The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2419 Humanoid Buff

Although Li Menglong himself knew that the conclusion he drew was not very reliable, he really had no better explanation, so he just believed it.

After coming to this conclusion, Li Menglong's eyes when he looked at Pani were not so pure. This girl was clearly a big treasure.

If placed in the game, Pani is the kind of person who comes with a halo buff!

As for the specific effect of the buff, it's hard to say. So far, at least the overall motivation +10% is no problem.

Li Menglong is looking forward to Pani's next performance. If she can increase her overall work efficiency, Xu Xian's position will be hers from now on.

It's not that Xu Xian, the little secretary, didn't work hard enough, it's just that the other party cheated. The two cannot be compared together. I can only say that losing to Pani is not unfair.

Pani was also observing Li Menglong's expression from time to time because of his own little thoughts, so the two quickly exchanged glances.

What should I say at that moment? Li Menglong didn't know exactly what he was thinking, but Pani was really moved.

Even though Li Menglong didn't say anything, his movements and eyes couldn't hide his emotions. He didn't expect Li Menglong to be so attracted to her.

Although it was not to the point of dying for a confidant, Pani did want to do something. She wanted to repay Li Menglong for his trust in her.

Then a very strange scene appeared. Pani was extremely active in helping in the office, to the extent that it made other people embarrassed.

After all, Pani's professional skills are not very relevant here. All she can do here is do odd jobs. She even rushes to do errands such as delivering documents to Li Menglong.

At first, everyone was a little embarrassed, and even afraid that Li Menglong would come to reprimand them. After all, this kind of behavior of treating Pani as a laborer was still a bit bad.

But after a while, I found that everything seemed to be the same as before. To be precise, it was better than before.

That’s not to say that the process of delivering pani is fast and stable. Even if it takes just a few steps, it won’t save time.

What makes everyone feel comfortable is that they don't have to face Li Menglong directly. You must know that every time these people go to deliver some documents to Li Menglong, it is like going to the execution ground.

Although Li Menglong didn't know how to curse, the look of him holding the document over there and reviewing it page by page was still scary enough.

Especially if he picks out some mistakes again, he will really break out in a cold sweat on the spot. Only those who have experienced this kind of emotion will know.

At this moment, Pani has taken over this link that everyone is most resistant to. This can be regarded as liberating everyone in disguise. These people are thinking of setting up a monument for Pani on the spot.

As for Pani going to Li Menglong's place, he would naturally not have these nervous emotions, and he could even joke with Li Menglong.

This isn't Li Menglong treating her differently, it's just that she couldn't understand Pani even if he told her he was wrong. If that's the case, why should she be blamed?

As for joking with Pani, in Li Menglong's eyes, it was just to appease Pani. After all, she shouldn't be happy no matter what.

If this humanoid buff leaves because he is unhappy, Li Menglong will really regret it. No one knows whether Pani, who is on the third floor, can still radiate here.

Although there is quite a misunderstanding, the fact is that the atmosphere on the second floor is very harmonious, which makes the old man Xu Xian feel extremely surprised. What is the reason for this?

Looking at the variables alone, it is true that there are only one more pani than before, but is that the reason? Obviously not very scientific!

Let’s not talk about whether Pani herself has this ability. The other girls, including Pani herself, have not been here before and have not noticed this phenomenon.

If Pani really has this ability, then in theory Seohyun, who is also a member of Girls' Generation, should also have it. So what is the difference between her and Pani?

This question is destined to have no answer. At least Xu Xian won't be able to think of it for a while. In this case, he should just work honestly. At least it will be a good result, right?

While Xu Xian and Pani were getting better, the women in the dormitory were not idle either. In other words, these people who had finished catching up on their sleep began to have extra thoughts.

It can be said that they were completely defeated by those three people this early in the morning. Forget it about a bastard like Li Menglong, but he can't lead the other girls to ruin.

Xu Xian was such an obedient child before, and Pani was such a simple and honest girl. But what happened? They were all abducted by Li Menglong. Does this make sense?

Anyway, the girls couldn't understand it. Based on the principle of never leaving a grudge overnight, they believed that this matter would still have to be resolved today.

As for the specific method, they haven't figured it out yet. This requires everyone's collective efforts. After all, it's not Kim Taeyeon's business alone!

That's right, Kim Taeyeon is actually the only one who is unwilling at this moment, but she believes that she can represent the girls as a whole. Isn't that what the captain does?

Of course, this doesn't mean that she can do whatever she wants. There still needs to be discussion. It's just that the outcome can be preset in advance. That's always okay.

As for the outcome, of course she led a group of followers and relied on her unparalleled wisdom to defeat Li Menglong's group of enemies who conspired to rebel.

She, Queen Kim Taeyeon, is so great!

After thinking of this, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but laugh. How should I describe the laughter? It was cheerful but also had some hidden meaning. In short, it sounded very weird.

"Ah, there are still people sleeping here, are you a bit ethical?" Li Shunkyu muttered while covering his face with a quilt.

It's just that Kim Taeyeon was planning to carry out the plan, and Lee Soonkyu happened to bump into her, so let's start with her: "Stop sleeping, how can you still fall asleep even after being bullied? Why are you so big-hearted?"

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's insulting remarks, Lee Soon Kyu lifted the quilt directly. She had to tell this woman that not everyone should be bullied by her!

Relying on her status as captain, does Kim Taeyeon really want to dominate?

If we really talk about identity, Lee Soon Kyu should be the one who behaves this way. After all, her identity is truly legendary, no matter which company she is in.

But Lee Soon Kyu has always controlled this aspect very well, so that the girls do not feel any pressure from her, and she can even occasionally play the role of a confidant big sister.

But the eldest sister is not without temper. She slept well, but Kim Taeyeon insists on coming over to provoke her. This is really a good life.

Little did he know that her reaction had fallen into Kim Taeyeon's trap. In fact, as long as Lee Soon Kyu could sit up, it didn't matter what his specific attitude was.

He was afraid that she would remain unmoved in the face of his provocation and continue to hide under the quilt to sleep. What would she, Kim Taeyeon, do then?

So at this moment, when Lee Soon Kyu was angry, opposite Kim Taeyeon was a bright smiling face. This was very strange. Did she want to be scolded?

This kind of request really made Li Soonkyu stupid. Could it be that this child had read some novels or movies with incorrect views and wanted to experiment on her, Li Soonkyu?

"You are just wishful thinking. I, Li Shun Kyu, am known as a good boy. Don't use these things to test me. I don't understand anything!" Li Shun Kyu refused sternly.

However, Kim Taeyeon couldn't react to Lee Soon Kyu's sudden words. Although we were close enough, there was still a generation gap when we occasionally had a fit.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon's focus is not here. As long as Lee Soonkyu is willing to support her plan, she can say whatever she wants.

For some reason, when Kim Taeyeon told her the reason, Lee Soon Kyu was still a little disappointed: "Is it just this little thing? Is this worth quarreling with me?"

"Why isn't it worth it? Did you forget when Li Menglong bullied you?"

"Well, I can't even remember it if you didn't say it!" Lee Soon Kyu nodded affirmatively, which directly prevented Kim Taeyeon's little trick from taking shape.

These methods are really all leftover from Lee Soon Kyu's playing. If she has this time, can she improve her outdated methods a little? It's embarrassing for her to say it!

It's just that she underestimated Kim Taeyeon. Although her previous performance may not have been very good, Kim Taeyeon's methods are more than that.

As the captain of Girls' Generation, if she really doesn't have any decent means, how can she lead the team to fight in the entertainment industry?

The method itself is not complicated. In fact, the simpler the method, the more effective it is. As for why some people do not succeed after using it, it only means that the benefits are not big enough!

"Lee Soon Kyu, don't forget that you still owe me money. Are you sure you should have this attitude when facing creditors?" Kim Taeyeon scolded here with an air of air.

Faced with this statement, Li Shunkyu was still a little tempted. Although the money was not a lot, what could he do wrong and have to give it to these women to spend?

So since there is an opportunity for her to pay less, she naturally doesn't mind fighting for it, even if she knows that Kim Taeyeon has no good intentions.

Relying on inducements, Kim Taeyeon finally convinced her first partner. The whole plan was almost half successful. It was a pretty good start.

As for the remaining other half, it is not all the remaining girls, but Jessica. The opinions of the other girls are not as important as hers.

This is the current situation in the team. Basically, as long as these three eldest sisters can reach an agreement, no one will object, or is the objection invalid?

In short, this is the case in Kim Taeyeon's eyes. As long as she can bring Jessica into her arms, she can ask the rest of the group: Who is in favor and who is against?

It's just that Lee Soon Kyu can be bribed with money, but it's more difficult to deal with Jessica. Trying to get this second sister out of bed is a headache.

Ten minutes later, Kim Taeyeon ran out of Jessica's room in a panic, bringing with her some pillows, magazines, etc. as gifts to send her off.

Kim Taeyeon squatted at the door for a while. After hearing no subsequent sound, she took a small breath. Is this woman too irritable?

Who will say that Jessica is an iceberg or something in the future? Kim Taeyeon is the first to disagree. This is clearly a volcano!

She just wanted to talk to her about the future development of the team. Although it was just an excuse, the excuse itself was so just.

As a result, he had just shaken Jessica up in the past, and before she could say anything, she was greeted with a pair of cold eyes.

As for what will happen next, it seems that you can already imagine it. When has she, Kim Taeyeon, been treated like this? She doesn't accept it!

It's just that she has to endure it if she doesn't accept it at this moment. After all, she has a more ambitious goal. If Zheng Xiuyan is angered at this moment, the only person who can take advantage of it is Li Menglong.

So for her own plan, Kim Taeyeon decided to endure this tone, but it seemed a little too timid not to say anything.

Kim Taeyeon rolled her eyes and immediately came up with a good idea. Sure enough, she is the smartest one, and no one can compare with her!

After having an idea, it's natural to take action. Kim Taeyeon ran back to her room with bare feet and sat directly at the dressing table.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find paper or pen: "Li Shunkyu, why don't we have paper and pen here?"

"What the hell if you have it? Don't you know how long it has been since you used those things?"

Faced with Lee Soon Kyu's complaints, Kim Taeyeon blinked innocently. It's true that she hasn't written anything in her room for a long time. It seems normal that she can't find it?

Wrinkling her nose, Kim Taeyeon felt that this was not possible. It would harm her image. You must know that she is an intellectual beauty in the eyes of her fans!

Fortunately, it's not that difficult to remedy it. You can just go to Xu Xian's room to search for a set. She has a lot of these things there.

As for why you are looking for these, of course it is to write a small note for Jessica. Is it possible that she also wants to write a novel?

The content of the small note is mainly threats and harsh words. After all, I dare not say these words directly in front of the door, but there is no problem in writing it in a note.

It was Jung Soo-yeon's time to get up, and by the time she saw this note, Kim Taeyeon might have gone somewhere, so the content was naturally written very wantonly.

I haven't discovered it in the past, but it turns out that she, Kim Taeyeon, has a talent for writing. Originally she just wanted to write a hundred or ten words of meaning, but now it has almost become a short essay of eight hundred words.

The key is that she hasn't stopped yet, the desire to write is almost uncontrollable!

"As expected, it's me. I'm so talented. Do you want to transform into a talented woman or something in the future? But then I won't compete with Xiaoxian for food, so I have to restrain myself!"

Kim Taeyeon boasted proudly here, but didn't she notice that there was an extra figure behind her?

"What is this writing? Isn't it a love letter to someone?" The person behind him asked with a sneer.

In Seohyun's room, who else can speak? Kim Taeyeon is not afraid of Hyoyeon at all: "Of course I am writing to that stinky Jung Soo-yeon..."

Kim Taeyeon didn't dare to continue talking, because Hyoyeon was obviously lying on the bed opposite, so who was speaking?

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