The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2893 Extravagance and Wastefulness

This person only robs wealth, not sex?

Yoona really just said that afterward, not thinking that the other party would agree.

In her own opinion, the other party must be here for her. After all, her charm lies here, and it won't work if she doesn't admit it.

But the reality gave Yoona a heavy blow. Before she even gave out the specific number, the other party was already attracted?

Her charm, Lin Yoona, can be measured in money?

Although this was a good thing for safety, Yoona just couldn't be happy.

And with this response as a buffer, Yoona's sanity gradually recovered and she realized a lot of common sense.

For example, they are high-level people. It should be difficult for ordinary people to climb in from the outside, right?

And if the other party lurked in in advance, why did it take so long to take action? Where have you been hiding before?

After having this doubt, all the previous details were instantly correct. The other party must be hiding under Pani's bed.

So does Pani know the other party’s existence?

If you don't know, then why didn't the other party take action against Pani? Could it be that you don’t like Pani’s looks?

Although Yoona is very confident in her beauty, she is not arrogant. Pani is a charming beauty in every aspect.

Occasionally after washing up, when she saw it, she couldn't help but go over and touch it twice. How could a grown man have such self-control?

If Yoona could be given a few more minutes to think, she might be able to deduce the whole story.

But Li Menglong was also anxious. Didn't he agree to give him money?

Although he didn’t know what Yoona was thinking, he had already handed over the money and there was no way he wouldn’t want it.

And seeing that he was about to be blackmailed by Pani and Yoona, he could get some money back for himself in advance.

"I don't want too much, one million, that's not much, right?"

Li Menglong's asking price is indeed extremely cautious. It cannot be said that it is not much, but rather pitifully little.

If Yoona was kidnapped one day, and the kidnapper only wanted one million, the police might think she was joking.

As one of the most popular female artists today, Yoona's net worth is destined to be in the hundreds of millions.

If you ask for a million dollars, who are you looking down on?

She, Lin Yoona, has never received such a worthless offer since her debut!

This kind of offer is even a kind of humiliation to her!

"Ah, are you kidding me? If it's 100 million less, don't talk to me here!"

Faced with Yoona's opposition to being a customer, Li Menglong was at a loss as to what to do. Is this considered reverse bargaining?

I have to say that it makes sense for the store to be willing to accept celebrities. These are really a bunch of swindlers, and the money is too good to make.

Since Yoona said so, Li Menglong was no longer polite: "Okay, do you think one billion is an appropriate number?"

"It's still a little. After all, I've been famous for so many years, and I've saved more than that. I'll add some more!"

"Uh... I think that's all there is. I'd be too embarrassed to take any more!"

Li Menglong was a little scared, because judging from Yoona's words, it seemed that the other party was joking with him?

When he realized this, it was already too late. Yoona slapped his hand away, turned around angrily, and saw Li Menglong's familiar face.

At this moment, Yoona was completely angry. She was both scared and dissatisfied with herself. She was actually frightened by such a simple method.

If it wasn't embarrassing enough to say it, she would definitely not admit it!

Fortunately, Li Menglong's reaction was normal and he seemed to have found nothing. Then Yoona had to maintain her strong image.

"In addition, you shouldn't know better than me how much savings I have. My salary is all paid through your hands!"

Yoona said sarcastically, her hands never stopping, and she kept pushing Li Menglong's chest.

Li Menglong was undoubtedly passive at this moment. He didn't know why this little girl was so angry.

Is it because his initial bid was too low? Isn't that a bit too hasty? You can totally change the reason.

His back hit the wall, and he had no choice but to bend his arms to protect the vital parts of his upper body.

It was impossible for him to fight back, otherwise Yoona would be done with just a slight roar.

As Yoona's manager, he has no doubts about this little girl's professional abilities.

Yoona's singing skills may not be outstanding among the team, but among the new generation groups, she can already compete as the lead singer.

So playing a high note or something is relatively easy for this little girl, so can she start negotiating terms?

Li Menglong has been waiting for Yoona to speak, all because of his understanding of Yoona.

If a girl came across from him at this moment, he might just accept his fate, but Yoona did have the possibility of being accommodating.

It's just that Yoona is thinking about revenge at the moment. She even pretended to be a "crazy man" to scare him. Li Menglong is becoming more and more capable!

However, this reason cannot be stated directly, otherwise it will definitely encourage the other party's arrogance.

"What? I have a problem with touching you twice. How can a grown man be afraid of this?"

Yoona turned into a pervert at this moment, touching Li Menglong up and down.

Not to mention, even though they have seen many handsome guys with good figures in their daily life, there are no people who can actually let them get to know each other.

There is nothing to say about Li Menglong's figure. Although the muscles he has developed are more attractive to the same sex, Yoona still feels a sense of accomplishment if he touches her occasionally.

Although he didn't blush because of these two interactions, Li Menglong didn't want to be stuck in a corner by a little girl who kept teasing him.

Besides, who taught her this routine? Not letting your children learn something good is not misleading the children.

"Huh, can't you stand this? When you touched me before, why didn't you think about my feelings?"

Yoona's words left Li Menglong completely speechless. Although there were no witnesses around, everyone still had to pat their consciences when speaking.

Why did he attack Yoona? Isn’t this just out of thin air to taint someone’s innocence?

If he was not given an explanation today, Li Menglong would rather blow himself up on the spot than let Yoona have an easy time.

When Li Menglong opened his eyes, Yoona was still a little scared, but then she straightened up her chest.

how? Want to fight? Besides, what she said was all true, so why should Li Menglong not admit it?

"You patted my head, right? When you were hiding under the bed, you peeked at my feet and moved my slippers. What's the name of "hands on"?"

Yoona gave her own evidence, and it seemed that she could make sense?

Although Li Menglong has reasons to defend himself, is there any point?

Seeing that Li Menglong gave in, Yoona was very proud. He, Li Menglong, is also today?

After expressing her depression, Yoona began to think about asking for benefits.

There is still no problem with Li Menglong's understanding of her. She is indeed someone who can be bribed, but only if the benefits are sufficient.

But when Yoona was thinking, she keenly noticed that Li Menglong was staring at her feet. What was he doing? Are you starting to get weird again?

In order not to accuse the other party unjustly, Yoona moved the position of her feet slightly, and sure enough, Li Menglong's head was also moving.

This time she was really caught. Although she was a little shy, Yoona was still strong: "Where are you looking? Do you know that your current behavior is enough to be shot several times?"

"Don't worry, if the day comes, I won't bother you to do it."

Li Menglong answered calmly, and then continued: "Your nail polish is very nice, where did you buy it?"

Facing Li Menglong's inquiry, Yoona couldn't keep up with the other person's thinking for a while. Could this be an excuse he came up with at the last minute?

"Why should I tell you? What do you want to do? You are not so perverted that you want to apply it on your lips, and then make a couple version with me!"

Yoona protected her chest with her hands and pinned her feet back and forth, trying to avoid Li Menglong's eyes and not give him any chance to take advantage.

But this action was really too artificial, and Li Menglong felt disgusted just looking at it.

Are you sure the other party didn't say anything wrong? Even if he wants to buy nail polish, why should he put it on his lips?

This behavior sounds very abnormal. Where did Yoona see something that shouldn't be there?

In order to avoid a bigger misunderstanding, he could only explain: "I want to give it to Xiaoxian. She has been working really hard with me recently. I have to express my gratitude, right?"

What Li Menglong said was very sincere, and this was indeed what he was saying. Of course, he did not deny that he appreciated it to a certain extent, but this was not a shameful behavior, right?

Yoona frowned after hearing this, mainly because she couldn't tell whether Li Menglong's words were an excuse.

If he was easily deceived, wouldn't he be at a disadvantage?

So Yoona chose to retreat and ignore this topic for the time being: "Xiaoxian is busy with you, so you just give her a bottle of nail polish? Are you embarrassed?"

"This is not an ordinary nail polish, it is the same style as that of the famous star Lin Yoona. I believe the person who receives it will be very happy, right?"

Li Menglong complimented Yoona a little and told the truth to a certain extent.

If he could give this gift to his fans, it would indeed please them, and it would be even better if he could include some photos as proof.

But when it comes to Seohyun specifically, it seems to be the same style as Yoona, so this is not a prefix worthy of extra points.

However, Li Menglong also had his own ideas. Based on the relationship between the two of them, if he had to give some expensive gifts, it seemed that he would be a little out of touch.

Especially since there was already a similar bad atmosphere in the team. He had refused many times when these women tried their best to buy him expensive clothes.

But every time the girls didn't take it seriously, he could only passively refuse in his own way.

For example, deliberately "ruining" those clothes in front of them, just to get them to change this bad habit.

So Li Menglong also has to start from himself, otherwise everyone will go back and forth, and the little money he earns will not be enough to give each other gifts.

It is a huge problem for any man to find a gift that is not expensive but also innovative.

Especially since Li Menglong had to deal with nine women at the same time, no matter how much inspiration he had, he would have been exhausted long ago.

So when he accidentally saw Yoona's toenails, he immediately realized that this was really a good gift.

And with Yoona's aesthetics as an endorsement, Seohyun should also like it.

It was perfect in every aspect, and Li Menglong admired his keen observation skills.

I just didn’t expect that Yoona’s opinion here was a bit big, and she also misunderstood him. This needs to be explained clearly.

Faced with Li Menglong's statement, Yoona actually believed it. Whether it was the logic itself or personal understanding, it was indeed something he could do.

But understanding does not mean that you can accept it. Using the information she provided to please another girl, even if the other girl is your good sister, is still disgusting.

"Tch, forget it if you don't tell me. I'll look for it myself, and I'll definitely find someone prettier than you!"

Li Menglong also had a rare moment of arrogance. It was really such a trivial matter that was not worth going to war.

If he can't buy "Lim Yoona's same style", can't he buy "Kim Taeyeon's same style"?

With so many people in the team, I don’t believe that no one would tell him that he didn’t have to hang himself on a tree like Yoona.

Yoona is obviously aware of this. Rather than letting Li Menglong ask others, she might as well get some benefits herself.

After all, she had "provided" such precious advice, so Li Menglong couldn't say nothing at all.

"I can tell you, but what can you give?"

"What do you think I can give for a nail polish brand name?"

Li Menglong laughed when he answered. This girl is really crazy about money. She doesn't think that she can blackmail him, right?

Yoona also felt that she was naive. The people standing opposite were not those wealthy women, but the extremely stingy Li Menglong.

In other words, if they were sisters, because they liked someone's item, they might really pay a price that far exceeds the actual value.

But Li Menglong obviously had no such plan, and Yoona was forced to recognize the reality. Fortunately, this was just the first step of her threat.

Don't forget what the scene is like at this moment. If Li Menglong still wants to sleep well at home, he must show some sincerity, but don't try to fool him.

"How could that be? I've always been sincere."

Li Menglong first labeled himself a wave, and then he held his chin and said slowly: "What do you think about me giving you a few days of special leave? When others are at work, you can move around freely."

Within the scope of his rights, Li Menglong gave what he thought was a relatively good condition.

Yoona was indeed a little tempted, but she quickly calmed down because there was evil intention in this condition!

Those women are working and she is resting by herself?

This is to kill her, Lin Yoona!

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