Kim Taeyeon really worked hard, and it can be seen from her actions.

Although she was still so far away from Xu Xian, she actually tried to knock Xu Xian down with a flying swoop. Was she able to understand this move?

Never try to learn those seemingly easy movements in front of the TV. Many people should know this.

The most common ones are the dances of girls. Indeed, the movements themselves are not difficult. You can try to copy them after slowing down.

However, it’s okay to play it at home and treat it as a fitness program. If you want to go out and show off your skills, the final result will definitely be social death.

This is what Kim Taeyeon is facing at this moment. After flying up, she tried her best to stretch her arms in the air, but no matter how much she stretched, she couldn't touch the corner of Xu Xian's clothes.

She seemed to have realized her situation. Her eyes were no longer staring at Xu Xian, but instead looked at the ground. It must be painful to fall, right?

All Kim Taeyeon can do is cover her face with her hands. She is not only afraid of losing her appearance, but more importantly, she is disgusted and embarrassed.

She's just an ordinary person, and this move might even be praised as wise, but does Kim Taeyeon underestimate her own popularity?

Besides, there are no outsiders here. Who does she want to hide? Or is it just as long as she can hide it from herself?

Just when Kim Taeyeon tensed her muscles and was about to have a head-on collision with the ground, the touch felt amazing. Not only did it not hurt, it was also quite soft and even had its own fragrance.

Kim Taeyeon is really curious about what the boss lady uses to mop the floor. The smell is almost exactly the same as the perfume they like. Has she been deceived in the past?

"Unnie, can you open your eyes and get off me!" Xu Xian said painfully.

She even regretted it a little bit. After all, she really didn't expect it to be so painful. It was obviously a good plan.

After seeing the scene where Kim Taeyeon was about to fall, this was the picture that came to Xu Xian's mind. He went over and hugged Kim Taeyeon tightly. He even considered what would happen if Kim Taeyeon took the opportunity to kiss her. Is good?

But these thoughts were obviously superfluous. If she hadn't been unable to move at this moment, she would have really pushed Kim Taeyeon away. Why was it so heavy?

"Huh? Maknae, why are you here?" Kim Taeyeon blinked quite innocently, and she didn't know how many times she had asked this question tonight.

However, this issue is still relatively new in Xu Xian's mind. If she hadn't been so overwhelmed that she couldn't breathe, she would have been willing to have a good chat with the other party. But could he get off her first?

Kim Taeyeon didn't notice Xu Xian's thoughts at all. She just grabbed Xu Xian's collar and said, "You run, are you still running?"

Although the process was a bit tortuous, and Seohyun's kindness was taken advantage of during the process, but in terms of the results alone, Kim Taeyeon's plan was successful.

As the saying goes, the winner is the king and the loser is the loser. Seohyun should also have this realization and apologize to her honestly. We are still good sisters.

She just let Kim Taeyeon shake Xu Xian roughly, but the little girl just gritted her teeth and didn't say a word. Was she trying to fight to the end?

If it was just the two of them, Kim Taeyeon might forgive this little girl. After all, this was considered revenge.

But now there are so many people watching, and she is not making trouble unreasonably. It was Xu Xian who went too far first, and she didn't seem to have any reason to back down.

But what should I say to Xu Xian underneath him? Although he gritted his teeth and did not speak, his expression was very ferocious, and sweat even broke out on his forehead, which was scary.

"Yeah, don't try to get away with it. From the moment you left me alone, you were already a traitor!" Kim Taeyeon said loudly. This was not just for Xu Xian. I also told everyone around me.

She, Kim Taeyeon, is not a bad sister who bullies the maknae for no reason. What she is doing at the moment is justified and she is extremely righteous.

Didn't she just think that there might be a misunderstanding? Even she knew that things should be done by one's own teacher, so Xu Xian was so stupid and ran away on his own? Aren't you afraid of being reckoned with later?

Fortunately, the boss lady on the side came forward in time. Although it was difficult for the girls to get involved in the internal fight, there was still no problem in telling some facts they knew.

"Xu Xian has never left. She has been working on the first floor. I forced her to lie down for a while, but it didn't last long." The boss lady tried her best to tell the key points. After all, she didn't know where Kim Taeyeon was dissatisfied. .

These words were like a burst of spring rain that directly extinguished the little fire in Kim Taeyeon's heart. She seemed to have misunderstood Xu Xian. What should I do?

In theory, just apologize to Seohyun directly, but she, Kim Taeyeon, is also a face-saving person. It can be negotiated to kneel down to Seohyun after returning to the dormitory, but there are too many people now.

Kim Taeyeon decided to do some psychological work on Seohyun. I believe this little girl will understand her painstaking efforts. After all, she is so sensible.

"Maknae, Unnie is wrong this time. If you want to kill or behead us, let's go back to the dormitory and discuss it. If you agree, just nod or blink." Kim Taeyeon whispered in Xu Xian's ear to discuss. .

The action itself seemed quite intimate, but Xu Xian, the person involved, didn't think so.

She is really not being pretentious now. In fact, Xu Xian doesn't have so many extra mental activities. She really wants to agree to Kim Taeyeon, but she is speechless at this moment.

On the one hand, it was because she was being pressed down by Kim Taeyeon, making it difficult to breathe; on the other hand, it was because of the inexplicable pain in her chest, which was also the reason why she was breaking out in a cold sweat at the moment. It was caused by the pain.

But Kim Taeyeon is not a doctor, not to mention that she is so nodding, so she thought Seohyun was refusing to cooperate. Is this because she was not giving her face?

Kim Taeyeon naturally knew that she was at fault, but she couldn't change her mentality for a while, so she was still a little angry and didn't plan to stop relying on Xu Xian.

It was the boss's wife who was the first to realize something was wrong. In other words, even if others found out, they wouldn't be able to say anything, but the boss's wife didn't have such worries.

She went over and pushed Kim Taeyeon down. She couldn't bear to see the little angel Xu Xian being bullied in front of her.

Kim Taeyeon expressed her distaste for this kind of help outside the field. Can't they just let the two of them have a good time?

Of course, I would never dare to say it out loud. The proprietress's skills were really gained from street experience, and the opponents she faced were all perverts and drunkards who were very advanced in combat.

Kim Taeyeon, on the other hand, is just "bullying" her teammates based on her status. Even if the record looks impressive, she still doesn't dare to decide the winner.

Ignoring Kim Taeyeon's complicated thoughts, the boss's wife stretched out her hand and tried to pull Xu Xian up, but the child ignored her kindness.

At this moment, the landlady finally realized that the situation was not good. Xu Xian was not such an rude child.

I saw the proprietress squatting down in a hurry, leaning over Xu Xian's ear and asking anxiously: "Xiao Xian, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Finally, there was a sensible person. Xu Xian, who had just taken a big breath of oxygen, murmured in a mosquito-like voice: "I must have knocked somewhere. Please let me take it easy first."

After seeing that the situation was not good, everyone gathered around, but they were kicked away by the proprietress: "Then don't force it. If you feel you can, just move to another place. The ground is cold."

At this time, Kim Taeyeon also came over, and the playful look on her face disappeared. If it were the other girls, they might be pretending to be sick to deceive her.

But Xu Xian doesn't have so many small thoughts. If Xu Xian is speechless, it really means that the matter is very serious.

However, Kim Taeyeon is obviously more experienced in dealing with this kind of scene. After all, it is inevitable for them to bump into each other during practice.

Although it is still far from being cured after a long-term illness, it is still possible to deal with some minor problems: "Maknae, can you feel where it hurts?"

It seems that with Kim Taeyeon as the backbone, Xu Xian has also relaxed a lot. I don't know if it is a psychological effect.

In short, Xu Xian was helped up to the third floor after a while. According to Kim Taeyeon, he still needed to be observed for a while.

Whenever this happens, Kim Taeyeon's performance never disappoints. It's like a child growing up overnight. It's amazing to watch.

The boss lady originally wanted to help, but there seemed to be no need to intervene. Kim Taeyeon had already done a good enough job.

After covering Xu Xian with another piece of clothing, Kim Taeyeon wiped the sweat from her forehead with her cuffs while placing a big order with the landlady.

The landlady liked this kind of wealthy customers the most, so she immediately gave up her space to the two sisters.

When there were no outsiders, Kim Taeyeon immediately became more emotional, and tears instantly filled her eyes: "I'm sorry..."

Xu Xian still had some pain in her chest at this moment, but it was already within the tolerable range, so she could still find some strength to comfort her self-blaming sister.

"Okay, it was all my fault. I ignored your weight. It's not your fault!" Xu Xian originally thought of making a joke to liven up the atmosphere, but it didn't seem to help.

"I shouldn't doubt you. It's all my fault. I..."

Facing Kim Taeyeon's intermittent words, Seohyun seemed to have heard something extraordinary. You must know that when Kim Taeyeon confessed before, Seohyun was so depressed that he couldn't get enough energy. Now it seems that it is time to reason.

"Unnie, you actually suspected that I ran away alone? How could you..." It's not that Xu Xian didn't want to continue scolding Kim Taeyeon. She is also a very fierce maknae. Unfortunately, her actions touched her chest again.

Kim Taeyeon didn't care about crying anymore, and immediately came over to help Xu Xian lie down slowly. At the same time, she was also a little worried: "It's better to go to the hospital. Why does it feel a little serious?"

"Forget it, I'd better hurry up and write my will. If I get mad to death, you will be the murderer!" Xu Xian said angrily, his chest hurting more and more.

However, because of Xu Xian's persistence, the news was well controlled, and even the girls and Li Menglong were not disturbed. They were all sleeping soundly in their respective rooms.

Leaving aside the girls, Li Menglong was the first to wake up. After all, he had a biological clock, and the key was that he didn't sleep that comfortably.

I rubbed my hair and thought about it for a few seconds. I saw what happened before me, and there was really nothing to recall.

After all, Yoo Jae Suk's face was so recognizable that he was startled when he saw it so early in the morning, otherwise he wouldn't have been completely sleepy.

Just when he was about to slap Liu Zaishi awake, Li Menglong finally recovered enough memories, such as the various tossing he had with Liu Zaishi yesterday.

To be honest, there is nothing to clean up about robbing Yoo Jae Suk. He is not a guest on the show, so this behavior is very inexplicable.

Even if he successfully turned the situation around later by relying on his variety show experience, the program team was still happy, which was still a bit offensive to the hosts like Yoo Jae Suk.

I didn’t know what was in my mind yesterday, but now it seems that those behaviors were really childish. Why do I always do things that I regret today?

Maybe this is a common problem among humans.

However, Li Menglong didn't intend to blame everything on his previous self. After all, he was also happy, so he couldn't just put down the bowl and start cursing.

So he wanted to make some amends for yesterday's rash behavior. Although he hadn't decided what to do yet, it was always right to change Liu Zaishi's sleeping place first.

If there was no need to compensate at this moment, Li Menglong would probably drag his feet directly on the floor.

But this kind of rough action is not suitable at this moment. What is a gentler action? Princess hug? Why do I always feel so sick!

Liu Zaishi had some consciousness in a daze, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Li Menglong's chin at a very magical angle.

Liu Zaishi, who was not very sober, could not understand at all. In what position were the two of them in such an angle?

And with the recovery of consciousness, it seems that it is still shaky. What is going on?

Fortunately, he was soon tucked into the quilt gently. The soft bed and warm quilt made Liu Zaishi extremely satisfied.

So the little curiosity before was no match for the surging sleepiness. With an innocent smile, he fell asleep again.

However, Li Menglong kept washing his hands in the bathroom. He had a memory, and he felt that he was not clean anymore.

Fortunately, this memory did not last long. Li Menglong looked at the mess in the living room, and inexplicably thought of the scene of the girls having an internal dinner. How long did they drink last night?

For a moment, he wanted to call Yoona out. After all, seriously, the reason for the incident was to find a place for Yoona to rest.

But considering that there were still people in the room, he could only bear it silently. Why did he feel a little ridiculous inexplicably while cleaning Liu Zaishi's house alone? I even feel sorry for myself!

Li Menglong always feels that he shouldn't do this. Since he has offended me, should he be more thorough?

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