The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2414 Swelling Mask

"It all depends on what I do. If you want to eat, you can eat. If you don't want to eat, don't eat!" Li Menglong said speechlessly. It was obviously Pani who invited them, but what are they looking at him doing?

But this is what the girls have been waiting for. After all, they were hesitant before to give Pani some face, but now they no longer need to think about it.

"Well, today I will give you face to Li Menglong!"

"It's hard to thank you for all your hard work, we won't be polite!"

"You have good eyesight, keep up the good work!"

As if the leaders were here to inspect, the girls were here to encourage Li Menglong, but did he need this encouragement?

But he finally understood that the girls were doing this just to show Pani.

In this way, they don't have to accept Pani's favor, even though they know clearly that Pani bought these things.

As the girls sat down, Pani at the other end finally realized what they meant by this group of people.

Eating the food she bought, she wasn't going to appreciate it. So what should she say if she woke up these people before? They didn't want to come back for revenge, right?

Thinking of this, Pani was still a little scared. After all, she had just been bullied by this group of women last night. She was not forgetful to this extent.

So she must let the girls say something at this moment, otherwise once these women have eaten and drank enough, and Li Menglong and Xu Xian go to work again, will she still be alive?

"Put down your chopsticks. How can you be so embarrassed to eat without my permission? I bought these all!" Pani shouted loudly here.

The girls were eating in their mouths after all. Although they could push Li Menglong to the front as an excuse, they were not so shameless.

"Well, didn't you buy so much for us? Do you want to eat it all by yourself?"

"Can't you? I exercised for a long time today, and I'm very hungry. I can eat all these!" Pani promised here.

Just listen to this kind of words. If anyone really takes it seriously, then there is something wrong with their brains. Li Menglong may not be able to finish all this food by himself. Why should Pani?

It's just that at this moment, Pani was riding a tiger and couldn't get off. He could only ignore the teasing looks of the girls and try his best to maintain a serious expression.

But the girls obviously didn’t intend to sell it to Pani to save face, or how delicious the food they snatched must taste!

As a result, these women transformed into a group of female bandits, and despite Pani's earnest persuasion, they still went their own way.

Li Menglong was actually willing to stand by Pani and give her some ideas, but Pani probably didn't have the courage.

The best way is to lift the table directly. Since they don't listen to Pani, then no one should eat. Does Pani dare to do this?

Li Menglong just thought about it for a moment, and wisely chose to give up. He should go over to eat honestly, knowing that there was still his share in it.

"Ah, didn't you hear that Pani bought these for us? Why are you sitting down? Just stay there!" the girls drove them away unceremoniously.

It's just that Li Menglong is not Pani. How could he let these people ride on his head and act recklessly: "Pani and I picked out breakfast together. Now that these foods are mixed together, I'd better pick them out!"

Even though Pani is more familiar with the girls, after all, Li Menglong buys breakfast for these women more often, so the food he buys is obviously more popular than Pani's.

So after seeing the food that Li Menglong wanted to take away, the girls glared at Pani angrily, and then went to argue with Li Menglong.

It's just that Pani really feels wronged. She brought food back to these people, but in the end she brought something wrong? You can't be so unscrupulous!

It's just that the girls obviously don't have the energy to pay attention to Pani's emotions. They have to fight for food with Li Menglong, which is also very important.

It was Xu Xian who saw Pani's grievance and came over to pat her on the back thoughtfully: "Onie, please sit down and have something to eat. You've worked hard today!"

Hearing these warm words, Pani really wanted to cry. Those women don't deserve to have such a considerate maknae, they are a bunch of hooligans!

Maybe Pani was too angry, so the voice here was slightly louder, and the girls on the opposite side turned their heads instantly.

This scene really scared Pani. She just complained casually, so she wouldn't want to retaliate against her immediately, right?

Fortunately, the girls just looked at her, but there was no more kindness in their eyes. They just wanted to come back after breakfast to settle accounts.

After all, Pani understands these women. After all, she has been one of them many times, so even though she is sitting here eating at the moment, all she can think about is an escape plan.

There are not many places left for Pani to escape. The most reliable place is naturally her own home.

But her father had already left, and staying there alone was like going to jail. Pani was very reluctant.

And she was also very resistant to being alone when she was asked to go shopping, get a beauty treatment, etc., not to mention the safety issues on her side.

Since this left her with almost the only choice left, Pani immediately relaxed a lot after making the decision, and at the same time, she no longer had to worry about the threats of these women.

So Upani was like a catfish, successfully making the originally relatively peaceful dining table lively.

"Ah, Huang Meiying, you did it on purpose, right? You came and grabbed whatever I was eating. What do you mean?"

"Oh, I didn't even notice what you said. I'm so sorry. These happen to be my favorite foods too!"

Although Pani said this, his expression was very provocative, which surprised the girls opposite him. Isn't this kid crazy?

"Look at me again? I just took her for a run. All the problems in her head are your responsibility!" Li Menglong shied away.

The girls nodded in understanding. It seemed that Pani was still unconvinced. This was really inappropriate. They didn't want to take action anymore, but Pani always forced them. What should they do?

Of course, the struggles of the girls are all for themselves to see. At least they should give themselves a reasonable reason, otherwise they would just do it casually? Wouldn’t that make her a shrew?

The girls quickly reached a consensus, and the atmosphere at the dinner table suddenly became much better. Anyway, it’s just that they don’t have the same experience as Pani. Who doesn’t have two naughty kids?

It's not that Pani couldn't guess what the girls were thinking, but she was the one who was going to run away anyway. We wouldn't see each other for a while, so what else did she need to think about?

So as far as Pani is concerned, this meal is generally quite enjoyable. Firstly, he is really hungry, and secondly, he can offend the girls unscrupulously.

Even Pani vaguely understands Yoona. No wonder this girl always takes the initiative to provoke these women from time to time. This is really enjoyable!

This feeling of walking on the tip of the knife made Pani very intoxicated, and he even wanted to do it again!

It's a pity that breakfast ended soon. Although she did buy a lot, she couldn't resist so many people rushing to eat, especially Li Menglong himself had almost eaten half of it.

"Oppa, did you eat too much? A lot of this is my share!" Pani couldn't help but muttered here.

But Li Menglong didn't take it seriously: "Who eats it and doesn't eat it? Besides, are you sure you want to question me?"

Looking at Li Menglong's eyes sparkling with wisdom, Pani immediately felt a little frightened. Could it be that Li Menglong had already guessed something?

If this is really the case, what if Li Menglong makes some excessive demands? Should she consider calling the police?

Fortunately, these are Pani's own thoughts. Li Menglong just wants peace: "Don't run away, everyone. I'm a little tired today. Send someone to clean the kitchen!"

Although Li Menglong and Xu Xian usually do these tasks, since Li Menglong said this today, the girls still have to give him face, they also have conscience!

But when they looked at Xiaoxian subconsciously, Li Menglong had already put his arm around Xu Xian's shoulders and took her out. How could they still not know what these people were thinking?

Xu Xian herself actually didn't care, but after all, it was Li Menglong's kindness at this moment, so she still expressed her gratitude.

"Don't be so polite, our boss Xu Xian has already spent money, so we can't let you contribute any more!"

Xu Xian didn't take Li Menglong's statement seriously, because he spent so much money and effort, and Li Menglong didn't come out to uphold justice every time.

So it's obvious that Li Menglong is lazy this time, but it's good that Xu Xian can follow suit, but what are the two of them going to do next? Are they going to set off?

"I really didn't get a good rest. It was all because of that girl Pani. Let me rest for a while!" Li Menglong explained here.

But with his eyes closed, he always felt that something was missing: "By the way, Xiaoxian, please get me a facial mask that can reduce swelling and put it on. I was slapped by Pani early in the morning!"

Xu Xian didn't have any urge to delve into the details. If it was Li Menglong's fault, then he deserved to be beaten; but if it was Pani's fault, could she still uphold justice for him?

So it is better to do something within your own ability, such as carefully choosing a facial mask for Li Menglong. There are really too many types of facial masks for girls.

It is no exaggeration to say that ordinary beauty stores do not have as complete a range as theirs. After all, there are many girls here and their requests are also diverse.

It's just that Xu Xian doesn't really have a facial mask specifically designed to reduce swelling. After all, she rarely has such needs. Fortunately, other girls have to face such extreme situations often.

I walked to the kitchen and took a look. This time, the girls were fair and didn't directly push a lot of work to Yoona, otherwise her youngest sister would suffer again.

"Onies, do any of you have a swelling mask? Lend me one...or two!" Xu Xian finally changed his mind. Considering the size of Li Menglong's face, I conservatively estimated that one mask might not be able to cover it.

"Why are you using that? Don't you look pretty good? You've become so thin and still need to reduce swelling. Are you mocking us?"

It’s no wonder that the girls are sensitive. Looking at Xu Xian from their perspective at this moment, they all want to praise her as a beautiful woman.

As a result, this kind of beauty came to these "sloppy" elder sisters to ask for facial masks. If this isn't a mockery of them, then what is it?

Xu Xian naturally didn't want to be misunderstood, so he immediately sold Li Menglong: "It's Menglong Oppa who wants to use it, I don't need it!"

"Li Menglong? He didn't go to work to make money after he was full, and he wanted to put on a facial mask when he asked me to work. Does this mean he really doesn't want to lose his face, right?" The girls complained with anger, and it sounded rough. That's what happened.

It’s just that the specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail. Besides, Li Menglong is not a coward who won’t retaliate: “I woke up early in the morning and was slapped by someone, and then immediately bought you breakfast without stopping, and even said a facial mask. It’s crooked, can’t you let it go?”

Li Menglong's words were full of thorns. Naturally, the girls would not bear it forcefully. They just expressed their opinions appropriately and did not say no or no.

But what happened if he was beaten? There is no one to share this wonderful thing of universal celebration. Are we not good sisters anymore?

Although it can be regarded as a cause, Pani really doesn't intend to go into details, otherwise it may be her responsibility in the end.

So I went straight to the refrigerator and flipped through the facial masks. There was a special drawer for them. Who told them to have so many facial masks?

After picking out two slices, Pani ran out directly. If he stayed, he would be questioned, so it was better to come over quickly and comfort Li Menglong first.

"Oppa, I'm here to apply a facial mask on you!" As Pani spoke, he pressed Li Menglong down again as he stood up: "Don't move, I'm here to serve you!"

"Yeah, what are you going to do again? Draw on my face?"

"Can you not think of people so bad!" Pani said speechlessly: "Here is Pani from Girls' Generation serving you. Very few people can get such treatment. Are you very touched? "

Li Menglong didn't even answer. After all, he had already heard Pani's tone of discussion. He just wanted to ask for peace, so everything could be easily discussed.

After seeing Li Menglong's acquiescence, Pani immediately put a towel on his legs, and then moved Li Menglong's head over.

By the way, Pani really wasn't lying. Although she had applied facial masks to herself countless times, she really had no relevant experience in applying them to outsiders, especially men.

Fortunately, Li Menglong didn't understand any of this, so he allowed Pani to put a wrinkled facial mask on it.

After cutting out an extra mask, Pani finally covered Li Menglong's big face. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief: "We have agreed in advance that we are not allowed to mention the beating again!"

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