The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3147 The idea of ​​equality

Li Menglong and Xu Xian's worries are not based on imagination, they have evidence.

The most obvious thing is the expressions of these "maternal maids". As long as they are in the perspective that Yoona can't see, their expressions are very dark.

The cruelty in his eyes was almost visible to the naked eye, even if he directly pulled out a knife in the next second, it wouldn't be surprising.

As for who to chop with a knife, anyway, Li Menglong felt that he should at least not be the number one target.

But all of this was perfectly ignored by Yun'er.

Among them, there are reasons why the girls deliberately hid it, but more of it is because of Yuner's own carelessness.

She really let go completely, as if she only had a few hours left in her life, and wanted to live every second wonderfully.

In other words, this can't be true, could it be that Yun'er had a premonition that the whole world was going to be destroyed?

The plot in this kind of movie is obviously exaggerated, Li Menglong would rather believe that Yuner was impulsive.

Or she thought she was dead, and the specific method of death didn't seem to make much difference.

It's just that as the vice-captain appointed by Yuner, Xu Xian is still very grateful to O'Neill for his support, and she also wants to repay this trust.

What should she do now, and what can she do, Xu Xian really can't think of a reliable answer.

Whenever she was at a loss, Xu Xian would instinctively seek Li Menglong's help, and he rarely let himself down.

So is there anything he can do this time?

"It can't be cured, wait for death, and leave!"

Li Menglong said jokes casually, but his attitude was very clear. He was not perfunctory Xu Xian, and he really didn't have any good ideas.

It can only be said to take one step at a time, maybe Yun'er herself will wake up, and it is not impossible to save herself in time.

It's just the effect of self-help, it is probably doing useless work.

Lee Soon Kyu sang on the sidelines for quite a while, during which YoonA made various criticisms, but they were perfectly digested by the other party.

This weird scene finally made Yuner a little scared, why didn't Lee Soon Kyu resist?

Even though she is the captain now, it seems that the captain of their team doesn't have such great power.

At least in Yun'er's memory, it seems that there has never been a similar situation. Is this a precedent for her?

If Kim Taeyeon learns from her later, this scene will be a bit strange when you think about it.

But Yoona is thinking too much, Kim Taeyeon is a person with brains, she doesn't want to end up being betrayed.

Even if someone came to sing a ditty to her, wouldn't she be afraid that that person would come and give her two punches?

It is not easy for her to be the captain, so Yun'er should stop instilling such wrong views in her, she is also afraid.

Seeing that her "excellent" experience cannot be passed on to her "successor", Yuner is also very helpless, she doesn't have any basic level of appreciation!

That being the case, she doesn't pay attention to Kim Taeyeon anymore, there are still many good seedlings in the team.

"As the eldest sister, I have to tell you a few words, so everyone stand up and listen to me!"

Yun'er stood up again, she thought that her previous performance was already at her peak tonight, but now it seems that she still intends to surpass herself?

The girls really wanted to see what else Yuner could say, so they all showed face, but this posture was not particularly standard.

Let's just talk about Jung Soo-yeon, with her arms around her chest at this moment, one leg is stepping on the ground and shaking constantly, and her eyes are fixed on Yoon-a, are you sure this is not a little gangster from somewhere?

Yun'er naturally couldn't understand their sloppy appearance, they were all entertainers anyway, could this kind of posture be photogenic?

"Don't think I'm long-winded, I'm doing this for your own good, you should..."

For a ten-minute nagging, if Xu Xian was not afraid that these women would turn their backs on the spot and come forward, Yuner would probably be able to go on and on for a while.

As the "Second Sister" in the team, Xu Xian still has to give face, so Yuner finally switched back to the original topic, she wants to teach these women a lesson.

"One cannot live without hope! No matter how elusive the goal is, you must persevere in it. My today is your tomorrow!"

Yun'er's words were indeed so provocative, did she want to make the girls focus on the captain's position?

The captain takes turns to sit at my house this year?

It is said that this combination of captain rotation has not appeared before, but how should I put it, there is no obvious advantage.

On the contrary, it will make getting along with the team awkward. After all, you have to consider the matters after your "abdication", so should you restrain yourself a little?

As time goes by, this captain is probably just a decoration, which is really not good.

Because the position of captain is quite important, Xiang Xiang must connect with the company and strive for the due benefits for the group.

On the other hand, it is necessary to keep abreast of the emotions of the members, even including the interpersonal relationships of the members, etc. It is definitely not simply domineering.

If all the captains were like Yun'er at the moment, planning to run away immediately after making a fortune, then the team would probably be disbanded.

But Yuner still looks like a captain at the moment, regardless of whether she is instilling the correct point of view, but at least she is for the girls.

Incidents such as doing bad things with good intentions should not be blamed in essence. We must see the beauty of human nature behind it!

The girls don't have any malice towards Yuner at this moment, except for Taeyeon, after all, this little girl's statement seriously threatens her interests.

It's not that Taeyeon insists on guarding this position, but it's also not Yoona's turn to instigate here. Doesn't she know her position?

The time has unknowingly come to past ten o'clock, and the time left by Yun'er is getting less and less, she should feel a little bit.

In fact, Yoona herself also noticed this point, but what she thought was different from Taeyeon, she became even crazier.

If it was said that she used to find all kinds of reasons to torment the girls, now Yuner doesn't even bother to find reasons, and her methods are so rough that people can't bear to look directly at them.

"Kim Taeyeon, go over and slap Lee Soon Kyu!"

This is Yooner's latest instruction, which makes people laugh.

In other words, Li Menglong used to have no concept of the faint king in the last years of the dynasty, but now he somehow found some feeling from Yun'er.

Yoona is just a little bit of power, just for Kim Taeyeon and the others, they are already so stupid and cruel in the "last year".

Once those emperors who ruled the vast land had similar thoughts, it would only be more perverted.

Fortunately, there are strong and virtuous ministers at home here, so Yun'er's "random order" will never be carried out.

Wanting to make them kill each other with a single sentence, did Yun'er really think that she was in a dream?

You shouldn't even have such bizarre thoughts in your dreams, it's easy to get beaten up!

Kim Taeyeon didn't slap Yoona with a backhand now, even if she respected the temporary captain.

So, does captain Lin Yun'er have any other arrangements? If not, they plan to go upstairs to rest first.

After all, they still need to recharge their energy and store up their energy. Seeing that there will be a wave of intense physical interaction after midnight, they need to conserve their energy now.

This kind of threatening words can be said clearly, Yun'er thinks that they want to rebel.

"Don't remind me, I, Lin Yun'er, know everything, including you guys who have been looking down on me all the time, my team leader deserves..."

Yoona started to sob habitually, seeing Kim Taeyeon biting her back molars fiercely.

Even if it's just a temporary substitute for a few hours, can Yun'er stand up and don't embarrass herself as the captain!

To try to win everyone's sympathy with tears, is this what the captain should do?

She shouldn't use the way she did when she was a maknae, it's embarrassing, didn't you see the strange faces of these women around?

However, there are only a limited number of sober people like Kim Taeyeon. After all, everyone is too familiar with their roles in the past, and it is easy to get confused.

Now Li Shungui subconsciously stroked Yuner's hair, and even comforted him: "It's okay, O'Neill will give you..."

When it came to titles, Lee Soon Kyu finally came to his senses, it seems that she is the youngest now, what qualifications does she have to appease the captain?

Because Kim Taeyeon has never done this in the past, they also lack the experience to deal with it.

Otherwise, if you seriously participate in it now, even if you have rehearsed in advance, what if Kim Taeyeon suddenly collapses in the future?

For the kindness of these women, Kim Taeyeon can only say that she appreciates it, but stop cursing her.

She has already carried through the most difficult times, and she really doesn't think her life will be more difficult in the future.

So they should try to appease Yun'er with the mood of appeasing the youngest, it should be easier to bring in.

"That captain, did someone bully you? Let's avenge you!"

"Would you like me to treat you to a supper? Is there anything in particular you want to eat?"

"Don't cry anymore, it makes me very sad to see it, you are our captain!"

If you change the name for the same words, you always feel awkward, so Yun'er should be the same, right?

Yun'er really doesn't know how to respond at this moment, is she going to take the initiative to praise this group of people? Or make a wronged look like before.

It's her first time as a captain, so can Taeyeon give some hints?

It's just that Taeyeon doesn't bother to look at Yuner now, she is afraid that if she can't help it, she will run forward and make a move.

Since there is no one to help, Yun'er can only rely on her intuition to operate: "Thank you for your support, I have an epiphany, as expected, no one in this group should be superior!"

Yun'er spoke so grandly, it was difficult for the girls to express their objection, so they all applauded for Yun'er to say more.

In other words, this is the most popular moment since she took office tonight, and Yuner herself is very excited. Has she finally found her own "road of captain"?

"Everyone in the team is precious, everyone is together because of fate, it would be meaningless to talk about seniority, today I will call the shots, we will all be big sisters in the future, and completely abolish the backward title of maknae! "

Yun'er raised her arms and shouted, and the girls around her also showed respect, and raised their arms to echo.

After all, their identities are youngsters now, since the captain Yoona took the initiative to untie them, why did everyone still carry it?

It's just that Taeyeon's complexion is becoming more and more ugly, Lin Yuner is digging her roots of Taeyeon!

Seeing that her term as captain is coming to an end, so Yoona started the final madness?

But has she considered Taeyeon's thoughts, she said all the good things, how will Taeyeon lead the team afterwards?

Does she also want to announce that everyone is a big sister? In that case, she would be too disadvantaged.

Xu Xian is also dissatisfied. Why is the title of the youngest behind? She is quite happy as a youngest.

Although it is true that some more physical labor is assigned, they also take care of themselves much more than others.

Girls are not the kind of elder sisters who only know to take advantage, their kindness to Xu Xian is enough to offset those little bullies.

At least Xu Xian feels that she has made a profit, and now she is not used to being the eldest sister.

The two people at the head and the tail of the team didn't respond. Judging from the number of people alone, it is already quite a lot, after all, there are only so many people in the team.

Besides, the rest of the women also winked. Seeing that Kim Taeyeon didn't speak, wouldn't they be too excited?

After all, they are not as crazy as Yoona, they clearly know that in less than an hour, Taeyeon will take over again.

Considering Taeyeon's behavior in the past, the possibility of her continuing what YoonA is doing at the moment is almost zero.

So in order to make life in the team less difficult, they still have to keep a low profile.

The originally lively scene cooled down for some reason, which made Yuner very upset.

She quickly discovered the root of the problem, and because she is still the captain, she directly pulled out Kim Taeyeon.

"Say, do you disagree with my opinion? Are you not going to recognize me as the captain?"

Yoona can be regarded as having a little bit of experience, and she pulls out righteousness at every turn, making it difficult for Kim Taeyeon to refute confidently.

Fortunately, Taeyeon glanced at the clock on the wall, and she already had a solution, the most core of which was procrastination!

After Yuner's tossing, there is not much time left, as long as she can delay for a while, her and Yuner's identities can undergo a qualitative change.

So there's nothing else to say, just bow your head and admit your mistake honestly, it's best that Yun'er can use this to reprimand her for ten minutes.

But facing Kim Taeyeon's cooperative attitude, Yoona herself felt very bored.

Why didn't this woman know how to resist? That's not what the youngest did. She, Lin Yuner, cooperated so much back then, why couldn't she learn it?

YoonA wanted to grab Taeyeon's ears to tell her what to do, to let her know how to act as a maknae.

It's a pity that she said big things before. In theory, there is no "species" of youngsters on the scene, so she can only let Taeyeon go?

"It doesn't exist, even though we are all the same age, but I have more experience, you still have to listen to me!"

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