.

This scene had a big impact on Yun'er, it was clearly not giving her face, how dare they do this!

Fortunately, there are still people left, although they are far away.

"You two can stand up a bit more, I really ignored you just now, I was wrong, you are my Lin Yuner's..."

Yuner originally wanted to exaggerate to express her liking for Li Menglong and Xu Xian, but did she get into the drama too deeply?

Li Menglong didn't leave because his room was on the first floor. As for Xu Xian, it was probably because he was afraid that Yuner would not be able to accept the gap, so he stayed and observed?

But no matter how you explain it, it can't be understood as the two people's support for her.

After all, Li Menglong and Xu Xian are not blind, so it is impossible for Li Menglong and Xu Xian to take the initiative to come up with something that even the girls can see clearly.

This point was vividly reflected in their subsequent interaction. Whenever Yoona took a few steps forward, Li Menglong and Xu Xian had to take a few steps back in coordination.

The two sides kept a subtle distance, probably the distance that Kim Taeyeon would not doubt after seeing it.

Now Yun'er was completely desperate. It turned out that there was no one in the team who supported her, so what was she doing before? Could it be that she was treated as a clown?

Yuner's emotions were too extreme under the ups and downs, even Li Menglong couldn't help but defend the girls.

"You are such a clown? You have no memory of what you did before? Do you want me to help you recall memories, such as the one who stood next to you and sang a ditty..."

Accompanied by Li Menglong's reminder, Yun'er's originally crazy mind finally began to cool down slowly, and then scenes of memories kept coming to her.

To be honest, Yun'er feels like she is watching a horror movie at this moment, where did these memories come from, are she sure she can make them?

It shouldn't be, Lin Yuner has always been cautious, this is definitely malicious slander, maybe it was edited later.

"Is this already talking nonsense? I think it's better to call an ambulance and take him to the hospital for examination!"

"You can still observe it for a while. Now it can be regarded as the process of self-awareness. The previous performance is even more terrifying!"

Li Menglong and Xu Xian exchanged views with each other in the corner, but Yuner's "illness" obviously exceeded their expectations.

Of course, artists do have the experience of being secretly photographed, whether it is a program or a fan, in short, it is understandable to have some precautions.

But now they are at home, which is their last piece of pure land, and they still have to think about these things?

Besides, it is impossible for girls to edit Yoona's own memories, this kind of surreal ability obviously does not belong to ordinary people.

If she had to understand Yun'er's state at the moment, it was probably because she was frightened and stupid. She realized the consequences she might face next.

Looking up at the time, it was only a few minutes away from midnight, could she take advantage of this time to do anything to save herself?

If this is Yoona's question, then Li Menglong's answer is: It's very difficult!

To be precise, starting from the company's performance, Yoona has already laid the groundwork for her next situation.

If she could wake up in time, although she might not be completely safe, the degree of revenge she received would obviously be several grades lower.

It's just that Yoona is too jumpy, she will definitely get a revenge that matches her performance!

As for self-help or something, now she'd better stay here honestly, and stop thinking about anything she shouldn't have.

Even if she wants to order everyone, there should not be many people who are willing to obey her.

After all, as long as she survives these few minutes, she, Lin Yuner, will change from a phoenix to a fluffy little sparrow again, so why care about her chirping?

But Yun'er's state at the moment is indeed too pitiful, and Li Menglong couldn't bear it, so he took the initiative to go over.

The moment she noticed Li Menglong's footsteps, Yun'er was so moved that she almost burst into tears. Sure enough, there are still people who love her dearly in this family!

Yuner didn't say anything in return, and he would feel free to quarrel with Li Shungui in the future, but if the two broke up, she, Lin Yuner, would come to take over, wouldn't that be interesting?

"Uh... you want to take over Lee Soon Kyu? You two don't fit well together, do you?"

Li Menglong responded jokingly, of course this was all just teasing, did he not understand what Yun'er meant?

It's just that the little girl can talk nonsense, but he can't agree at will. This is the consciousness that an adult should have.

Besides, he couldn't bear Yun'er's repayment, he didn't think of coming to save Yun'er from the fire and water.

He threw the two coats in front of Yun'er, and signaled the little girl to put them on quickly, otherwise it would be too late.

"What do you mean? Want to watch me change my clothes in person?"

Yoona is still in the mood to joke? Don't even look at it, it's already burning eyebrows.

Li Menglong explained speechlessly: "Put on two more, so that when you are beaten later, it will relieve some pain!"

The simple words made Yuner not know how to respond for a while, is this considered to be here to help?

Lin Yuner had such high expectations for him in vain, is this how Li Menglong responded to her?

Sure enough, men are the most unreliable, Li Menglong should break up with Li Shungui quickly, he is suitable for a lonely life.

"Don't curse me here, you are more dangerous than me."

Li Menglong spoke the truth, and even Yun'er couldn't refute it.

Because the marriage of top artists in the circle is indeed a big problem, especially for female artists.

After all, it takes at least two years for a marriage and childbirth to take place, not counting the impact of marriage itself on popularity.

It would be fine if all these sacrifices lead to a happy marriage, but the probability of divorce for a female artist is also quite high.

There are more reasons involved here, but the most important one is identity.

Due to their own status and income, it is difficult for female artists to find a suitable partner.

Either climb up to a wealthy family, or marry an ordinary person, and the seeds of disagreement between these two families are obviously brewing from the very beginning.

There are a total of nine girls in the team, combined with the marriage status of the female artists, to be more absolute, there will be 100% of them who will never get married.

So Yoona is still cursing Li Menglong here? She clearly should care more about themselves!

Obviously, this topic can still be discussed, and Yuner herself is somewhat interested, but time does not allow it.

Xu Xian, who was guarding the stairs, had already begun to signal to Yuner frantically, and Yuner immediately began to put clothes on her body.

Don't care about whether it's useful or not now, as long as you can do something, it's better than holding on here!

In just a dozen seconds, it was the time it took the girls to walk from the second floor to the first floor.

But Yun'er insisted on wearing three sets of clothes on her body, the outermost one was even a leather jacket, I don't know where Li Menglong found it.

It's fine if he can find it out, but Yun'er still dares to wear it on her body. Is this the collective shortsightedness of the bullying girls?

It's just that Yun'er's mind is completely blank at the moment, she has stopped thinking, and the only thing left is nervousness.

The first person to see was Pani. She was obviously a little distance away from the follow-up troops: "That second young lady, hurry up and meet the captain, and be sincere!"

Pani deliberately raised his voice, which sounded very harsh, like the father-in-law in a costume drama.

With the reminder of "Eunuch Huang", Yun'er naturally ran up, and then saw what is called the real captain.

Several people headed by Jung Soo-yeon were wearing sunglasses at the moment, protecting Taeyeon behind with one hand, and pushing and shoving the non-existent audience with the other hand.

In addition to these bodyguards, she also absorbed Yoona's style before, and the people behind, led by Li Shungui, were singing accompaniment for her.

It's okay if it's just like this, at least Yun'er doesn't think she has lost, after all, she has also innovated before.

But the next thing is the point, Kim Taeyeon is lying on Xiuying's back at this moment, she was carried by Xiuying.

Originally, these expensive bodyguards were enough to highlight her Kim Taeyeon's status, but the "horse" under her body directly separated her from ordinary artists!

Just one thing to say, being carried by Xiuying is really uncomfortable at all!

As a representative of the long-body faction in the team, Xiuying was not short at the beginning of her debut, relying on her two long legs against the sky to attract countless fans.

This body ratio is coupled with a lower weight, and the result is that there is no two taels of meat on the body.

Maybe the image presented in front of the camera is perfect, but only those who have personally hugged it know that the body is full of bones and it is not uncomfortable at all.

It's just that Kim Taeyeon's complaints are also valid on Xiuying. Although relatively speaking, she is a little fatter than Xiuying, but that's all.

At this moment, the two of them were colliding with each other, and with the movement of descending the stairs before, Xiuying really couldn't bear it.

So before Kim Taeyeon could say a few beautiful words, she directly dropped the pick.

"Oh... don't fall down, you should let me down first!"

Accompanied by Kim Taeyeon's scream, the two fell directly to the ground, still using Kim Taeyeon as a sandbag.

Although the height is not high, the atmosphere created with great difficulty has been completely broken.

Yun'er pinched her thigh almost subconsciously, she was determined not to laugh, not even to death.

It's just that she miscalculated this time, she forgot the outermost leather jacket, which was worn by Li Menglong, and it was just a skirt to her.

So even though she was already using a lot of force, she didn't pinch the soft flesh on her thigh at all.

Without the pain as a stimulus, Yun'er was completely defeated, and her silver bell-like laughter echoed clearly in the room.

Originally, everyone was going to check on the fallen Kim Taeyeon, but now they turned their eyes to Yoona in unison.

This little girl is really crazy, it's understandable to be crazy before, after all, she has the identity of the captain as a cover.

But how to understand now, is it possible that she is still dreaming of the captain's dream?

Li Menglong and Xu Xian were probably the first to notice something was wrong, because they discovered the small movements in Yoona's hands.

Is this an accident?

But it's too late to find out in detail, the two of them must do something, otherwise after tonight, there might be only eight people left in their team.

"Hahaha, it's really interesting, did you two do it on purpose?"

This is what Li Menglong came up with, don't let Yun'er laugh alone, as long as someone can help share it, the little girl's sense of existence can be weakened a bit.

The rest of the people, including Xu Xian, saw what Li Menglong meant. Even an "outsider" like him can do this. They sisters can't be as loyal as he is, right?

So for a while the room was filled with a happy air...

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