"Can't you hear my voice? It seems that the two of us will still get closer in the future!"

Although it was just a simple sentence, Kim Taeyeon felt the slightest bit of coldness from it, as if a female ghost appeared behind her in a horror movie.

It's just that although the person behind Kim Taeyeon is not a ghost, she is better than a ghost, at least to Kim Taeyeon!

In order to dispel the hostility of this "female ghost" towards her, all Kim Taeyeon could do at this moment was to pretend to be stupid and stunned: "Oh, which fan wrote this letter? It looks like a black fan at first glance. It's so irritating. !”

In fact, Kim Taeyeon wanted to cover up the content on the paper in front of her, but she was not sure how long Jessica had been behind her and how much content she had seen.

Speaking of which, her excuse at the moment was not that clever. It was just a little better than covering her up directly, but that was all.

At this time, what else can Kim Taeyeon do? We can only place all our hopes on Jessica. Her eyes shouldn't be so sharp after she just got up, right?

Realizing that there was no sound behind her for a long time, Kim Taeyeon tentatively scrawled a few words, and immediately a delicate palm slapped on the table.

"What do you mean, you still want to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces? This is not a good habit!"

"I'm afraid you'll be in a bad mood after seeing this. There are some words in it that are aimed at you. I feel angry just looking at it!" Kim Taeyeon looked like she was sharing Jessica's worries. People who didn't know might actually be... She was tricked.

But Jessica is obviously very familiar with her. Besides, she saw Kim Taeyeon writing here with her own eyes. How can this be wrong?

"Seeing may not necessarily be believed!" Kim Taeyeon said with great certainty: "I just wrote here, and I just wrote this letter silently!"

Then it was time for Kim Taeyeon to express herself freely. Although the time was very tight and there was basically no room for buffering, she still spoke with great confidence, as if everything was true.

According to Kim Taeyeon, she tore up the letter originally sent by the anti-fan. As for why she did this, of course she was so angry that she couldn't control herself.

"I am the captain of Girls' Generation, and you are the sister I rely on most. How could I not be angry when someone slanders you like this!" Kim Taeyeon waved her fist in an attempt to increase her credibility.

But while Kim Taeyeon was talking, she kept looking at Jessica with her peripheral vision. How should I put it, this woman obviously didn't believe it.

But this is human nature. If she had come over here, she might not even be able to hear it, but Jessica gave her this opportunity at least.

In this case, you still have to cherish it. Don't care whether the other party believes it or not. Just finish what you have to say first. The story is only halfway through.

And the next story is logical. After seeing this shady letter about Jessica, Kim Taeyeon tore it up in anger.

But then I realized that this was inappropriate. Regardless of whether Jessica was willing to watch it or not, it was ultimately Jessica's own choice and could not be replaced by her.

So in order to respect Jessica, Kim Taeyeon decided to copy out the letter exactly as it was, and that's how the scene that Jessica saw before appeared.

Kim Taeyeon's mouth was dry as she spoke this conversation, and it was difficult for her to speak so fluently without stuttering. The fact that she could make up lies to this extent was enough to show Kim Taeyeon's talent.

"Are you sure you don't want to consider transitioning into rap? I feel like you are very talented in this area!" Jessica joked with a smile.

Anyone who sees Kim Taeyeon's performance will probably feel a little more relaxed. Is this a deliberate attempt to make her laugh?

Although this is not Kim Taeyeon's goal, since she can achieve this effect, she doesn't mind continuing: "It's not impossible, but our team lacks a rap expert like me!"

This is what the two of them talked about privately. If fans knew that Kim Taeyeon was going to transform into rap, especially with Jessica's instigation, they would probably come and tear her heart out.

This is like a postdoc delivering food. It’s not that you can’t do it, but that you’re wasting your talent by doing so.

Fortunately, this topic was just a joke between the two of them. Jessica was still more willing to talk about the anti-fan: "This letter has so many words, you read it once and memorized it all?"

"Hmm..." Kim Taeyeon hesitated when faced with this question. She really wanted to agree directly, but once she said that, would Jessica Jung let her perform again on the spot?

We have to guard against this kind of thing, so Kim Taeyeon's answer was a little more cautious: "I only wrote down part of it, and the rest was restored based on the context!"

Kim Taeyeon thought her answer was very thorough, but she didn't expect Jessica to find a loophole: "Then circle the part you restored!"

Facing Jessica's request, Kim Taeyeon's eyes widened innocently. What is she going to do? Want her list of crimes?

Seemingly sensing Kim Taeyeon's doubts, Jung Soo-yeon explained from the opposite side: "I just want to see what that anti-fan said, so that you can be so angry that you tear up the letter!"

Although Jessica's answer was very sincere, everyone knows each other too well. Can you believe what the second sister said?

Anyway, Kim Taeyeon doesn't believe a word of it. If she really wanted to circle it, Jessica would focus on what she wrote.

In other words, Kim Taeyeon handed the evidence to Jessica. Does she look that stupid?

As a result, the two started arguing endlessly about the letter. Hyoyeon on the other end even fell asleep, but when he woke up, he found that the two of them were still continuing. Aren't you tired?

Of course, she was tired. Kim Taeyeon was the first to be unable to hold on. After all, she was the one who made it up. Faced with Jessica's attack, she was very passive in defense.

Relatively speaking, Jessica just needs to keep picking out the loopholes in her words, unless Kim Taeyeon's excuse is impeccable, but is that possible? Or does she have this ability?

The exhausted Kim Taeyeon quickly made a new decision. She must change the topic, otherwise she would probably die here today.

As for new topics, they are all ready-made. In order to save herself, Kim Taeyeon doesn't mind letting Li Menglong die. Besides, he deserves to die in the first place!

It's just that even though Kim Taeyeon has already spoken very harshly about Lee Mongryong, why doesn't Jung Soo-yeon react at all? This is unscientific!

"How should I react?" Jessica also looked innocent. Kim Taeyeon wouldn't think that she just said a few words casually, so Jessica must follow her thoughts, right?

"He bullied you early in the morning. Are you...aren't you angry?"

"Why did he bully me? Why don't I remember it?"

It's boring to continue talking like this. Even if the person Li Menglong bullies is not Jessica herself, is it okay to bully other girls?

Taking a step back, even if it is her personal grudge between Kim Taeyeon and Lee Mongryong, is this the reason why Jessica stands aside and does nothing?

There is a saying that goes well: if the Lord humiliates his subjects, they will die!

As the leader of Girls' Generation, she, Kim Taeyeon, is their symbol. Lee Mongryong bullying her, Kim Taeyeon, is disrespectful to the entire Girls' Generation!

"Just wait a moment!" Jessica stopped the excited Kim Taeyeon. She didn't know how far the saliva had spread: "How can you represent all of us?"

This sentence immediately made Kim Taeyeon wilt. She felt that all her years as captain had been in vain. This group of people didn't have any basic respect or recognition for her.

Watching Kim Taeyeon walk out dejectedly, her back looked extremely lonely, making people want to go over and hug her.

And Kim Taeyeon already has this image, so as the woman who stands opposite to her, it seems that Jessica herself has become the villain?

"I don't know if you are a villain, but Kim Taeyeon has already run away!"

Faced with Jessica's confused look, Hyoyeon, as the third party, gave a more objective answer. It seemed that Kim Taeyeon had saved herself again?

At this time, Jessica herself also reacted. Sure enough, there were those so-called letters on the table. These were all planned by Kim Taeyeon in advance?

If she could know the doubts in Jessica's mind, then Kim Taeyeon would probably say that the other party thinks highly of her. How could she have thought of so much!

This is all based on adaptability. I can only say that Jessica gave her a chance, but in any case, this matter is over.

If Jessica comes to see her again because of this matter, then Kim Taeyeon won't admit anything. What do you want her to agree to without any evidence?

But in this way, the army that went to conquer Li Menglong was not so complete. There was obviously a capable general missing from the lineup of the Big Three.

If it's just that Jessica is missing, but her behavior gives the others a good excuse. If Jessica doesn't have to go, then why do the other girls have to go?

Unable to coerce the entire team with justice, Kim Taeyeon's own control over the team is also very weak, making the captain a bit cowardly.

"Stop complaining here. If you say you are a coward, then who does YoonA mean?" Lee Soon Kyu ruthlessly tore apart Kim Taeyeon's hypocritical veil. Everyone belongs to themselves, so don't come here. It’s a set.

Kim Taeyeon didn't say anything about Lee Soon Kyu's words. After all, no answer was good, so she might as well continue the previous topic: "How do you think the two of us are going to get revenge on Lee Mong Ryong!"

"No, just wait a minute!" Li Shunkyu reluctantly looked away from the mobile phone screen: "Didn't you go to find the other girls? Why are there only two of us after a while? Where are the others? "

This question is destined to be one that Kim Taeyeon cannot answer. She also has to maintain her dignity as captain, even though she doesn't have a few points left.

As for the means of persuading Lee Soon Kyu, the most ideal situation is to rely on Kim Taeyeon's sharp tongue to successfully convince Lee Soon Kyu.

Just looking at Li Shunkyu's attitude of being ready to fight at any time, she felt that the possibility of success was not very high.

So it’s better to skip this stage and get started directly. Anyway, in the end, you still have to rely on your fists to do the talking.

Regarding the fighting power between Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon, there are many aspects involved.

Many levels can be divided according to the different states of the two people, the degree of guilt they feel toward each other, and their desire to participate.

For example, today's Lee Soon Kyu is in a state of refusing to welcome them. Anyway, it's okay to have nothing to do, and he has some opinions about those people in his heart.

So, with half a push, I accepted Kim Taeyeon!

However, looking at this slightly thin team, Li Shunkyu always felt that it was not reliable: "Otherwise, we should recruit two more strong men. Just the two of us will not have the momentum!"

This shows their usual habits. Due to the large number of people in the group, they go with a large group of people wherever they go. Not to mention being alone, it is rare for two people to be together.

Although the rest of the girls are probably here just to show off, they can help someone out after all, and it will look better after they show up!

Doesn’t Kim Taeyeon know what Lee Soon Kyu said? If she could call someone, would she stop calling? Isn't there no way out?

"That's because you don't have the ability. Watch me take action. Follow behind and learn!" Li Shunkyu assured, patting his chest. He was so confident.

But before that, we still need to listen to Kim Taeyeon's actions just now. We have to be aware of it, otherwise it will be inappropriate if it leaks.

When he heard that Kim Taeyeon wrote a small note to Jung Soo-yeon, Lee Soon Kyu laughed unkindly. It was hard for Kim Taeyeon to remember such a thing that only a primary school student could do. Isn't it so cute?

Kim Taeyeon let Lee Soonkyu's bad hands rub her cheeks like dough. After all, she was asking for help, so she had to be polite.

"Yeah, it's almost done. Don't go too far!"

"Isn't it hard to help yourself? Who made our Taeyeon so cute!" Lee Soon Kyu smiled happily. At this moment, she completely forgave Kim Taeyeon for calling her out.

After having a basic understanding, Lee Soon Kyu was ready to take action. As for Kim Taeyeon, although she didn't say anything, she was still not optimistic about the other party's actions.

In other words, it is okay to curse Lee Soon Kyu for not succeeding. After all, her previous failure preceded her. Once Lee Soon Kyu succeeds, what will she do?

"What do you want to do? Why don't you talk about it first and I'll help you come up with ideas!"

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's enthusiasm, Lee Soon Kyu just rolled his eyes at her. How long has it been and he is still thinking of causing internal strife here? Can he be a little enlightened?

After being despised by Lee Soon Kyu, Kim Taeyeon didn't want to talk at all. She felt that these women had been targeting her since Pani and Seohyun. Could this be something that these people had discussed in advance? ?

Although Kim Taeyeon herself knew that this idea was unreliable, the more she warned herself not to think wildly, the more confused her thoughts became. She felt like she was going crazy!

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