The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2421 Take action

Lee Soon Kyu is not curious about Kim Taeyeon's thoughts at all. Even if he knows the other party's true thoughts, he will probably laugh it off.

After all, she can't control how others think, but she can control her own thoughts and actions, so just do her own thing honestly and time will tell.

As for what Lee Soon Kyu wants to do, or how to mobilize the girls, it is also a new improvement she made based on Kim Taeyeon's failed case.

In Lee Soon Kyu's view, Kim Taeyeon's biggest failure was bringing her emotions to the girls.

Although everyone was indeed "hurt" by Li Menglong, not everyone was so hateful, and not everyone wanted revenge.

Therefore, Kim Taeyeon's natural attitude not only failed to persuade, but even made the girls feel a little disgusted.

After learning from Kim Taeyeon's lesson, Lee Soon Kyu decided to start with interests and forget about talking about relationships. Shared interests are the safest.

With this tone in mind, Lee Soon Kyu's methods are enough, and he can even use some small deceptions. In short, they are much better than Kim Taeyeon's previous rough methods.

"Didn't you hear what I said before? It's better not to provoke Jessica at this time, she won't agree!"

Although Kim Taeyeon really didn't want Lee Soon Kyu to succeed, she didn't want to see her fail. In short, she was very emotionally entangled, but she couldn't help but persuade her.

But in the face of Kim Taeyeon's advice, Lee Soon Kyu just waved his hand, don't always think about pinching soft persimmons, where are there so many soft persimmons?

She, Lee Soon Kyu, wants to break through from Jung Soo Yeon. As long as she solves this woman, doesn't she have the final say in the entire dormitory?

Although he had all kinds of lofty ideals in his heart, Lee Soon Kyu was still polite enough when he knocked on the door: "Is the dignified and beautiful Ms. Jung Soo Yeon in the room? My sister who respects you the most is asking for your summons!"

After hearing Lee Soon Kyu's flattering words, Kim Taeyeon almost spat out her words. Can she show off her previous attitude towards her?

Lee Soon Kyu didn't even bother to talk to her. He had no desire for her, Kim Taeyeon, so his attitude was naturally much more casual. But right now, he wanted to seek Jessica's help.

"Hey, you two are rare visitors. Did you bring Kim Taeyeon to apologize to me?" Although Jessica was talking, she didn't even raise her eyes from the magazine.

This contemptuous attitude is really too much. Kim Taeyeon can't bear it anymore, but Lee Soon Kyu can still keep smiling.

"Apologizing is necessary, but before that, should we discuss something else first?" Li Shunkyu said very calmly, as if everything was under her control.

"Oh? If it's to seek revenge on Li Menglong or something, forget it. I'm too old. I haven't participated in this kind of fighting and killing for many years!"

Listening to Jessica's nonsense, Kim Taeyeon wanted to go over and expose her. When she said "many years", did she mean one day or two days?

However, seeing the gesture made by Li Soonkyu's hand behind his back, she still endured it. She also wanted to see what Lee Soonkyu was going to do.

"Indeed, we are too old to participate in these violent activities too much!" Li Shunkyu followed the other party's words and said: "So we should pay more attention to maintenance. Didn't I promise you a pocket money yesterday? Let's go out today. Spend it!”

"Huh? Are you sure you are going out to spend money? Aren't you doing something else?" Zheng Xiuyan was very suspicious. She was also aware of this strategy of building a plank road to cross Chencang secretly.

However, after hearing the other party's doubts, Li Shunkyu seemed to have been greatly wronged and looked very disappointed: "Since you don't believe me, then forget it, just think that I am being sentimental!"

At this moment, Lee Soon Kyu had turned his back. In Jung Soo Yeon's opinion, this back looked desolate and aggrieved. It seemed that he had really misunderstood the other party?

But looking across from Kim Taeyeon, it was very intuitive. Lee Soon Kyu was clearly smiling, and his expression was similar to a proud one after a successful prank.

In fact, Lee Soon Kyu also succeeded. Within three seconds of turning his back, Jessica called him back again: "Tell me about your schedule, I'll think about it!"

He clenched his fist and waved it gently in front of him. Li Shunkyu knew that he had succeeded, but after turning around, he had that aggrieved expression: "Are you sure you want to listen? Don't say that I lied to you again!"

"Oh, I was just a little nervous because I was deceived by Kim Taeyeon. Actually, if you think about it carefully, you are a good kid!" Jessica comforted Lee Soon Kyu and at the same time, she did not forget to step on Kim Taeyeon.

Kim Taeyeon felt bad after hearing this. She is indeed not a good person, especially based on her performance today.

But then we have to compare with whom. Compared with Lee Soon Kyu, Kim Taeyeon shouldn't be too innocent. Is Jung Soo Yeon not awake yet?

But who made Lee Soon Kyu's performance even more perfect? ​​He even achieved something that Kim Taeyeon had not done before, which was to use his smooth tongue to persuade Jessica!

Kim Taeyeon just watched Jessica being deceived. To be honest, she was still a little bit impulsive to tell Jessica the truth.

After all, the contrast in this picture is too strong, making it look like Kim Taeyeon has nothing of herself!

But her reason still calmed her down. Seriously, Lee Soon Kyu was also helping her. If he was holding her back now, it would be very inhumane!

As for Lee Soon-gyu's methods, they were not too complicated. They just packaged the revenge trip to find Lee Meng-ryong into a maintenance trip for her to treat.

Kim Taeyeon would also say this, but she didn't think Jessica would believe it. How could she be so easily fooled? Could it be that Lee Soon Kyu looks more honest?

This reason can't even pass the test in her own mind. After all, Li Shunkyu's appearance can only deceive outsiders. They are all her sisters, and no one knows anyone else.

After enduring it for a while, Kim Taeyeon finally asked, just to make her understand.

Faced with Kim Taeyeon's request for advice, Lee Soon Kyu didn't know what to do: "Do you think Jessica doesn't know anything? You are naive!"

"She already knows what you're thinking? Then she agreed, isn't this targeting me!" Kim Taeyeon shouted excitedly, as if she was going to confront Jessica in the next second.

It's just that Li Shunkyu on the side didn't bother to stop her. If you really have the courage, go ahead. Keep shouting about something here, it will only make her look fierce and weak.

There was nothing Kim Taeyeon could do about Lee Soon Kyu's uncooperative behavior. He couldn't tell her that he had to stop her in this situation. That would be too embarrassing.

So Kim Taeyeon pretended that what happened before had never happened, as if time had been reset: "Please tell me in more detail why she agreed!"

If there wasn't something else to do, Lee Soon Kyu wouldn't let Kim Taeyeon get through so easily: "Your brain is just a decoration, think about it yourself!"

After saying that, Lee Soon Kyu went directly to the next room, while Kim Taeyeon stayed in the corridor and continued to think about what was going on.

In fact, Kim Taeyeon was just blinded for a moment. After all, there is no difference in IQ between everyone, and their daily thinking is similar. In theory, whatever Lee Soon Kyu can think of, she, Kim Taeyeon, should be able to restore.

Sure enough, she realized her mistake after she calmed down, or maybe Lee Soon Kyu missed it completely, and the one who missed it was her, Kim Taeyeon!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Kim Taeyeon's previous thoughts. She used righteousness to coerce everyone into taking revenge. This is what it should be.

But the time she chose was not very good, and the plan she came up with was dry and unattractive.

If it's just in the dormitory, it's just a matter of climbing the stairs, but if he goes all the way to the company just to teach Li Menglong a lesson, does he have that much respect?

Lee Soon Kyu realized this perfectly, so he decisively came up with a brand new plan, which focused on maintenance and leisure, with revenge and other things incidental.

This seems to be much more pleasing to the eye, especially with Kim Taeyeon "begging the lead", Lee Soon Kyu's side will be even smoother.

It can be said that Lee Soon Kyu stepped on her, Kim Taeyeon, to rise to the top. This feeling of being used as a stepping stone for others is very unpleasant. Even if you are unhappy, you have to admit it, otherwise what will she say to Lee Soon Kyu?

After all, Lee Soon Kyu is here to help seriously. You can't be jealous just because the other party does better. Otherwise, once Lee Soon Kyu quits, wouldn't it be Lee Meng Yong who is the cheaper one?

After adjusting her mentality, Kim Taeyeon turned to act as Lee Soonkyu's follower, and the two of them worked together very well for a while.

As for the other girls, things went surprisingly smoothly. After all, in addition to the three eldest sisters reaching an agreement, Li Shunkyu also came up with a good plan, and they had no reason to object.

After making an appointment to set off, Lee Soon Kyu was finally able to go back to his room to rest for a while, but Kim Taeyeon also lay down too. Why didn't she have any sharp eyesight?

"Are your throat uncomfortable? Remember to drink more hot water!" Faced with Lee Soon Kyu's constant hints of dry coughing, Kim Taeyeon said pretending to be stupid.

Anyway, in her opinion, the matter has come to an end. If she doesn't get rid of the problem now, how long will it take?

It's just that Kim Taeyeon turned against her too quickly. Did she think Lee Soon Kyu really didn't have any backup plans?

"Tch, that's all you are smart about!" Li Shunkyu said firmly, "Let's discuss the cost for a while. How much do you plan to pay?"

Although she is not as sensitive about money as Li Menglong, at this moment, Kim Taeyeon still wants to ask why, why is it her turn to pay?

"You didn't say it yourself. The money you promised everyone last night was used for consumption. Why did you change your mind now?" Kim Taeyeon tried to restore the situation last night.

Lee Soon Kyu looked at Kim Taeyeon hard, and the other person's expression was so real that she couldn't even guess whether the other person was acting well at the moment.

At this time, I remembered the goodness of Lee Mong Yong and Seo Hyun. With these two directors here, Kim Taeyeon's true face can be exposed in seconds.

It's a pity that Li Shunkyu doesn't have this ability, so he can only explain it more straightforwardly: "Didn't you promise to give me a part of the deduction? This was agreed in advance, so don't pretend not to remember it!"

Although she really wanted to say this, Kim Taeyeon also wanted to lose face, so she acquiesced.

But in this case, at most she would be responsible for the expenses herself, but from what Li Soonkyu said, it was clear that she wanted to share all the expenses equally between the two of them. Why?

"You don't agree, right? Then let's break up. I'll go and tell everyone that you don't have to go out!" Li Shunkyu said very easily, but his butt didn't move.

Because she knows that woman Kim Taeyeon, it is impossible for the other party to agree. After all, the money is not much for a rich woman like Kim Taeyeon.

Sure enough, although Kim Taeyeon was still very unhappy, she still reluctantly agreed. This is a cooperative attitude, so be good!

Once you have a sponsor who is willing to spend money, the "little fans" who follow you to spend money will be more proactive. When the appointment time comes, there is no need to rush, and they will walk out one by one.

If Li Menglong's eyesight here is probably not enough, the time reserved is enough for the girls to simply dress themselves up, so they all look very eye-catching.

In contrast, Lee Soon Kyu and Kim Taeyeon are a little embarrassed in comparison because they are too obsessed with money.

"Ah, why are you all dressed up so beautifully? We are not going to participate in an event!" Kim Taeyeon accused here, but no one cared.

Jessica was not the only one to see through the true nature of the matter. There were many smart people among the girls, so they all knew that today's captain was particularly "easy to talk to."

So when she saw a group of women ignoring her and just walking out, Kim Taeyeon almost broke her teeth. Did these women want to rebel?

It was Lee Soon Kyu who hugged her shoulders and forcibly took Kim Taeyeon out: "Just be patient for today, think about your original purpose, and hold on!"

Although Lee Soon Kyu's words were not meant as consolation, they still reminded Kim Taeyeon that if she turns against her now, all that she has done before will be in vain.

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, which would make people and gods angry, Kim Taeyeon kept taking deep breaths. She had to take the overall situation into consideration.

But when she opened the car door, the fire rose again. These women really went too far.

There were so many seats, but the driver's seat was left to her. It was called spacious, so he just asked her to be the driver!

"Are you sure you want me to drive? I haven't driven for a long time, and my hands are terrible!" Kim Taeyeon threatened faintly here.

But the girls are not frightened: "You are not afraid yourself. We have nothing to be afraid of. Just relax!"

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