The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 777 Apology and Invitation

"Are you under a lot of pressure?" Liu Ligan threw a cigarette to Zhang Chen and asked.

"What pressure? What pressure do I have?" Zhang Chen said with a smile. He put the cigarette aside and did not light it. Instead, he threw the lighter on the table to Liu Ligan.

Liu Ligan knew that he was being tough and didn't argue with him. Liu Ligan lit the cigarette, took a puff and asked, "How are you going to end it?"

"How does it end?"

"We can't just fire off a cannon and forget it, right?"

"Then what else? You've said everything and you still want me to take it back? Besides, I didn't say anything. What I said is all the truth."

"It's not about taking it back, it's taking it back because it can't be taken back." Liu Ligan said, "At least you have to have an attitude and an explanation."

"Who do you want to talk to?"

"you do not know?"

"have no idea."

"Zhang Chen, let me tell you, this is not Haicheng, nor Yongcheng, this is Hangzhou, and we are not tourists, we are doing business here. You can't say that you have offended the local officials, and then you can retaliate. Treat it as if nothing is wrong," Liu Ligan said.

"Then what else? Will they retaliate against me?"

"That's not it. At least you have to give people face, even if others don't care about you."

"Who should I give face to, those idiots who went to the meeting? Do I need to give them face?"

"No." Liu Ligan said, "You don't have to give face to those people, but have you ever thought about how you came to attend this meeting?"

"How do I know? Call me. I felt embarrassed to push it, so I went." Zhang Chen said.

"Who called you?"

Zhang Chen's voice lowered, he looked at Liu Ligan and said, "Director Liu."

"You just said earlier that Director Liu called you and you were sorry. What are you embarrassed about?"

Zhang Chen hesitated and said, "Here, Director Liu helped me. Didn't I tell you that he helped me in the dynamic zone?"

"Not only that, but there is also the Qunying Garment Factory. Although he mobilized you for the merger and had no intention of helping you at the time, you actually benefited from the merger. You won't deny this, right?"

"I admit."

"So you think Director Liu calls you and you feel embarrassed to reject it?"


"Then you might as well not fucking go." Liu Ligan cursed, "If you fucking go, you're harming him, you know?"

Zhang Chen asked curiously: "Why did I hurt him?"

"He also has a leader. Vice Mayor Xiang sitting next to him is his leader. You were invited by him. Maybe he even boasted for you in front of the deputy mayor, but you ran away. Go, now that he's here, aren't you trying to dismantle him? Where do you want his face to go?"

As Liu Ligan said, Zhang Chen fell silent. Indeed, he had not thought about what Liu Ligan said and what he said at the meeting. Thinking about it this way, the person who was least able to step down was Director Liu. It's a happy event and I wanted to invite you to congratulate me, but unexpectedly a mourner came.

Zhang Chen felt that he really went a little too far.

"Then what should we do now?" Zhang Chen said angrily.

"Of course it's to recover the losses, at least show your attitude." Liu Ligan said, "Now there is such an opportunity."

"What opportunity?" Zhang Chen asked.

"When will your Shanghai store open?"

"Next month's 28th, in time for May Day."

"Then you go to Director Liu to report this matter, and invite him and Vice Mayor Xiang to cut the ribbon."

"This, just one store opens, will they go?"

"It's up to them to decide whether they will go or not." Liu Ligan said, "Isn't it a reason? Just use this reason to go to him and apologize by the way. Remember what they said, don't talk nonsense anymore. I'm thinking, Now their focus is on Hangzhou-style women's clothing, and they don't have a focus. How big a deal it is for you to open a store on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai, they will definitely be interested."

"Okay." Zhang Chen said and stood up. Liu Ligan called, "Where are you going?"

"Isn't it about an apology and an invitation? Of course, go to Director Liu's office and say it in person."

"Don't you call to make an appointment?" Liu Ligan said, "What if someone has something to do now?"

"It doesn't matter, then come back and go the second time." Zhang Chen said.

Liu Ligan thought about it, maybe it would show your sincerity, so he said yes, I will send you there.

Liu Ligan sent Zhang Chen to the municipal government compound. He was waiting for Zhang Chen in the parking lot opposite, and Zhang Chen went in alone.

Zhang Chen walked to Office 130 and saw that the door of the office was open. Zhang Chen walked in. When Xiao Yan saw him, he stood up and shouted: "Mr. Zhang, hello."

"Hello, Secretary Yan." Zhang Chen pointed to Director Liu's office, "Excuse me, is Director Liu here?"

The door of Director Liu's office was open, but no sound was heard. Xiao Yan attended the meeting this morning. He also witnessed Zhang Chen's performance. He looked towards Director Liu, wondering whether he should Please or not invite Zhang Chen in.

"Xiao Yan, who is here?" Director Liu's voice came out.

Xiao Yan stretched out a hand and waved it, signaling Zhang Chen to wait here. He walked to Director Liu's office, stood at the door and inside and said, "This is Mr. Zhang from Half an Acre of Field."

"Come in, come in, come in quickly!" Director Liu shouted.

Xiao Yan turned around and smiled at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen hurriedly walked inside and walked to the door of Director Liu's office. Director Liu was also walking out and laughed when he saw Zhang Chen. He pulled Zhang Chen's hand said:

"I knew you, Mr. Zhang, would come again, and you wouldn't just pat your butt and leave."

Director Liu's words made both Zhang Chen and Xiao Yan laugh.

Zhang Chen quickly said: "I'm sorry, Director Liu, I was reckless."

"No, it's okay." Director Liu waved his hand and shouted:

"How many years have I not heard such a direct reaction during a meeting? When we were young, every time we had a meeting, we would get red-faced and argue. What's the matter? It's all for work. Alas, slowly, I don't know what happened. How could Hui Feng become like this? When everyone is in a meeting, they just choose nice things to say, and not a single harsh sound is heard."

Xiao Yan came in with a cup of tea and said with a smile: "Director, didn't you hear that today?"

"That's right, that's why Vice Mayor Xiang praised you earlier, haha." Director Liu said with a smile.

"Praise me?" Zhang Chen asked curiously.

"Yes, what you said at the meeting still makes sense. The term Hangzhou-style clothing or Hangzhou-style women's clothing is indeed not rigorous enough. Wouldn't it be more rigorous to change it to promote the development of Hangzhou-style women's clothing industry? ?Add the word "industry" to promote industrial development. This is what our government should do."

Zhang Chen quickly nodded and said yes.

Zhang Chen then reported to Director Liu the preparations for his store on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai. Director Liu was indeed very interested. He asked in detail about the location and area of ​​the store on Huaihai Middle Road, and kept nodding and saying, Another big deal Ah, this domestic women's clothing brand is really brave enough to open a specialty store on Huaihai Road and compete with international brands.

Okay, Xiao Zhang, I will definitely report this matter to Vice Mayor Xiang.

Director Liu also blamed Zhang Chen, why didn't he say this earlier? If he had said it earlier, he would have mentioned it at the meeting today to encourage everyone.

Director Liu looked at Zhang Chen and said, Xiao Zhang, we must not only speak freely at the meeting, but also after the meeting. Regarding clothing, whether it is me or Deputy Mayor Xiang, we are all laymen and do not understand or master it. Can you introduce the real situation to me? First of all, I only want to listen to worries, not joys.

When Director Liu said this, Zhang Chen told Director Liu what was most worrying at the moment, the exchange rate competition and the issue of counterfeiting and piracy.

After listening to this, Director Liu nodded and said, "Look, what we see is all the glamorous side. Only then can you truly grasp the context of the industry. Xiao Zhang, I will ask you often for advice in the future."

Zhang Chen quickly said that Director Liu was being polite.

"You're not being polite, the situation you just reported is very good and valuable." Director Liu said, "While we are promoting the development of this industry, we must pay attention to the problems hidden under the prosperity, prevent vicious competition, and nip the signs of vicious competition. Lose."

Zhang Chen nodded. Director Liu thought for a while and continued: "I'm wondering if we should immediately issue a self-discipline convention for the Hangzhou-style women's clothing industry so that everyone can consciously resist unhealthy trends in the industry."

"This is good." Zhang Chen shouted, "He is the leader after all."

"Oh. What happened to the leader?"

"When we find a problem, we just complain. When this leader finds a problem, he will find a way to solve it."

Zhang Chen's words were very sincere, and Director Liu burst into laughter.

A week later, Xiao Yan called Zhang Chen and told him that Vice Mayor Xiang and Director Liu would attend the opening ceremony of your Half Acre Field store on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai.

Xiao Zhao, He Hongmei, Lao Tang and Liu Ligan all attended the opening ceremony of the "Half Mu Tian Women's Lifestyle Store" on Huaihai Middle Road in Shanghai at 9 a.m. on April 28.

Vice Mayor Xiang and Director Liu brought a total of more than a dozen people from business, industry, commerce, and reporters from "Hangcheng Daily" and Hangcheng TV Station to Shanghai to attend.

Early in the morning, Xiao Yan handed a list to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen was shocked when he saw that there were also a deputy mayor of Shanghai, a deputy director of the municipal government office, and The mayor of Luwan District where “Ban Mu Tian Women’s Lifestyle Store” is located.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan said, we didn't invite them, why are they here?

Liu Ligan smiled and said, of course we didn't invite him. This government agency also has rules and respects courtesy. Now that the deputy mayor of Hangzhou is here, of course there will be corresponding leaders involved here in Shanghai.

When Zhang Chen saw this situation, he felt dizzy again. He asked Liu Ligan and Xiao Yan to make arrangements. Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said, I can come forward, but don't you fucking run away from me again today. , Director Liu and Vice Mayor Xiang know you.

Next to Xiao Zhao and He Hongmei, they remembered that when the Yan'an Road store opened, Zhang Chen avoided it and Liu Ligan pretended to be him on stage. The two laughed. Liu Ligan said to them, "Watch him, Xiao Zhao." He smiled and said, okay, we won't let him escape.

Because it was on a busy road, the opening ceremony was very brief. It took only ten minutes. The deputy mayors of the two places said a few words and then started cutting the ribbon.

Zhang Chen heard from Deputy Mayor Xiang's speech that Ban Mu Tian was the leading brand of women's clothing in Hangzhou. For some reason, it didn't sound so harsh now.

The entire ribbon-cutting ceremony was very unique. When their store was being renovated, the road was outside. According to the requirements, the road side was completely closed. After the renovation, the entire facade was completely covered with a large red cloth. No one knows what it's like inside.

When cutting the ribbon, all the leaders and Zhang Chen stood in a row and grabbed the lower end of the red cloth. After the female host brought by Hangzhou TV station gave a start, everyone grabbed the red cloth and pulled it together. The huge red cloth , slowly fell down, and the true face of "Ban Mu Tian Women's Lifestyle Store" was revealed.

Zhang Chen heard a chorus of "wow" exclamations.

Thank you Ba Liang and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you Lu for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the reading and votes! I wish you all a good dinner!

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