The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 3146 no tomorrow

Although she doesn't have much experience as a captain, Yoona knows how to wink.

This group of women is obviously very dissatisfied with her. She, the captain, has just sat down for a few minutes, and she is going to make everyone complain?

If you insist on saying that these women are not willing to cooperate, it would be a little wronged for them, so it is Lin Yuner's own problem?

Reflection can be delayed a little bit, she has to cherish the time, after all, the captain has a time limit.

At this moment, Yun'er felt that her life seemed to be counting down, and every second was precious.

So she didn't plan to confront these women, she was the captain, she had to be tolerant.

"Ahem, everyone has worked hard today, why don't I, the captain, invite everyone to dinner?"

Yun'er thinks that she has released her kindness, and this is the kind of treat that doesn't require these women to spend money.

Speaking of which, Yoona has long wanted to do this, but it is a pity that she has never had a similar opportunity.

Ordinary people may feel a little baffled, and this kind of opportunity to take the initiative to treat guests also needs to be fought for?

But it is true, as the second youngest in the team, Yoona is not in her turn to treat guests.

There are so many older sisters up there, no one can pay for her.

Relatively speaking, Xu Xian has almost no memory of treats, except for the one shared by everyone, someone will often hand her the bank card to her, and then ask her to run errands to check out.

Xu Xian has long been used to this kind of thing, but Yoona obviously still has pursuit.

Treating guests may seem wasteful, but it is also a manifestation of power. Only those who are "in power" can treat guests!

Although there are some disadvantages in terms of money, the treatment in other aspects is much better.

If you have to say it, it's similar to cannibalism. After eating the banquet, how dare you fight with confidence?

Of course, this article must not apply to Li Menglong, and this kind of morality has almost zero binding force on him.

Besides, this is what he deserves, otherwise, what is he going to do with such a small salary every month?

It's just that it's different from Li Menglong's idea, Yun'er is still willing to join this group, and also wants to take the initiative to take part of the responsibility.

Isn't it just spending money, she, Lin Yuner, is really not afraid of this, earning so much money every year is not just to let herself live a more wanton life.

Now that they have the opportunity to spend money, shouldn't these women be willing to call her "big sister"?

The scene that Yuner imagined didn't happen, the main reason was that she wanted to treat her, but the girls didn't want to accept it!

Although they are now "Maknae", they still have the right to refuse to eat.

"What to eat, I'm exhausted, I just want to go home and lie down!"

"What time is it? If I eat another meal now, can I still digest it at night?"

"I've gained a little weight recently, I'm going on a diet, don't try to tempt me!"

The girls gave various reasons, but generally speaking, they were nothing more than excuses, and even this reason sounded familiar.

Because Yoona has used it a lot in the past, most of the time she used it to disgust Kim Taeyeon and others.

In the end, she didn't expect that the tricks she used would fall on her head one day. Does she have any means to break it now?

I carefully recalled the past struggles with Kim Taeyeon, basically the other party had nothing to do with her.

Thinking about it like this made Yoona very desperate. After all, Kim Taeyeon had been the captain for many years, but she couldn't think of a way to deal with it. What could she, Lin Yuner, do.

But she still wants to try again, because after today, there will be no chance to treat guests: "You can choose any restaurant, even the most expensive one!"

Yuner's temptation cannot be said to be unsuccessful, after all, "sprinkling money" is one of the most primitive but also the most effective methods.

It's just that the girls are masters who have eaten and seen it before. If the same conditions were placed when they first debuted, maybe this group of women rushed over with red eyes.

But they haven't treated their mouths badly over the years. Although they can't eat too much because of their weight, it is precisely because of this that they eat more and more delicately.

So let's forget about similar temptations, if they have the intention, they can go to make an appointment by themselves another day, and don't have to wait for Yuner's banquet.

The strategy failed on the girls, but there were also successes, so Li Menglong couldn't help but speak.

He didn't want to get involved from the beginning to the end. After all, this is an internal struggle between their group, and it's not appropriate for him to be an "outsider" to get involved.

Besides, what kind of role does he want to find for himself, to be a young lady with Kim Taeyeon and the others?

It is said that there are no mixed groups of men and women in the circle. Although they are small, there are always similar combinations.

But the ratio of male to female in that group is mostly balanced, no matter how bad it is, it is only one or two people behind.

As a result, one man with nine women here?

This combination of male and female ratio is too strange, even if the girls lead him, it is estimated that he will not be far from disbanding.

So in order not to hold them back, Li Menglong decided to be honest.

It's just that the conditions offered by Yun'er are too generous, so you can choose restaurants to eat at will, and there is no limit to the quantity and category. Isn't this worth tempting?

He originally thought that he would wait for those women to agree first, and then he would follow in silence.

Who would have thought that this group of women would refuse, because they have too much money, so don't they look down on these small favors?

Li Menglong doesn't think so: "That Yun'er, why don't you send them home first, and I will accompany you to dinner?"

Even though he knew that there might not be any good results after saying this, Li Menglong still wanted to take a gamble, what if Yuner agreed?

It's just that this extremely small probability is almost equivalent to the impossibility of an event, but it also gave Yun'er a step, allowing her to get rid of the embarrassment she was facing at the moment.

She was so aggrieved as the captain, she even took the initiative to treat guests to dinner, but they were so shameless, is there such a thing as a young lady?

It's just that it's not easy to say this directly, because that's what she did when she was a young lady, and it's a logical closed loop.

"Why should I treat you to dinner? Are you also our maknae?"

"But aren't you the new captain? Maintaining good communication with the agent is also one of the necessary tasks for the captain!"

While Li Menglong was speaking, he motioned for Yoona to ask Kim Taeyeon, this is really not to fool Yoona.

Because both the group and the company are a collective composed of many people, if the two parties want to maintain smooth communication, they must each send a representative.

The team leader and manager are the representatives of both parties. They are responsible for conveying the will of the collective behind them, and then discuss effective ways to travel.

If the manager and the team leader were fighting against each other, then the situation would be too complicated, and it might be a sign of collective job-hopping.

Yoona felt that Taeyeon and Li Monglong were not lying to her.

Firstly, the logic still makes sense, and secondly, the time is too short, and the two of them should not have such a tacit understanding.

So she, the temporary captain, would not only please her own members, but even Li Menglong, the manager, would try to please her?

Why does she feel so disadvantaged? It's not like this when she looks at Kim Taeyeon on weekdays.

For Yoona's doubts, Taeyeon just responded with a meaningful smile.

You can only see her domineering side, right?

She, Kim Taeyeon, sometimes wiped her tears secretly, but she just hid under the quilt.

She didn't want her younger sisters to see her vulnerable side, and there was no better solution after talking to them about many things.

It has been much better in recent years. After all, their treatment has been raised, and they have a lot of income in their hands, not to mention resources.

But it was not like this when I first debuted. Many resources really depended on the company to fight for.

Originally, the company didn't provide much resources, and Taeyeon had to come back for internal distribution, so there were too many proper monks and too few porridge.

At that time, in order to maintain relative fairness in the team, Kim Taeyeon did not know how much hair shed.

And this is just one of the difficulties she faces in her captain career, just like what Li Menglong said requires communication, she does not know how many times Kim Taeyeon has to experience every year.

This is not to highlight the greatness of her Kim Taeyeon, but just to tell them not to think that the captain is only good, and only she knows the heartache!

Yun'er has already felt it, the key is that she hasn't seen the benefits since "taking office", and she has been making things difficult for herself, which is not appropriate.

She sat down angrily, and did not plan to respond to Li Menglong's words.

She, Lin Yuner, planned to break up with this manager, does Li Menglong have any opinions? If you are not convinced, just resign!

This kind of attitude of smashing cans really works, does Li Menglong dare to kill the fish and break the net?

Besides, artists really need to be coaxed. In many small companies, the whole company counts on a group of artists to live.

How could it be possible to offend the artist under such circumstances? It can only be said that the relationship between the company and the artist is very complicated, and there are many things to consider.

It's just that neither Li Menglong nor Yun'er would consider these things, and Yun'er's mind is now full of thoughts on how to get back some face for herself.

She managed to become the captain this time, so she couldn't just get down like this, at least she had to leave something behind.

Thinking all the way like this, she unexpectedly returned home unknowingly, which made Yun'er's room for exertion very limited.

After all, most of the captain's rights are still concentrated on work. Fortunately, she has the foresight, and she is still the eldest sister of the team!

"Who is that, didn't you see that I'm about to take off my coat, don't you know how to get it for me at the back?"

Yun'er's words stunned the girls who had just entered the door. Is this little girl too arrogant?

She can recall her second career as a young lady, will someone assign her to do these chores?

The so-called "bullying" by the girls to Yun'er is to make her run errands and the like, which is the kind of chores that must be done by someone, and most of them will follow along.

Requests like Yooner's can be classified as bullying. Do you have to arrange for someone to wash her feet later?

However, considering that this little girl has no experience as a big sister for the first time, it is reasonable to use too much force.

So everyone tolerated Yun'er from the perspective of goodwill, but this made Yun'er go further and further on the road to death.

"Pour water, don't be so sick, warm water is fine!"

"Don't you know to turn on the TV for me? Stupid!"

"Xiaoxian sits too, you are the second sister, why are you still running around? Tell your sisters what you want!"

Yun'er seemed to be a landlady, lying on the sofa and giving all kinds of orders, and tried to drag Xu Xian into the water.

It's just that Xu Xian has a brain, she has to consider the consequences of doing so.

Leaving aside the possibility of the girls turning their faces on the spot, everyone agreed that until midnight, the princess Yuner would turn back into "Cinderella".

Did Yun'er plan to save her life, and jumped off the stairs as soon as the midnight clock passed?

Xu Xian doesn't plan to think about Yuner's ending anymore, it's good that she can save herself now, when those women take revenge, they must look for someone before they strike!

With this kind of thinking, Xu Xian almost kept coming to Li Menglong's side, and he was the only one in the family that could barely be called safe.

Xu Xian is not sure if her "goodwill" has been noticed by the girls, because the seven of them are being controlled by Yoona herself.

In particular, Yoona seems to have eyes behind her back, and she can still threaten from time to time: "The one who makes coffee, don't spit in it secretly, it's all..."

Yun'er originally wanted to say that this was all the means she used back then, but if she said this, wouldn't it be self-inflicted.

Her remaining reason made her swallow these words back, but that was all, the domineering still had to continue, she wanted to enjoy it!

Perhaps Yun'er also vaguely felt her possible end, so she was no longer satisfied with the current enjoyment.

She wants to follow up, she wants these women to think of her when they have nightmares at night!

"Who is that, turn down the volume on the TV, come here and sing me a little song!"

At this moment, as long as Yun'er has a cigarette in her hand, it will look more like that.

However, the provocative words still made the girls look at each other in blank dismay. Could this little girl be really crazy?

They checked their information with each other, and confirmed that the time they gave was midnight tonight, and they didn't say that Yoona would be the captain forever.

So Yoona really doesn't think about the future?

What she is doing now will hit her back after a few hours, she should be clear about it!

The girls really couldn't figure out what this woman was thinking, they could only try their best to control their temper, so as to make the little girl feel more comfortable in her dream.

So under the incredulous eyes of Li Monglong and Seo Hyun, Lee Soon Kyu really stood up and started singing.

To be honest, both of them were ready to sprint before, once Li Shungui opened "Wu Shuang", they immediately rushed to save people.

But this ditty really started to be sung, what should they do now, they always feel that things are getting more and more serious.

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