Facing Pani's question, Li Menglong, whose face was covered with a mask, didn't say anything. He just made a "OK" gesture. He is still very credible in this regard.

At least Pani immediately relaxed a lot. Another trouble was solved. However, her troubles today have just begun. There are still many things waiting for her later.

"Hey, Huang Meiying went to be lazy? Come back to work quickly!" the girls in the kitchen began to urge.

Everyone agreed to clean up together, but it turned out that Pani didn't come back after going out. How can the girls balance this?

It's just that Pani is not lazy, okay: "I'm applying a facial mask to Li Menglong here, so I'm not lazy. Don't slander me!"

"Face mask? Does Li Menglong's face deserve a mask?" The girls immediately began to mock: "Even if it is true, you have to finish your work before going!"

Pani glanced at Li Menglong helplessly. She was expecting him to say a few words for her, but this guy seemed to be snoring.

If it were the other girls lying down, Pani would definitely think that they were pretending to sleep, but Li Menglong probably wouldn't do that, there is no reason!

So that means Li Menglong really fell asleep? What type of situation is this? Is wearing a facial mask so comfortable?

In other aspects, Pani may have little experience, but she has put on not only 10,000 but also 8,000 facial masks, so that’s it.

It seems that we can only find other reasons. For example, given the current environment, could it be said that my thighs have the effect of helping me sleep?

Pani carefully pulled out his legs, and then stuffed a cushion in. It seemed that Li Menglong hadn't woken up yet, so did his thighs get any bonus?

Pani didn't shy away from the girls, so he immediately threw the question out when he walked into the kitchen. Of course, he didn't show off his emotions.

The girls saw this very easily, so do we expect them to say anything nice?

"Are you stupid? A normal man would have a nosebleed when lying on your lap. If Li Menglong can fall asleep so quickly, it means you are not attractive!"

The girls' logic sounded quite smooth. At least Pani believed it. Thinking about it this way, it was really not something worth showing off.

"Have you just come to your senses? Just keep working here honestly, we don't dislike you!" the girls immediately added.

It is said that hitting Pani is incidental, the main purpose is to make her work more, after all, she was lazy just now, this is the punishment she deserves!

Pani didn't have any complaints, mainly because the breakfast itself didn't have much rubbish, and if so many girls shared the responsibility, even if it was deliberately given to her, it was still acceptable.

After Pani took charge of the finishing work, the girls who had eaten and drank enough had nothing to do, so they naturally came to Li Menglong's side.

Speaking of which, Li Menglong wearing a facial mask is really conspicuous, and it looks awkward. At least girls are really not used to it.

They all wanted to go over to see if it was Li Menglong himself, but when they got closer, they heard Li Menglong's long breathing. Was he asleep?

Although they had heard Pani's report before, they always thought that Pani was joking. After all, this was Pani!

Although everyone is already familiar with each other, Pani's charm is still here. Li Menglong actually fell asleep. Is he still a man?

So they stubbornly believed that Li Menglong was pretending to sleep. The group of people decided to expose Li Menglong's little scheme. It was enough to deceive Pani. They also wanted to deceive them too?

After reaching this consensus, the girls were thinking about how to "wake up" Li Menglong, which still required some skills.

Otherwise, once Li Menglong really falls asleep, their behavior will be punished, and they don't want to bear the consequences.

With the collective efforts of the girls, they quickly came up with a good solution that would not make Li Menglong angry.

The girls' method is not very complicated, that is, they keep changing Li Menglong's facial masks. There is no problem with this reason, right?

Even if Li Menglong really fell asleep and was woken up by them, what could he say about the kindness of these people? All I can do is thank you!

There are still some differences among the girls about who should be the first person. Everyone thinks that there is some danger.

Since no one is willing to take the initiative to stand up, they can only enter the traditional entertainment part of the girls' team. In the end, the loser in the guessing game was Kim Taeyeon.

Faced with this result, Kim Taeyeon really wanted to say that someone cheated. After all, how could it be such a coincidence? Everyone was using cloth, but she was the only one who was using fists. Does this make sense?

But even if it was true that the girls were hooking up with each other, Kim Taeyeon would still have to admit it. Who made her not discover it in advance?

As their eldest sister and captain, Kim Taeyeon is naturally obliged to maintain the basic rules of the team. After all, these rules are beneficial to her most of the time.

As for this time, isn't it just to change Li Menglong's facial mask? What's there to be afraid of? Kim Taeyeon is famous for being bold!

But why is it that the closer she gets to Li Menglong, the more her limbs tend to tremble, as if Li Menglong across from her is about to commit suicide at any time.

Kim Taeyeon didn't dare to look back at the girls. She was afraid that she would run back directly, which would be really embarrassing.

Slowly approaching Li Menglong, Kim Taeyeon thought it would be better to test it out first: "Li Menglong, do you dare to agree if I call you?"

After saying this slightly off-kilter line, Kim Taeyeon waited silently for a few seconds. It seemed like everything was normal on the other side, even the rhythm of her breathing had not changed.

It seemed that she really fell asleep. Kim Taeyeon relaxed a little, and then stepped forward and carefully peeled off the original mask on Li Menglong's face bit by bit.

During the whole process, Kim Taeyeon didn't even dare to breathe. She almost acted with the most concentration, as if she could crush Li Menglong with just a little more strength.

And as Li Menglong's face slowly emerged, Kim Taeyeon began to sweat on the tip of her nose. She really felt a little regretful at this moment. Did she really have to come and cause trouble for herself?

But she has no way to retreat at this moment. After all, there are so many sisters watching behind her. If she retreats now, how can she lead these women in the future?

Fortunately, there was only the last step left. She just needed to put the mask on. She didn't even plan to do it seriously. She just threw it on. It couldn't cover Li Menglong's big face anyway!

Kim Taeyeon took a deep breath, and then directly threw it from a long distance as if throwing garbage into the trash can.

There was only a "pop" sound, and a ball of facial mask hit Li Menglong's face in a crumpled manner. This was considered a hit, and at least Kim Taeyeon was quite satisfied.

She adjusted her expression silently, wanting the girls to see her calm side. If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't wake up Li Menglong, she would have wanted to say something.

But even if she couldn't speak, it didn't delay Kim Taeyeon from expressing herself, so before turning around, Kim Taeyeon put one hand on her hips and slowly raised the other hand in a victory gesture.

In her imagination, this back figure must have looked particularly reliable. If the girls could be smarter, someone would have been taking photos like crazy, right?

The more Kim Taeyeon thought about it, the more proud she became. Just when she was about to turn around and show her face to the girls, she saw Li Menglong's wide eyes out of the corner of her eye.

How should I describe this scene? It is probably similar to the corpse in a horror movie suddenly opening its eyes. You must know that this is an enduring plot in horror movies.

It's just that what Kim Taeyeon is "shooting" at the moment is not a horror movie. At least she is not prepared at all here. If she doesn't scream out immediately, it means that she has a strong psychological quality.

Blinking her eyes hard, Kim Taeyeon suspected that she was so nervous that she saw something wrong, but she also knew in her heart that the possibility of this situation was not very high.

But when she opened her eyes again and looked over, Li Menglong's eyes were actually closed, or had they never been opened? Has she seen a ghost?

Kim Taeyeon didn't know what to do at this moment, so she could only stand here stupidly, looking at Li Menglong in trance.

As a result, after a full minute, Li Menglong still didn't feel anything strange, which made Kim Taeyeon start to doubt herself. Was she too nervous just now?

The girls didn't know what Kim Taeyeon was going through, so they just urged her from behind. Is this look a little too long?

At this moment, Kim Taeyeon was not sure what she had seen before, but she was not allowed to think too much at this moment. As long as she had a chance to turn around, she would immediately run back to the main army.

But in such a short space of time, just as Kim Taeyeon turned around and started, she noticed that her wrist was being pulled hard.

At this moment, Kim Taeyeon didn't want to think about what was holding her back. She just wanted to run back.

So not only did Kim Taeyeon lose her strength, but she sprinted forward harder. Unfortunately, she was like a kite. No matter how she flew, she couldn't escape the "thread" behind her.

As for the girls, Kim Taeyeon seems to be performing some kind of personal talent at the moment!

Various run-ups and take-offs, but always staying in place. How is this achieved? It looks very high-end!

But soon they knew the reason. It was because Kim Taeyeon was so strong that Li Menglong had to sit up.

"Why are you running? Everyone is here, let's get close together!"

After hearing Li Menglong's words, Kim Taeyeon had no idea of ​​stopping. She was not stupid. Would there be any good outcome if she stayed at this moment?

But in terms of weight and strength, Kim Taeyeon really didn't take advantage, so in the end she sat down panting, while Li Menglong looked at the girls in the distance.

This situation is already very clear. Regardless of when Li Menglong woke up or whether he was pretending to be asleep from beginning to end, they all had to pretend not to know anything!

The only bad guy is Kim Taeyeon. They were intimidated by Kim Taeyeon's power so they didn't dare to speak. They are all good people!

Kim Taeyeon herself was not surprised at all by the betrayal of the girls. After all, seriously speaking, this was a "good" habit she passed down, and she had to adapt to it.

Besides, she didn't think this was something unacceptable. Isn't it a good thing to sacrifice a person who was destined to be beaten and save the rest of the people?

Even Kim Taeyeon is still willing to say something serious at this moment: "You guys should leave quickly. I can handle this alone. Li Menglong, you will come to me for anything. If I, Kim Taeyeon, wrinkle up... hiss... "

Before Kim Taeyeon finished her sentence, she immediately started to suck in the air-conditioning. Is Li Menglong too strong in his hands? It hurts!

Since Kim Taeyeon has said this, the girls naturally have to respect the captain's words: "Well, Unnie, take care of yourself, and do you want to designate an alternate captain? I personally recommend myself!"

That is to say, she can't escape now, otherwise Kim Taeyeon must let Yoona know that there are some witticisms that she shouldn't say casually, as she could easily get beaten.

It's just that she is powerless now. What she has to face is Li Menglong's cross-examination: "Tell me, what are you doing sneaking here to me?"

But the moment she heard this question, Kim Taeyeon realized that she had already made a plan before taking action. She shouldn't be afraid!

"I see that your facial mask has dried, so I'm going to change it for you!" Kim Taeyeon became more and more confident as she spoke: "It's okay if you don't appreciate it, but you still want to retaliate against me. Are you a human being?"

"Oh, so that's what happened. Didn't I blame you wrongly? Do you want me to apologize to you again?"

It's not that Kim Taeyeon didn't hear Li Menglong's teasing tone, but what can she do? I can only break the pot and throw it away: "There's no need to apologize, just let go of me!"

"So easy to talk to? I still feel guilty. I'd better apologize!" Li Menglong said sincerely.

Seeing Li Menglong's constant entanglement, Kim Taeyeon had no choice but to agree: "Okay then, be more sincere, I will listen!"

"Huh? Why did I say it? Shouldn't it be you?"

After hearing this, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but tilted her head and glanced at Li Menglong. The mask she put on him was a facial mask, not some kind of anti-mental medicine.

This preface does not match the follow-up, and your thinking is already confused, right? Can you speak with some logic?

Perhaps sensing Kim Taeyeon's inquiry, Li Menglong explained unhurriedly: "Didn't you just say it yourself? If you want to sincerely apologize to me, I'm still very generous. If I don't know, I'll forgive you." Woolen cloth!"

Kim Taeyeon could tell that Li Menglong was deliberately entertaining her, but he was under the roof, so she had no choice but to bow her head.

"If you don't let go of me after I apologize, I will really fight with you!" Kim Taeyeon didn't forget to threaten her before apologizing. She was really afraid that Li Menglong would turn his back on her!

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