Looking at the extremely expectant eyes on the other side, Kim Taeyeon can actually see what the other person is thinking.

But she really couldn't say thank you. Although she understood the truth of what the other party said, after all, she was the one who had been arguing with her for so long, and she was very unwilling to admit defeat.

As for the other party's method itself, as they themselves said, it is too common to deliberately maintain some popularity without breaking the law or lying.

In other words, this is one of their job categories. They have many trumpets lurking in various forums.

During this period, they may be active members of forums or enthusiastic writers of gossip websites. In short, they have to selectively provide various information about girls based on the actual situation.

The simplest example is the girls' itinerary. Of course, some fans can obtain it in advance through many channels, but what about the temporary itinerary? Someone has to break the news.

And a lot of news is not suitable for release through official channels, so it often falls on them. In short, their work is very complicated and important.

Specific to what happened before, when Kim Taeyeon and her fans kept building momentum for herself, this group of people led their fans to cheer for the other girls.

During this period, their most important role was to provide various "evidences". After all, as Kim Taeyeon is the party involved, in many cases, her own words are evidence.

But they can't. In order to stand firm, they must constantly select from the materials accumulated by the company, so that the rest of the fans will not be defeated.

In this way, everyone's discussion will not be one-sided. Only by discussing with each other back and forth can the popularity be better sustained.

Ordinary fans may not be able to understand these details, but as an insider, Kim Taeyeon can still understand them, but they are extremely contradictory.

Objectively speaking, the fact that this topic has been discussed for so long cannot be denied to this group of people, but they did make things difficult for Kim Taeyeon and caused her to lose an unknown amount of hair.

In the end, she still didn't choose to say thank you, but she gained the other party's approval in another way: "I'm going down for some late-night snacks. Do you want something to eat? I can treat you!"

The goddess has invited her to a treat, so naturally the group opposite will not refuse. Besides, they also think they are qualified to eat. After all, they have really done their work.

Kim Taeyeon, who volunteered to be a delivery girl for a time, came down whistling. She was in a good mood. It was very warm to have so many people working overtime with her.

It is unclear whether he found out that he was not the only one unlucky and felt happy.

Kim Taeyeon doesn't just care about the people on the third floor. In other words, the people on the third floor are outside her plan. The people she originally wanted to greet are not here.

It's just that the third floor is still so lively, but after walking to the second floor, the atmosphere between the two floors is completely different. Why is it so quiet?

In Kim Taeyeon's opinion, the second floor shouldn't be brightly lit. After all, Seohyun works overtime with so many people.

By the way, Kim Taeyeon still feels a little guilty towards everyone on the second floor. Seriously, their overtime work is all because of Kim Taeyeon.

If she didn't have to stay here, then Xu Xian wouldn't have to stay here to accompany her, and there would be no need to work overtime all night.

Although these words cannot be said directly, Kim Taeyeon still wants to express her apology, such as inviting everyone to have breakfast or something.

She had planned it when she came out of the practice room. Not only would she treat guests to dinner, but she would also do so in the name of Xu Xian. This little girl was the one who had the hardest time.

It's just that the quiet atmosphere gave her a bad feeling. Fortunately, she still believed in Xu Xian, so she could comfort herself: "Everyone must be asleep, right? It's really hard work. I'll go and take care of them." The lights are on."

Although she had stabilized herself temporarily, all kinds of information made Kim Taeyeon very worried, especially when she opened the office door, she almost fell down while holding on to the door frame.

There is no one in the office on the second floor. What does this mean? We agreed to stay together all night, but Xu Xian ran away first?

Kim Taeyeon really doesn't want to admit this. After all, she trusts Xu Xian so much. This little girl shouldn't and dare not betray her.

"Are you all sleeping? Or is this a prank?" Kim Taeyeon asked tremblingly: "Stop making trouble, come out quickly!"

If there is anyone in the office, he can't help but rush out after hearing Kim Taeyeon's delicate voice. How can he make such a beautiful girl cry?

But the reality is so cruel. Even pretending to cry doesn't work. Kim Taeyeon can already conclude that there is really no one here.

The original self-pity slowly turned into resentment. She clearly trusted Xu Xian so much that she stayed in the company all night, but Xu Xian ran away on his own?

This kind of behavior is really getting more and more excessive the more she thinks about it, especially as the captain, she will be played so completely by Xu Xian, the maknae, one day, and now she can't wait to explode on the spot.

It took nearly ten minutes for Jin Taeyeon to adjust her emotions barely. You must know that the group of people upstairs are still waiting for her to bring food up.

Although Seohyun and the people on the second floor are no longer human beings, everyone on the third floor is innocent. They are the ones who really stayed with Kim Taeyeon all night long.

In comparison with people like Seohyun, Kim Taeyeon felt more and more how precious the people on the third floor were, and she wanted to reward these people well.

With the attitude of wanting to clear the card, Kim Taeyeon trotted down all the way, but her wish of "banquet guests" could not be realized after all.

First of all, time does not allow it. When it is less than five o'clock in the morning, there are so many stores open, and Kim Taeyeon is not given the opportunity to spend money.

What’s more, the boss’s wife actually stayed on the first floor. In fact, this alone was enough to put Kim Taeyeon to rest. After all, the boss’s wife was particularly good at keeping the wealth from going to outsiders.

Even Li Menglong won't let go of his small pocket money. Do you expect the boss lady to let Kim Taeyeon go out to spend money? Is it because the food in the store doesn't taste good, or is it because she's being bullied and can't carry the knife?

It would be better on weekdays when there are many people, just sneak out when the boss lady is not paying attention, but at this time, the appearance of an ant in the store is considered big news, how can she, Kim Taeyeon, escape?

But she was also surprised. Logically speaking, the boss lady shouldn't be here at this time. She's not a 24-hour warrior, doesn't she need to rest throughout the day?

You must know that the proprietress will be in the store almost all day long unless she is sick. She should go back to rest at night. Are you still here to look after the store?

Kim Taeyeon doesn't think there's anything here that the landlady should guard all night long. There won't be that many customers in the second half of the night, so it's not worth the loss anyway.

Initially, Kim Taeyeon was still hesitant, but as the landlady saw her sharply, she couldn't run away at all.

"Hey, what brought you down? Come here quickly and let me see a living star!" The landlady yawned and waved her hands.

If Kim Taeyeon is not mistaken, the other person seems to be bored to a certain extent, so why is he so excited when he sees her? If you're so bored, why don't you go home?

"Go home? If I don't see this little cutie like you when I go home, how can I rest assured?" the landlady still teased.

However, even though the other party was joking, Kim Taeyeon would not take it completely as a joke. If this was taken as true, then everything would make sense.

Although this is a company, everyone knows everything about it and it is safe enough, but people still come and go after all, and Kim Taeyeon is not an ordinary girl.

So in order to prevent any unnecessary misunderstandings, it seemed natural that someone who could ensure her safety should stay with her.

Of course, Kim Taeyeon herself didn't think so. She was more moved. When Xu Xiandu left her and ran away, the boss's wife still cared about her so much. She really wanted to cry at this moment.

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's sudden embrace, the landlady herself was not very adaptable, even though it was a bit of a show off.

But she is really not good at dealing with such obvious emotions and actions. After all, Li Menglong shares this with her, and it is very difficult for both of them to deal with this kind of scene.

At this moment, the boss lady, facing Kim Taeyeon who was crying in her arms, felt inexplicably sorry for her clothes. If she asked Kim Taeyeon for dry cleaning fees later, she would be quite dissatisfied, right?

I can only numb myself with these boring thoughts, trying to get through this embarrassing time. Fortunately, the little angel has arrived.

Although she already liked the child Xu Xian very much before, she was actually a little puzzled by Li Menglong's behavior of doting on Xu Xian alone. After all, girls are so cute.

But at this moment, she understood that Xu Xian would really come out when you need her most. The sum of these scores is quite terrifying.

If you have to make an analogy, it is probably equivalent to Kim Taeyeon spending 100 million in the store at one time. This kind of rich behavior is comparable to the appearance of Seohyun at this moment!

"Unnie, what's wrong with you? Are you having a nightmare?" Xu Xian stepped forward and asked with concern.

In her opinion, Kim Taeyeon was very fragile at the moment, which made her feel strange. She left her most important task to accompany Kim Taeyeon, but in the end, she seemed not to take good care of her?

"Who? Stop having random relationships here!" Kim Taeyeon was sad because of Xu Xian, and her tone was quite unkind.

It's just this sentence that makes Xu Xian very puzzled. Isn't it natural for her to call Kim Taeyeon her sister? Why does it seem like she is trying to reach a higher level? There are many good things about people who want to be her Seohyun sister.

Although she didn't quite understand why the two sisters were a little jealous in their conversation, the boss's wife pushed Kim Taeyeon away without hesitation. Even if the two of them had a fight, she didn't want to hug her. It was very disgusting.

The sad Kim Taeyeon was ruthlessly rejected by the boss's wife again, and her mood was really depressed to a certain extent, but then she saw Xu Xian opposite with a proud look on her face.

Why should this girl be showing off to her? She obviously left him first and she still dared to appear in front of her, Kim Taeyeon. This means she has never died, right?

Keenly aware of Kim Taeyeon's cruel eyes, Xu Xian slowly took two steps back, trying not to irritate the lunatic.

Although we still don’t know what kind of situation Kim Taeyeon is in, she still has a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of thing. After all, there are many cases of illness among young girls.

"Unnie, look clearly, I am Xu Xian!" Xu Xian said as gently as possible, as if the person opposite didn't know who she was.

This made the proprietress who was watching the show at a loss. Are these girls playing so wildly on weekdays? If you can, take her with you, it just happens to be very boring.

But in the face of Xu Xian's inquiry, Kim Taeyeon, who was already stunned, stubbornly believed that this was a provocation. She was already so sorry for her, and she was still saying this. Do you really think that she, Kim Taeyeon, is easy to bully?

The next scene was exciting enough. The two of them were like children in a kindergarten, playing a circle game around the empty space on the first floor.

It stands to reason that Xu Xian, who is running in front, should turn around from time to time to make faces and make provocative moves. If he can add a few taunts such as "You big idiot", the effect will be even better.

It's just that Xu Xian didn't dare at all. The woman behind was really crazy. If she wasn't afraid of the negative impact, she would have asked everyone around her to call the police.

Also, Kim Taeyeon has been posting on it all night. Why is her physical strength still so good at this moment? Doesn't she know she is tired?

Xu Xian was already out of breath. This was after she took a nap at night. How could she not even be able to match Kim Taeyeon's physical strength? She shouldn't be!

Could it be because I did some physical work? It seems that this is the only reason.

By the way, Seohyun was not as interesting as Kim Taeyeon said tonight. He said he was accompanying Kim Taeyeon and he certainly meant it.

In fact, Xu Xian's original plan was to work overtime until all night, and the colleagues around him also clearly expressed their support.

But Xu Xian couldn't bear it in the end, or if she really did it, what would be the difference between her and Li Menglong? She had complained about Li Menglong a lot before.

So Xu Xian decisively drove everyone away, even if there was someone who wanted to stay with her.

Similar to what Kim Taeyeon thought before, there are indeed many people who are not worried about staying in the company all night by themselves.

Xu Xian also understood everyone's thoughts. In order to reassure everyone, Xu Xian took the initiative to find a new job for himself, which was to work part-time in a fried chicken restaurant.

Naturally, the landlady agreed with Xu Xian's request, and even offered Xu Xian a store manager-level salary, just because she was so optimistic about Xu Xian.

Xu Xian did not disappoint the boss lady. She really did all the work she could do. If she hadn't been pretty enough, she might have become a thorn in the side of the other waiters.

But is this why Seohyun is gradually being overtaken by Kim Taeyeon?

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