The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 95 The night wind blows

Mr. Fu stood up and said with a smile: "The food is ready, now it's time to study."

Xiao Ning also stood up and held his hand. She looked at Xiao Zhao and then at Zhang Chen, laughing.

Mr. Fu and Xiao Zhao said: "Take good care of Mr. Zhang."

After saying that, the two people entered the room.

Xiao Zhao stood up and whispered to Zhang Chen, "Follow me."

Zhang Chen was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do. Although it was his first time to experience such a scene, he understood something in his heart. He remembered Liu Ligan's jingle and knew that this was Mr. Fu, and he wanted to establish a stronger relationship with him. Relationship, to put it bluntly, is to make him fall in love with him or become another one of his many pawns.

Xiao Zhao stretched out her hand and took Zhang Chen's hand. Her hand was soft and her skin was very delicate.

Zhang Chen got up in confusion and followed her.

They entered Xiao Zhao's room. It was much larger than Zhang Chen imagined. In addition to a bed, there was also a sofa in the room. The balcony was covered with glass and aluminum alloy, and blackout curtains and curtains closed the room. Completely isolated from the outdoors.

Where the balcony used to be, there was a raised area with a large bathtub on it. There was also a door in the room, which should be the bathroom.

Xiao Zhao held Zhang Chen's hand and walked towards the double bed. When passing by the sofa, Zhang Chen broke away from her hand and sat down on the sofa.

Xiao Zhao was stunned for a moment, his face flushed, and Zhang Chen's face also turned crimson.

Xiao Zhao sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen sat on the sofa opposite, his head lowered, not daring to look at Xiao Zhao.

Zhang Chen remembered Liu Ligan's statement that he would never blush again when he saw a girl in Haicheng. He cursed in his heart, who the hell said he wouldn't?

He felt his face burning.

Xiao Zhao looked at Zhang Chen and sighed.

Zhang Chen raised his head, glanced at Xiao Zhao, and found that she was looking at him, so he quickly turned his head away.

"Am I ugly?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen shook his head.

"You don't like me?" Xiao Zhao continued to ask.

Zhang Chen nodded and quickly shook his head. It should be said that Xiao Zhao is the type of girl Zhang Chen likes, with a thin and pretty face and a soft-spoken voice.

Xiao Zhao's voice softened: "I understand, this is your first time with a girl like me, right?"

This time Zhang Chen nodded clearly. Although Jia Jia lives next door to him and is called Zhang Chen’s brother, and they have had dinner together several times, Zhang Chen feels that that does not count as being together, especially this time. meaning together.

Although Zhang Chen didn’t know Xiao Zhao’s relationship with Fu Zong, or her relationship with Xiao Ning, she was Dingdong in a sense. This was for sure, and he had never been alone with a Dingdong like this before. Live together.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that this temptation was displayed there as it should be. As long as he took one step forward, he would become the beast in disguise that Jin Lili said.

It was really only a few days after Zhang Chen became Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Chen stood up and stammered: "I'll go, I'll sit outside."

Xiao Zhao was a little anxious and said, "If you go out now, I will be scolded to death by Mr. Fu."

Zhang Chen was stunned and stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Come here." Xiao Zhao waved to him.

Zhang Chen hesitated, and Xiao Zhao shouted: "Come here, you are a man, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

Zhang Chen took a deep breath to calm himself down and said, "I'm not afraid that you will eat me. I'm afraid that I won't be able to control myself. You are very beautiful."

Xiao Zhao chuckled, and his laughter was obviously much happier: "If you can't control it, then you can't control it. What are you afraid of?"

"I..." Zhang Chen became a little anxious, "I have a girlfriend."

"Well, Mr. Fu still has a wife, so what?" Xiao Zhao looked at him provocatively and asked.

"He is him and I am me."

"Okay, I get it. I know you are a good man. Is that enough?" Xiao Zhao asked jokingly, "What do you want? Just keep standing like this?"

Zhang Chen was speechless again. He wondered why as soon as he arrived at this place and was with this girl, everything above his neck became dull.

"Come here, I promise not to seduce you, okay?" Xiao Zhao smiled lightly.

Zhang Chen walked over and stood next to her. Xiao Zhao suddenly stood up and stretched out his hand to push. Zhang Chen was caught off guard and fell onto the bed. Xiao Zhao giggled.

When Zhang Chen remembered, Xiao Zhao held him down and said to him: "Turn around and let me massage you. In this way... this can be regarded as taking care of you."

Zhang Chen thought to himself that just massaging like this was nothing. If he continued to struggle, it would seem that he was too rigid and petty. Zhang Chen turned over on the bed, with his back facing upwards. There was a cool fragrance on the pillow under his head. It matched Xiao Zhao very well and smelled so good that Zhang Chen simply buried his head in it.

Xiao Zhao took off his shoes, then sat down next to him, and started massaging several acupuncture points on his back through his shirt.

Zhang Chen was lying there, feeling that his whole body was stiff. Xiao Zhao smiled softly, patted him on the back, and cursed:

"Why are you nervous? Are you afraid that I will molest you?"

Zhang Chen said nothing.

Xiao Zhao continued to massage his back, as hard as needed and as light as needed. Zhang Chen felt very comfortable. He slowly relaxed and fell asleep before he knew it.

Even though he was already asleep and hazy, he could still feel a pair of small hands walking softly on his back.

Zhang Chen slept for more than three hours. When he woke up, Xiao Zhao was lying next to him, staring at him. Zhang Chen suddenly opened his eyes, which shocked Xiao Zhao. She said "Ah "The ground exclaimed.

Zhang Chen was confused by her, and Xiao Zhao shouted: "You're a scumbag, you're obviously asleep, why did you open your eyes?"

Zhang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly said: "Okay, then I'll close it again."

He really closed his eyes as he spoke.

Xiao Zhao chuckled: "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Zhang Chen opened his eyes and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's past twelve o'clock."

Zhang Chen was shocked, so late? He quickly asked: "Is Mr. Fu still there?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "He has left long ago, and there are several entertainment events in the evening."

Zhang Chen turned over and sat up from the bed and asked, "Then can I leave?"

"Okay, my girlfriend will be angry if it's too late, right?" Xiao Zhao pouted.

Zhang Chen took two steps and then remembered, he came back again. Xiao Zhao sat on the edge of the bed and looked at him. Zhang Chen asked:

"Am I... am I, hey, I don't understand this, should I give you money?"

"What did you do that you need to give me money?" Xiao Zhao asked with a smile.

"I...I, I wasted your time." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao smiled and bent down, she said: "I'm kidding you, we don't charge money here, we get wages."

Get paid? Zhang Chen was surprised, there are still people getting paid in this business? He thought for a while and understood that they should all be raised here by Mr. Fu.

"Then I'm leaving?" Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said.

Xiao Zhao sighed softly: "What a failure."

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "What failed?"

"You are the first man to fall asleep on my bed without doing anything, so my hands are sore from giving you a massage." Xiao Zhao said angrily.

Zhang Chen was embarrassed. Standing there, he suddenly thought of a classic line for this occasion:

"Xiao Zhao, I, I don't want to hurt you."

Xiao Zhao glanced at him and said quietly: "If you don't want me, you have already hurt me. You make me feel that I am... a piece of shit!"

After Xiao Zhao said it, he became a little angry, and Zhang Chen was embarrassed again. He didn't expect her to answer like this. This was completely unreasonable. Zhang Chen stood there speechless, Xiao Zhao She glanced at him and chuckled: "I'm just teasing you."

Xiao Zhao came over and took Zhang Chen's hand: "Let's go, I'll take you downstairs to take a taxi."

When going down, we no longer go through the hotel, but through another door, through the six-story residential building next to the hotel.

From the time they left the room, to when they went downstairs, and finally when they stood on the roadside late at night, Xiao Zhao held Zhang Chen's hand. When the two of them stood, her head was still nestled on Zhang Chen's shoulder.

The night wind blew, and Zhang Chen smelled a cool fragrance. For a moment, Zhang Chen mistakenly thought that they were really a pair, an intimate lover standing in the starry sky and the shadow of coconut trees.

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