The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 780 I am the champion

In May, Tan Shuzhen first took the adult self-study exam. She took four subjects in total, three of which she thought she should be able to pass. After the exam, she and her brother-in-law Mao Xingchang reviewed the answers to several big questions. Mao Xingzhang Changya thought she had basically answered all the questions correctly, and there was no problem with sixty points.

Only in politics, Tan Shuzhen herself knew that she had failed the exam, especially in the current affairs part. She got almost all the mistakes, which made Tan Shuzhen very upset. Didn’t politics depend on memorization, and current affairs depended on reading more newspapers? Politics is not difficult, if I If you spend more time memorizing and reading more newspapers, you can pass the exam.

President Mao comforted her, you applied for four subjects, it would be great if you could pass three. I applied for four, but could only pass two. I have never seen anyone pass all four.

Despite what President Mao said, Tan Shuzhen still believed that as long as she failed to pass one subject, it would be a setback for herself and would make her very upset.

However, she didn't have much time to worry, because the "Quhua Cup" Provincial Young Singer Grand Prix was just around the corner, and she had to seize all the time to prepare for the competition.

Tan Shuzhen did not do well in one of the exams, which made Tan Shuzhen feel a little worried. She wondered if she would also have flaws in this competition. As a result, she became nervous for no reason. During practice, she was out of tune and couldn't concentrate. After being concentrated, I was scolded by Teacher Shi for an hour until I was sweating all over my body, but I felt better.

Tan Shuzhen laughed at herself, Zhenzhen, you are really cheap.

But there is no way, who knows that Tan Shuzhen is such a serious person.

Different from the "Sanjiang Cup", there is no political review after the preliminaries and then the finals.

"Quhua Cup" is recommended by regional group art centers across the province, and is also the preliminary round of the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix. All parties attach great importance to it, so before the competition, all contestants must first go through political review. The units, county and district cultural centers, and city arts centers all stamped their stamps on the recommendation form.

The competition format of the competition is also different from that of the "Sanjiang Cup". It lasts for three days from the preliminaries to the finals, and is broadcast live on television for three days. All competitions are conducted under the camera to show fairness.

On the first day of preliminaries, on the second day of semi-finals, and on the third day of finals, the judges will score or discuss on the spot during the live TV broadcast. The top three in the finals will be announced. Zhejiang Provincial TV Station recommends going to Beijing to participate in the CCTV Young Singer Award in November. The list of games came out.

The next three days have nothing to do with Tan Shuzhen and the others. It is a competition for the professional group. As Teacher Shi said, because Tan Shuzhen is an opera actor, not a singer, she is not considered a professional group, but is in the amateur group. Besides, she Now he is no longer even an actor, but a bank employee.

President Mao was very supportive of Tan Shuzhen’s participation in the competition. He asked the old man to drive Teacher Shi and Tan Shuzhen to Hangzhou. He also told Teacher Shi that you would live in the hotel of the provincial TV station, which would make it more convenient to participate. Teacher Shi, your food The accommodation fee was also reimbursed by our bank. Teacher Shi quickly said, thank you, President Mao.

Tan Shuzhen also said, thank you brother-in-law.

President Mao said: "Strive to win the championship. If you win the championship, it will not only win glory for Yongcheng, but also be the pride of our bank. Be good, I won't put pressure on you, the important thing is to participate."

As soon as Teacher Shi and Tan Shuzhen set off, everyone in Yongcheng knew that Tan Shuzhen was going to participate in the Zhejiang Province "Quhua Cup" Young Singer Grand Prix. Yongcheng TV station announced that it would broadcast Zhejiang TV's live broadcast for three consecutive days, "Yongcheng The Daily also reported in advance and interviewed Tan Shuzhen and Teacher Shi who were about to go on the expedition.

In the cultural square, the county cultural center also put up banners wishing them immediate success, which set off another craze in this small county town.

On the first day of the preliminaries, Tan Shuzhen was ranked seventeenth. After she came up, she only sang three or four lines, and the judges below unanimously raised the "advanced" sign. The whole Yongcheng cheered, although everyone felt that, Just listening to these few words is not enough, but the most important thing is the result. The result is that Tan Shuzhen enters the top 24 tomorrow, which is very beautiful.

When Tan Shuzhen passed the rematch the next day and entered the top twelve list for the third day's finals, everyone in Yongcheng confirmed that Tan Shuzhen would win the championship.

On the third day, the director of the county cultural center made an appointment with Commander Tang, President Mao and Huang Linghua of the Federation of Trade Unions to go to Hangzhou after lunch. They were going to cheer for Tan Shuzhen at the live broadcast, but at about ten o'clock , the director of the cultural center called President Mao and said that they could not go.

"Why?" President Mao asked.

The curator told him that in the afternoon, the county magistrate, the deputy county magistrate in charge of culture, education and health, and the cultural director were going to the Hangcheng Provincial Television Station, and he had to give them the tickets he had originally obtained from the Provincial Art Museum.

President Mao understood. He smiled generously and said, "Okay, then we'll cheer them on in front of the TV."

Only Huang Linghua heard this and felt very disappointed. She scolded the director of culture and the deputy county magistrate in charge of culture, education and health, saying that they usually ignored her, but now they were here to pick peaches.

The only person she didn't scold was the county magistrate. She probably thought it was normal for the county magistrate to pick peaches at this time. Anyway, her dad used to pick peaches like this often. The most important thing was that her dad was the executive deputy county magistrate. The deputy county magistrate in charge of culture, education and health is an ignorant girl, that is, a non-partisan, intellectual, ethnic minority, and female, ranking last among the deputy county magistrates.

Huang Linghua is particularly rude to people of the same sex.

On the night of the finals, the entire Yongcheng city was empty. Even the song and dance hall above the Cultural Center was closed. There was no dancing today. They brought a big TV set from somewhere and bought tickets. There were really a lot of people crowded in. After entering, everyone felt that watching Tan Shuzhen's game here was different from other places.

Feng Laogui took his daughter to his mother-in-law's house to watch TV. Before the live broadcast started, the neighbors upstairs and downstairs knocked on Lao Tan's door. About thirty people crowded into the small living room. Individually, Feng Laogui held his daughter and was moved from the sofa to the back of the sofa, and finally to the last row.

The daughter called mom, mom, I want to see mom. Everyone laughed, and the daughter was passed in from the top of the head and passed to the front row to stand in front of Mrs. Tan.

In the finals, Tan Shuzhen first entered the top six with her song "The Spring Water on the Border Is Clear and Pure". The next song, "Sister Looking for Brother, Tears Flow", Tan Shuzhen sang with such emotion and emotion that her eyes were filled with tears. It seemed that it would roll down at any time. Lao Tan shouted excitedly, "Get there!" Got it!

As expected, Tan Shuzhen entered the top four.

In the last round, Tan Shuzhen appeared last and sang "I Love You, China", which she is good at. The first three contestants were a contestant selected from Jinhua region, a contestant selected from Lishui region, and a contestant selected from Taizhou region. Finally, the three people performed well, and the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became tense.

You must know that the people living in this courtyard are all culturally advanced. Even if they are not engaged in music, they know a little bit about music. They have been exposed to it a lot. They all feel that these three players have performed beyond their level. .

It was Tan Shuzhen's turn to appear, and her daughter called her mom, mom. Someone said, "Come on, mom, come on." The daughter shouted at Tan Shuzhen on the TV, "Come on, mom!"

Mrs. Tan turned her head and said, "I don't dare to look at it."

When Tan Shuzhen finished singing, there was silence inside and outside the TV. For a moment, everyone couldn't tell who sang better among the four.

Determining the top three is not a direct score, but the judges discuss together, select the top three from these four contestants, and decide the championship, second, and third place.

On TV, the judges gathered together to discuss, and everyone could only see their backs gathered together.

The people here couldn't bear it anymore. Someone broke the silence and shouted, Lao Tan, what do you think?

Lao Tan cleared his throat and said in as objective a voice as possible that Tan Shuzhen was still a little nervous and this song was a bit tight, but if the judges were fair, I think Tan Shuzhen was better.

The living room cheered before the TV set.

Lao Tan quickly shouted, "Of course, as you all know, this competition is decided by the judges, not me. I don't know if there are other factors involved in the judges' decision."

Everyone's mood became tense again, and their eyes were fixed on the TV. On the TV, the host had already come to the stage holding a folded card with the judges' decision written on it.

The host stood in the middle of the stage, smiling slightly. She looked around, raised the card in her hand, and told everyone that after three days of intense and exciting competition, the card I am holding now is This list is the top three in this competition, and it is also the list of contestants recommended by our province to participate in the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix in November.

The host said, lifting the card up, doing a stunt, opening it a little, saying "Oooh", and closing the card again.

The TV camera, just in time, scanned the faces of the four contestants in turn. Three of these four contestants will leap over the dragon gate tonight to enter the nationally watched CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix. This competition is too important, and winning this Compared with the qualifications for the competition, tonight's championship, second and third place seems not that important.

The camera panned back to the host. The host smiled and said, okay, I know that the audience at the scene, like the audience in front of the TV, want to know the three contestants who can represent our province and participate in the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix. Who is it? Below, I will reveal the answer.

The host finally opened the card in his hand and announced: "They are from Hangzhou..."

A burst of cheers erupted in the living room, and Lao Tan shouted, "Listen, listen..."

But no one paid attention to him anymore. When he heard Hang, he knew that it must be the Hangcheng area, and the Hangcheng area must be Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen can go to CCTV. Is there anything more important than this?

After cheering, I watched TV again, and the awards were already being presented. Tan Shuzhen not only qualified to participate in the CCTV Young Singer Grand Prix, but also won the first place in the amateur group of the Zhejiang Province "Quhua Cup" Young Singer Grand Prix. When she came from Zhejiang When the TV station director and Quhua general manager took the certificate and flowers from their hands, she shed tears of excitement.

When my daughter saw her mother crying on TV, she burst into tears, and everyone else laughed.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan were sitting in Liu Ligan's car. The car was parked on Moganshan Road, opposite the gate of the Provincial TV Station. Neither of them spoke. They had just been in Zhang Chen's staff canteen on Stadium Road. , I watched this game with many workers. After watching it, the two of us came here.

The stadium was very close. When they arrived, the audience was leaving. After coming out of the gate, Zhang Chen asked, do you want to go inside?

Liu Ligan shook his head, and the two of them sat here.

Ten minutes later, he saw three cars with Yongcheng license plates coming out. Liu Ligan vaguely saw the familiar figure sitting in one of the cars.

At this moment, it has been many years.

They were probably celebrating somewhere, because Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen also saw the director of the Cultural Bureau and the county magistrate of Yongcheng County.

After those cars were gone, Liu Ligan started the car.

Thank you book friend 20170120193524134 for the reward! Thank you for your monthly pass to Xiaokanfengyun! Thank you for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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