Jessica took a deep breath, then gave Kim Taeyeon a hard blow on the back of her head, and then walked quickly to the center of the stage.

It's not that she wants to let Kim Taeyeon go. If possible, she would like to have a live PK on the spot.

After all, what happened today was caused by Kim Taeyeon herself, or since they have already come forward to solve the problem, isn't this asking for her own death?

It's a pity that she can't fall out with Kim Taeyeon here. No matter how ridiculous Kim Taeyeon does, she will still be the leader of Girls' Generation.

As long as they don't want to change the captain, they have to stand on the same front as Kim Taeyeon, which means that they are also part of the mess she made, whether it is due to their subjective wishes or not.

Now Jessica is just cleaning up the mess. After all, Kim Taeyeon has spoken out, and fans have seen it. She really has no other choice but to walk out.

So I looked back at Kim Taeyeon deeply and saw the other girls venting her anger for her, then she smiled comfortably.

Of course, this is also because she has already reached the center of the stage. If she keeps a sullen expression, it will cause trouble for the fans: "It's my time now, but have you forgotten something?"

Jung Soo-yeon looked harmless, but her words sounded a bit like revenge. If Kim Taeyeon was the main culprit today, then all the fans at the scene were accomplices.

Although she can’t treat her fans the same way she treated Kim Taeyeon, she can always make some small requests, right?

"You were shouting very loudly when Kim Taeyeon came on the stage just now, so I didn't do enough? Sure enough, I just..."

Halfway through her words, Jessica was still choked up. If the fans at the scene had some experience in filming, they would realize how fake her acting was.

Firstly, Jessica was too lazy to act, and secondly, she really had no acting skills.

Many people have made judgments on this a long time ago. After all, among those who chose the drama route when they first debuted, Jessica Jung’s name was quite high.

At that time when they were not famous, the only thing they could show for themselves was their beauty.

This is not a derogatory term. In other words, being beautiful is a part of talent. Besides, a large part of the fans are based on appearance.

Besides, most of the first dramas of idols are just as vases. After removing off-site factors, of course, the more beautiful they are, the more advantages they have.

However, being able to become an idol actually has nothing to do with being ugly. It’s just that some people’s looks are more suitable for becoming actors, which is commonly known as actor’s face.

There are no hard and fast standards in this regard. When it comes to girls, there is no doubt that Jessica Jung and Yoona are the most standard ones.

As a negative example, it is none other than their captain Kim Taeyeon. It would be more suitable for her to be a comedian.

As for the reason, Kim Taeyeon's childlike face has almost sentenced her to death as an actress.

It’s not that there aren’t roles like her, but it’s too easy to get into dramas. That means Lee Mong-ryong can still use her. Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon herself doesn’t have such ambitions.

But Jessica is still better than her, whether it's looks or ambition, but her main weakness is talent, which is a bit exaggerated.

After all, what they were asked to make in the first place were vases, and as we all know, making vases does not require any acting skills, but it is a pity that Jessica is very awkward even making vases.

After initially coming to this conclusion, Jessica was naturally unwilling to give in. After all, everyone knows that actors have a longer career than idols. It can be said that transforming into an actor is the best way out for idols.

But at that time, they had no right to speak, so they could only endure the grievances they felt.

But after they became famous, Jessica naturally thought of this matter again, so she decisively took on the role of the second female lead and gave it a try. After that, she never heard of her thoughts on her acting career again.

But no matter how bad her acting skills are, it is still enough to fool the fans here. Besides, the fans may be willing to be fooled by her. She is the kind of person who is willing to fight and suffer.

So after seeing Jessica's so-called choking, fans immediately vented all their accumulated enthusiasm.

In fact, their original plan was smart enough to save some energy. Although they could not guarantee that the next cheers would be as good as the previous ones, they could still achieve an even output.

It's a pity that Jessica didn't give them this chance at all. Since they were deceived by Kim Taeyeon willingly, they should just continue to be stupid.

Kim Taeyeon is currently hiding in the corner, squatting and holding her head. Although this look detracts from her majesty as the captain, it has to be said that it really works, especially when these women want to beat her to death.

"I said you're almost done. If you do it again, I'm going to get angry!"

Kim Taeyeon's words were not for provocation, but purely for the purpose of testing the women to see how their anger had subsided.

It's just that the results of the test were not that wonderful. They didn't even reply. They just hit her on the head with a little more force.

Fortunately, even when they were angry, they still had some sense, so Kim Taeyeon could still take a leisurely look at the situation on the stage at this moment.

Even though she was the one who caused the trouble, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know that she made a mistake. Otherwise, how could she still be bullied by these people here? She is all trying to atone for her sins.

At the same time, she naturally took up her responsibilities as the captain of Girls' Generation again. Although she was able to perform on this stage, we still don't know how the other girls will perform.

Not only did she not have confidence in her sisters, but the whole thing was too hasty, especially since she had performed it herself first, so she knew the hard work involved.

Although it’s not easy to boast, her overall strength in performance is enough to rank high in the captain’s ranking.

As a top student, she felt it was a bit difficult, so it was reasonable for the other girls to have some flaws.

Although I didn't expect them to make mistakes, why did Jessica feel a little disappointed when she finished the performance perfectly? Isn't this an illusion?

In order to test her idea, Kim Taeyeon began to stare at the girls' stage seriously throughout the whole process, and she couldn't take her eyes away.

The girls who saw this scene were not too embarrassed to continue. After all, this scene also touched some small good things deep in their memories.

Speaking of the period when Kim Taeyeon first became the captain, it's hard to say that she didn't do her responsibilities with all her heart, but in terms of effectiveness, it was indeed average.

Although there was no excessive quarrel at that time, Kim Taeyeon's depressed and self-blame look was still noticed by everyone.

As for when exactly Kim Taeyeon truly recognized her identity as captain, everyone should have a different time in mind.

But I believe everyone still remembers one scene very clearly. At that time, Kim Taeyeon was at a time when she wanted to be nice to everyone, but didn't know what to do.

She didn't know where she got the secret recipe from, so she began to pay attention to the schedule of all the girls alone.

As long as they appear on TV, whether it is a TV series, variety show or stage performance, she will watch it.

And she was not only watching, but also taking a small notebook to record simultaneously. The content of the record was the mistakes she thought the girls had made or the details that could be improved.

This process is almost destined to be thankless. After all, it looks like she is meddling in other people's business, or even actively looking for trouble.

And at that time, Kim Taeyeon herself didn't have much experience. She might be a little better in stage performances, but in terms of TV dramas and variety shows, her opinions were still quite naive.

One can imagine the attitude of the other girls after hearing Kim Taeyeon's nagging.

Although it didn't go as far as a direct falling out, according to Pani later, during that period, Kim Taeyeon secretly cried under the quilt a lot of times in the middle of the night.

Although it wouldn't matter if they said this kind of thing based on their current relationship, it was really the first time for the girls to know about it, and they also secretly regretted it. At that time, they could have been more gentle to this "immature" captain.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon is much stronger than they thought. She just suffered some injustices. She believes that everyone will understand and agree with her sooner or later.

What Kim Taeyeon can do is to make herself more professional, that is, to spend more time watching girls' programs.

Of course, it is a joke to expect Kim Taeyeon to directly become a variety show genius, a genius director, etc., but her efforts are seen in everyone's eyes and remembered in their hearts.

When everyone was resting, she was still there watching everyone's show. Based on her heart, she was worthy of the title of captain.

Maybe from that time on, everyone no longer had any thoughts of "usurping the throne". After all, comparing themselves to others, no one can do what Kim Taeyeon is doing.

At that time, Kim Taeyeon's eyes were almost the same as now. She was staring at the performances of the other girls, looking serious.

It's just that the girls don't know Kim Taeyeon's inner activities at this moment, otherwise they can still fall into warm memories here? He had already started to attack Kim Taeyeon.

Because at this moment, Kim Taeyeon was not caring about other people's performances. She was clearly waiting for the girls to make mistakes.

Her requirements are really not high, just a small broken sound is enough. Fans will never care, so can't she satisfy her small wish?

As for why she has such thoughts, it is not because she wants to consolidate her position as captain. After all, theoretically the captain should be the strongest one in the team.

But so far, everyone's performance seems to be no worse than hers, which is a bit inappropriate.

Although it can be understood positively that the girls are a team with no shortcomings, it also shows that Kim Taeyeon's strength is just that, at least within the team, there is no problem at all.

That's all on weekdays. Kim Taeyeon is not the kind of bad captain who doesn't like the members' good deeds, but isn't this a special situation today?

If possible, she wished that everyone's performance would go wrong. Unfortunately, so far, everyone's performance has been good.

Kim Taeyeon is already kneeling on the ground watching the show. Although it is just a subconscious action, but coupled with the nagging expression on her mouth, it is not impossible to say that she is cursing Xu Xian.

Xu Xian herself was a little flustered. After all, just before she went on stage, Kim Taeyeon came over to give her a few words of advice, but why did she feel so strange.

Fortunately, the rest of the girls are still normal. When everyone comes back, they will simply share their experiences with the people behind them.

As far as today's stage is concerned, this group of elder sisters still did what the elder sisters should do, taking the lead to gain time and experience for the younger sisters behind them.

As the maknae, Seohyun has received many suggestions and has some basic calculations in mind. At least he won't be as unsure as the girls who appeared first.

Although there are advantages, there are also disadvantages. Of course, it does not refer to Kim Taeyeon's small "expectations". She does not dare to speak out such thoughts openly.

The main problem lies in two aspects. On the one hand, it is the problem of songs. Although they have many popular songs, they cannot support everyone singing one song like this.

So when Xu Xian came here, there were no songs that were relatively easy to sing and easy for everyone to sing along with. She could only choose from some second hits.

On the other hand, there were the fans at the scene. Xu Xian didn't pay attention at first. After all, he didn't have the energy to pay attention when he was on the side and couldn't see clearly.

But when she walked to the center of the stage, she was a little shocked. What had the girls in front done to the fans? Why did everyone look so tired.

Of course, it's not quite accurate to say that. Everyone seems to be in good spirits mentally, which can be seen from their eyes.

But the opposite is everyone's physical condition. Although it's not yet time for everyone to speak, you can still tell something through their appearance.

The most obvious thing is the fans' lips. Although they keep drinking water, the color of their lips is still pale, and even some cheeks feel sunken, as if they haven't slept for several days.

Xu Xian cautiously took a few steps forward. Because it was not a formal stage, she could easily contact the fans.

However, this kind of behavior is also dangerous. Without security, they are not allowed to have contact with fans on stage.

But no one came to stop her today. Xu Xian was a little curious at first, but then she gradually realized something was wrong. Why weren't the fans excited at all?

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