The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2418 Theory Upgrade

Li Menglong originally planned to help the boss's wife to defeat that bastard. After all, he was once the boss's number one boss. Did you ask him for his opinion when he bullied his boss like this?

But when he saw the specific person coming, Li Menglong's side stopped. There were always some people he couldn't afford to offend, so it was not impossible to say that he didn't want to offend.

"Hey, is it such a coincidence? I actually met the great director in the company. Let me know if he is a real person!" Li Enxi joked rudely.

It is said that the higher a person's position is, the number of friends around him will decrease accordingly. This is really unavoidable.

Just like girls, the few friends left in the circle are the ones they made when they first debuted.

After they become famous, they have almost no new friends. Even if someone comes over, they have to think about whether the other party wants to get something from them.

Even the girls are like this, let alone Li Eunxi, who is in a high position. She has much more power and resources than the girls.

Although the overall atmosphere at SW is very good, it is not open enough to joke with Li Eunxi casually.

Even if they were joking with Li Menglong, this group of people would think twice about it. In Li Enxi's case, this group of people still didn't feel that they had lived too long.

So every time he saw Li Menglong, Li Enxi couldn't help but want to joke, bicker, etc. Of course, it's not impossible to call it provocation.

It is impossible to know whether Li Menglong actually understood Li Enxi's thoughts, but it was well known that he did not coward Li Enxi.

So in the face of Li Enxi's teasing, Li Menglong's reply was quite strong: "I go to work and get off work on time every day. Is it my problem if you can't see me?"

Li Enxi, who was leaning against the cashier, didn't reply first, but motioned to the landlady to get her a cup of coffee, the same kind as Li Menglong.

Then he tilted his head and looked at Li Menglong in confusion: "What do you mean? Are you accusing me of being absent from work?"

"You can eat randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. When have I ever said this? I just said that I go to work on time!" Li Menglong emphasized again. As for the subtext, it seems to be very obvious?

For this kind of scoundrel, Li Enxi not only doesn't get angry, but also laughs. It's not that she likes to be abused, but that there are really not many people who can quarrel with her.

"It doesn't matter what you mean. I really don't care about the company recently. Otherwise, why don't you fire me?" Li Enxi said in a non-surprising tone.

This kind of behavior of giving in at every turn is really bad. The key is that Li Menglong doesn't have any means to deal with it yet. Can he really agree to the other party?

Not to mention being a shareholder of the company, as a director under the company, Li Menglong could not just watch Li Enxi resign.

Otherwise, things will get messy on his side. Don't think that a movie can be completed by the director alone. There are many people working hard behind it.

If the star is the person who pushes a work to the front, then the director appears as the representative of the workers behind the scenes.

When it comes to the relationship between Li Menglong and Li Enxi, Li Enxi is more like the big benefactor or housekeeper behind him.

Without the existence of Li Enxi, it would be impossible for Li Menglong to hand over all the funds to the other party with confidence. After all, there are too many tricks here.

Almost every position in a crew has its own way to cheat money. The labor cost here is a little higher, and the prop fee is a little higher there. The total price may be astronomical.

It's not that Li Menglong can't guard against these, but if as a director he has to put so much energy into these chores, how can he still shoot the work?

Therefore, whether it is public or private, it is almost impossible for Li Menglong to agree to Li Enxi's request. In other words, Li Enxi has won again!

"Yeah, can you change your excuse next time? Is it interesting to say this every time?" Li Menglong complained here.

Li Enxi has always been dismissive of the loser's excuses. As long as he can win, that's fine. As for means, as long as they work!

The two of them were sitting here, sipping coffee, and they mainly complained about each other, but in the eyes of the people around them, this scene had a sense of ritual.

After all, as the two top leaders of the company, they might be discussing some major issues in the industry. It would be possible for someone who was interested to come over and worship them on the spot.

But there are not so many big things to talk about. Whether it is work or life, they are full of all kinds of trivial matters.

For example, the two of them are talking about coffee at the moment. Li Menglong is always trying to move back, and the landlady's place is undoubtedly a good entry point.

It is said that in the company, apart from Li Menglong, the only person in front of him who dares to glare at Li Enxi is the one in front of him. But if there is no necessary reason, the boss lady will generally not do so.

After all, one is the head of an entertainment company and the other is the talker of a fried chicken restaurant. The two are not in conflict with each other, but who allowed Li Menglong to exist here today.

He was like a spoon that kept stirring, slowly blending the originally distinct oil and water together.

"What do you mean, you tricked the landlady into making this coffee?" Li Menglong took the lead.

But Li Enxi was also very vigilant here: "You'd better be stricter in your words, otherwise the company's legal department is upstairs. Be careful and I will sue you!"

"Nai, this was your suggestion to make this coffee, right? You don't know how much the price will put you off, right?"

"Price is only one aspect. You are also involved in the company's operations. A company must have works that are close to the people, but also have works that can win awards!"

Lee Eun-hee used a production company as an example here, which is not too outrageous. After all, they still seem to have something in common.

Although a production company is most interested in box office, it has to admit that works with high box office often have inherent flaws in their content.

To put it more bluntly, in the process of award evaluation, as long as the box office is high, it is a natural original sin. It seems that this has been recognized by the world.

Movies with low box office may not have connotation, but movies with high box office must not have connotation!

Therefore, a company must not only produce commercial works for the public, but also produce some "money-losing" products to build its reputation.

At this point, SW has done quite well, and besides, there are girls, Yoo Jae Suk and others in the company who are constantly helping to manage the image. Overall, the situation is more gratifying.

If you apply this theory to the proprietress, it means that the store should not only have affordable fried chicken, but also have some "elegant" food, and elegant food can almost be equated with expensiveness.

As expected of someone who can chat and laugh with big shots in the entertainment industry. Li Enxi's deception skills have become increasingly sophisticated. Li Menglong was stunned when he heard this, not to mention the proprietress opposite.

"It's just that no one is buying this coffee at all. It has been on the shelves for more than ten days, and Li Menglong is the first customer besides you!" the proprietress said honestly.

Although the boss lady couldn't tell what was wrong with Li Enxi's theory, as a front-line worker, she still instinctively discovered that something was wrong.

At this time, she needs an understanding person like Li Menglong to clear her doubts. After all, Li Menglong has worked in a fried chicken restaurant and participated in the operation of an entertainment company. This kind of unique work experience is really difficult for ordinary people to copy.

"The theory itself is correct. Li Enxi didn't lie to you, she just selectively said less words!" Li Menglong looked like he knew everything.

Speaking of which, in the past, deceiving people was about nine truths and one lie, which meant interspersing a lot of truths with a few lies to confuse the other person.

But times are advancing, and this method is outdated. The latest method is to tell the truth, which is more truthful than real money, but selectively conceal part of the facts.

This method seems useless, but it has to be said that it is really clever. Through the guidance of the truth, the other party can come to a conclusion that has been preset in advance. Can this be considered a lie?

What Li Enxi conceals here are the details of those works that lost money. Even if the works lose money in one aspect, they can still bring enough benefits to the company in other aspects.

Putting it here is the boss lady’s coffee, which means that even if the coffee cannot be sold, it can still make money for the fried chicken restaurant in other ways, but what about the money?

"Fame, style, aren't these money?" Li Enxi was making the last resistance here, but it was in vain.

Quantifying fame and then converting it into income is a unique characteristic of entertainment companies, which is not suitable for the real industry.

Even if some of the principles are indeed the same, the landlady’s business here is not a chain, just a fried chicken restaurant.

Such a lofty theory really cannot be applied here, so the conclusion is that the boss lady was tricked by Li Eunxi.

As for why Li Enxi did this, isn't it already obvious? She likes to drink. If there is one on the first floor, it would be the most convenient for her.

After coming to this conclusion, the landlady looked at Li Enxi with an increasingly unkind look.

Although he really wanted to stay here and watch the excitement, Li Menglong was not qualified to be an audience for this kind of scene where the company's top executives were fighting each other, unless he wanted to end it himself, but he was not crazy!

"What did you say over there? Why do you feel that the boss lady's mood is not right!" Xu Xian came over and asked quietly. This child has been very accustomed to observing the state of the people around him since he became a director.

This can be regarded as Xu Xian's helpless move. After all, as an artist, her lack of life experience is too serious.

If she just wants the title of director, then Xu Xian has undoubtedly achieved her goal now, but her ambition must be more ambitious, at least not to embarrass Li Menglong.

So if Li Menglong is taken as an example, then Xu Xian needs to work hard. It can only be said that he can only work hard slowly, at least he is making progress.

No teacher would be disgusted with a modest student like Xu Xian, let alone Li Menglong: "In the future, when filming scenes of jealousy between women, we can learn from the state of these two!"

Li Menglong clicked on the landlady's side from a distance. Although the two were not fighting directly at the moment, even Xu Xian could tell that something was wrong. How could the situation be peaceful?

But all this has nothing to do with Li Menglong. He only played an insignificant role in it, so it's best not to take him seriously.

It's just that he couldn't hide his good mood at all, especially after arriving on the second floor, which was his territory after all, and his laughter became even more wanton.

Pani secretly pushed Xu Xian, came over and asked quietly: "What's wrong with him? Isn't he too happy because of my arrival?"

Xu Xian blinked and wanted to ask Pani, who gave her the confidence to say this? What is her status with Li Menglong? Don't you have a clue?

However, Xu Xian couldn't deal with this simple Ernie, so he just smiled stiffly, even if he had dealt with the problem.

But in Pani's eyes, this was clearly Xu Xian's approval. She didn't expect that Li Menglong had hidden it so well along the way. If it hadn't been exposed at this moment, she wouldn't have discovered it yet.

I originally thought about going upstairs to catch up on some sleep, but since Li Menglong valued her so much, Pani was not too embarrassed to leave.

Sighing silently, Pani was worried about herself. Why is she, Huang Meiying, so loyal? This is really not good. People should be more selfish!

Several people have different ideas, but colleagues are not so gossipy, or their focus is different from the two girls.

Since Li Menglong is so happy, it means that it will be much easier for them to work. Maybe they can get off work normally today. No matter how you look at it, they will make a lot of money.

After coming to this conclusion, everyone became much more active in their work and even took the initiative to indicate that they would work in advance.

You must know that in the past, in order to express their dissatisfaction with Li Menglong's high-intensity overtime policy, as long as it was not time to start work, even if they came up to chat in front of Li Menglong, they would never work a second earlier.

"So what's going on with these people? Are they crazy?" Li Menglong also habitually pulled Xu Xian over and asked.

This made Xu Xian dumbfounded. She wasn't just asking questions, so why did he come to ask her any questions? If he was really curious, Li Menglong could have just gone over and asked those people.

It's just that Li Menglong obviously wanted to get an answer from her, so Xu Xian could only bite the bullet and answer: "Maybe you saw Pani coming and you want to show off?"

The tone of Xu Xian's answer was not very certain, and even Li Menglong felt that the reason was a little unreliable. After all, these people were not big fans of girls.

Besides, they still have many opportunities to meet girls, and they have never found this problem in the past. Could it be that Pani has some hidden charm bonus?

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