The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 96 Please be nice to them

This Sunday, Jin Lili didn't come. Their company had something to do and went to Danzhou.

Zhang Chen rode his motorcycle early in the morning and went to the building materials market and stone market. He would be on vacation in a few days, and he wanted to finalize some major materials before the vacation.

Things went smoothly. As soon as those business owners heard that it was a renovation project for Wanghai Building, they immediately lowered the price to the lowest price. They didn't even ask for a deposit from Zhang Chen. They promised Zhang Chen that they would definitely arrive at the time specified in the contract. Zhang Chen had no use for the five cash checks Xiao Xu handed him in his bag.

This project has been widely spread not only among their decoration companies, but also among the building materials business owners. In addition, Zhang Chen has a good reputation and they are all old acquaintances. How can anyone not believe it? , and when I saw the business card of the general manager of Panshi Company, I wanted to take this guy down and lock it in the safe.

Everyone knows that as long as they can supply goods for the Wanghai Tower project, it doesn't matter whether they do other business next year.

Zhang Chen, in turn, had to emphasize to these business owners that this contract must be kept confidential and not let others know. The other party laughed and said, am I stupid? Even if you don't say it, I know it, and I'm still afraid that others will come to pry me off.

Zhang Chen told them that as long as you maintain quality and quantity and the price is reasonable, our cooperation will be rock solid and no one can pry it away.

That's good, that's good! The business owners said happily.

As soon as he arrived at the stone market, Zhang Chen was the first to go to Boss Lin. Boss Lin's batch of "Sichuan Red" marble was used by Zhang Chen when he was making a Northeastern restaurant and spread in the lobby of the hotel. , it was not enough, so I added some more.

Boss Lin was naturally very happy to see Zhang Chen. He was as thin as a shrimp and kept moving in a small space. He brought water, cigarettes, a plate of watermelon, and asked Zhang Chen , do you want some ice cream here?

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "Can you sit quietly for a while?"

Boss Lin chuckled, sat down on the sofa, and put his feet on the sofa. Zhang Chen told him that he was leaving after finishing the Northeastern restaurant project a year ago and would no longer work for Mr. Tan. Boss Lin His face darkened for a moment and he asked urgently:

"Are you going back to Zhejiang?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said he couldn't go back, he was still in Haicheng.

Boss Lin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was scared to death. Zhejiang is so far away. I thought we would never see each other. Which company did you go to, Xiao Zhang? You must have been poached by a bigger company." Bar?"

Zhang Chen said no, I went to a small company, but I went there to be the boss.

"Okay, okay, just speak your mind. As the saying goes, it's better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. Hello, boss." Boss Lin patted his calf and said to Zhang Chen, "If you need my help, just ask. I can trust you as a friend. As long as I can help you, I won’t hesitate."

Zhang Chen said he wanted to ask for your help. He took out the order form from his bag and handed it to Boss Lin. Boss Lin stared at the order form and asked, "Where is this used?"

Zhang Chen told him about Wanghailou. My company is responsible for the Wanghailou project.

"You did it all?" Boss Lin's eyes bulged.

Zhang Chen nodded.

Boss Lin jumped up on the sofa, clenched his fists with both hands, and kept thrusting them into the sky. After finishing his excitement, he shouted:

“Do you want all these stones to be ordered from me?!”

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Of course, I didn't promise you a long time ago, otherwise, what would I do here today? However, as I said before, the quality and quantity must be guaranteed, and the price must not be higher than others."

"How dare I? You still don't believe me, Mr. Lin?!" Boss Lin shouted with his eyes wide open.

No wonder Boss Lin is so happy. The two and three projects of Wanghai Tower, whether they are hotels, restaurants or shopping malls, are all projects with a lot of demand for marble. Moreover, they basically use imported high-end marble. The profits from this can be expected. Even thinking about it makes Boss Lin grin from ear to ear.

At that time, the overall economy in Haicheng was in a sluggish state, and there were very few projects under construction. Domestic stone materials, because everyone came from the same source, were relatively single in variety, including "China Red", "Sichuan Red", and "Sesame Black". With so many types, the prices have been so low that there is no profit at all. As for imported stone, due to different channels and origins, the price is almost one per stone.

Zhang Chen gave Boss Lin the order form, said a few more words, stood up and prepared to leave.

"Wait, wait!" Boss Lin shouted. He ran to the table, opened the drawer, took three dollars from it, and made sure to give it to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen wouldn't ask for it.

Boss Lin shouted: "It's not for you, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, it's New Year's money for your child."

Zhang Chen burst into laughter: "I don't even have a wife, so how can I have children? Besides, this company is my own, and I have thirty shares. If I take money from outside, won't I be at odds with myself?"

Boss Lin was stunned, thinking about it, he was right, and he laughed.

Zhang Chen said to him, "By the way, let me remind you that in the future, when my people come to your place to do business, you cannot give them money. Do you understand? If they want to make things difficult for you, you can detain me."

"I know, I know." Boss Lin nodded, and still wanted to give the money to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen glared at him, and Boss Lin said: "Okay, okay, I know you are an iron rooster. Either you can't pull out a hair, or you can't get a hair in it." Go up."

He walked back, threw the money into the drawer, took out a plastic bag from the cabinet behind him, took five 35s from the cabinet, stuffed it into the plastic bag, handed it to Zhang Chen when he came back, and said to him:

"If you don't even accept the cigarettes, then you don't consider me a friend."

Zhang Chen still refused, and Boss Lin became more serious. He said, "Well, you take away the cigarettes, take the order form back, and order it from another store. Then you won't suspect that I bribed you, right?"

Zhang Chen smiled and shook his head. He said okay, I'll take it. He took the cigarette and said goodbye to Boss Lin.

Zhang Chen arrived at the Northeast Restaurant, took two cigarettes, gave one to the second-hand man, and told him to put it away, don't let Liu Ligan rob him again. There was also another one, which he also gave to the second-hand man, and asked him to distribute it among the five. Monitor, this project is over and everyone has worked hard. Damn it, stop being a bad guy and be a good guy.

The second-rate guy looked at him and shouted, "If you don't go, you won't go. Even if I give it to them, they won't dare to take it. It's better for you to go."

"You bastard, you didn't even give it away, how do you know they don't dare to take it? Go ahead." Zhang Chen said.

The idiot then took the carton of cigarettes and left. After a while, he came back empty-handed and worried.

"Why, didn't you give away the cigarette?" Zhang Chen asked.

The second-rate guy shook his head: "You're forced to give away the cigarettes. These bastards still know how to say thank you. There's one thing that's getting more and more wrong the more I think about it."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

The second-rate guy looked at him and asked, "Instructor, are you leaving?"

Zhang Chen was startled. He didn't expect that this guy had a very sensitive sense of smell in some aspects. Considering that the Northeast Restaurant project has been completed and all the staff are now helping to clean up, the news that he was leaving probably came out in the past two days. President Tiantan would announce it in the company, and Zhang Chen nodded and told the second-hand boss that he was leaving and where he was going.

Unexpectedly, the idiot's eyes turned red. He said, the instructor didn't even invite you, so you have to leave now.

Zhang Chen looked at the second guy and felt a little moved in his heart. He said, I haven't left Haicheng. If we want to meet, we can't meet every day.

"Well, no matter what, let me treat you today." Erhuo said anxiously.

"Thank you, thank you! I accept the commander's wishes, but I really don't have this hobby." When Zhang Chen said this, he thought of Xiao Zhao.

"It's so troublesome, so I won't look for it anymore," the second-rate guy shouted.

"If you don't look for him, Mr. Tan won't let you go." Zhang Chen thought to himself that according to Mr. Tan's character, taking care of the second-rate guy would definitely help him get married and start a business.

"I was raised by force, that's right. She scolds me every day for not finding a girlfriend," said the second-rate guy.

Zhang Chen looked around and said to the second guy, "I'm leaving. Please treat these people better. They are all very good skilled workers. If I hadn't promised Mr. Tan, I wouldn't have any people in the company." Dig, I'll take all these with me.

The second-rate guy made a sad face and sighed: "Oh, if it weren't for Uncle Tan, I would have left with you."

Zhang Chen almost laughed. From the second guy's tone, it seemed that he was taking care of Mr. Tan.

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