The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3149 unexpected candidate

Li Menglong and his group are happy, but have they considered Kim Taeyeon's feelings?

Originally, she came out to give Yun'er a bad impression, but now she has become a clown, how does she deal with herself?

She even clearly felt the malice of these people, after all, some of them laughed very reluctantly.

Obviously there is no point in laughing, but I still have to force myself to laugh. Isn't this to embarrass her Kim Taeyeon?

To be honest, sometimes she really doesn't understand the minds of these women. Didn't she agree to stand with her before? Why did she change her mind so quickly?

The point is that nothing major happened in the middle, unless they were ready to do so early in the morning, which is not impossible.

Maybe during the time when Yun'er was messing around, they saw some unspeakable possibilities.

Once she can pull Kim Taeyeon off the horse, the team will be left to their own devices in the future, which can be regarded as a kind of temptation.

Not to mention her Kim Taeyeon's performance on weekdays, this group of people's deliberate revenge can barely make sense.

Although she wasn't reflecting on herself, Taeyeon was indeed a little bit chilled.

They just went to fight, and she wanted to see what would happen to these women in the end!

It is said that the girls are waiting for Kim Taeyeon's scolding at this moment, this is not their perversion, because this is their plan.

Out of loyalty, they laughed with Li Menglong just now, but it doesn't mean they approve of this approach in their hearts.

So they are ready to be retaliated by Kim Taeyeon, as long as Kim Taeyeon is willing to speak out, they will definitely apologize as quickly as possible.

After waiting for a long time, Taeyeon's complexion changed again and again, but why didn't she wait for the agreed result?

Don't say it's because Taeyeon is too generous, just choose to forgive them.

This kind of result is even more terrifying, because they clearly know that Kim Taeyeon is not this kind of person.

Once she chooses not to speak up, they should be the ones who need to worry about the follow-up.

So Kim Taeyeon can whip them hard, no, they begged the captain!

It's a pity that the two sides lack a smooth communication channel. In theory, they can communicate by tacit understanding, but the premise is that both parties have this willingness.

At this moment, Kim Taeyeon is obviously autistic, so she almost wrote on her face not to bother me.

In this case, the unilateral output of the girls is meaningless, and they can only watch the back of Kim Taeyeon leaving lonely.

Don't talk about the girls at this moment, even Yoona, the "former captain", is in a panic. Could it be that she played Kim Taeyeon badly?

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be, after all, I didn't do anything to Kim Taeyeon before, so I have to say that the wronged person is also Lee Soon Kyu.

So could it be what these women did to Taeyeon when they hid upstairs?

Everyone's speculation is destined to be fruitless, but they know what to do at this moment.

If Taeyeon was let go, they would wait in line to kneel in front of Taeyeon's door in the middle of the night to admit their mistakes.

What else is there to say, even if it is to avoid the most tragic scene, they have to save themselves.

"O'Neill, don't leave in a hurry, don't you have anything to say to us?"

"If you say it boldly, absolutely no one will refute it!"

"We're all waiting, just say something."

The girls stopped in front of Kim Taeyeon and kept hinting that she could start spraying. They were all ready to be abused.

It's just that their eagerness made Taeyeon misunderstand again, how much do these women look down on her?

She had been forced to leave voluntarily, but they were still dissatisfied, and they wanted her to admit her mistake and apologize?

They want to trample themselves under their feet. In other words, they don't have such a big hatred, do they?

Isn't it the position of a captain? I really think she is rare for Kim Taeyeon?

"Okay, you don't want to listen, then I will..."

Kim Taeyeon has lost her mind because of her aggrievedness, and she even plans to kneel down directly to these women.

Of course, this can be regarded as her means of resistance, after all, no matter how you look at it, these women can't stand her actions.

But before that, someone at the scene saw the grievance in Kim Taeyeon's eyes.

This person is not Li Menglong, he doesn't have such good eyesight, and besides, he is still mainly watching the excitement at this moment, and he doesn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all.

But Xu Xian has to be too careful. The key is that she herself has never been involved, and she has a relatively detached identity.

In addition, she has experienced all of this, relying on her understanding of Kim Taeyeon in the past, she can probably see that something is wrong.

It's just that she didn't find out the specific reason, but there was no time for her to find out slowly, she had to intervene quickly.

But she can't end by herself, it's not that Xu Xian cherishes her body, but that once she gets involved, the last sober person will be gone, and she has to be responsible for it.

It seemed that the best candidate was by his side, and before he had time to explain to Li Menglong, he just kicked him in the ass, successfully kicking Li Menglong into the center of the storm.

For Li Menglong's sudden appearance, everyone was very surprised, even Kim Taeyeon stopped her original movements, waiting for his opening.

But Li Menglong himself is also covered now, why is Xu Xian so naughty all of a sudden?

Based on what he knew about Xu Xian, this was definitely not something she should do, not even girls would be so rude.

Because jokes also have boundaries, this kind of direct kicking action is more provocative, even if it is better to use hands.

So on the premise that Xu Xian didn't go crazy, it meant that the little girl had her own intentions, and she could explain it to him afterwards.

And Li Menglong wanted to guess Xu Xian's intention at this moment, but it was too late, the eyes of those women didn't look like they were waiting for him.

So now he can only take one step at a time, maybe Xu Xian will come up to help in a while.

"This... I have something to say, you should see it, right?"

Li Menglong turned around while speaking, mainly to see Xu Xian's wink.

When he saw the little girl's thumbs up secretly, he instantly felt relieved, at least the direction was right.

"It doesn't matter if you don't see it, I'll just explain it to you now, what I want to say is..."

Li Menglong paused for a few seconds, mainly thinking about what topic to raise.

Judging from the situation at the scene, Xu Xian probably wanted him to divert everyone's attention, at least not to focus on the original topic.

This is easy to say, but it is not that simple in practice.

Kim Taeyeon is a big bomb, if the topic is not so precise, it will be exploded by this woman every minute.

Fortunately, combined with their previous words, Li Menglong really had some inspiration: "What I want to say is, should I also have a share in this campaign captain?"

Li Menglong succeeded. After the topic was brought up, everyone including Kim Taeyeon widened their eyes. How did he have the nerve to say it?

It is true that fans once jokingly called him the tenth member of Girls' Generation, but that was just a joke, since everyone has different genders, so don't force it into it.

Besides, he is not a member of the team, which can be proved from many angles.

For example, their salary is the share after running the event, while Li Menglong's salary is paid by them.

Another example is that there have always been nine of them performing on stage, and Li Menglong never joined them once.

There are many similar examples. In short, he is not qualified to run for office, doesn't he know?

Li Menglong naturally knew that if possible, he didn't want to make fun of himself, but it wasn't forced by Xu Xian.

Now he can only silently endure the girls making things difficult for him. He asked for it all, so how can he have the face to retaliate?

However, unlike the anger of the girls, Kim Taeyeon's emotions were similar at first, but the more I thought about it, the more interesting it became.

This is because those women are not human beings first, since they are in the first year of junior high school, then don't blame her Kim Taeyeon for being in the fifteenth year!

Every time the girls listed one of Lee Mong-ryong's unworthiness, Kim Taeyeon made a silent determination in her heart.

She just wanted to make these women unhappy before she was "dying".

So it seems that Li Menglong is really an excellent candidate, and besides, she can still lose a favor, Li Menglong should also express it in the future, right?

Taeyeon really didn't want to think about it anymore, because if these women talked for a while, Li Menglong might have retreated.

So there is nothing else to say, when everyone is criticizing Li Menglong, Kim Taeyeon stands beside him silently.

For this woman's actions, Li Menglong himself is quite resistant, because no matter how you look at it, it feels weird.

He was just forced to come here to delay some time, and he didn't think about deeply participating, so can Taeyeon stay away from him?

But Taeyeon was not. Not only did she not leave, but she also forcibly grabbed Li Menglong's hand and held it high.

In fact, if possible, Kim Taeyeon wants to hold his armpits with both hands at this moment, lift him up high, and then announce loudly that he is the king of this dormitory!

This picture is certainly good, but considering the difference in size between the two, Taeyeon still chose this simplified method.

But the meaning has been expressed very clearly, the group of women on the opposite side are completely stupid, isn't this woman coming for real?

"That's right, Li Menglong is the successor captain, you can show your surrender to him now!"

Taeyeon held her head high, trying to keep her tone as serious as possible.

It's just that the picture itself has nothing to do with seriousness. The girls are indeed frightened at the moment, but at the same time they want to complain.

Shouldn't they be the ones to choose the position of captain? Kim Taeyeon can just find anyone to be the captain? Who gave her the rights?

But Kim Taeyeon obviously understands the process better than them, who said the captain is elected?

The most common practice in each combination is to directly designate the oldest one as the captain, which is convenient for private management.

There are exceptions, but they are all the result of the company's intervention. In short, there is no such thing as members choosing themselves.

Kim Taeyeon took a small loophole at this moment, because to be precise, what they are discussing now should be the method used when an artist changes the captain after a few years of debut.

There are very few cases to refer to, but she can still raise the banner: "I and the company agree that Li Menglong is more suitable for the position of captain. Do you have any opinions?"

Directly brought out the company to suppress people, so can the company ignore their opinions?

Besides, don't think that they don't have a trump card here, they backhandedly pushed Li Shungui out. Speaking of the company's representative, Li Shungui should be the more qualified one.

In their anticipation, Li Shungui took a few steps forward slowly, and saw that they were all in front of Li Menglong. Was he going to point his nose at him and reprimand him?

But did Lee Soon Kyu go too far, she has already walked to Kim Taeyeon's side, what does this mean?

"I think what Kim Taeyeon said is very reasonable. I personally voted for Li Menglong on behalf of the company!"

Lee Soon Kyu rebelled directly, which caught the girls by surprise.

What is she trying to do? Could it be that she expects to get some special treatment for herself?

But it's not unreasonable to think so, it's not that he has the most special relationship with Li Menglong, Li Shungui bears the brunt of it.

Just relying on their understanding of each other in the past, they believed that the truth should be that Lee Soon Kyu suddenly fell ill.

Or she simply thought it was very interesting and wanted to participate in it to see the follow-up.

It is not surprising that this kind of urchin-like mentality occasionally appears in Lee Soon Kyu.

But this time it was too sudden, and the consequences were more serious. Could it be that Li Menglong is really about to take over?

The girls always felt that this matter was very unreliable, and were thinking of discussing it with each other, but found that there were not many people on Li Menglong's side.

There were only Kim Taeyeon and Lee Soon Kyu standing there before, why are there two people suddenly appearing now?

Among them, Xu Xian came directly from behind, and her idea was also very simple. Li Menglong completed the task perfectly at this moment.

Whether it is to let him continue to attract firepower, or to reward him, in short, Xu Xian thinks that Li Menglong can be the captain for a while.

As for Yun'er, as a well-known scumbag in the team, she naturally has to watch the wind direction all the time.

The support of Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon is already very important. Considering the benefits of standing in the past now, she thinks she can take a risk.

So the current picture is very interesting, a proposal that sounds unreliable, but it has won the approval of four people.

You must know that there are only nine of them, that is to say, regardless of the opinions of the company, as long as there is one more in the past, there will be no obstacles in theory for Li Menglong to be the captain.

And will this person show up?

The eyes of Jung Soo-yeon and the others are almost running out, because they not only have to observe the situation on the other side, but also be wary of the sisters around them, so how do we break the situation now?

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