The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2514 People who stay up late together

Kim Taeyeon really thought hard about choosing a suitable topic. Anyway, she has a lot of time now.

Kim Taeyeon had already seen through Xu Xian's arrangement, which was nothing more than separating them.

Since the dormitory has been occupied, the two of them will rest in the company tonight as expected.

Regarding the rest environment itself, Kim Taeyeon didn't feel any disgust or aggrieved. After all, seriously speaking, the practice room wasn't bad either.

When they were trainees, they slept in the practice room a lot, and because they had no money, they would go hungry at night. She was like the scene where seven or eight people gathered together to eat a bucket of instant noodles. It will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

But now she has a lot of food ordered in front of her, and no one has come to compete with her. Logically speaking, she should be very happy.

However, Kim Taeyeon has long passed the age of pursuing physical satisfaction. What she needs now is spiritual care and recognition.

Fortunately, as a star, she still has many fans who love her. What she has to do now is to find a suitable topic to connect herself with her fans.

It's just that this topic is not that easy, because Kim Taeyeon is still thinking about whether she can dig a hole for the other girls, otherwise it will be boring.

In these aspects, girls including Kim Taeyeon are very happy to use their brains, as if their daily "silliness" is just for this moment.

Even before ten minutes, Kim Taeyeon thought of a good topic. As for the person who would be affected, she could only say sorry in advance.

The topic raised by Kim Taeyeon is also very interesting. She did not start from her own perspective and gave the fans the right to choose: Who do you think is Yoona's favorite Ernie?

When they first saw this question, fans were confused. Just ask Yoona directly. What are they doing?

However, since Kim Taeyeon has spoken and is willing to interact with fans, everyone will not leave her alone, so they all gave their own answers.

Nearly half of them chose Kim Taeyeon. The reason is very simple. We are all adults who have experienced society. Do we still need to consider this issue?

In the adult world, many questions almost always have answers the moment they are asked. This is the question Kim Taeyeon is asking at this moment.

Who is Yoona's favorite Unnie? Just write her name as Kim Taeyeon on the back. Is it necessary to do this?

However, judging from the answers, it is really possible to discuss Kim Taeyeon's question. After all, half of the people don't think so.

As for the answers from these people, there are all kinds of strange things. Most of them are selected from among the girls. After all, everyone has their own fans.

But I don’t know if there are anti-fans mixed in, and there are actually some names of outsiders among them.

It's just a matter of competing with the girls. At least there are some reasonable reasons, but if you have to talk to outsiders, Kim Taeyeon is the first to be unconvinced.

So, led by Kim Taeyeon, the fans really got into a quarrel. Fortunately, everyone was not so irritable, and the atmosphere of the discussion was always within a controllable range.

Everyone is trying to come up with more evidence to prove their point of view, and the girls undoubtedly have the advantage in this regard.

After all, whether in front of the camera or in private, they have the most interaction with Yoona, and outsiders can't compare to them.

As expected, the final competition unfolded among the girls. Although there were more people supporting Kim Taeyeon, in many cases, more people did not necessarily equal an advantage.

What matters now is the evidence. Because of her status as the captain, Kim Taeyeon will take appropriate care of Yoona in front of the camera, but there are other people in similar shots.

And if you don’t search for it, you still don’t feel it. If you really look at it, fans will find that Seohyun may be the one who takes the most care of Yoona.

This conclusion itself is quite unbelievable. After all, Seohyun is Yoona's sister. If we have to take care of her, Yoona should take care of Seohyun.

But reality does not follow these logics. At least in the scenes that everyone can find, there are indeed various details of Seohyun taking care of Yoona.

Taken alone, these things are not big things, similar to small things such as helping Yoona to tuck her clothes, handing her water and opening the bottle cap in advance.

But it is these details that are even more fascinating, and Xu Xian did not only last once or twice, the latest one can even be traced back to previous live broadcasts.

Looking at it this way, Seohyun really loves Yoona. The key is that Seohyun only treats Yoona like this. Kim Taeyeon and the others do not enjoy this kind of treatment at all, which is even more obvious.

After seeing this conclusion, Kim Taeyeon herself was a little confused. This was not the answer she originally planned.

Besides, even people like Jung Soo-yeon and Lee Soon-gyu could be pushed out, but it is Seohyun. This is simply a mockery. They can't do as well as Seohyun, the maknae?

That is to say, Li Menglong is not around, otherwise he will definitely complain. Is this so surprising? Who gave her the confidence to compete with Xu Xian?

Li Menglong has always believed that Seohyun is more suitable to be the captain. It does not mean that Kim Taeyeon is not good enough, but Seohyun is suitable.

Of course, things that didn't happen are often easier to beautify. Maybe the girls would have dispersed long ago after Seohyun led the team. After all, the little girl's old-fashioned character is not as carefree as Kim Taeyeon's.

Kim Taeyeon herself would not have such thoughts. She has worked hard in this position for so many years, and she is just about to sit on the credit book and enjoy the blessings. How can she take the initiative?

The more she thought about it, the more terrifying it became. Fortunately, she quickly realized that the topic she originally wanted to discuss was not this. Is Seohyun Yoona's sister? If not, why participate in the discussion?

Kim Taeyeon used the rules to kick Seohyun mercilessly, but the fans still wanted to say something more. Inexplicably, they felt that Yoona and Seohyun were a little bit addictive.

Some fans even changed the question directly, that is, who is Yoona's favorite sister. The answer would be too unified, and the second name would hardly be visible.

In order to make the topic more discussion-worthy, fans changed the topic to who is Yoona's favorite woman.

Although this topic is a bit tacky, it is inexplicably enjoyable to discuss. Just thinking about the various CPs is very exciting.

So after a lot of evolution, the topic that finally survived was this one, as if everyone was helping Yoona choose a concubine.

Among them, the most unhappy person is Kim Taeyeon. She found a topic to chat with her fans because she was bored. Who knew that everyone would just leave her alone? Is this appropriate?

But what should I say? Even though she is a celebrity and spends time with Yoona, it is really interesting to discuss this kind of celebrity gossip.

Especially this kind of large-scale discussion group that forces people to collect CP online is even more interesting. As an insider, Kim Taeyeon can just say something, and behind her are a bunch of guys cheering for her. It is not easy to find time to initiate it. .

The long night finally passed faster. Although the girls were scattered all over the place, they were forcibly connected online.

Among them, Yoona, the person involved, has never come forward. The main reason is that Kim Taeyeon did not communicate with her in advance, so she was either messing around with Li Menglong or drinking. She had no time to pay attention to these.

But the girls in the dormitory are different. They are not bored, but this topic has affected them.

Especially when they see Kim Taeyeon making up all kinds of nonsense over there, the key is that there are so many slanderers behind them, they can't just watch each other confuse right and wrong.

So in order to maintain the final justice, the girls who were preparing to rest in the dormitory also joined in, making it even more lively.

However, compared to the enthusiasm of Kim Taeyeon, the initiator, the enthusiasm of the girls faded faster, and basically fell asleep one after another.

Only Kim Taeyeon, the captain, worked hard all night. When she wanted to stretch, she almost fainted. She must be hungry, right?

Looking at the sky that had just turned white, Kim Taeyeon decided to find something to eat to comfort herself. This time she didn't have to dig through the cold refrigerator, she wanted to eat steaming food.

After walking out of the practice room, the company that was originally thought to be silent was surprisingly lively, at least it shouldn't be at this time.

She found a room that didn't close the door and peeked in, only to find that on the other party's computer was the page where she had previously discussed the topic. So why are these people gossiping now?

Kim Taeyeon really couldn't understand this. She was bored and had nowhere to go, so she was forced to have some fun for herself. If possible, she wanted to go back to the dormitory to rest.

But it’s not like this group of people have a hard time returning home. Isn’t gossip a good place to sleep?

As their friend and the initiator of the gossip, Kim Taeyeon decided to persuade them, which could be considered as a contribution to the company.

Unexpectedly, before she could speak, she saw those people started to reply quickly and made various references.

Kim Taeyeon had goosebumps all over her body when she saw this scene. She was originally curious about how the group of people who opposed her got so much first-hand information.

Even if I heard it from somewhere casually, so many photos and video clips don't look like they were found on the fly. What did these people deliberately want to do?

Kim Taeyeon once thought that the other party was their anti-fan, but it didn't seem like it, because the other party did not slander the girls, but simply refuted Kim Taeyeon.

It was precisely because of the existence of this group of people that Kim Taeyeon fought more and more bravely until dawn. However, she found out that there was a traitor in her company, and she wanted to call the police.

At this moment, she no longer cares about being polite. Kim Taeyeon just wants to ask what these people are doing. She, Kim Taeyeon, is no longer one of her own!

"Yeah! Stop everything!" Kim Taeyeon shouted. Even after staying up all night, her voice was still very penetrating.

Not to mention that the group of people opposite were working hard, just because they were suddenly shouted at like this when they stayed up late, if they didn't die suddenly on the spot, it was considered that they were in good health.

Several people clutched their chests and looked at the door angrily. They really wanted to kill this person, but it was Kim Taeyeon who was standing there. Isn't this easy to do?

In fact, when she saw the looks in these people's eyes, Kim Taeyeon knew that there was probably some misunderstanding, otherwise they wouldn't be so confident.

In order to prevent the situation from getting out of hand, Kim Taeyeon decided to speak up first: "What are you doing? You came to work so early. Do you want me to tell Li Menglong for you?"

Although Li Menglong always complains about Kim Taeyeon's acting skills, but that is also for professional actors. For ordinary people, their acting skills are enough to be called wonderful.

So the group of people opposite didn't have the slightest suspicion at all. After all, Kim Taeyeon is so good-looking, how could she lie to others?

"We stayed up all night with you, but we just came here."

"Don't come to the company all the time in the future. We can't stand it."

"What are you going to do? Are you off work? Then we can take a rest."

Why was it so difficult for her to understand what the other party said? If she heard correctly, they were working overtime because of her, Kim Taeyeon?

But why didn't anyone come and tell her? Besides, there must be a reason for working overtime. It can't be just to accompany her.

Don't talk about it, there are still some possibilities for this reason. She is so popular, let alone mentioning it. If Li Menglong doesn't trust her, so he arranges for some people to accompany her here, this would make sense.

In order to show her modesty, Kim Taeyeon decided to be polite, but she soon realized her blind spot. No matter why they stayed here, what they did could never be cleaned up, right?

It's not Kim Taeyeon who asked them to work overtime. If they want revenge, go to Li Menglong and the others. What kind of skill is bullying her here?

The people across from me hadn’t noticed Kim Taeyeon’s thoughts yet, but they noticed that she had been staring at the computer screen, so they explained naturally: “In order to keep the topic hot, we went through the company’s internal database many times. ah!"


"Otherwise? You don't think the whole thing happened so naturally, do you?" The person opposite was also speechless. Kim Taeyeon has been a famous artist for so many years, so don't pretend to be so naive.

Besides, this is not something shameful, let alone fans, anyone with normal logic can guess it.

As for what they are specifically responsible for, simply speaking, it is to confront Kim Taeyeon, but they do not provide dirty information, and they only give a few more options.

This kind of operation can very well maintain the stickiness of fans. The best proof is that so many people stay up late with them. These are all the results of their work. Kim Taeyeon didn't even say thank you?

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