Lying under Pani's bed, the smell of several pairs of slippers was on the tip of my nose, and in front of me were the feet of several girls.

From this perspective, he himself felt like a pervert.

And I have to say that the nail polish Yoona wears is quite beautiful, I haven’t noticed it on weekdays.

Sure enough, there is no lack of beauty in life, but there is a lack of eyes to discover beauty!

It's just that this kind of beauty shouldn't be discovered by him. The person who is praised may not be happy, but the people who hear it will definitely think that he is playing hooligans.

Fortunately, the three of them finally walked out, and Pani was responsible for closing the door at the end: "I will come back!"

Pani's abrupt message obviously made Yoona very unhappy. What is this woman doing?

At this moment, Pani was not so afraid, because Yoona didn't grab her pigtails: "What? Do I still have to report to you when I talk? Lin Yoona, you have to understand your position in the team!"

Pani's indifferent speech left Yoona speechless. Wasn't she clear enough? There is no need for the other party to remind you about this!

It's just that Lin Yoona's status is indeed not high, but is Huang Meiying any higher than herself?

If there was one person in the team that made her the most angry, Pani had to be at the top.

She obviously has an advantage in age, but in the end, she doesn't have the right status at all. She even needs protection from the maknae team occasionally. Doesn't she feel embarrassed?

"They are all our sisters, why do we care so much?"

"Then why do you want to remind me of my status in the team? Don't you care about these things?"

Listening to the childish conversation between the two, Xu Xian covered her ears and ran quickly. She would rather fight Kim Taeyeon for three hundred rounds than stay here any longer.

She was really afraid that she would be assimilated. The thought that one day she would be so childish in the future made Xu Xian feel bad.

The group of people downstairs were obviously not prepared for Xu Xian's sudden appearance.

After all, she ran up there at the risk of falling out with Kim Taeyeon, why would she come down now? Throw yourself into a trap?

You have to know that there are many people down there who want to go up but don't dare. She shouldn't waste this opportunity!

But Xu Xian doesn't care what these women think. She has her own opinions throughout the whole process: "What? Don't you welcome me?"

Xu Xian walked up to Kim Taeyeon. Because of her height, she had to lower her head slightly to meet Kim Taeyeon's eyes.

Whether in terms of the action itself or the momentum, Kim Taeyeon did not have an advantage. She even took two small steps back.

This made her very upset. Why was she so afraid of Xu Xian? The other party should obviously be afraid of her!

It's just that there isn't much evidence to rely on for this idea, and she has almost no means at her disposal that can truly threaten Xu Xian.

Let’s not talk about the official level. When it comes to closeness with the company’s top management, Xu Xian is much better than her, the team leader.

As for privately, it is nothing more than encouraging members to engage in small tricks, such as isolation and cold war.

This method will be very effective for children, but everyone is an adult. Besides them, can Xu Xian not find any other friends?

The last resort is the most direct physical fight, but if there is a real fight, considering Xu Xian's physical condition, she may not be able to fight.

Although Seohyun does not have much fighting experience, has Kim Taeyeon had many fights? She is also very simple.

Therefore, the fight between the two is likely to turn into a physical competition, in which case it seems self-evident who will lose.

In this way, Kim Taeyeon only has the status of captain, but in fact she has nothing to do with Seohyun.

Fortunately, Xu Xian didn't think about rebellion, and he still took care of each other's face, both in work and in life.

Even if she occasionally feels that the other person is going too far, she will choose to communicate privately. This is all due to her respect and love for Kim Taeyeon.

As for the moment, her mind was a little confused, and she didn't think her current behavior was a provocation to Kim Taeyeon.

She just came over normally to ask. If Kim Taeyeon didn't welcome her, she could turn around and leave. This attitude should be considered a good one, right?

But Kim Taeyeon didn't know her subsequent thoughts. Judging from Seohyun's performance at this moment, everyone would interpret it as a threat.

It's impossible for Kim Taeyeon to give in, otherwise how can she lead the team in the future?

At this time, the role of the team members is reflected. As long as one person can wink a little, it is enough to make a substantial change in the scene.

What's more, their team is known for their high emotional intelligence, and now there is simply more than one person joining them.

"Why is the maknae talking to the captain? Don't you know you have to use your honorific before speaking?"

"Taeyeon, don't be the same as her. The child is still young and not sensible."

"Since the maknae wants to come down and sleep, it means that she still wants to return to the group. This attitude is worthy of praise."

The girls consciously divided into two groups. One group went to comfort Xu Xian, while the other group helped Kim Taeyeon pass the steps so that she could land safely.

When Yoona and Pani came down again, there were no scenes where they appeared, and the scene was already a happy one.

Both of them even felt that they were a little redundant. Are they sure they still need to stay?

And there aren’t that many blankets downstairs. Yoona seemed to have grabbed a good spot for herself before, but now Seohyun is sitting on it?

Yoona would not be polite to the only sister in the team who was younger than herself.

Although the two have always shared weal and woe and supported each other in various hardships, it does not mean that there will always be harmony between the two.

Yoona, who is always bullied, will occasionally want to bully someone else, and that someone can only be Seohyun, who makes her her sister.

I saw Yoona walking over with long strides and poking Xu Xian's armpit with the tip of her toe that Li Menglong had secretly praised. She didn't say anything, but just used her chin to signal Xu Xian to make room.

This series of actions is so coherent, and it also reveals a hint of arrogance, but doesn’t Yoona feel that she doesn’t match this temperament?

Xu Xian took the initiative to admit his mistake, and they also accepted the maknae's surrender. How could the other party let Yoona bully her?

As a result, Yoona was roughly pushed away. At first, she was not convinced, thinking that Xu Xian had said bad things about her behind her back.

But the girls had no intention of explaining to her, all she had to do was understand!

It's just that Yoona can't understand it. They are also the maknae, so why can Xu Xian be favored by them, but she has to be treated unfairly?

Because she is young, she has to listen to these elder sisters; and because she is older, she has to listen to her younger sister Xu Xian.

All in all, the truth is told by girls, so how can it be beneficial to them? She, Lin Yoona, doesn’t have any justice at all?

She almost ran up with tears in her eyes. Since these women were unwilling to let her stay, she didn't want to sleep here.

Not to mention the hard floor, so many people sleeping together, turning over, rolling around and even farting during the night, this is a large-scale disaster scene!

They can just torture each other. She wants to enjoy the space on the second floor alone. There are so many rooms and beds for her to choose from.

She has decided that she will change her bed every hour tonight, and no one can stop her!

Seeing Yoona running up, Xu Xian and Pani, who knew the inside story, felt their hearts beat violently. There wouldn't be any accidents, right?

But Xu Xian was relatively calm. After all, she was already prepared for the cutting.

Whether Li Menglong was exposed or not had little to do with her. At most, it would only affect her sleeping time.

But that's not the case with Pani. She still wants to swallow all the benefits alone.

But now Yoona ran up to her. If the two of them were left alone for a night, would they still want to get some benefits? Go drink the northwest wind!

So Pani subconsciously wanted to follow, but was stopped by Kim Taeyeon and others behind her.

"Don't go, this little girl is just pretending, she doesn't have such a glass heart."

"Perhaps you are laughing alone right now, and you don't have to sleep with us bad women."

"Why are you acting like this bad guy? Come here and warm my bed!"

Faced with the girls' various analyses, Pani didn't listen to anything. Now she just hopes that Li Menglong will fall asleep again, but don't take the initiative to come out!

It's just that what happened upstairs has little to do with her. After all, she can't control it.

The only thing she could do was to let these women go to bed early, so that she could sneak up and have a "private meeting" with Li Menglong.

But in the face of Pani's urging, these women had no intention of sleeping at all: "It's hard to get together, of course we have to chat. This is such a rare opportunity!"

"What's so rare? Don't we meet every day?"

Pani's disruptive behavior is a bit annoying. The two maknae rebelled one after another. Could it be that this also stimulated her rebellious gene?

As a strong candidate for the third maknae in the team, she can't be like this, otherwise everyone won't know how to treat her.

So Upani enjoyed some special care, and the downstairs was very lively for a while.

But when the laughter reached upstairs, Yoona spat hard. These women didn't care about her at all!

But it was similar to the expectations of those women, Yoona was indeed not that sad.

If something like this was life-and-death, how could Yoona have survived so many years?

This was just an insignificant bump in her life. Even if she was relieved immediately, there was a high possibility that she would simply forget about it after sleeping.

As for her previous bold words about sleeping in all the beds upstairs, she also gave up.

After all, she has to wake up every hour. Isn't this embarrassing herself? She is not that perverted.

So all you need to do now is to choose a suitable room to rest, and what else can you do than...

Yoona was supposed to go back to her room to rest, but she subconsciously walked into Pani's room. Maybe it was because of the various details before?

She herself was a little confused, but since she was here, she would search carefully to avoid having trouble sleeping.

I searched the room carefully and found nothing wrong.

This makes Yoona very upset. Is her sixth sense not working? It shouldn’t be!

Yoona's instinct tells her that there should be a shocking secret here, but everything seems to be normal, so what is the problem?

There must be some details that she overlooked, and they looked extremely abnormal.

After thinking about it for a long time, there was no good idea. Yoona planned to spin it twice more, just in case she got some inspiration.

When her feet successfully stepped on the slippers, she finally realized where the problem was.

Before they left, they kicked their slippers under the bed.

The reason Pani gave at the time was that bare feet were more comfortable, but now it seems that this reason is really full of loopholes.

And the most important thing is that the slippers that were originally piled in a mess under the bed were neatly placed beside the bed when all the girls were downstairs.

This shows what? It shows that there is an extra person upstairs who is not among the girls!

At least at this moment, many horror movie clips flashed through Yoona's mind.

And as artists, they are indeed in danger of being invaded by fans. Thinking that their every move is being watched, Yoona gets goosebumps.

She didn't dare to scream at the moment, what if the man went completely berserk?

So her choice was to walk slowly downstairs, pretending that she didn't see anything and that she wanted to join the large army.

It's just that she doesn't look at her staggering steps. Who can she deceive?

"Why are you leaving? Don't you have anything to talk to me about?"

When the sound came from behind, Yoona immediately sat on the ground and subconsciously wanted to shout for help.

Fortunately, Li Menglong quickly covered the other person's mouth with his eyes and hands. Why was this little girl in such a hurry to call someone?

You can definitely discuss the conditions first. When the two of you can't reach an agreement, it's still time to call someone.

And I don’t know if it was his imagination, but Yoona in his arms seemed to be shaking violently.

Although he didn't know what the misunderstanding was, he still wanted to provide enough support for Yoona, so he patted her head gently: "I will always be by your side, don't be afraid!"

Li Menglong thought that these actions and lines were comforting, but to Yoona's senses, this was definitely a pervert, maybe even a perverted murderer.

Now she didn't dare to move even more, she was also afraid of irritating the other party.

She kept reminding herself to stay calm and to put her own safety first at this time.

Seeing that his "comfort" had an effect, Li Menglong slowly let go of his hand and tried to communicate effectively with Yoona.

"Just say what you want!"

These words actually came out of Yoona's mouth. Li Menglong didn't know how to respond for a moment, because he shouldn't have said these words. Did Yoona get the wrong script?

Perhaps because she didn't wait for the other party's response, Yoona decided to increase the pressure again: "Don't be impulsive, I can give you money."

" much can you give?"

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