The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 94 A weekly work meal

Zhang Chen looked at the time. It was almost six o'clock. He handed the motorcycle key to the monitor of the painting team. Liu Ligan would pick it up from him after a while.

Zhang Chen walked to the door and stood for a while. The car that blocked him that night arrived. Xiao Xu was driving today and there was no one else in the car.

After Zhang Chen got in the car, he briefly exchanged greetings with Xiao Xu. Xiao Xu said, let's go pick up Mr. Fu.

The car drove to the gate of Wanghai Hotel and stopped. The doorman recognized the car and walked over quickly. Xiao Xu told him to call Mr. Fu and tell him that I had arrived.

After seven or eight minutes, Mr. Fu came out of the gate and got into the car. Xiao Xu started the car.

They turned from Haixiu Road to Shengfu Road and kept driving. Zhang Chen initially thought they were going to Taoyuan Hotel, but after passing Taoyuan Hotel, Xiao Liu had no intention of slowing down and kept going.

Zhang Chen was a little confused, where are we going? He remembered that after passing the Taoyuan Hotel, there were no big hotels along the way. Xiao Xu drove the entire provincial road to Qiongshan. Seeing that there was the Wugong Temple in front of him, Xiao Xu slowly slowed down. Stopped by the roadside.

Mr. Fu and Xiao Xu said, I will hold you captive and you will pick me up again. Xiao Xu nodded, and Mr. Fu and Zhang Chen got out of the car.

Zhang Chen saw a two-story house on the roadside. The house was not big, but very neat and clean. It was close to a six-story building next to it.

There were seven or eight luxury cars parked in front of the house. There was no signboard on the house, so it was hard to tell what was going on inside.

Once inside, Zhang Chen felt that this was probably a hotel. He smelled the smell of the dishes, and also heard the sound of the blower and the sound of the horse spoon clinking with the pot.

Unlike other small hotels on the roadside, this hotel does not have dine-in dining. There are private rooms upstairs and downstairs. Zhang Chen could vaguely hear the joy of changing glasses in the private rooms.

A waiter saw them, smiled and nodded, quickly opened the glass door on one side and walked in.

After a while, the sound of the clinking of spoons and pots stopped. A man of about forty years old came out from the glass door, wearing a white chef's hat. When he saw Mr. Fu, he quickly nodded and bowed: "Master, you coming?"

Mr. Fu waved his left hand holding the big brother and said to him: "Go and do your work. I'll go up by myself."

The chef was still standing, waiting for Mr. Fu and Zhang Chen to pass by, and he followed behind.

Zhang Chen thought he was going upstairs. Unexpectedly, Mr. Fu took him through a door and walked into the yard behind the house. The yard was not big, and one third of it was taken up by a shed with fiberglass tiles. There is a three-story glass seafood pool and a cement pool with tiles covered with turtles.

The other two-thirds is a neatly kept garden. There is a camphor tree in the yard, which casts a shadow over the entire yard. If it is midsummer at noon, it will definitely feel extra cool here.

At the end of the garden, there is a stainless steel spiral staircase. On the other side of the staircase, it leads to the second floor of the six-story building next door.

Mr. Fu took Zhang Chen to the stairs, waved to the chef again, and said to him: "You make arrangements."

The chef said okay, master, please go away.

Then he walked back.

They walked to the door upstairs. The door opened. Inside the door was a very beautiful girl. She smiled at Mr. Fu and nodded to Zhang Chen. She took him from Mr. Fu's hand. Big brother.

Zhang Chen walked through the door and discovered that it was a simply decorated ordinary suite.

Different from ordinary homes, there is no sofa in the living room, only a tea table and a small round table, which should be used for eating.

Mr. Fu and Zhang Chen sat down on both sides of the tea table. The girl, like the waitress in Mr. Fu's office, completed a set of procedures skillfully. After pouring tea for them, she retreated to a room and closed the door. .

"This place is where we will have our work meals from now on. It's a bit shabby, but it's more convenient and casual than in a hotel, and it's less crowded." Mr. Fu smiled.

"That person just now, is Mr. Fu's apprentice?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Hey, it happened many years ago. It's not good enough. A chef of the second level cannot stay in the workplace well. He must go out and do it by himself. I can't help it. However, he does a pretty good job. Don't look at him like this. A small shop can make hundreds of thousands of goods a month," Mr. Fu said.

Zhang Chen was shocked. The average daily turnover was more than 30,000 yuan. He really couldn't tell. No wonder all the high-end luxury cars were parked at the door.

From his attitude towards Mr. Fu and the way Mr. Fu spoke, Zhang Chen also understood that this was by no means an incompetent apprentice, but the person closest to Mr. Fu. Perhaps Mr. Fu had single-handedly led this store. of.

That's why Mr. Fu brings people and things that are inconvenient to appear in the office here to deal with them.

"Let's not talk about him, let's talk about our own business. The plan has been passed. Construction can start as soon as the New Year is over. Before the New Year, you can order all the materials you need." Mr. Fu said.

Zhang Chen said yes.

"I have something to explain. My small room requires a budget of about 250,000 yuan. When you make a budget, put it into other projects without mentioning a word about it."

Mr. Fu said, of course Zhang Chen knew that the small room he was talking about was the secret room. A room of fifty square meters cost two hundred and fifty thousand, so it was not just about ventilation. As for putting the money into other things, This is the same as leaving space but not showing it on the drawing.

Because the project budget, as a decoration company, must be provided to Party A.

Zhang Chen nodded and said, I understand.

"Also, don't show it in our internal accounts. You can make up another name. Anyway, the old woman is an amateur at decoration. She won't understand it if you write it." Mr. Fu said.

Zhang Chen said yes. This is to hide it from Party A and the family, and I don’t know what this old fox wants to put there.

"Come here, have some tea, Xiao Zhang. From now on, every time I tell you to have a work lunch, just come here and wait for me. We will discuss the above-mentioned matters in the office." Mr. Fu said with a smile.

Zhang Chen said yes and quickly picked up the tea cup. He knew that he had to explain what he had to explain, and he had already finished explaining it today.

The three waiters carried the trays and served the dishes, and the chef followed. After the waiters left, he was still standing behind Mr. Fu. Mr. Fu tasted every dish and gave his opinion. The chef was respectful. I kept saying that I understand Master, I understand Master, without even a word of defense.

After the chef also left, Mr. Fu raised his voice and shouted: "Xiao Ning, Xiao Zhao, come out to eat!"

The two doors opened and two girls walked out. The two girls looked very similar. I wonder if they were sisters. One of them was the one I had seen before. She walked over and sat next to Mr. Fu naturally. The other one looked at her and then went to sit next to Zhang Chen.

The one sitting next to Mr. Fu was Xiao Ning, and the one sitting next to Zhang Chen was Xiao Zhao. The two girls kept talking and laughing, pouring wine for them and themselves.

What they drank was Shanlan wine from the Li ethnic group that had turned black in color. Mr. Fu and Zhang Chen said that this wine had been buried underground in clay pots for many years. My apprentice drove to Li Village to collect it. The Li people called It is "BIANG" wine. This word is difficult to write and cannot be found in the dictionary.

Xiao Ning didn't believe it and said that there were words that couldn't be found in the dictionary. Mr. Fu turned a chopstick upside down, dipped wine in the wine glass, and wrote on the table. While writing, he kept chanting:

"One point pokes up to the sky, and the Yellow River bends at both ends. The mouth is wide open, and Yan Guan walks up. You twist, I twist, and it twists six points and six. The left one is long, the right one is long, and there is a horse king in the middle. Heart At the bottom of the word, next to the word "month", there are hooks and sesame candy..."

There are too many strokes in this word. Before the back part is finished, the front part has already been finished.

"Get paper and pen, get paper and pen." Mr. Fu shouted.

Xiao Zhao quickly ran back to the room and took out a pen and paper. Mr. Fu wrote the word "BIANG" for them to see. There were so many strokes that the other three people were dazzled by it.

Xiao Ning said, okay, I admit that this word probably won't be in the dictionary. This word cannot be printed even if it is reduced, it is just a mess.

"When I was in school, if the teacher punished me by writing this word a hundred times, I would have to write it until dawn." Zhang Chen said, and Xiao Ning and Xiao Zhao both laughed.

Mr. Fu and Xiao Ning said, "Yes, yes, if you are naughty next time, I will punish you by writing this."

Xiao Ning flattened her mouth and said coquettishly: "They are all so well-behaved, how can you, a big bad guy, be willing to punish them?"

After a while, Xiao Ning smiled and said: "If you punish me, I will write it on your big belly."

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and pressed Mr. Fu's belly, which made Mr. Fu laugh.

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