The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 97 I’m fine here

Early in the morning, while Zhang Chen was still lying in bed, he heard Liu Ligan and Yilin's mother shouting downstairs, seemingly arguing about something.

Yilin's mother was just discharged from the hospital yesterday. What were the two of them arguing about so early this morning?

Zhang Chen quickly got up, walked to the corridor and looked down. He saw Liu Ligan and Yilin's mother standing at the door of the utility room. Yilin's mother wanted to load something on the tricycle, but Liu Ligan refused to let her.

"Pole, what's the noise about?" Zhang Chen shouted.

Liu Ligan looked up at Zhang Chen and shouted, "I'm going to die. This Hainan woman is going out to sell cassette stoves today. If I hadn't seen her stop her, she would have gone out by now."

Zhang Chen was startled and quickly ran downstairs.

The scars on Yilin's mother's hands and face have not yet healed. She will get up early in the morning to sell cassette stoves. She said that the Chinese New Year is approaching and these things are easy to sell. She is carrying boxes of them to the car. When Liu Ligan saw the stove and gas tank upstairs, he quickly ran down and told her, "You must not sell these things. I would rather throw them away."

Yilin's mother was puzzled. She said, this thing is very good, why should it be thrown away? She insisted on selling it. One of them wanted to move it to the car, and the other wanted to stop it, so they started arguing.

Zhang Chen ran downstairs. He also stood by Liu Ligan's side and told Yilin's mother, "Don't sell these things. It's too dangerous."

Zhang Chen said and pointed at Yilin's mother's face and hands. Yilin's mother shook her head and said, "I'm fine here. Nothing is wrong at all. It's those doctors who don't understand me. I must stay here." I’m here in the hospital, and look, I can ride a bike again today.”

Liu Ligan begged: "Mother Yilin, you can sell other things, but you can't sell this. It's almost the Chinese New Year. What if you hit me again?"

"No, no, no, no, bang, I already understand it." Yilin's mother kept shaking her head.

She explained to Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen for a long time before they understood that last time, she was riding through a construction site, and the water from upstairs poured down, soaking all the things in her car. There were many people on the other side. She couldn't make any noise, so she had to walk away, find a sunny place, take these things out of the car, and open them to dry.

Someone happened to come over and ask how to use this cassette stove, so I tried to show him, "That jar is still hot to the touch." I clicked it twice but it didn't light up. When I clicked it a third time, it exploded with a bang.

Yilin's mother laughed and said, "I understand it now. This thing cannot be exposed to the sun. This time I will sell it under the tree."

Yilin's mother was talking about the explosion of the cassette stove. She became happier and happier as she talked about it, as if it was something interesting. However, the one who was injured was not herself at all. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen were also infected and started laughing. .

"Look here, when I try again, I know how to use a towel to cool it down first, and everything will be fine."

Yilin's mother said, kicking a plastic bucket next to her feet. There was half a bucket of water and a towel in it.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen failed to defeat Yilin's mother in the end and were defeated.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said, forget it, if you stop her now, she will still go out and sell them after we leave, unless you move all these stoves and pots and throw them away. Besides, this thing isn't that scary. Gui Lao's company has sold so many of them in Haicheng, and we have used it ourselves so many times, isn't it okay?

Liu Ligan shook his head and said, I didn't expect this Hainan woman to be so stubborn when she was stubborn. Even if I wanted to throw it away now, she would definitely not let me.

Liu Ligan felt that he couldn't stop it, so he had to let Yilin's mother show him the operation again and again. Yilin's mother filled the cans and ignited them, filled the cans and ignited them, and tried five times with quick hands and feet.

Every time there was a "click", Yilin's mother smiled at them: "Is everything okay here?"

Zhang Chen thought about it and said, take the half-tank of gas we used last time and ask her to use this when trying it on others.

Liu Ligan thought it made sense. He hurriedly found the half can and gave it to Yilin's mother. He told her that if anyone else tries it, use this. Yilin's mother knew that they would no longer stop him, so she agreed.

Back in the room, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said that I would not come back to eat at night.

"What for?" Liu Ligan smiled.

"Fuck you!" Zhang Chen scolded, "Mr. Tan said he wanted to hold a farewell party for me tonight and booked two tables at Nanzhuang."

"Oh, that's good, can I go rub it in?" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Okay, you know them all anyway, just the main people in the company, as well as the second-hand guy and Mr. Li." Zhang Chen said.

"Forget it, forget it, I still want to eat with you at work. I'm drooling after hearing what you said about Xiao Zhao." Liu Ligan said, "But I also have dinner with beautiful women at night."


"Liu Yun."

"You two, are you in love?"

"What the hell, this is the authentic Peking University, how could you fall in love with me, a fake Zhejiang University? I'm their boss. I can't hold it anymore. I still want to open a golf course after the year. Come to me to discuss marketing and see if I can." What do you think?" Liu Ligan said.

The two of them went downstairs, and the tricycle and Yilin's mother could no longer be seen in the yard.

"It's so fast!" Zhang Chen sighed.

"Yes, Zhang Chen, should we consider finding a hard-working Hainanese woman to be our wife? She is too damn hard-working." Liu Ligan shouted.

"Okay, you try it first. I think the shop owner's daughter is pretty good." Zhang Chen smiled and rode out on his motorcycle.

The Spring Festival will be celebrated in a few days. Haicheng suddenly became empty. There were fewer people and cars on the streets. There were only two places crowded with people, one was Xiuying Pier and the other was the airport.

Chen Qihang, Lin Yiyan and Li Yong went back, Liu Yun also went back, and Mr. Xia and Lao Bao also returned to Beijing. Jin Lili was the only one left in the company. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan moved to Jin Lili's place. Chen naturally slept in Jin Lili's room, and Liu Ligan slept on the sofa in the living room outside.

Xiao Xu sent a message to Zhang Chen, informing him to have dinner at seven o'clock. Zhang Chen and Jin Lili said, you and Zhuangzi can eat by yourself, and I am going to make the last report before the Spring Festival with Mr. Fu.

Jin Lili drew a form for him, clearly writing down the materials that Zhang Chen had ordered in the past few days, from quantity to price and arrival date. Zhang Chen listed the number of workers to be recruited after the holiday, the time and the date when construction would start. The progress was also listed, and Jin Lili made another progress chart for him.

"It's up to you to recruit people, pole." Zhang Chen said.

"No problem, I've already said hello, and I'll start reporting on the newspaper on the eighth day of the lunar month. In this way, you can recruit enough people before the fifteenth just by picking and choosing among the people who are stranded in Haicheng and have not returned." Liu Ligan said.

Liu Ligan and his newspaper, who are only twenty-five years old, have stopped publishing and will not resume publication until the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. From the eighth day of the Lunar New Year to the fifteenth day of the first month, all advertising prices are discounted in half, so Liu Ligan suggested that Zhang Chen start publishing at this time When it comes to recruiting workers, the ones that can be recruited at this time are basically migrant workers who have no money or have not been paid to go home and are stranded on the island.

The biggest advantage is that these people are skilled workers and are familiar with the situation in Haicheng. Moreover, because they have no money in their pockets, they have a strong desire to find new jobs.

Just after six o'clock, Zhang Chen set off from the Financial Garden. He estimated that it would take about forty minutes to get to the hotel from here. When he got to the street, Zhang Chen realized that he had thought wrong. The streets were empty today, and even the traffic lights were not running. The ground flashed yellow and stopped changing. Zhang Chen almost had a smooth journey and arrived there in half the time it usually took.

There were still many luxury cars parked in front of the hotel, and it seemed that many diners had not gone back yet. After Zhang Chen parked the car, he didn't know whether he should go in through the hotel or the residential building.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and decided to go in from the hotel. The waiter who saw him last time was still there. Seeing Zhang Chen, she smiled and nodded. Zhang Chen asked her, "Is Mr. Fu here?"

"Not yet, you go up and wait for him." The waiter said and took Zhang Chen to the backyard. Zhang Chen said thank you to her and I went up by myself.

The waiter nodded, turned and left.

Zhang Chen went up the stainless steel spiral staircase and knocked on the door twice. After a while, the door opened and it was Xiao Ning. Xiao Ning smiled at him and said, "Here we come." Let him go. Go in and close the door.

Xiao Ning turned around and shouted: "Xiao Zhao!"

Xiao Zhao came out of his room and blushed slightly when he saw it was Zhang Chen. Xiao Ning giggled and entered her room.

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