The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 776 This boring guy

When Liu Ligan walked into Zhang Chen's office, Zhang Chen was sitting there alone and sulking. He was angry that he had behaved like that in front of him. He was talking nonsense in front of so many people. What does it have to do with you? It doesn’t matter what they call fancy clothes, if you didn’t say you were going to hang out for a long time, then you would just hang out for a long time.

Zhang Chen recalled the previous scene and seemed to be unable to survive. Vice Mayor Xiang and Director Liu both encouraged him to talk, so he just said it. What's more, even if I beat myself to death, I wouldn't say it.

Zhang Chen thought that was what happened, but it didn't seem to be the case, but no matter what happened, it happened, and Zhang Chen was sulking at himself because of it.

After Liu Ligan came in, he stood there and clapped his hands and shouted: "Okay, applause, applaud our upright hero!"

Zhang Chen glanced at him and asked angrily: "Did Xu Wenhui tell you? You're so fucking quick."

"It's not that I'm a quick talker, it's actually that you, a self-propelled gun, became famous instantly and left a deep impression on people. By the way, Xu Wenhui said that when he develops the photos from that time, he must give them to you for your appreciation. Appreciate the expressions of the people in that conference room, this is precious information and cannot be reported."

As Liu Ligan said, Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh. Liu Ligan sat down opposite Zhang Chen and told him, "What's going on?"

"Nothing happened. I just saw that those people were angry and thought it was funny that I was with them and having this arrogant meeting."

Zhang Chen said angrily, and Liu Ligan watched and laughed. He felt as if he was back in the troupe again, back to the time when they came back from Wenzhou, and Ding Baigou and his team moved into the troupe. , at that time, Zhang Chen had this expression and this tone, which disrupted the work group's affairs.

It seems that the situation is easy to change but the temperament is hard to change. How come this guy is back again after going round and round?

Liu Ligan was shocked when he received Xu Wenhui's call. What's going on? Are you going to cause trouble in Heaven?

"If you don't want to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, Zhang Chen just wants to cause trouble." Xu Wenhui couldn't help but laugh.

"You're still fucking laughing. You weren't going to stop him at the scene?" Liu Ligan cursed.

"Then you have to give me time. He just shot all the bullets in one stroke, and then he seemed to understand." Xu Wenhui said.

"He understood, but the trouble has already happened."

"It's okay, it's okay. I saw after the meeting that Director Liu and Vice Mayor Xiang were still laughing. Director Liu also said, this is the artist. Sometimes he doesn't pay attention to the occasion when he speaks. Damn it, this artist is really a What a cover, I want to be an artist."

"Okay, come here, I will spend fifty yuan to buy you an artist's certificate. You can be as big an artist as you want." Liu Ligan cursed, and Xu Wenhui laughed.

Liu Ligan hung up the phone, thought about it, and decided to go to Xiao Zhao's place first. On the way, he called He Hongmei and asked her to come too.

This is a fucking consultation. Liu Ligan thought.

Liu Ligan arrived at Xiao Zhao's office and told them what happened. Xiao Zhao was shocked and quickly asked Liu Ligan: "Did he really say that?"

"Xu Wenhui was at the scene, so that's still wrong." Liu Ligan said.

He Hongmei was on the side and couldn't help laughing: "My master is awesome!"

"It seems that you are also a thirteen o'clock artist." Liu Ligan glared at her and cursed, "Fortunately you didn't go. If you go, you will probably sing duet with your master."

"I think what my master said is right, isn't that what it is." He Hongmei curled her lips and said.

Liu Ligan asked Xiao Zhao, has anything happened to you recently?

Xiao Zhao told Liu Ligan about the suspension of the general agency agreement between Beijing, Zhengzhou and Kunming, and He Hongmei told Liu Ligan in detail about the meeting that day.

Liu Ligan was shocked. He was very busy during this period. Mr. Qiao and Mr. Yang from Shenzhen Anxin Trust came with their staff. He had been accompanying them for the past two days to handle the mortgage procedures for Mr. Ni and others. Liu Ligan had never done a mortgage before, and he wanted to learn from the sidelines. He didn't expect such a big thing to happen to Zhang Chen.

"With the general agents in these three places gone, will it have a big impact on sales?" Liu Ligan said.

"Big, not counting our own. These three places originally accounted for almost a quarter of our sales. Moreover, the factory has already produced a lot of summer clothes, and the stocks are kept there. In this way, this part may not be good. , is likely to become inventory.”

"These three places can no longer develop?"

"Development is possible. Many people have come to talk about it before. I can talk to them again. But the current market situation is like this. As long as people talk about it, they will definitely ask for an increase in the exchange rate. Think about it, then People who have used our products and made a lot of money last year are like this. Will these new customers have such requirements even more?"

Xiao Zhao said, Liu Ligan looked at He Hongmei, and He Hongmei nodded.

Liu Ligan felt that he seemed to understand something. Zhang Chen's new factory had just been completed, and he was preparing to start a big fight. But now, he had to apply the brakes immediately or change direction.

Zhang Chen, from his core, is just like himself, he refuses to admit defeat easily. People who refuse to admit defeat will always have an instinct to rush. No matter how well you hide it, that energy will always be there.

Now he is suddenly asked to apply the brakes, and of course he will suffer.

"I don't understand your business. Does the exchange rate really have such a big impact?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Big, the exchange rate is not a number, it is real inventory. There is not a single customer who has not paid enough for the exchange rate. This kind of clothing, especially when we open a specialty store, you can't do without styles, varieties and colors. It doesn't matter if it's not complete. Sometimes you have to produce some varieties even though you know that our factory is not good at it.

"This is different from the wholesale business we used to do. When we do wholesale, we just make some sample clothes and then come across a good-selling style. There are not many, just a few. You produce these two or three styles every day. You can sell as much as you produce. I can no longer buy this style. I will sell other styles. The last few pieces are cheaper and can be taken away. None of them will be in stock.

"There is no exchange rate in wholesale. The customer pays and whether it sells well or not is all his business. There is an exchange rate. Let me calculate it for you. We earn 2% per piece of clothing. 10. If he buys a thousand pieces and gets back a hundred pieces, almost most of the profit from the one thousand pieces will be gone. If you increase it to 20%, it will be two hundred pieces, and you won’t make any money.

"A specialty store has at least hundreds of clothing styles. There are always some good sellers and some not so popular. It is normal for a store to have a backlog of dozens of items. Then we have hundreds of stores across the country, which add up to How much?"

"Can't we produce less? As you said before, we can produce as much as we sell?" Liu Ligan was confused and asked.

"In the past, we sold goods from several companies, and you only bought a few pieces. Now it is a specialty store, and the whole store sells your goods. When the seasons change, hundreds of clothes in the whole store will be changed together. Otherwise, what should I do? Their store is empty, waiting for you to slowly restock the goods?

"Furthermore, the season change time is almost the same. At most it is the difference between the north and the south. There is a slight time difference, but it is not very long. For example, Hongmei and others in Chongqing have to change it. It takes almost a week, and all the stores below have finished the change. We here Also, if the entire East China region is not exchanged together, how much quantity will it cost? How can we not produce it in advance?" Xiao Zhao said.

"In this case, why do other brands dare to do this?" Liu Ligan was puzzled, "I mean, they raised the exchange rate so high."

"Many of them are trying to grab customers. They just want your franchise fee and first payment. It's the exchange rate, not the return rate. If you go to him to buy goods, you will be caught by him." He Hongmei said, " If it's not easy to sell, you can exchange it, but if you exchange it, it's still not easy to sell. He doesn't care about it and won't produce more. He just exchanges it in here and lets you exchange it out there."

"Fuck, are customers so easy to deceive?" Liu Ligan cursed.

"There are many customers but there is nothing we can do about it. There are two types of customers. One type of customer is: Where is my store and your goods are not easy to sell? What should I do? I can only buy other goods to sell. If he finds out, he If they say you violated the agreement, we will cut off the relationship with you, and the deposit will not be refunded. It is true that you bought other goods and violated the agreement, so you have to admit that you are unlucky."

He Hongmei continued: "There is another way. You have finally exchanged the money for the goods, but you don't have the confidence and don't want to do it. Then if you ask to terminate the agreement, the franchise fee cannot be refunded, unless you find someone yourself. Transferring your qualification, anyway, it is impossible for you to get money back from him.

"You interrupt the agreement, and he will develop a new franchise store and go through the process all over again."

"Will anyone be fooled?" Liu Ligan asked.

"There are so many people making clothing, who knows, so they are all fighting for an agreement to see who can get the better deal." Xiao Zhao said, "Otherwise, you see, like here, East China is basically full, and not a single city is developing. , some brands, they are recruiting investment every month, one city at a time, there are so many cities, they are constantly changing."

"Yes, the threshold is very low. They have no requirements for store decoration." He Hongmei said, "The same is true for our general agents in Chongqing. As long as you pay, they will do it for you. Are you suitable for it? , he doesn’t care whether there will be business or not. Anyway, if you don’t do it, it just so happens that he will develop another one.”

"I didn't expect your clothes to be so messy now." Liu Ligan finally understood.

"Yes, it is like this now. Then what do you think my master would do? If he develops a customer, if the time is right, he will go there and design a plan for you. You said he will do it randomly. "?" He Hongmei asked, "But some customers just don't know what's good and what's good. They don't compare it to this, but to the exchange rate. They just feel safe."

Liu Ligan understood. From this point of view, Zhang Chen was indeed under great pressure. He must have felt the chaotic market. If you don't follow the trend, you may be abandoned by the market. If you follow the trend, you may be swallowed up by the market. No wonder he rented the house on Huaihai Road at a sky-high price. Maybe he just wanted to make changes.

"That Zhang Chen, what is he thinking?" Liu Ligan asked Xiao Zhao.

Xiao Zhao shook her head. She sighed and said, "You don't know what he is like. He likes to keep everything in his mind. Many times, I don't know what he is thinking."

It's really like this. When will this dull guy learn to open up to others?

For some reason, Liu Ligan suddenly felt a little sad. He felt that Zhang Chen's journey was very hard and lonely, and there seemed to be no one around who could help him.

In Haicheng, although I worked hard, I had Zheng Wei before, and then Zheng Wei was gone. At least there was Meng Ping, Li Yong and Chen Qihang nearby. If I had anything to do, I could tell them. Zhang Chen seemed to be alone. , working so hard in Hangzhou, I don’t have many friends.

Although he has Xiao Zhao by his side, there are many things that he would never say to Xiao Zhao. He is afraid that she will be worried, and he also wants to save face.

What this boring guy is best at is concealing peace, and what he is worst at is opening up to himself. Being with Xiao Zhao is already considered a good thing. It was even worse when he was with Jin Lili before. He clearly knows that there is already something between the two of them. There is a rift, but he will not communicate or think of ways to mend the rift, but will only watch it widen quietly.

This boring guy is really a guy who looks easy-going but is actually very difficult to deal with.

Damn it, it would be better if you were a little more fragile. You are also a very strong-minded person. You will persist in any matter if you are forced to do so. You will not compromise or give in. You would rather be broken than complete. Damn it, he is a tile. I will break it first before talking about it.

Thank you for the rewards from Smiling and Running Y, Eight Liang, Third from Top to Bottom, On the Shore 131, and Doll Tin Soldier! Thank you Mr. Zhu for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Wish you all a happy Sunday!

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