The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2346 One-day Captain

Fans can't tell who she offended specifically, but Seohyun knows this clearly. She offended Kim Taeyeon severely.

Even though she just stepped in to finish the scene for Kim Taeyeon, the finishing also depends on the specific effect.

If it can successfully calm the fans' emotions, it will certainly be considered a great achievement. However, although the fans have been successfully silenced now, the atmosphere has become even weirder.

Xu Xian herself is not optimistic about her future fate. After all, she knows her captain well. It may be too much to say that she is narrow-minded, but there is really nothing wrong with saying that she is petty.

Especially now that Xu Xian is not only stealing her limelight, but is also suspected of being an impostor. This crime is a bit serious.

Lee Mong-ryong and Yoona clearly set off the atmosphere so well, and the fans also shouted Kim Taeyeon's name in response, but Seohyun just stood up so brazenly?

This is no longer something that can be explained by mishearing, this is clearly planned for a long time!

Other girls have at least shown more or less similar emotions, but Xu Xian has always been quite honest.

If these were advantages in the past, now they are proof of Xu Xian's insidiousness and cunning, and he actually hid this little thought so deeply.

If it hadn't been for today's special circumstances, would she have continued to lurk? Dreaming of becoming a captain?

Of course, these thoughts are Xu Xian's own random thoughts here. She is not sure what Kim Taeyeon's real thoughts are, but she always feels that this level is not so easy.

It's just that these are all troubles in the future, and she can't care about them now. If she doesn't do something, the fans in the audience will really be embarrassed to death.

The fans mainly felt embarrassed. No matter what the reason was, they did call the girls by the wrong names.

Although it’s okay to say that the girls who jumped out have problems, fans are still not used to blaming the fault on idols. How can the girls be at fault? Such a perfect person!

Since they had made a mistake, they naturally had to find a way to forgive. However, there were too many people in the venue, and it was difficult for everyone to reach a unified opinion.

As a result, the audience soon became a little noisy. Everyone was trying to persuade the fans around them, and it was a mess for a while.

Xu Xian really feels sorry for the fans. After all, whose fans feel sorry for whomever, she just took the initiative to stand up so as not to disappoint everyone. Unexpectedly, the effect was not so good.

In this case, just keep working hard, Seohyun is not a woman who gets beaten so easily!

Maybe Xu Xian has been too well protected by the girls these years, or maybe the girls' light has blocked her color. In fact, Xu Xian has always been a very strong existence.

This is actually very easy to discover if you carefully collect information about girls. After all, there are many similar scenes.

For example, in various occasions when they won awards, she was the one who cried the least; for example, when sudden problems occurred in variety shows, she was the one who actively and calmly solved the problem, although the effect was not always particularly good.

Although Xu Xian's characteristics are related to her natural personality, it is also inseparable from her deliberate cultivation.

The main reason why he did this was that Xu Xian didn't know what he could do for these women.

Xu Xian is actually very grateful to everyone for taking care of her. Although she has become much more mature and independent now, she knows that if there were no girls to protect her during her debut, she is really not sure that she can go on this road. So far away.

She wanted to repay these Ernies, not only by doing some chores for them, but she also wanted to take on some responsibility for them.

So after Xu Xian's research, she discovered what she thought was a "loophole", which led to her magical performance on various occasions, including just now.

Although the results may not be good every time, Xu Xian is not greedy for more. It is good to succeed a few times out of ten.

Anyway, if she succeeds, she will make a lot of money. If she fails, she will be made fun of by the girls. She will not suffer a loss. Of course, it is hard to say this time.

Xu Xian, who had always been calm, knew that she had to do something, but she really didn't have any good ideas. The only thing she could think of was to continue performing.

As the saying goes, it takes countless lies to cover up a lie!

Now that she has lied to her fans, she can just keep telling her lies. As long as no one exposes her words, it is not a lie in disguise.

I have to say that after living with girls for a long time, I have learned a lot of these little tricks to numb myself, and it is quite useful to use them occasionally.

It's just that Xu Xian doesn't have much talent in lying, all he can do is make a start.

Fortunately, she still has members. Why is it easier to debut as a group than as a solo artist? Isn’t it because when there are more people, they can help each other and make up for each other’s shortcomings.

She, Seohyun, is not good at lying, but her members are quite good at it, and some of them can reach the level of masters.

So what Xu Xian has to do is actually just remind them what they should do. I believe they will do great things next.

"Are you scared? I can declare in advance that I am not crazy yet. There is a reason for what just happened. Can you guess what happened?"

Xu Xian deliberately paused for a while after saying this. Firstly, she really didn't know what to say, and secondly, she was giving the girls time to react. Is that about time?

In fact, it's enough. The girls' reaction ability has been honed through countless big scenes. If it weren't for today's bad condition, there would be no room for Xu Xian to show off.

The little girl is now putting food in their mouths. If they can't even chew it, they really deserve to starve to death.

"We have been together for many years, and we are also looking for some changes, and today is one of them. We decided to try to take turns being the captain. Today's one-day captain is Seohyun!"

Lee Soon Kyu, who stood up to speak this time, is the hidden host in the team. If he didn't have the ability to talk nonsense, he would be embarrassed to host the show.

Anyway, her own expression at this moment was very sincere, as if what she said was a decision made carefully by the girls after long discussion.

However, the girls all know that the entire discussion time is only a few seconds when everyone looks into each other's eyes, and this is still not sure whether everyone understands each other's meaning.

It’s hard for others to say, but Kim Taeyeon definitely doesn’t mean this. She has worked hard for so many years and suffered so many grievances to secure her position as captain. You just want her to be replaced? Have you asked her about Kim Taeyeon’s opinion?

It's just that although there are ten thousand dissatisfactions in her heart, Kim Taeyeon doesn't dare to speak out. She can still distinguish the situation, not to mention that she is the cause of today's chaos.

Seriously speaking, whether it was Seohyun before or Lee Soon Kyu now, or even Yoona at the beginning, they were all finishing for her, Kim Taeyeon.

Even if the final result is not so satisfying to her, it still falls into the category of doing bad things with good intentions, and it is impossible to blame them.

The only one who could make her curse loudly was Li Menglong. If he could just let her go and sing, these things would never happen.

But even though I understand all this, why do I still feel so uncomfortable in my heart? Are these people trying to be serious?

After Li Soonkyu came forward, the other girls also stood up and affirmed this. At this time, don't worry about possible revenge in the future. Let's deal with this first.

Fortunately, the fans didn't think too much about it. As for whether they didn't dare to think too much, only they themselves know.

In short, whatever the girls on the stage say is what they choose to believe. Girls are not the only ones who want to skip this section quickly.

Since everyone on the stage and off stage had the same idea, it would be easier to talk about it next. He waved his hands to the staff behind him, indicating to put the song aside again, and then the girls on the stage squatted down again.

They really cherished the second chance they had finally won. Of course, they still had to take into account everything that had just happened and not let the lie be exposed.

Nodding to everyone, Yoona jumped up first again. It was hard for this little girl. She wanted to explain the introduction she just made up casually again. Fortunately, it was almost enough. I guess no one would be obsessed with this. Woolen cloth.

""Listen boy, the captain I respect the most..."

While Yoona was introducing her, the girls were no longer as polite to Kim Taeyeon as before. Seeing her sitting on the ground in a daze, they all extended their sinful hands.

Even Kim Taeyeon couldn't stand being groped by these female gangsters, so she jumped up from the ground.

It's just that the girls at this moment are highly focused, how could they allow Kim Taeyeon to cause any trouble.

You must know that Yoona is introducing the captain at this moment, and today’s captain is not her, Kim Taeyeon, so why is she jumping out? Do you want to compete with Seohyun for the captain's position?

So Kim Taeyeon could only watch Xu Xian stand up. Although the other person's eyes were full of guilt, it was not enough to make up for the sadness in her heart at this moment. Her heart ached so much!

Especially when Kim Taeyeon heard the name shouted by the fans in the audience, she felt even more uncomfortable. These fans actually rebelled against her. What if she had agreed to it for the rest of her life?

Although Lee Soon Kyu made the so-called explanation, as fans, they are all independent individuals. Don't you think about it for yourself?

The so-called taking turns to be the captain doesn't sound reliable. If the captain can take turns, will he be able to take turns to be Kim Taeyeon's mother tomorrow?

Besides, even if some people believe what Lee Soon Kyu said, is it so smooth? Don't you feel any awkwardness? Wouldn't it be wrong to say it?

Now the whole audience is chanting Seohyun's name, louder and more neatly than when they called her Kim Taeyeon just now, as if Seohyun becoming the captain is destiny.

Then after Kim Taeyeon has been the captain for so many years, doesn't she become a villain? In total, it turns out that she is blocking Seohyun's room for advancement. Fans have been bitter about Kim Taeyeon for a long time?

After the experience just now, Xu Xian will be more confident in her appearance this time. Although she does not think she can be a good leader, there is no problem in leading everyone to sing a song temporarily.

Even if the girls are absent-minded, this song is Gee, to be exaggerated, they can dance it completely even with their eyes closed.

So now the performance itself is not difficult for them. Fans are also enjoying the girls' performance. In theory, the girls have overcome the crisis.

However, the premise of all this is that the girls should perform calmly and not do anything that would lead to their own death.

It stands to reason that no rational person would do this. Unfortunately, there happened to be an unhappy person among the girls, and he became increasingly unhappy.

Of course, Kim Taeyeon herself knows that she can't do anything too outrageous at this moment. After all, she is also a "former captain", so she still has some awareness.

But if she didn't express this tone, she was really afraid that she would explode on the spot, so after her singing sequence came, she stopped dancing or even singing, and chose to interact with fans.

In fact, this behavior itself is also controversial. Some people think it is to bring you closer to the fans, but many people think it is an act of paddling. After all, fans come here to watch you sing.

The girls themselves are more in favor of the latter. Even if they want to interact, they can get intermissions. They don't have to do it during the singing process, which interrupts the rhythm.

Yes, Kim Taeyeon made an exception today. The girls behind her had a headache. They really don’t want to cause any more accidents. They can’t help her anymore!

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon didn't want to make any big news. She just wanted to gain some reputation for herself.

I saw Kim Taeyeon loudly asking the fans: "Who is the leader of Girls' Generation..."

Then Kim Taeyeon pointed the microphone at the fans, trying to hear the answer in her heart from them.

It's just that the fans were a little confused. If they had been asked this question a few minutes ago, everyone would have given the same answer, without any doubt.

But if we ask again now, the fans really don't know how to answer it. After all, they have just called me "missed" once, and the embarrassing scene is still vivid in their minds. They really don't want to experience it again!

But Kim Taeyeon stubbornly fixed her hands in the air, as if she would not take them back if they didn't speak.

Fans are kind-hearted after all and couldn't bear to see Kim Taeyeon being left out on the stage, so they gave mixed answers here, and most of them shouted Seohyun's name.

After all, in their opinion, it is okay to say that Kim Taeyeon's current behavior is to support Seohyun and clear her name, but why are tears flowing from the corners of Kim Taeyeon's eyes?

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