The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2349 Change money

Except for the period when he first debuted, Seohyun really rarely encounters such scenes, so it's natural that he's a little uncomfortable with it.

But she didn't suspect that something was wrong with her. After all, she was still popular, and there hadn't been any scandals recently. She couldn't just start to be annoying for no reason, right?

Besides, everyone present today is their fans, and everyone’s enthusiasm for them is also visible to the naked eye, at least that was the case on Kim Taeyeon’s stage at the beginning.

Since it's not her problem and the fans don't seem to have much of a problem, is it because her actions at the moment are not big enough?

With a trace of inquiring mind, Xu Xian simply squatted down on the edge of the stage, and then stretched out his hand, with the obvious intention of shaking hands with the fans.

If it was still dangerous to get close to fans before, then this action should be strictly prohibited, because it is too easy to be dragged down by fans.

Although the vast majority of fans are sane, even if there is only one lunatic, the result is unpredictable.

But there were too many strange things going on at the moment, and no one from the side, either the girls or Li Menglong, came out to stop her.

If the people over there could still have some excuses, then the fans' behavior at this moment completely puzzled Xu Xian.

She had already stretched out her hand hard. It wasn't that she didn't want to get there in one step, but if she went any further, she would fall directly.

So at this moment, the fans need to move a few steps forward. It is such a simple action, but the fans are in a daze, and no one comes forward.

If it weren’t for the memory of the previous stage, Seohyun would have thought that all the people who came were their anti-fans, or was there no personal fans of Seohyun’s who came?

Of course, Seohyun herself didn't believe the last thought. Not to mention that the most fans among fans are the team's fans. Seohyun's own popularity alone cannot be so low.

Although there has been no serious discussion, Xu Xian still has some basic understanding.

Even though she seems to have a low overseas travel rate now and does more behind-the-scenes work, in the reputation of fans, she has actually improved.

If in the past, everyone only admired her appearance, then now she can be admired in more places. Simply put, her popularity with the public has become much better.

So it's impossible for all the fans in the audience to hate her. This was obviously something that distracted everyone's attention.

Since everyone ignored her, Xu Xian went to ask after her. She was really curious. Seeing that the stage was not particularly high, Xu Xian held the stage with one hand and jumped down. This action caused some reactions from the fans around him. After all, Xu Xian appeared directly in front of him.

"Hello, I am today's special reporter. Are you satisfied with today's stage?"

Seohyun's temperament matches the reporter very well. Of course, it can also be said that Seohyun is pretty enough. It seems that anything a pretty person can do is not out of line.

It's just that the person being interviewed by Xu Xian didn't seem to feel this way. It wasn't that he didn't want to be interviewed, but he repeatedly pointed at his throat and refused to speak.

Xu Xian thought he had met a mute, and was a little panicked for a moment. After all, this was a public poking at the other person's scars, and he wanted to apologize.

"Sorry, I didn't know you couldn't speak. Thank you very much for liking our song. I..."

The person being interviewed knew that his meaning had been misunderstood. Looking at Xu Xian's self-blaming expression, what else could he do besides speaking out?

"It has nothing to do with you, don't blame yourself!"

How to describe this sound? It's like there is a layer of sandpaper in the throat, and every syllable makes people's ears very uncomfortable.

Xu Xian was naturally the same, but she could still control her expression: "Did you have an operation on your throat?"

The person opposite seemed to have broken the pot, and tortured Xu Xian and everyone present with a hoarse voice: "No, I was fine before I came here."

"So it was an accident here? Do we need to call an ambulance for you?"

"It doesn't matter. I haven't seen your stage yet. How can I be willing to leave, but I may really not be able to shout. You must understand me. I support..."

It wasn't that someone interrupted this person's words, but that he couldn't speak and could only hear heavy breathing.

As a singer, Xu Xian is undoubtedly sensitive enough to sounds, and she already understands the misunderstanding she just had.

It's not that fans suddenly lost their love for her, but that after passing the stages of the previous girls, their voices could no longer hold up.

Xu Xian tilted his head and thought about it, and then vaguely remembered that the stage effect just now seemed to be very enthusiastic.

Because he had held many concerts, Seohyun naturally didn't care that much. After all, he had experienced many more fanatical concerts than this one.

But she looked at the fans at the scene, and there were only a few hundred people here, which meant that they used such a small number of people to create an effect comparable to a concert with ten thousand people.

That is to say, Xu Xian was not conscious at first, otherwise she would have stopped everyone from doing this. Isn't this making fun of her own voice?

Although he understands everyone's thoughts, it doesn't have to go to this extent. Xu Xian doesn't know what to say now, so he can't blame everyone, right?

And asking her to say some words of encouragement would be a bit too much against her will. Besides, it would be inappropriate if fans imitate this in the future.

Xu Xian waved her hands to the fans around her who wanted to speak, signaling them to stop talking. She, Xu Xian, understood what everyone was thinking.

Returning to the stage again, looking at the fans who were still quiet in the audience, it would be a lie to say that I was not moved.

With such a group of passionate fans, the girls have the nerve to do something evil? Don’t you know that you feel sorry for your fans?

Thinking of this, Xu Xian turned his head and gave the girls a fierce look, but the girls also had something to say.

They are not hidden villains, they also have the emotions that Seohyun has.

It can be said that Jessica was trying to tease the fans at the beginning, but later on, everyone already signaled the fans not to support or sing along.

But the fans themselves are unwilling, or they have relatively high demands on themselves and are unwilling to treat girls any differently.

Since they agreed to use Kim Taeyeon's stage as the standard, they must do it. Their will is admirable, but haven't they considered their own bodies?

Fortunately, Xu Xian thought about it for them. Originally, Xu Xian didn't choose a good song, so now there's no need to worry about it.

Just find an unpopular slow song. In this way, even if fans want to interact, there will be no chance.

As expected, everyone's expressions were very confused when they heard the intro. You must know that the support for the song must be unified in advance, and it is impossible to cooperate on the spot.

As long as the songs of girls who have appeared on singing shows have corresponding support videos, this is one of the reasons why fans have been able to keep up.

But the song Xu Xian picked is actually a little less popular, which means everyone at the scene is considered a die-hard fan. If some newcomers come here, they might think Xu Xian is singing a cover.

Xu Xian seemed to have noticed everyone's desire to participate. After all, everyone didn't interact with her just now, they were just accumulating energy and waiting for this moment.

Fortunately, Xu Xian understands everyone's feelings. It's just that their throats are not suitable for speaking, but there is nothing wrong with the rest of their bodies.

So under the leadership of Xu Xian, everyone at the scene turned on the flash of their mobile phones and swayed with Xu Xian's hand.

In fact, this move has almost become a necessary part of the concert, but it doesn't depend on the skill, as long as it works.

This scene at night is undoubtedly quite gorgeous. Unfortunately, it is afternoon now and the sun is still hanging in the sky. The flash does not have much effect, at least in terms of lighting.

But that's not what Xu Xian is pursuing. She just wants to get fans involved, so as not to waste everyone's efforts.

As a result, the atmosphere at the scene became almost visibly warmer. Although the stage was no longer as frenzied as before, both Seohyun and the fans seemed to be intoxicated by it.

At this time, Li Menglong naturally wanted to jump out and stimulate the women: "Now you know who the real singer is, and you will learn from it in the future!"

This time, the girls rarely objected, because Xu Xian did a good job.

And the key thing is that they don't have any jealous feelings. After all, this is the maknae they raised, and they are proud of it at the moment.

As for Xu Xian on the stage, she was even happier. This silent understanding really made her very addicted. After the performance, she gestured to everyone not to speak, and then silently left the stage.

This scene gives people goosebumps, especially compared with the girls' previous performances. They can be said to be good singers, but Xu Xian has completely become an artist here.

Ignoring the inquiries from the girls surrounding Xu Xian, Li Menglong quickly walked to the stage. He just came here not only to stimulate the girls, but also for his role here.

Although the girls can also guest host themselves, after all, they are all versatile. In line with the principle of not being overwhelmed by their skills, they have learned a little bit of everything.

Although limited by talent, the subsequent progress may not be so satisfactory, such as Jessica Jung's career as an actress.

But there are still many people who have found their own place. As far as hosting is concerned, the leader among the girls is undoubtedly Lee Soon Kyu.

Although Lee Soon Kyu has never seriously developed into variety shows due to personal reasons, her strength has been recognized by many people, and she is qualified to be the MC alone.

Faced with such a small scene, if she takes action, she will naturally get it, but she doesn't want to, and it will be very cheap.

Even if everyone on set is one of his own, he still needs to have the proper style. Fortunately, Li Menglong is multi-talented. In addition to his job as an agent, it’s no problem to occasionally guest host.

"I know you all still have a lot to say, but all the words are wasted..."

Li Menglong was slightly stuck here, mainly because what he said was so smooth that he didn't change it for a while.

Fortunately, everyone below doesn't have the energy to trouble him now. Doesn't that mean that what he says is what he says?

It seems that he has discovered a great road, and his hidden desire to seek death is ready to move again: "Then, would you like to pay the tickets for today's admission? It's not more than 10,000 per person." Share it?"

Seeing Li Menglong's serious expression on the stage, fans didn't know whether he was joking or not.

Although it is said that I am here to attend a meet-and-greet with girls, there are indeed paid and free meet-and-greets.

There are no hard and fast standards for the specific distinction. It mainly depends on whether the on-site arrangements are worth the charges and whether there is corresponding sincerity.

From the fans' point of view, the fees are undoubtedly quite reasonable. Not to mention the cost of renting such a venue, the series of performances by the girls alone are worth the fee.

When Li Menglong saw the fans' expressions, he knew that he had said too little. Although he didn't really want to ask for it, if the fans insisted on giving it, it seemed that he would not be able to refuse.

Fortunately, not everyone is as shameless as Li Menglong. Girls care about their own face and credibility.

It was agreed that there would be no charge, so no money was required. What happened on the spur of the moment? Was it because they disliked them for not making money for the company?

You must know that today's itinerary is all temporarily arranged. Did they say a word "no"?

I wish I really said a lot, but that's all normal complaints. Don't look at what they said, look at what they did.

Although it seems to have been costing the company so far, there will be a business show in the evening.

Although they don't know the specific situation, they still know their worth. This amount alone is enough to make up for today's loss. Why do they have to go to fans to ask for money?

"Have you overlooked something? Most of your commercial performances are in your own hands. The small amount of income given to the company is enough for what you can do. With so many people on site, the overtime pay for one day is not enough, right?"

Li Menglong didn't really want to argue with these people. In fact, they handed over these words, and it seemed very rude for him not to answer them.

The girls were stunned for a moment, but they also knew that there was nothing wrong with what Li Menglong said, but it was very simple to solve it.

Isn't it just that the company spent too much on them and their fans today? This is not simple. Why don't they give up the income from the commercial performance tonight? Quan is working for the company in vain!

Facing the girls' aura, Li Menglong didn't say much. Anyway, the girls didn't lack such a little income, so they could do whatever they wanted.

It's just that everyone's positions have been reversed at this moment. Now it's the girls' turn to ask Li Menglong for money. Their income from commercial performances should be more than this. Where is the rest of the money?

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