The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2903 Deep thinking

Yoona's first choice is naturally Seohyun.

Whether it's the relationship between the two or his understanding of the girls, Xu Xian is the most qualified one in the company.

But after walking down, I didn't see each other. What's going on?

Logically speaking, Xu Xian should be on the second floor. He can't be absent from work, right?

Fortunately, Li Menglong is still here, so she can still come and ask. Do you have to give her an explanation?

"I'll give you an explanation? You don't even look at yourself in the mirror. Are you worthy?"

What Li Menglong said was contemptuous, as if Yoona was a little minion who crawled out from somewhere.

But to be honest, what he said cannot be said to be wrong. After all, in what capacity did Yoona come to question her?

If you are Seohyun Erni, then you should speak more politely. Faced with Seohyun's leadership, don't you know how to accumulate some good impressions for your children?

And once she is a company employee, she shouldn't be here. No matter how big or small she is, don't you know how to report it when she comes in?

Being taught a series of positive and negative lessons by Li Menglong, Yoona wanted to retaliate, but she couldn't find anything that hurt her, which made her extremely depressed.

That is to say, there are too many people around, otherwise Yoona will do something now, even if they die together, it is better than being alone and sulking.

Seemingly sensing Yoona's increasingly impatient attitude, Li Menglong also hurriedly gave a wink to the people behind him.

It is said that there is never a shortage of warriors in this office who want to be heroes and save the beautiful.

In the past, we had to consider the risk of retaliation from Li Menglong, but this time it was an opportunity given by the other party, so we must seize it firmly.

After several people relayed their narrations, Yoona finally figured out Xu Xian’s whereabouts.

To put it simply, Xu Xian was sent out to do field work. As for why Li Menglong is still sitting here, that is another question.

Everyone around them was helpless. It was a "dirty" relationship between company executives like Li Menglong and Xu Xian. How could they know the inside story?

But it stands to reason that Li Menglong must follow, so she can safely let Xu Xian go out alone?

If something unexpected happened to Xu Xian, the girls would not let him go!

"Who said Xu Xian is alone? She went out with a whole team, so I just put my heart in my heart. I will only care about her more than you!"

Yoona doesn't agree with Li Menglong's statement at all. How can he compare with people like him?

How long have they known Xu Xian? How long has Li Menglong known Xu Xian?

They and Xu Xian were women who had slept in the same bed and soaked in a tub of water. Did Li Menglong also take a bath with Xu Xian?

If not, then shut your mouth and don't say this here, she will not be happy to hear it!

"If you say that, then there is no need to communicate. Goodbye!"

Li Menglong decisively chose to see the guests off. He did not want to continue arguing with Yoona as there would be no satisfactory results.

Naturally, he had his own considerations as to why Xu Xian was allowed to go out alone. This was all for Xu Xian's experience.

But there was no need to explain to Yoona, and this woman didn't seem to want to listen, she was clearly here to fight.

As for Li Menglong's uncooperative attitude, Yoona naturally didn't give him a good look. She didn't respond, turned around and took a long step to leave.

It's just that the steps became smaller and smaller, and eventually it even felt like a "space walk", and the whole person was not advancing but retreating!

Li Menglong was about to start working, but he saw Yoona's back getting closer and closer. What did this little girl want to do?

If she insists on deciding the winner, then he can stay with her until the end. It only takes a few minutes, and he still has such a small amount of time.

But the imaginary tense situation did not appear at all, because Yoona's attitude was not very good at all, and the smile on her face could no longer be kept.

If he hadn't been decisive before, his current attitude would be like asking for help.

But doesn't she think it's too late? Li Menglong is not a fish, and his memory lasts only seven seconds!

He clearly remembered Yoona's arrogant attitude before, so he said she had forgotten the purpose of coming here in the first place?

This is even more irritating. The person who comes to ask for help dares to take the initiative to provoke. Has she not asked for help for too long and forgotten the attitude she should have?

Faced with Li Menglong's sarcasm, Yoona really couldn't tell her the pain.

She also hated it. Why had she been so rash before? It was all Li Menglong's fault for bringing her into the ditch!

But how could she dare to say such words? She still expected Li Menglong to help her analyze the psychology of girls.

When Xu Xian is no longer here, Li Menglong is the most suitable candidate, and there will be no more suitable candidate.

If Li Menglong rejects her, then Yoona will have no choice but to go back and face the wall. This is not possible!

After all, this time is really a fatal situation. If one thing goes wrong, there will be no Lin Yoona in the team from now on.

Between money and life, Yoona chose the former without hesitation; but between face and life, she preferred the latter.

Face is worthless. Besides, why are you so particular about this with Li Menglong? It’s not like he has never done something even more embarrassing.

To a certain extent, this was considered to have produced antibodies. Anyway, even though Li Menglong was ridiculing her at this moment, Yoona was unmoved.

Now Li Menglong also realized the other party's determination. It seemed that things were not simple, but this made him strengthen his inner thoughts.

For Yoona to be so willing to risk herself, it would be a big trouble no matter how you look at it.

As the saying goes, husband and wife are like birds in the forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

What's more, the two of them are not a couple yet, so they should fly away quickly and hide far away to watch the fun. This is what he should do.

So Li Menglong was determined not to give Yoona any response, which made Yoona quite angry.

She was begging for help in such a humble manner, so Li Menglong could at least give her some positive feedback.

This would make it difficult for her to step down. Are you sure he doesn't want to consider the consequences?

Yoona didn't say anything, she just tapped her finger at the corner of her eye.

Perhaps only Li Menglong could understand this threat. If he didn't reply, Yoona would burst into tears.

Li Menglong should know her ability. Once she starts crying, the impact will not be good.

No matter who is right or wrong between the two, people around him will unanimously believe that he is wrong. For this, Yoona is very confident.

So is Li Menglong going to take a gamble like this?

How could Li Menglong still be confused about something that even Yoona could see through? Yoona finally won.

"What do you want to say? Say it quickly. I'll give you one minute at most!"

Faced with Li Menglong's bad attitude, Yoona didn't bargain, she had to know how to accept it as soon as it was good.

She quickly told what happened, and Li Menglong's expression became more and more exciting during the process.

Although he knew the beginning, he didn't expect Yoona's operation to be so elaborate.

Not satisfied after swiping money with Kim Taeyeon's card, she actually scored twice. Is she afraid that she wasn't thorough enough?

"So why are you asking me? It's hopeless. Go back and wait to die!"

Li Menglong waved his hand as if Yoona in front of him did not exist. This sentence made Yoona's face become much stiffer.

She had been too caught up in her own thoughts before, so she was subconsciously comforting herself.

As a result, now that she had Li Menglong's judgment, she felt that she could get away with it this time.

The key is that this is not what she wanted to ask. She took out the text message sent by Kim Taeyeon and indicated that she wanted to do it again!

After briefly looking at the content of the text message, Li Menglong could vaguely guess what was going on on the other side.

Although it is not sure who wrote the text, Kim Taeyeon definitely did not reply to this text message herself.

Because even when she was filled with rage, she had to consider the possibility of Yoona going completely crazy.

This is her own hard-earned money, and only she will really feel sorry for it!

Therefore, it is impossible to send another text message to test Yoona's attitude. The risks and benefits are completely out of proportion.

This must be a prank, he could even hear the happy laughter of the women opposite while texting.

But most of them thought that Yoona didn't dare to do anything again, but they didn't expect that Yoona was so brave!

If Yoona really emptied her money, none of those texting people would be able to escape.

Of course, Li Menglong couldn't watch Yoona continue to seek death, even though the other party had lost "half of his life"!

I briefly analyzed the following for Yoona. Yoona was sweating profusely as she almost stepped into the endless abyss!

"No, you are already in the abyss. It doesn't matter if you go further down."

This sarcastic remark was very witty, but Yoona couldn't laugh. All she could think about now was how to save herself.

Li Menglong saw through this little girl's thoughts, so he didn't say a word and let her stand aside and act as a "human-shaped signboard"!

Fans always like to claim that their similar collections are all replicas one to one, but can they be as authentic as they are now?

It's a pity that Li Menglong doesn't know how to appreciate it. He even thinks that his work is more attractive than Yoona. This is not a waste of natural resources.

Yoona didn't know how long she stood here, but someone accidentally bumped into her, which finally brought her back to her senses.

"what's the situation?"

Yoona asked subconsciously, but no one responded to her at all, because everyone seemed very busy.

This scene made Yoona feel a bit "out of touch". She was still helping her talk before, so why did she start working now?

Looking at the time subconsciously, Yoona immediately shivered. How long had she been standing here? Why don't you feel anything once?

The key is that after being in a daze for so long, I still can't think of any solution.

She wanted to continue begging Li Menglong, but seeing how he was focused on his work, she was too embarrassed to speak.

In this case, just let her fend for herself. This group of people is just missing a sister.

She's not Seohyun, she's not that lovable, I guess these people won't feel her shortcomings, she just lives such a failure!

Just when Yoona left feeling lonely and sorry for herself, Li Menglong said from afar: "Remember to use the name of Kim Taeyeon!"

The moment she heard this, the hope of survival rose again in Yoona's eyes. Could it be that Li Menglong's conscience discovered it?

When she turned around, she found that nothing had changed. Could it be that she was hallucinating?

But those words before seemed quite meaningful, and they coincided with some of her previous thoughts.

So what she thought before was correct? Just lack of in-depth thinking?

Yoona ignored Li Menglong and sat directly on Xu Xian's empty seat, holding a pen and paper and silently recording her thoughts.

Soon she discovered a way to survive, and based on her understanding of Kim Taeyeon, the probability of survival on this path was terrifyingly high.

The only possible problem is time. She is not sure where the woman Kim Taeyeon is now.

Fortunately, this problem can be solved. Kim Taeyeon always has people around her, so just ask them directly.

As for whether those women will help, this is not within the scope of Yoona's worries at all.

If you are not willing to help with such a small favor, then everyone would have disbanded long ago. Why are you still gathering together?

Almost as soon as I sent the text message, I received a reply immediately.

It's just that the result is not so gratifying. Kim Taeyeon and the others are about to arrive at the company. What should they do?

She still needs some extra time to arrange it. If she meets Kim Taeyeon now, she will still die.

In the horror of life and death, Yoona burst out with an amazing desire to survive!

Various conditions were given out freely, including past favors and future material rewards. In short, I gave him whatever he could.

It is absolutely true that there must be a brave man under a heavy reward.

Although they would probably be dragged into trouble if they chose to help Yoona at this moment, she gave them so much that they simply couldn't refuse.

Besides, the helpless thing is just to delay Kim Taeyeon's time for Yoona, so the risk is still within the controllable range.

As for how long it can be delayed, it's hard to say. It also depends on Kim Taeyeon's cooperation.

Of course, they are not all doing it for the benefit. They can also see that Yoona is trying to save herself. It’s not good to watch this little girl die, right?

So I can't help you much, but I can't help you with this kind of small help.

The one who took the most action was Xiuying who was driving. After all, the steering wheel was in her hands and she could take any detour she wanted.

Even if she was more cruel and bumped into the roadside, Yoona would have needed as much time as she wanted.

But Xiuying is not so crazy, mainly because she is not confident in her own skills.

When she was learning to drive, she was never taught how to actively crash into a car. If she stepped on the accelerator, she would become conscious.

No one can afford this responsibility anyway, so she can only choose a safer way, which is to take a detour.

However, this also requires the cooperation of the girls. They must attract Kim Taeyeon's attention, otherwise it will be bad if she finds out.

Although there was no prior discussion, relying on years of tacit understanding, they still performed a dazzling coordination.

"Ah, what is on the ground? Who has received the love letter?"

"Love letter? Whose is it? Show me quickly..."

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