Girls are no strangers to love letters. With their looks and popularity, it would be strange if they have never received one.

Among them are not only gifts from fans, but also from artists and even colleagues who work together. In short, everyone is very enthusiastic in this regard.

Maybe on the one hand, he is expressing his love for them, and on the other hand, he also wants to take a gamble. What if it really happens?

But so far, the probability of success is still zero.

After a long period of failure, coupled with their rising popularity, there will gradually be no more similar things.

As a result, another love letter has appeared, which makes Kim Taeyeon very curious.

Who received it? Who wrote it again? Will the content be very disgusting?

But the more this happened, the more excited she became. She even planned to read it out loud on the spot. We are all good sisters, and we should share this kind of secret together.

Regarding Kim Taeyeon's attitude of watching the excitement, the girls are very good at it.

We have been sisters for many years, and no one knows anyone yet.

It stands to reason that the next scene should be the scene where the lie is exposed, and they should laugh at Kim Taeyeon severely.

But now they need to buy time for Xiuying, so they can only continue to maintain this lie.

I saw Pani and Jung Soo-yeon working together to stop Kim Taeyeon, while Lee Soon-kyu on the opposite side leaned as far back as possible to distance themselves from her.

She seemed to be holding a piece of paper in her hand, and her expression looked intoxicated, but she didn't know that she was very panicked.

Because she had a blank piece of paper in her hand, it was like she had to create an original love letter, which was really difficult for her.

After all, as she and Li Menglong made their relationship public, she had not received anything like this for many years.

If she just had an ordinary boyfriend, there might be someone who wants to poach her. Lee Soon Kyu's looks are so good here that he can't fake them.

But her other half is Li Menglong. How unthinkable is it to poach Li Menglong?

With Li Menglong's current status and strength, as long as he is willing to bear the corresponding price, there is no problem in banning a few people in the circle.

Whether it is the staff behind the scenes or the popular idol in front of the stage, the difference is just how much he has to pay.

So if you still want to continue to develop in the industry, then stay away from Lee Soon Kyu. Besides, I haven't heard of a rift between the two of them.

Lee Soon Kyu didn't have anything extra to say about this. After all, it's just a matter of reading love letters. Do you want to rely on this to prove your charm?

So at this moment, she could only recall the memories of her youth. When was the last time she received a love letter? Why can't I remember it?

"Ahem, you are the moon in the sky, lighting the way forward for me; you are the signpost on the ground, guiding me in the direction; you are..."

Facing Lee Soon Kyu's comparison, Kim Taeyeon's brows furrowed: "Are you sure this is a love letter? Why does it sound like it's written to your mother?"

Facing Kim Taeyeon's suspicion, the other girls opened their mouths to cover up for Lee Soon Kyu, but there were still a few who watched the fun.

"That makes sense. The other party may have found an aunt to express his feelings."

Hyoyeon smiled happily, but this was inappropriate. Li Soonkyu simply put the blank paper into the other person's hand without doing anything else.

"Then read the following, I'm looking forward to the follow-up content!"

Facing the revenge thrown by Lee Soon Kyu, Hyoyeon just smiled slightly. Did this woman make something wrong?

She was the only one who had not received a love letter, but the other girls still received many confessional text messages.

Although Hyoyeon has not read it carefully, it is not a problem to recall a few sentences at the moment.

"Thinking of you during the day, thinking about you at night, surrounding you in my dreams, looking at you in my eyes, holding you in my hands, and loving you in my heart!"

This sounded much more reliable. Kim Taeyeon immediately hugged her shoulders tightly, her whole body trembling. Is this wording too disgusting?

Lee Soon Kyu really didn't expect Hyoyeon to be so capable. How many similar letters did she receive on a daily basis?

Why don't those people write for themselves? Do they look down on her, Lee Soon Kyu?

Even though she is a married woman, she is not married yet. She can definitely kick Li Menglong away.

But it's not that simple to do this. At least the opponent is better than Li Menglong, right?

It's just that when it comes to excellence, it's not that Lee Soon-gyu is bragging. Lee Meng-ryong did a good job.

No matter in terms of wealth or personal career, it is difficult to find someone better than him, and most of them are old men.

Does Lee Soon Kyu need to find the old man? She is very rich herself!

But once these are not involved, the competition is nothing more than youth and beauty. At this point, there are many people who can compare with him.

It's just that Lee Soon Kyu is also well-informed. Can he be used as a meal if he is handsome?

She is not one of those crazy fans who chase stars. She can observe many inside stories at close range with a relatively rational perspective.

To put it simply, it is not too much to say that the whole circle says that the gold on the outside is corrupted on the inside.

It’s not that artists are bad in private, but most of them are just ordinary people.

Moreover, the private images of artists cannot match the perfection they display in front of the screen.

They are like exquisite porcelain, just appreciate it from a distance, but don't look at it up close, you will be disappointed.

Therefore, among ordinary people, Li Menglong, apart from his relatively ordinary appearance, is considered to be quite advanced in terms of personality and outlook on life.

Even she thinks so, and she still expects outsiders to come over and send her love letters? Isn't that a meat bun beating a dog?

If you have that energy, you might as well focus on the other girls. Although the chance is still slim, it is at least more reliable than giving it to Lee Soon Kyu.

It's just that Hyoyeon's "knowledge" reserve is not that rich, so she can only imitate Lee Soon Kyu and pass on this love letter.

After everyone put it together, it took ten minutes to finally finish reading the love letter, and everyone was sweating.

They were afraid that Kim Taeyeon would discover something, but fortunately they were able to fool them.

But did they underestimate Kim Taeyeon too much? How could she not find anything?

"You have been talking for so long, and all those words are written on paper? Can one page contain so much content?"

This is a good question. If it weren't for everyone's different positions, the girls would applaud their captain.

Why was she looking at the problem from such a tricky angle? Obviously they have so many loopholes, but they just found this angle.

"Uh... maybe it's to save paper, the printed font is very small!"

A response that even they themselves didn't quite believe, and they even began to plan their subsequent response.

But Kim Taeyeon believed it so much, shouldn't she continue to have doubts? Doesn't she think this statement is far-fetched?

But what they care more about is the scenery outside the window. Kim Taeyeon should be very familiar with the roads near the company.

And the other person is indeed staring out the window. Is this another sudden inspiration?


As Kim Taeyeon spoke, the hearts of the girls were raised, especially Xiuying who was driving. She was already prepared for the worst.

If you really get impulsive after a while, you must not bump into anyone.

"Do you... want some ice cream?"

Along with Kim Taeyeon's words, there was a gasping sound in the car, which made her very strange.

Don't they want to eat it? This is a good opportunity. If Xu Xian appeared here, he would not allow it at all.

Just when I think of Seohyun, I naturally think of Yoona, and when I think of Yoona, Kim Taeyeon loses her appetite.

"Forget it, let's kill the company now. I want Lin Yuner to pay for it with blood!"

Kim Taeyeon waved her hands fiercely as she spoke, as if Yoona was standing opposite her.

Seeing this person's attention turn back again, the girls were really anxious.

"Eat, why don't you eat ice cream? I really want it!"

"Me too, whatever Taeyeon wants to eat, I'll treat you!"

“Pick the big portion and ask for the most expensive one!”

Under the encouragement of the girls, Kim Taeyeon was a little tempted: "Are you sure I can eat it? Have I gained some weight recently?"

Holding her belly, Kim Taeyeon reflected quite sincerely.

The girls actually wanted to praise her idea, but the current situation didn't allow it.

So the opportunity to attack Kim Taeyeon can be left to the future, but now can we still care about whether she has gained weight? Eat quickly, preferably within an hour!

But this would be an overestimation of Kim Taeyeon's appetite, since they had already had breakfast.

Moreover, the group of women opposite acted a bit like "green tea". Even though everyone ordered one portion, she was the only one who had an extra large portion.

The rest of the women want to share a small portion among themselves. Does that mean they don't like to eat?

No, they just want to control their weight!

It's just that they have weight requirements, doesn't Kim Taeyeon have the same requirements? She also cares about her own image!

These women just wanted to make her fat to highlight their beauty. This was a smart plan, but she, Kim Taeyeon, is not a vegetarian!

She forcibly distributed all the ice cream to the group of women, leaving only the bottom of the bowl for herself: "Everyone must eat it up, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Who gave Kim Taeyeon the courage to challenge a group of people on her own?

Even though she is the captain, she still has to abide by some basic bottom lines, such as respecting the collective wishes of the team.

If they didn't want to delay, they would have had a good communication with Kim Taeyeon at this moment.

Even though they can't make sense in language, they can still use their body parts, so they can understand now, right?

But for Yoona, they had no choice but to keep a low profile and ate up the ice cream in front of them while suppressing their smiles. I have to say it was really delicious!

Even at the back, Kim Taeyeon still looked pitifully at the group of women and drooled because she left so little for herself.

If you want to ask for another portion, but you can't afford to lose that person, you can only blink your big eyes and pretend to be pitiful, trying to get some soft-hearted woman to give her some more.

But does she have any misunderstanding about this group of women? Is any of them soft-hearted?

While Kim Taeyeon was doing useless work, Yoona also perfectly seized the time the girls gave her to delay, running up and down happily.

After Yoona increased the price several times, the boss of the fish seller also showed extremely high efficiency.

The goods were already prepared within an hour, but the other party was not the one who arrived first.

"Yes, if it's a little higher, what about the lighting effect? ​​You can turn it on for testing!"

Yoona is standing here on the first floor acting as the general commander, and her opinion is needed on almost every little thing.

She finally understood Xu Xian's original pain. Leading a team of dozens of people to work was really not a job for a human being.

It's just that she asked for it. In such a short period of time, no one understands her thoughts. Who dares to make decisions for her?

As for why she can do whatever she wants on the first floor, of course it's because of her "money ability"!

Yoona just spent a lot of money to book the fried chicken restaurant. She didn't need to provide food, she just needed the venue.

Considering that it was not a popular dining time, and Yoona only needed two hours, the landlady just let her do whatever she wanted.

However, even though we are all familiar with each other, we still need to pay more than we should. Anyway, the price of this rental space makes the landlady very satisfied.

She even took the initiative to "rent out" the employees. Otherwise, Yoona would have to do this alone unless she knew the magic of cloning.

As for the current layout, any fan who comes here will find it quite familiar.

Because Yoona hired a team that specializes in arranging indoor meetings, which means she has internal connections. Otherwise, how could she find these people and props in such a short period of time.

There was an exquisite small stage, Kim Taeyeon's human-shaped signboard, balloons, banners, and even a turntable in the back that was being worked on.

When everyone stacked the packages of fish and meat that had been urgently delivered, the scene became more familiar. This was clearly a roadside lottery scene!

The only difference is that this one is more refined, and the prizes at the back are also weird, they are all small pieces of fish wrapped in plastic.

But Yoona no longer cares about this. She has always maintained contact with the girls. She knows that those women will be unable to hold them back.

To be precise, the message sent by those women was "I can't eat anymore." This must be a typo, right? Yoona can understand!

Now that Kim Taeyeon is almost here, she must take action here and must create some established facts, otherwise it will be difficult for her to end it.

Just looking at so few people on the first floor, it is difficult to create a warm atmosphere.

So Yoona had no choice but to run upstairs, and she was a little hesitant.

After all, everyone is working normally. Will she suddenly ask everyone to go down to draw a lottery? Will this offend everyone?

But she just thinks too much. Who would refuse the opportunity to be lazy during work or a great thing like a lottery?

Maybe the only person in the whole company who is depressed is Li Menglong, but does Yoona need to care about what he thinks?

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