Li Menglong was very dissatisfied with Yoona's indifferent attitude.

Not to mention their personal relationship, even at the work level, Yoona should be more polite at least, right?

This is his territory. He came over and called everyone in the office without saying a word. What did she want to do? On strike?

Moreover, the group of people on the second floor also have their own problems. Yoona came here just to be polite, but they really followed her?

You didn't even ask what they were doing, so you weren't afraid that Yoona would betray them?

Besides, what about Li Menglong’s revenge later? They should know the consequences of doing this, right?

In fact, everyone knows it. After all, they all know that Li Menglong's mind is not that broad.

But for Yoona, they are willing to bear the consequences.

Isn't it just working overtime? They would rather work for three days and three nights in a row to help Yoona to support this place.

Besides, Yoona is still here, she is very loyal, she shouldn’t watch them suffer, right?

Sitting alone in the office depressed, Li Menglong felt like an empty nester.

In this case, even if he wants to continue working, there is no corresponding manpower to cooperate with him.

It's impossible for him to replace an entire team by himself. He's not that capable.

So there weren't that many choices left for him at the moment. He could either stay here and sulk alone, or go down and watch the excitement.

Speaking of which, he is also very curious about Yoona's next actions. What does this little girl want to do?

It is true that he gave Yoona some hints before, but did the other party understand it wrong? He didn't let Yoona cause such a big scene.

But it's too late to say anything now. I hope Yoona will fail and be taught a lesson!

Only in this way can Li Menglong vent his anger!

In order to achieve his goal, Li Menglong didn't mind going down to "help". Yoona must need him very much!

If you have made up your mind to hold back, you can't continue to wait, you have to take the initiative!

Originally, he tried to slow down as much as possible to avoid others seeing his impatience.

But after I walked out, I couldn't see anyone anywhere. Yoona's appeal was really no joke. The entire second floor was empty!

If he had been slower, he might not even be able to drink the soup, so he immediately speeded up, but it was already too late.

When he came down, the first floor was already crowded with people.

Although the restaurant on the first floor is not small, it cannot stand the crowds. The entire company is gathered here, and there is no place to stand.

Of course, Li Menglong was exaggerating. If he didn't want to squeeze to the front, the space would still be relatively loose.

After looking around, Li Menglong decisively gave up the possibility of moving forward.

Not being able to squeeze in was partly because he was afraid of being embarrassed. If someone pointed this out, would he still be working in the company?

So he came to the cashier, where the landlady was firmly nailed at the moment.

Although they are all one of us at the moment, what if someone can't think about it?

So it was better to take good care of her personal property. Besides, it was enough to stay here and watch the excitement. She had no intention of going there to draw the lottery.

After all, she was fully involved in Yoona's preparations and knew all about the prizes inside.

Theoretically, through the turntable at the back, everyone can select rewards of different levels, but this is only the surface.

In fact, the prizes are all about the same, at least in terms of value.

The core prizes are a bag of plastic-sealed tuna meat, and the different grades are divided into subsequent "bits and pieces".

Maybe Yoona herself didn't know what those things were, after all, they were all temporarily moved out of the basement.

There may be good things, such as peripherals that they have not sold in the past, some promotional gifts for TV series and movies, etc.

But this kind of stuff is too late to be digested within the company. Only a few can be piled up in the basement, and most of it is just regular "garbage".

What the boss lady is sure of here is that there are coupons left over from the fried chicken restaurant.

She forgot which one it was, but there were a lot left, and theoretically they were all expired.

But since Yoona is willing to give it away, she won't refute this little girl's face. She should just treat it as giving benefits to people in the company.

"Are you sure someone will use it? Even if someone comes to use it, you won't lose money!"

Li Menglong directly revealed what the boss lady was thinking. This kind of coupons would at most make her less money, but she would still be far from losing money.

Besides, the final right of interpretation rests with her. If too many people come to exchange, she can have another explanation.

As Yoona jumped onto the small stage with a microphone, everyone immediately cheered, and the enthusiasm was enough to make your eardrums tingle.

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Yoona skillfully waved her hands to guide everyone to follow her rhythm and not to shout randomly.

For similar scenes, Yoona is really good at handling them.

If someone else came over, she might have panicked, but Yoona's performance was almost flawless without any preparation.

"I won't say anything unnecessary. It is wasting everyone's time. In short, everyone has a chance to win the lottery. Let's try our luck."

Yoona said quickly, not even bothering to explain the rules, mainly because they didn't exist at all.

Although her long career as an artist allows her to deal with it relatively comfortably, she is only an artist, not a writer on the program team.

She may not be able to figure out the setting of such rules even if she is given some time, let alone ask her to make them up temporarily.

So it was better to keep it simple. Besides, she could already vaguely see Kim Taeyeon and the others getting off the bus, so there was no time for her to be nagging.

But the important point still needs to be emphasized. Such a big scene is not just to provide benefits to everyone.

"Have you all seen the banner? All the prizes this time are sponsored by Kim Taeyeon. Please remember this name!"

Following Yoona's instructions, everyone at the scene spontaneously started shouting Kim Taeyeon's name.

Not to say thank you, but just to pray for good luck. This should work, right?

After all, Kim Taeyeon is so good-looking and someone with good looks should have good luck!

The "prayers" of this group of people were too sincere. When she was still more than ten meters away from the company, Kim Taeyeon heard someone calling her name.

"Did you hear it? Where did the sound come from?"

Kim Taeyeon stood still and looked around curiously. Did she meet an acquaintance?

It's just that the voice didn't sound like it was coming from one person, so it was like meeting a lot of acquaintances?

The other girls were too lazy to complain about Kim Taeyeon's single-cell association ability.

It was obvious that a group of people were calling her name.

This kind of thing may seem a bit bizarre to ordinary people, but for girls, it can only be said to be rare and strange.

But the only thing that surprised them was that the location was wrong. There shouldn't be so many fans of Kim Taeyeon in the company.

"Why can't we have it? My charm, Kim Taeyeon's, is unmatched in the world!"

Kim Taeyeon patted her chest and said confidently, couldn't the people in the company be conquered by her charm?

Regarding this shameless boast, Jessica and the others just sighed in unison.

Is Kim Taeyeon too confident?

That's not to deny her charm, it's just that her colleagues in the company are relatively special to them.

Because we have quite a lot of private contacts on weekdays, and some of them have even become friends, so how can we still admire them?

It's not that they are not charming enough, but that in private they are definitely not as perfect as they are in front of the camera.

And as "ordinary people", how many people can they attract admiration for nothing?

We are all colleagues in the company, but just because someone is too beautiful, we admire that person?

This sounds like a fantasy!

But since she said so, let's let the facts undermine her self-confidence: "Ah, what are you still dawdling about? Are you afraid to go in?"

Faced with the provocation of the girls, even if Kim Taeyeon really thought so, she would not be able to show it.

So she was walking at the front with her head held high at the moment. At least, only she knew the anxiety in her heart.

In fact, Kim Taeyeon was already a little desperate, and her bullshit was exaggerated by accident.

I hope everyone inside will be more energetic and at least be more enthusiastic. She, Kim Taeyeon, will definitely not miss out on their benefits.

She took a deep breath at the door and tried to calm down as much as possible before pushing the door open and entering.

But as soon as I entered, I was startled by the huge crowd. Why are there so many people here?

Kim Taeyeon's first reaction was that the proprietress had gotten rich. After all, this was a fried chicken restaurant. Who else would be lining up here besides the customers?

But she saw Li Menglong and the landlady doing nothing over there. The direction they were facing was not the cashier, so what was going on?

Before she could go up to inquire, she heard Yoona's almost bewitching voice on the stage: "I'm just one step away from the first prize. I've got the prize. Is there anything I want to say to everyone?"

The person Yoona asked was standing on the stage asking someone to take pictures. He was holding fish in his left hand and a coupon for a fried chicken restaurant in his right hand, as well as a poster that even Yoona himself didn't remember.

She didn't care that much about it. After all, they had taken too many photos, and it was impossible to remember them every time.

"Well, I don't know what to say. Anyway, thank you, Kim Taeyeon!"

Faced with this sudden "confession", Kim Taeyeon, who was standing at the back, was almost stupid. Why should she thank her? Did she do anything?

And this was not the only one who thanked her. As the next round of lottery started, everyone shouted Kim Taeyeon's name again.

At least at this moment, Kim Taeyeon is their lucky goddess!

Kim Taeyeon really wanted to ask what was going on, but she didn't give her the time at all.

As she was discovered, the atmosphere at the scene heated up again, and there were even signs of getting out of control.

Looking at Kim Taeyeon who was trapped in the crowd, Yoona was also very worried, so there shouldn't be any commotion.

Fortunately, we are all colleagues in the company, and our basic sanity is still there.

The reason why I want to get close to Kim Taeyeon is, on the one hand, I really like her, and on the other hand, I want to get lucky.

You can get the second prize by shouting Kim Taeyeon's name. If you can shake hands with her, wouldn't the special prize be within reach?

Kim Taeyeon is like a small boat in the sea, she can only passively respond to everyone's enthusiasm.

Fortunately, this feeling was not annoying, and she was pushed all the way to the front, and finally met Yoona, who was in her heart.

In order to meet this little girl, Kim Taeyeon really went through a lot, and there was even a possibility of a car accident.

And she did have a lot to talk to the other person, but Yoona chose to give her a big hug.

With so many people watching, she really didn't believe that Kim Taeyeon would dare to take action.

If Yoona was really slapped in front of so many people, it wouldn't seem to have much impact on her, Kim Taeyeon...!

After all, apart from shocking her colleagues in the company, there seemed to be nothing more to it, not to mention that she could make amends afterwards.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon didn't have that much ill will towards her. Instead, she quietly asked about the current situation and what was this little girl doing behind her back!

It's a little difficult to explain, so let's let Kim Taeyeon understand it on her own.

Instructing Kim Taeyeon to stand behind her, Yoona continued her performance: "Please come forward and turn the turntable next."

"Can I ask Taeyeon to give me a blessing?"

Faced with this sudden request, Yoona, as the host, didn't know what to do. When Kim Taeyeon arrived, her tense nerves immediately relaxed a lot.

This is the dependence she has formed on Kim Taeyeon over the years. With the captain here, what else does she have to worry about?

Sure enough, Kim Taeyeon did not disappoint her. Although she still didn't know what was going on here, there was no problem in adapting to circumstances.

"Of course, I wish all your wishes come true!"

Kim Taeyeon tried her best to say something ambiguous, but the result surprised her. This person actually won the special prize!

This is a bit too much. Kim Taeyeon subconsciously looked at Yoona. Is this little girl doing some secret operation?

But this is just looking up to Yoona. Not to mention that they are all colleagues in her own company, so there is absolutely no need to do this.

Just in terms of time, it was too late. She could hold up the stage before Kim Taeyeon arrived, but she was already in a hurry, and she was going to do something shady?

It’s just that the special prizes will be a bit shabby, mainly because they are not on the same level as the previous prizes.

It was nothing more than double the amount of fish and meat, and just picking out the "junk" at will, which made the originally excited colleague feel a little dull.

Seeing Yoona's embarrassed look, Kim Taeyeon knew that it was this little girl's problem.

I can't figure it out even if they hold a lottery. Don't say it's from their team when they go out. We can't afford to lose that person.

But even if she wanted clarification, it would take a long time, so she still had to clean up the mess for this little girl.

"This is just part of the prize. There is also a gift. I will record an exclusive ringtone for you. Remember to contact me later."

With Kim Taeyeon's explanation, the originally declining atmosphere became frantic again. They also wanted this reward!

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