The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2416 It is forbidden to be moved

Seriously speaking, Kim Taeyeon's apology was not very sincere, at least in Li Menglong's view. Maybe it's because he has higher requirements?

However, he generously chose to forgive Kim Taeyeon. After all, this girl almost broke her teeth and looked like she was ready to fight him at any time.

By the way, the apology itself doesn't make Kim Taeyeon care that much. Life has its ups and downs. There will be peaks and valleys. This is normal.

It's just that there are girls watching around, which makes her feel very embarrassed. Although Kim Taeyeon doesn't have much of this kind of shame, she still has a little bit of it.

Even at this moment, Kim Taeyeon felt a little regretful. It would be better to drag Li Menglong to die together instead of being scared right now!

"Okay, okay, don't make similar mistakes next time. I'm not so easy to talk to every time!" Li Menglong directly let go of his hand, indicating that Kim Taeyeon could go have fun on her own.

Kim Taeyeon naturally ran to the girls' side immediately. After confirming her safety, she could no longer hide her shame.

Especially the looks of the girls around her, she felt that they all looked down upon her, as if they all had knives in their eyes.

Kim Taeyeon, who had been stabbed three times and six times, could not directly defend herself. Even if she did, the girls might not believe her.

So the best way at this moment is to express her emotions through actions and let them see that Kim Taeyeon is also resisting.

As for the previous actions, they were all a ploy to paralyze Li Menglong. This means that she, Kim Taeyeon, has a brain, which is something she should be proud of.

After having this idea, Kim Taeyeon couldn't wait to put it into action: "Luanluoluo, Li Menglong, have you been deceived by me? Those words just now are all lies!"

As if to better highlight her rebellious temperament, Kim Taeyeon put her hands on her hips, raised her head and raised her chest, and bursts of hearty laughter came from her Dantian.

How should I describe this action? If Li Menglong was filming, this set of actions would definitely be used on fools.

At this moment, Kim Taeyeon is full of stupidity. To put it more simply, she is filled with an uncontrollable stupidity!

Judging from the shocked eyes of the girls, it was obvious that they had similar ideas to his. After all, as normal people, their aesthetics were relatively consistent.

Maybe only Kim Taeyeon is more unique. This kind of person is really a born star!

It might be difficult for a normal person to perform these actions and emotions properly. You must know that most people still have a face and are shy!

Maybe Kim Taeyeon also noticed something, because her voice became softer and softer, and by the end it was already unnoticeable.

It's not okay to just stop like this, otherwise it would be her and Kim Taeyeon's acquiescence to the whole thing. She didn't want to be so embarrassed.

In this case, she can only choose to take the wrong approach. As long as she is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed!

"Are you fooled by me? Don't be too discouraged. It's not shameful to lose to me. This is even a qualification you can show off!" Kim Taeyeon continued to brag here, and it became more and more embarrassing. The reliable kind.

Li Menglong really wanted to take her to the hospital for a checkup. Don't forget that he had just stimulated Kim Taeyeon into a fool. He couldn't bear this responsibility.

The girls at the back knew Kim Taeyeon better, and could have guessed Kim Taeyeon's state at the moment.

If they go by their instinct, they would naturally want to go and expose her. Let's see what Kim Taeyeon's expression will look like at that time.

But reason still occupied the high ground. Of course, it is not impossible to call it a sense of crisis. After all, if you really do that, some lives will probably be caused here today.

If you really make Taeyeon anxious, she will bite. Kim Taeyeon is much more vicious than a rabbit!

Since they don't want to offend her, the girls' choice is very simple. If anyone can sell her a favor at this moment, there may be some unexpected gains.

Although the girls themselves are not interested in committing themselves to anything, Kim Taeyeon is a rich woman. Even if they share 1% of their inheritance, they will still be considered rich!

Looking at each other, the girls immediately understood everyone's thoughts, and the next step was how to speak.

No one planned to communicate in this regard. This was a completely personal battle, and it was too late for them to guard against each other.

Moreover, everyone really wants to seize the initiative. The first one to speak always has an advantage.

I was so anxious that I couldn't think of any appropriate words to say, but this was all for the other girls.

Yoona's side is completely different from this group of people. Others can't think of it at all, but here she is considering which plan is more suitable.

When it comes to situations like flattery and rescue, Yoona is really experienced. Although these experiences were accumulated with tears, the sadness of the past has turned into the joy of the moment.

After first quietly scorning the girls around her, Yoona walked out unhurriedly and coughed heavily to signal that she was about to speak.

If the girl was just a little annoyed when she wasn't there, then Kim Taeyeon couldn't wait to go over and hold Yoona and kiss her hard.

Sure enough, my love for Yoona has not been in vain in the past. As for the specific way of loving her, this is not the point. What is important is what Yoona has to say next!

"Li Menglong, a person must know how to assess the situation. Since we have been tricked by our great captain's wisdom, we must admit defeat openly and try our best to win back next time!"

Yoona looked sincere and sincere, as if she was some kind of life mentor. Wouldn’t it be inappropriate for her to say these words?

Let's not talk about whether the so-called "wisdom" in Kim Taeyeon exists. Just talk about the number of times she has been fooled by Kim Taeyeon. Then Yoona said that she is second. Who dares to say that she is first?

And has she let it go? Have you given up? Did you look away again?

Lin Yoona herself didn't even do something, but instead came here to persuade Li Menglong. How should she characterize her behavior?

Faced with Li Menglong's question, Yoona couldn't answer for a while. After all, these were all facts, and she still somewhat agreed with what he said.

Recalling the past events one after another, Yoona felt that she was being loyal if she didn't add insult to injury, but in the end, she took the initiative to save Kim Taeyeon. Is she crazy?

Seeing that Li Menglong's words shook Yoona's mind, Kim Taeyeon was really unhappy. This kind of man is very annoying, and he understands women better than women!

Of course, Li Menglong also thinks highly of him. To be precise, he only knows the women in front of him. But if the team is changed, Li Menglong is just a decoration.

But these are matters that need to be discussed later. At this moment, Kim Taeyeon's most urgent thing is to strengthen Yoona's confidence.

Otherwise, the people who took the initiative to stand up were not well protected by her. Who would dare to speak up for her in the future?

As for how to protect Yoona, the most direct way is to refute Li Menglong's words!

It's just that everything Li Menglong said was true. Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon keenly caught the loopholes in his words. He only told one aspect of the matter.

Kim Taeyeon always teases Yoona when she has nothing to do. She cannot deny this, but there are also times when Kim Taeyeon is nice to Yoona, and there are quite a lot of them!

Although she was very sure that she had done something similar, she didn't know what happened. Kim Taeyeon just couldn't remember it at the moment, and she was so anxious that she almost jumped!

Seemingly sensing Kim Taeyeon's emotions, Li Menglong didn't forget to add fuel to the fire: "Don't waste your brains here. Making up lies also requires time and brains!"

"You're just making up lies, what I'm telling you is all the truth!"

"Then tell me, no one is stopping you!"

Seeing Li Menglong's proud expression, someone among the girls behind him finally stood up, and it was none other than Xu Xian, whom Li Menglong trusted the most!

It is said that Xu Xian rarely participates in similar disputes. After all, her relationship with Li Menglong is notoriously good, even compared with other girls.

Many times she would even say a few words of justice for Li Menglong in a subtle way, but today she clearly wanted to side with Kim Taeyeon.

Although she has a good relationship with Li Menglong, she is still the maknae of the girls. She can't just watch her sister being bullied!

Especially at this moment, Kim Taeyeon really can't remember it. This shows that Kim Taeyeon didn't take these things to heart in the past. Isn't it a matter of course to be nice to her sister?

So Xu Xian chose to stand on the side of justice, which is the opposite of Li Menglong!

"Hey, Xiaoxian, are you going in the wrong direction? You are going to the kitchen, right?" Li Menglong pointed at Xu Xian and said in surprise.

But Xu Xian didn't react at all. He had to make his position clear at this moment, otherwise it would be troublesome if both sides were displeased.

"Unnie is very good to Yoona. When we were a trainee, Yoona caught a cold one time..."

I have to say that Xu Xian's memory is really good. She can still remember things that happened so long ago to others.

Although it lacked a lot of details, at least it was a victory in terms of time!

Especially this kind of memories can easily bring back the memories in everyone's mind. For example, Yoona added countless details by herself.

The whole person was immediately moved and went over to hug Kim Taeyeon: "Unnie, I'm sorry for you!"

Faced with Yoona's long-lost enthusiasm, Kim Taeyeon herself is still a little uncomfortable. In this aspect, she and Lee Mong-ryong are actually quite similar, and they are more willing to do it than express it.

"Uh...can you let me go? Your chest is pressing on me!" Kim Taeyeon said softly.

But when Li Menglong heard these words, he couldn't help laughing immediately. There must be some subtext in Kim Taeyeon's words, right? Is it hinting at something?

I have to say that in this kind of matter, only the person involved is the most sensitive, so Kim Taeyeon herself didn't react, but Yoona glared at Li Menglong: "What are you laughing at?"

Can Li Menglong explain it seriously? Absolutely not!

Otherwise, Yoona and Kim Taeyeon would come together to fight him desperately. He didn't want to offend so many people at the same time.

"Of course I'm laughing at Kim Taeyeon. Don't you think she's funny?"

Although she knew that Li Menglong was deliberately changing the topic, Yoona didn't want to delve deeper. After all, it wasn't Li Menglong who was embarrassed.

Moreover, she also looked down upon the group of women behind her. It was rare to see people as loyal as she was.

Will those women offend Li Menglong for her? Maybe she will choose to join in the same trend with him and laugh at Lin Yoona together!

So in desperation, Yoona could only think that he had escaped, but don't forget that there was Kim Taeyeon beside her.

Considering Yoona can't afford to offend her, does Lee Mong-ryong think she, Kim Taeyeon, is easy to bully? This is really intolerable!

But just when Kim Taeyeon wanted to take action, Li Menglong calmly stood up and moved his thick arms.

He silently lowered his head and glanced at his forearm. Although he had been praised by many fans in the past, he didn't seem to have an advantage at all when fighting, especially compared to Li Menglong!

Not to mention using Kim Taeyeon's arms, even if she was using her own calves to compete, she still wouldn't have any advantage. If there was a real fight, would she be beaten to death on the spot?

Even though she knew that Li Menglong didn't have such courage, Kim Taeyeon still didn't want to gamble. It wasn't worth it!

"Hmph! I'm in a good mood today, so I'm letting you go. Remember to thank me!" Kim Taeyeon said pretendingly.

Li Menglong naturally had no reaction. Regardless of what Kim Taeyeon said, at least it was Li Menglong who took advantage of this action.

And Li Menglong has not forgotten the little traitor at this moment. Although he understands Xu Xian's choice, doesn't he still have to give him a small explanation?

Maybe it's a different kind of tacit understanding. Kim Taeyeon is also choosing other goals at this moment. As for the purpose, it is naturally to establish her prestige.

As for this target, it is also a good choice. You must know that Pani had a settlement with them before, so it is not too late to talk about it now.

So Kim Taeyeon walked up to Pani like a hooligan, patted her shoulder and said frivolously: "Beauty, are you alone? Do you want to talk to me?"

Although Kim Taeyeon wanted to play a gangster, the actual situation was not that realistic. After all, playing a gangster also requires talent.

With Kim Taeyeon's face here, if she really teased someone, then maybe the person being teased would feel very lucky.

It's just that Pani doesn't have so much leisure at the moment. She deeply feels Kim Taeyeon's malice.

Fortunately, she had already thought of a solution in advance, otherwise she might be at a loss at this moment: "I'm sorry, I don't have time today, how about we make an appointment another day?"

"What can happen to you?"

"Uh... OPPA asked me to go to the company to help!" Pani said affirmatively, and it will be up to Li Menglong next!

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