The Rise of Korean Entertainment

Chapter 2345 Wrong person

Kim Taeyeon's plan is actually quite simple. After all, it is too difficult for her to figure out, especially in such a short period of time. Isn't this embarrassing for her?

So she still needs this group of people to check and fill in the gaps for her. She herself just puts forward a central idea.

To be honest, girls would not be willing to get involved if possible. In such a rush, problems will definitely arise, no matter how big or small they are.

And based on their understanding of Kim Taeyeon, it is impossible for her to admit her mistake when the time comes, and she will definitely blame them directly.

Before I could do anything, I had to put a big blame on my head. This feeling was not that wonderful.

But watching Kim Taeyeon's "social death" on this stage, they couldn't do it. After all, they are all sisters who have lived together through life and death.

So after repeated struggles, the girls could only reduce their speeches as much as possible. The result was that after Kim Taeyeon put forward her own ideas, the scene became a little deserted for a while.

Now Kim Taeyeon couldn't stand it anymore. What did these people mean? Are you still thinking of causing trouble for her in this situation?

"Do you think that if I quit, you will have a chance to become captain? Let me tell you, this is all a daydream!"

Kim Taeyeon angrily warned her members, but judging from the girls' expressions, it seemed that they didn't care that much.

It's not that they don't care about Kim Taeyeon's emotions, but this topic really doesn't touch their hearts.

How many years have passed since they debuted, and they are still struggling with the issue of captaincy. They admitted that they did covet this position when they first debuted.

But that's inevitable, after all, everyone knows that the roles of captain and maknae have their own popularity bonuses.

On the premise that everyone couldn't compete with Seohyun for the youngest member, it was reasonable to make the decision to the captain. Besides, Kim Taeyeon didn't show any superior leadership at that time.

It's just human nature to have unreliable ideas when you're young. As long as they don't reach the implementation stage, it's not a problem.

As a result, she has been talked about by Kim Taeyeon for so many years, making them feel sorry for her. People who don't know how much wronged Kim Taeyeon suffered in the team during those years.

So when everyone heard the same words for the first time, they were frightened, and when they listened to them again a year later, they still made some guilty expressions. But now that they listen to them, it’s good that they didn’t spit them out on the spot.

Seeing this group of people talking about the topic more and more crookedly, Li Menglong had to step in to correct their direction. After all, he was probably the most anxious person here.

Who makes the fans regard him as the culprit? Kim Taeyeon is fine, but if she is wronged in front of them, they can't guarantee what she will do.

So now Li Menglong is saving himself to a certain extent, but he can't let these people continue chatting: "Kim Taeyeon, what are the suggestions you just said? I'm here to help you give advice."

"You? Are you so kind?"

Kim Taeyeon looked at Li Menglong with suspicion. After all, it was Li Menglong who put her in such a predicament. Now that she is here to pretend to be a good person, she can tell at a glance that she has no good intentions.

After Li Menglong heard this, he almost threw up his sleeves and left. His hot face was against his cold butt. He was really unhappy.

However, considering the number of fans in the audience and their anger index, and estimating his own fighting power, he can only fight ten at most. It would be troublesome for him to fight one more.

If that's the case, then just admit it honestly. He is not giving in to Kim Taeyeon at this moment, but trying to save face by the fans. Yes, that's it.

When she saw Li Menglong repeating his question to Yan Yuese again, Kim Taeyeon also noticed his intentions. To be honest, she was still a little proud.

Let Li Menglong be arrogant to her just now. Now he knows that he is afraid. She is a woman with countless fans standing behind her. You must respect her!

But when Kim Taeyeon wanted to say something more to stimulate Li Menglong, she was the first to react. When the girls on the opposite side couldn't count on her, if she pushed him away again, would she really die on the stage?

When she thought of her passionate fans, her loving family, and the many unspent savings in her account, her desire to survive immediately emerged.

"Ahem, then I'll give you a chance. Remember to be sincere. If you do well, I won't mind forgiving you."

Li Menglong wanted to say that he cared. He really didn't want to get Kim Taeyeon's so-called forgiveness. After all, he didn't do anything. At most, it was reciprocal revenge. Why was he the one who was wrong? Just because Kim Taeyeon looks so good. nice?

However, even people like Kim Taeyeon know that they need to control their emotions at this moment. Li Menglong will naturally hide it more perfectly. It is best for everyone to work together to overcome the crisis in front of them.

With this consensus, the subsequent situation will be much smoother. When the girls saw that Li Menglong spoke first, they also thought that there was no danger.

After all, if Kim Taeyeon really wants to get angry, it would be Lee Mongryong who attracts the firepower from the front. They can still bear some of the aftermath, all for the sake of the sisters.

Seeing the active discussion in front of her, which was in sharp contrast to the deserted scene just now, made Kim Taeyeon feel quite uncomfortable.

She didn't think about the scruples of the girls. In her opinion, the girls would rather respond to Li Menglong's call than talk to her. Did she, the captain and the eldest sister, fail so badly?

It's just that she can confront them later. At this moment, she has to solve the problem in front of her first!

"Stop being in a daze. Have you remembered everything we just said?"

Looking at Li Menglong with an ugly expression in front of her, Kim Taeyeon couldn't help but feel guilty. Was she in a daze just now? If she just said she didn't hear anything, would she be scolded?

I don’t know where the courage came from, but Kim Taeyeon pushed Li Menglong away without knowing anything: "Do you need to explain such a small thing again and again? I can handle it myself!"

Since Kim Taeyeon has said so, Li Menglong can only believe it temporarily. Besides, the plan they discussed is indeed not difficult for her. She can just perform it casually.

The girls obviously thought the same thing, so they all started to make preparations. Everyone who was standing squatted down.

Fortunately, Kim Taeyeon is still sitting on the ground at this moment, and due to her limited height, there is no risk of being exposed for a while. But what's going on with this look of being ready to take off at any time?

The solution they discussed wouldn't be to leave her alone and let the gang run away, right?

Fortunately, Li Menglong's voice could still be heard in her ears, but the voice was a bit loud and it didn't seem to be addressed to her.

"Is everyone confused now? Are you particularly curious about what happened inside?"

While Li Menglong was talking, he put his other hand behind his back and only raised one index finger and shook it continuously.

Kim Taeyeon could see clearly through the girls' slits, but even though she saw this action, she didn't quite understand it.

This would be okay if I raised my middle finger, but what does the index finger mean? A subtle version of the middle finger?

In fact, Kim Taeyeon's brain is a little weak right now, but if she calms down a little, she can come up with the answer. After all, this gesture was seriously taught to Li Menglong by them.

Because they have to participate in various commercial performances all year round, various unexpected situations are inevitable. In order to prevent these, or to have a solution after they happen, they have made several different plans. Li Menglong's current gesture is one of them. one.

This gesture was for the staff responsible for playing music, and numbers from one to five corresponded to five different hit singles by the girls.

Although it is not used often, it is better than being temporarily blinded. Isn't it useful now?

"Then let them tell you what exactly happened! Welcome the girls with your most enthusiastic screams..."

Li Menglong deliberately made a long sound, and the fans naturally cooperated and loudly added the word "era".

In the eyes of fans, everything that happened just now was planned in advance by the girls. In order to give them a surprise, the girls really worked hard and they were very touched.

However, the fans' emotion did not reach Kim Taeyeon. It was not that she was too aloof, but that she simply didn't care. She was really panicking at this moment.

She wanted to ask what she was going to do for a while, but there was no time at all. As Li Menglong trotted off the stage, music was playing from behind.

Fortunately, the music itself is quite familiar. After all, when it comes to the ranking of their hit songs, there may be some controversy about the second and third ones, but the one ranked first is recognized by everyone.

"Why are you playing Gee's music? Can anyone explain it to me? Don't just say nothing, you bastards!"

Even though Kim Taeyeon had shouted the last sentence directly, the girls couldn't hear it at all at this moment, and even interpreted Kim Taeyeon's actions as urging them.

Yoona nodded to Kim Taeyeon, indicating that she knew everything and would never hold her back.

It's just that Yoona's comforting eyes not only did not make Kim Taeyeon relax, but made her even more nervous, because at this moment Yoona had jumped up from the ground.

"Listen boy, my most respected captain, my most cherished sister, the eternal goddess in my heart, let us shout her name together!"

Yoona spoke the opening line of this song instead of Pani. To be honest, the two lines of lyrics have been changed beyond recognition by Pani. It is estimated that many people do not remember what the original version was like.

So at this moment, Yoona didn't feel any psychological burden at all, but she was still a little bit unhappy.

Because these women didn't choose her because of her rap skills. They actually said that she was the most proficient in flattery in the team. How did they come to this conclusion? It's not reliable at all!

However, she had no room to refute, so she could only praise Kim Taeyeon without her conscience. After saying this, she immediately squatted down, not to steal Kim Taeyeon's limelight.

In fact, by now, Kim Taeyeon has probably understood what the girls are doing. The core idea is indeed based on her suggestions, which is to package everything she just embarrassed into a stage effect.

Although it looks a bit rough, it's time like this, and these details can't be taken care of.

But just because you can react doesn't mean you can physically keep up. You have to know that the rap sections in their songs are very short, and this song is no exception, it's just two lines.

So even though Kim Taeyeon knew that she was going to jump up from being surrounded by girls at this moment, she was really unable to do so. After all, she was still sitting on the ground at the moment, so this posture of exerting force was wrong.

Kim Taeyeon is really a little desperate at this moment. Is this finally unclear? Is it possible to play the music again and let her prepare again?

When the girls didn't notice Kim Taeyeon's voice, they all raised their heads in confusion. What does this mean? You didn't have a good discussion just now, but you started to change your mind as soon as Li Menglong left?

It's just like the situation with Kim Taeyeon. The girls can't react at all without being prepared in advance, even if they want to do something for her.

When everyone encountered this situation, they subconsciously wanted to look for Li Menglong, but they did not see Li Menglong, but they saw Xu Xian's clear eyes.

How should I describe this look? It's like the teacher asking a question in class. Just glance down and you will know who to call to answer. Xu Xian is undoubtedly ready.

This is not to say that Xu Xian had a premonition of this scene in advance. It was entirely because she wanted to prevent unnecessary accidents. After all, Kim Taeyeon was still in a bad state at the time.

So after Yoona stood up, Seohyun's eyes were fixed on Kim Taeyeon the whole time. The result was already obvious, and her preventive measures seemed to be working.

I didn't bother to ask the girls for their opinions anymore. After all, the fans around me had already shouted out that name, but what was embarrassing was that they seemed to have called it wrong?

The effect on the stage itself was actually quite good. The girls squatted on the ground and formed a circle. With the cheers of the audience, Kim Taeyeon jumped out from the center and enjoyed the cheers of the audience.

But no matter how good the plan is, it won't be used at this moment, because the one who jumped up is Xu Xian!

The originally extremely enthusiastic fans seemed to have pressed the mute button. They stared at Xu Xian in disbelief with their eyes wide open. Could they have seen the wrong person?

He rubbed his eyes and even hit his head a few times, but no matter how he looked, it was Xu Xian. There was something wrong with that.

If there was nothing wrong with their ears just now, the one introduced by Yoona was obviously her captain and eldest sister. Is there a second candidate besides Kim Taeyeon?

Besides, even if Jung Soo-yeon and Lee Soon-gyu stood up, they could barely make sense. Seohyun is the last person who should appear, both in terms of her age and her personality.

If you think about it further, could this be a trap dug by Yoona for them, just to drive a wedge between fans and Seohyun?

I have to say that Yoona's goal has been achieved. Now the person who is embarrassed is no longer Kim Taeyeon who is sitting on the ground, nor Seohyun who is standing in the center of the stage and doesn't know what to do, but the dumbfounded fans in the audience. !

Did they offend Seohyun or hurt Kim Taeyeon now? They couldn't be sorry for Yoona, right?

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