"Girls' Generation's captain is..."

Kim Taeyeon didn't get the answer she wanted, and there were even a few tears of grievance left in the corners of her eyes. As for whether she forced them out, only she knows.

She is also a woman who doesn't know what giving up means. Since no one has given her the answer she wants to hear, she should ask again!

Seeing Kim Taeyeon's stubborn expression, the girls on the stage wanted to cover their heads. Are you so embarrassed?

Especially with their understanding of Kim Taeyeon, if fans still don't say her name this time, it's not impossible to ask them a third time.

Fortunately, fans are still very discerning. If many people were still confused in the answer just now, they now understand what Kim Taeyeon meant.

After all, it's not that things like pushing Seohyun hard can't happen, but it's just the last time. It's not Kim Taeyeon's style to ask her like this repeatedly.

If that's the case, then their answer is wrong, but why is it wrong?

Didn't they say it themselves? The girls take turns to be the captain. Just now, Xu Xian was the first one to jump out. If she is not the captain, then who is the captain?

But the work of exploring the reasons can be put back for a while. After all, Kim Taeyeon did not give everyone time to think at this moment. They had to respond to her questions quickly.

The effect this time was much better than the last time. At least I didn't hear Xu Xian's name, but the flaws still existed.

Everyone is still concerned, or some people have not reacted, so there is still room for improvement in terms of momentum.

So Kim Taeyeon asked this question for the third time: "The leader of Girls' Generation is..."

Even the slowest fans knew whose name it was time to shout out, and the whole place began to echo with Kim Taeyeon's name.

Especially when Kim Taeyeon took the initiative to clap her hands and led everyone to find the rhythm, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more fanatical.

The fans clapped their hands and stamped their feet, and yelled Kim Taeyeon's name at the top of their lungs!

And Kim Taeyeon on the stage was just like everyone else. Although her voice was not that loud, she was also very addicted to it.

She even wanted to know the mood of the other girls at this moment. Are they particularly disappointed? Their plan to usurp power failed once again.

Even if they find such an opportunity that Kim Taeyeon can't refute, even if she can't speak, there are still honest fans out there, and their eyes are sharp!

She, Kim Taeyeon, has always stood with her fans. This is her biggest base. Individual clowns cannot make any waves in front of them. Are you afraid?

The girls are naturally not afraid. Let’s not talk about why they are afraid of their fans. At this moment, their hearts cannot contain any other emotions. They are full of shame!

There was obviously so much foreshadowing, and although it was full of loopholes, with the tacit understanding with the fans, the whole thing was at least officially over.

But why does Kim Taeyeon insist on telling the truth? Apart from embarrassing her, what else can it do to help her?

Even the girls were too embarrassed to go over and pull her down at this moment, so they just let her enjoy herself there.

Anyway, they had made up their mind not to come forward to help this time. If Kim Taeyeon had the ability, she would explain the rest of the matter clearly.

As a result, the girls who had been "dancing" in the back no longer bothered to dance, after all, the rest of the dance was supposed to be next.

But judging from the sound at the scene, even if they sang, no one would listen. In that case, why not save some energy and watch Kim Taeyeon's performance.

To be honest, the girls have no feelings about the scene at this moment, at least they have no so-called admiration for Kim Taeyeon.

Because the fans who came today are all selected fans, they can be regarded as their most loyal fans. Out of their admiration for them, the atmosphere at the scene was easily aroused.

In other words, if Kim Taeyeon's name was replaced by the names of other girls, the effect would still be the same, so what is there to admire?

Why didn't Kim Taeyeon shout like this on the street? Let's see how much ordinary people around her would pay attention to her "psycho". Maybe more people would call the police than shout with her.

Because the fans were facing the girls, they were the first to notice that the girls had stopped performing.

Just because Kim Taeyeon was "performing" hard in the front, no one said anything, but continued to interact with her here.

But this is not singing after all. In other words, a song cannot use her name, Kim Taeyeon, as lyrics throughout the entire song, not to mention that she did not combine it with music.

So after the second half of the song was played, without the lively "background sound", Kim Taeyeon's interaction became even more awkward.

Of course, this is all her own feeling. The fans will have to wait a little longer, after all, their voices have not yet become hoarse.

The sixth sense told Kim Taeyeon that she could not continue like this, and even her mind completely calmed down from her little jealousy. What had she just done?

If the other girls may still have some thoughts of usurping the throne, then Xu Xian is a die-hard royalist and the most loyal minister among loyal ministers.

As a result, her lord killed the loyal minister instantly in the first round? This is simply cutting off an arm!

She was already thinking about how to comfort this little girl in the future, but where was Xu Xian hiding now?

Why not come over and give her a hug? Let fans see the friendship between the two captains!

While walking around on the stage, Kim Taeyeon glanced sideways and almost didn't curse.

Those women seemed to be passers-by, standing there from a distance and watching the excitement. They seemed to be exchanging experiences and how to bully Kim Taeyeon?

But the more it happened at this moment, the faster Kim Taeyeon's thinking became. She also knew that she seemed to have offended these women.

Unless she kneels down directly to these women now, of course a verbal apology is not impossible, but does she, Kim Taeyeon, have no shame? There are so many fans watching!

She was determined not to let these women succeed. She wanted them to understand that her ability to become captain did not depend on her age!

However, although the idea was good, it was still somewhat difficult to implement, especially since the fans below began to slowly lower their voices, obviously waiting for her to speak.

Naturally, Kim Taeyeon couldn't bear to see the fans getting tired there, so she just waved her hand to signal everyone to stop.

The fans were quite generous, and everyone could see that Kim Taeyeon was about to say something. In theory, she should say something, so why not just start singing? So what's the point of them shouting for so long?

Kim Taeyeon opened her mouth several times, and it was obvious that the words were on her lips, but she swallowed them again, which shook the fans.

It's just that she really doesn't know what to say. If she really had to explain it, it would be quite complicated, and fans might not believe it yet.

And if she continued to follow the lies that the girls had made up one after another, she wouldn't be able to make up anything. After all, her behavior had begun to contradict herself.

Fortunately, she has one last solution. As a singer, why does she have to say so much? She's not a comedian, so she doesn't need to use dialogue to please her fans.

As a singer, is there anything more appropriate than singing on stage?

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. If there weren't so many people looking at her, Kim Taeyeon would have applauded herself. Why is she so smart?

There is just one small problem that needs to be solved before singing, and that is the group of women behind her.

If she goes directly to meet them now and perform, what if these people don't cooperate? Although this kind of thing is unlikely, she really doesn't dare to gamble!

No matter how you look at it, it is more appropriate to perform alone. Besides, fans may not want to see them yet. She is satisfying the fans' demands!

After having the basic idea, Kim Taeyeon was finally able to speak again: "Thank you everyone for supporting me. Just now, everyone called my name very suddenly. You must be very confused. Do you want to take a guess? Because of what?"

The moment they heard these words, fans thought they had traveled through time. Haven't the other girls already asked this before? How many times are they going to guess today?

Besides, the girls are so unconventional. No matter how big the fans’ imaginations are, they really can’t figure out what these people are going to do.

It's just that the fans are just curious, but the girls are a little worried. After all, they still know Kim Taeyeon.

Maybe this person has come up with some bad idea, let alone die with them, they don't want to experience any more twists and turns.

Kim Taeyeon did not continue to lie, and directly told her plan. Of course, it is not impossible to call it a lie.

Her meaning is quite simple. In order to repay fans for their support, they made some changes in their regular performances today.

The songs originally performed by nine people will be performed individually, which means that each of them will sing a hit song individually.

As for why she had to guide fans to shout her name, of course it was because she was the one performing the solo performance next.

Kim Taeyeon packaged her original abrupt behavior perfectly, and even vaguely established a small temporary rule: fans must do this again before each girl performs.

After hearing Kim Taeyeon's words for the first time, the fans were quite happy. Even if they were performing normally, it would be perfectly fine, let alone the special stage at this moment.

It’s really rare to see a stage where one person performs the songs of a girl group, so it’s interesting to think about it.

But they soon realized something was wrong. They still remembered how enthusiastically they shouted Kim Taeyeon's name just now.

And next, we have to copy this process eight times, not counting everyone singing along on the stage of each of the girls. Will their voices not be able to hold up?

And everyone is die-hard fans of girls, and they don’t want girls to feel the so-called differential treatment.

In other words, they have to maintain the same volume as much as possible. Although they are willing to do so, why are their legs shaking?

Kim Taeyeon didn't notice these details, or even if she did, she would pretend not to notice them. After all, there is really no possibility of changing things at this point.

They are also respectable idols, okay? They can't just say something and change it every day. How can they win the trust of fans?

As for what fans are worried about, Kim Taeyeon can only say: I don’t care about the flood after I die!

She was the first one to go on stage. Relatively speaking, the fans must be in the best condition, and it doesn't matter if they can't shout out later.

After all, the difference between her and the other girls lies here, but anyone with eyes can see it.

In this case, it is reasonable to see some differences in their reactions after the performance. I believe the girls themselves know it well and should not have any unrealistic delusions.

With this deep confidence, Kim Taeyeon started her performance!

Although there was no rehearsal in advance, Kim Taeyeon relied on her daily accumulation to steadily perform the entire song.

As for feeling, of course I am tired!

Although she had expected it in advance, it was still a little beyond her imagination. Are their songs so strenuous?

In fact, this is all understandable. After all, when performing together, you can only sing two or three short paragraphs in a song. When dancing, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to hide in the back row to be lazy.

But it's totally impossible to perform alone. Every dance move is seen by the fans without telling them. You have to dance and sing at the same time during the whole process. I almost lost half my life.

It can be said that the group's dance itself is more difficult and is definitely not suitable for solo performances.

That is to say, Kim Taeyeon has enough singing skills, but it is still very difficult, and her voice is really about to break when she sings later.

After waving to the fans, Kim Taeyeon quickly walked to the side. The girls over there also cast hostile glances at the right time.

After all, Kim Taeyeon had done everything herself, but all of them had to bear the consequences.

It would be okay if it was just like this. We have been sisters for so many years, so there is no problem in sharing some of it with each other.

But the current situation is a bit serious. Kim Taeyeon herself is so tired, and the other girls may not be much better.

Especially Kim Taeyeon's performance was quite perfect, which invisibly added a lot of pressure to everyone.

If there were any flaws in the performance, there would be no way to cover it up. For a moment, the girls seemed to be carrying a huge mountain on their backs!

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