The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2891 Understand by yourself

Opening your eyes can see Pani's face, which is undoubtedly a very happy thing.

Even for Li Menglong, they should be cherished, especially this "limited edition" expression.

At this moment, Pani was lying on the ground with her head tilted, her chubby cheeks were pressed into a ball of dough, her mouth was pouted, and her cuffs had been wetted with crystal saliva.

It's not that Li Menglong has never seen Pani sleeping, but he really didn't expect to see this kind of scene sleeping next to him when he opened his eyes.

And Pani is really naive at the moment. If only she could be a few years younger, Li Menglong might kiss her.

But let's forget it now. Pani didn't even choose to expose him, but he still wanted to retaliate against his past indecent behavior? That's so inhuman.

And there is another thing to say, saliva may not feel like something in your imagination, but when it actually appears in front of you, you will feel a little disgusted with it inexplicably.

But how could Li Menglong think about this now? What he was more curious about was what was going on outside at the moment?

Pani couldn't have come here to persuade him to stop, right? There were police outside... Girls, he was already surrounded?

But this doesn’t make sense. If this is really the case, then why is Pani sleeping here in this position at the moment?

Li Menglong tried his best but couldn't think of a reason. In this case, just ask the other party. There is nothing to hesitate about.

He gently pulled Pani a few times, using as little force as possible. As for the way of touching, it was also through the pulling of clothes.

It's not that he wants to avoid suspicion, he's just afraid that his actions will cause Pani to misunderstand. Now he is considered to be in the enemy camp, so he must be careful at all times.

Any possible sound will put him in a desperate situation, and he cannot be careless!

But is Pani’s sleep quality a bit too good? After waiting for a while, there was no intention of waking up.

This made Li Menglong admire her very much. It seems that this environment should not allow her to sleep so peacefully. Isn't she afraid that someone will come to find her?

Sure enough, whatever he was afraid of came, Li Menglong just turned this idea around in his mind, and then he immediately heard footsteps in the corridor.

He subconsciously held his breath. Although it was futile to do so, there was really not much he could do.

And this time he learned well. Since he has the potential of a crow's mouth, he can't do it the other way around, for example, expecting the other party to walk in.

But this time, whatever he hoped for came, and Li Menglong couldn't wait to give him a slap in the face.

But this action can be left to the future. Every second now determines his future survival, but there is not much time left for him.

In this flash of lightning, the only thing he could do was to give Pani a kick!

This is not revenge on Pani. There is no irresolvable hatred between him and Pani. The relationship between the two of them is very good.

The reason why he wanted to kick the opponent was to wake him up. To ensure the effect, he had to increase his strength.

The second purpose is to let Pani slide farther away, so that no one who comes in will realize that there is a problem under the bed.

In a hurry, Li Menglong could only do so much, and the next step would be to test Pani's ability to adapt to changes.

There was no need for her to curse after waking up. As long as she subconsciously glanced under the bed, Li Menglong felt like he was going to die.

He can only pray for Pani now, please be more diligent about this little girl!

Fortunately, Pani did not betray the trust of the other party, but she did not do it intentionally, it was all her passive "skills".

As artists, they often appear in the camera.

Whenever a camera is focused, the whole person will become nervous, but this state cannot be maintained for a long time, otherwise people will not be able to bear it.

Therefore, they have developed the ability to quickly enter the state. No matter how big an accident occurs, they must control their expressions and demeanor immediately.

Pani's eyes widened at this moment, looking like I was very energetic and not sleeping. She even straightened her hair. Did she want to show off her beauty?

"Well, Unnie, if you could wipe the saliva from the corner of your mouth, I will definitely be fascinated by your appearance."

Faced with Xu Xian's complaints, Pani inevitably blushed a little, but it was just for a moment, because she felt the pain on her hip bone. Was she being pressed down by a ghost?

She struggled to get up while holding on to her waist, and during the process of rising, she saw Li Menglong's begging for mercy under the bed.

This scene almost made her cry out. Why was there suddenly a big living person under her bed?

Fortunately, Pani only had a short-term memory loss after waking up, and a few seconds were enough for her to wake up.

Although no specific decision has been made on how to deal with Li Menglong, one thing is certain, that is, the secret must be firmly in his own hands.

In this way, she can move forward and retreat freely:

If you go in, you can report it to the girls and get everyone's thanks; if you go out, you can negotiate terms with Li Menglong. This should not be a small benefit, right?

After having the basic direction, it was time for Pani to perform: "I'm a little sleepy. Come up and take a rest. Were you sent to find me by them?"

"Is that so? I think their behavior of guarding Li Menglong downstairs is very redundant. If he has any brains, he probably won't come back, right?"

Why did Xu Xian's words seem to be wrong? It seems that she can't tell it to herself. Is it her misunderstanding?

But Pani didn't pay too much attention: "Who cares where he is, by the way, are you sure you don't want to go down and sleep together? Taeyeon and the others will be sad."

Pani was originally happy to see Seohyun's resistance come to fruition. Although she was considered a proper "royalist" in the team, she often felt that the captain Kim Taeyeon was not that reliable.

She just needs someone to come out and teach her a lesson. As for whether this person is Li Menglong, Xu Xian, or someone else, it doesn't matter, as long as it's not Huang Meiying.

But it can't be done now. Her "wealth" is hidden upstairs. Since she wants to monopolize the benefits, she has to pay something.

Pani was nagging a lot at the moment, from persuasion to threats, from personal feelings to collective responsibility. In short, Xu Xian was stunned.

Xu Xian knew exactly what Pani was going to do, she even knew it earlier than Pani.

Speaking of which, she helped close the door to Pani's room before, and kicked Li Menglong's extra clothes in.

As for why he didn't wake up Li Menglong directly, it was mainly because Xu Xian didn't have any better way to deal with it.

You have to come up with a solution after waking him up. Is it possible to ask him to take the initiative to surrender below?

Thinking about it, that scene would be extremely noisy, so it’s better to just let him hide here.

It just so happened that the girls didn't plan to come up to rest, so everyone had a temporary bed swap. This should be considered a good ending, at least it was quiet enough.

So she just opened the door and came in, actually to cover Li Menglong, but she didn't expect that Pani would protect this person.

Xu Xian didn't want to know at all about the unspeakable evil between the two.

Even if Li Menglong promised huge benefits, she would not be tempted.

Since Pani plans to take the initiative to take care of this matter, Xu Xian is also happy to be quiet.

Although she felt that it would be a bit noisy to rest, at least the risk was avoided. Once something went wrong on Li Menglong's side, she could say that she didn't know anything.

"Okay, I'm just trying to save face for Unnie, but it doesn't mean I'm afraid of Kim Taeyeon!"

"Of course, I understand. Among all the sisters, you are the one I like the most."

Seeing that the two of them had reached an agreement, Li Menglong was about to save a "dog life", but things turned out to be twists and turns.

"Your favorite sister is Xu Xian? Didn't you always say it was me before? You are such a heartless man, and you actually did this behind my back. Am I, Lin Yoona, your spare tire?"

After hearing Yoona's complaint full of resentment, the three people in the room sighed subconsciously.

It's just that Li Menglong's sigh was a little louder, which made Pani very nervous.

In order to prevent Xu Xian from noticing anything was wrong, Pani simply turned around and jumped on the bed.

Although this didn't seem to solve Xu Xian's suspicion, Pani really couldn't think of any good solution.

Fortunately, Xu Xian seemed to have been diverted by her, and what did the smile on the corner of his mouth mean? Why does it feel like I'm just watching the excitement?

Pani quickly "clarified" the problem. Did Xu Xian think that Yoona would come to trouble her? Will she be unable to explain what she said before?

Although this can barely be regarded as a problem, compared with the bomb under the bed, it can't be easier.

As she spoke, Yoona had already rushed from the corridor to the door. She wanted to see what the two women were going to say to her.

But she stopped at the door, mainly because the two women didn't seem to be in the right state.

The movements alone are a bit strange. Why is Pani sitting on the bed talking to Xu Xian?

As for the intuitive level, she was even more alert. She instinctively felt that there was a big conspiracy in this room!

Seeing Yoona entering a state of inquiry, Pani's heart suddenly rose again. Did this little girl find any clues?

She couldn't lower her head to check Li Menglong at this moment, so she could only shake the mattress vigorously to remind him.

Little did he know that her actions would only focus Yoona's attention here. Is she definitely trying to hide it? Instead of reminding Yoona?

Xu Xian couldn't stand it anymore. Of course, it didn't matter if Yoona found out. After all, she was easy to bribe, especially for Li Menglong.

But Seohyun really doesn’t want any more accidents to happen. Only Yoona is here now, but will the rest of the people come up next?

So now she can only help Pani in a subtle way, otherwise Unnie's secret will be revealed to the world - Huang Meiying actually raises a man in the dormitory!

This title alone was enough to make Pani a hot search last month. As for the content, is it important?

After all, Xu Xian has been chronically ill for so many years.

Once she considers a career change, it seems that being a tabloid reporter would be a good idea.

Not only is she familiar with reporting routines, the key is that she has internal connections, so she might become a big reporter.

But before becoming a reporter, she still helped resolve disputes within the team, which was very annoying!

"Ahem, are you here to persuade me too? As for everyone coming here, if Kim Taeyeon is dissatisfied with me, you can ask her to come up on her own and we can explain it face to face!"

Xu Xian said slightly abruptly, with a very serious expression on his face, successfully attracting Yoona's attention.

Yoona's smart mind immediately started to work, and she instantly figured out what happened before.

Pani probably came here to persuade Xu Xian to go down, maybe under the banner of team unity.

This kind of slogan undoubtedly disgusted Seohyun, and Seohyun also identified the mastermind behind the scenes as Kim Taeyeon.

Because if the other party hadn't forced them, Pani and Yoona wouldn't have come up one after another. From this point of view, it makes sense.

Although there are still many loopholes in this logic, Yoona came up with it herself. How could she doubt her own ideas?

So she accepted this as reality, so the most important task now was to appease Xu Xian's emotions.

But we can't let her misunderstand Kim Taeyeon. If these two people really quarrel, the consequences will be much more serious than beating Li Menglong.

After all, Seohyun and Kim Taeyeon are both the top players in the team. What if the team breaks up?

Yoona hasn't thought about going solo yet. Can you give her some time to prepare?

Of course, if you want to achieve this effect, you must have a good reason, and they are still very provocative in the process.

But will they? They are not crazy.

So under the strange gaze of Pani, Yoona took the initiative to comfort Xu Xian, and even didn't forget to say a few words about Pani.

Although I can understand the other party's good intentions, her approach is very crude. In this case, you need to pay attention to your feelings and don't use pressure or coercion.

After being inexplicably despised by Yoona for a while, Pani didn't feel so comfortable.

But he wanted to explain, but he couldn't speak, otherwise Li Menglong would be exposed.

At least at a certain moment, Pani really wanted to show off her cards. She wanted to justify her IQ and EQ!

Fortunately, Xu Xian had quick eyes and quick hands and pulled Pani so hard that she could hardly tell who her teammates were for a moment.

Could it be that Pani doesn’t know anything? It shouldn’t be!

Really too lazy to think, Xu Xian just wanted to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible. As for what will happen next, Li Menglong can just hope for the best.

So Xu Xian walked out first, looking like he was going to fight with Kim Taeyeon.

While Yoona was trying to stop her, she kept giving Pani winks. Why was she still standing there?

Take action, this is her chance to make up for her past mistakes!

After missing the moment of explosion, Pani's mood became much more stable, but he still felt a little aggrieved.

So before getting up, I kicked my slippers under the bed hard: "I think bare feet are more comfortable, what do you think?"

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