The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 775 Hang School Women’s Clothes

Beijing Zoo, Zhengzhou Asia, and Kunming have all terminated their general agent relationship with Zhang Chen and the others. Ma Ya and Zhang Chen said that in fact, they all signed a contract with a brand in the Four Seasons Qinghang School Clothing City. That brand is They specialize in imitating Zhang Chen's half-acre-field goods, and the prices are cheaper than theirs, and they also offer a 50% exchange rate.

Zhang Chen smiled and said to Ma Ya, "I can't give you this."

Ma Ya patted his shoulder and said, "Brother, I know you can't give it. That's what I said. Don't worry, I'm on your side. But sometimes I'm outspoken and talk too much."

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Thank you, sister!"

Without the three general agents in Beijing, Zhengzhou and Kunming, Zhang Chen and the others have lost a large amount of sales. He Hongmei cursed, "The one from Kunming is lean and skinny. I look like a drug addict, not a good person." If there is no such thing, it will be gone.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, those people from Beijing are not thick eyebrows and big eyes, so why did they rebel?

He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao laughed. After they finished laughing, Xiao Zhao cursed, "I really have you. We held a meeting. It was originally said to be to promote relationships, but in the end, the three general agents failed to meet."

"Blame me, sister." He Hongmei raised her hand and said, "It was me and them."

"No one is to blame. This is a matter of time. If I agree to relax the exchange rate to 30%, I guarantee that no one will escape. Do you want it?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiao Zhao sells goods in the store, and has to go to Zheng Huihong's place to take inventory every day. Of course she knows how terrible the inventory is. From the first time Zhang Chen proposed the 10% exchange rate, Xiao Zhao had doubts in her heart. Yes, she said:

"Forget it then. If you mention five more points, I'll be scared to death. Still thirty or forty."

"What should we do next? Make up for the ones in Beijing, Zhengzhou and Kunming right away? I have a few people here who have come to talk to me. We had agents at that time, but I declined. Do you want to contact me?" Xiao Zhao asked Zhang Chen.

"If you want it, do it immediately and make those people angry to death." He Hongmei shouted.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said: "Now, we should complete the renovation of the Shanghai store as soon as possible and strive to open it as soon as possible. Now I feel that the clothing market is in chaos. We will wait and see about those places first."

Xiao Zhao said yes.

In fact, Zhang Chen already felt that there might be problems with the clothing franchise model. At the beginning, you could use your strength to open up your market all at once, and within a short period of time, Although a large amount of funds have been gathered, subsequent management and operation are still very difficult.

Although each store has the name of Banmutian, after all, they belong to different owners and have different interests. It is impossible to unify everyone’s ideas and goals, which will lead to contradictions of this kind. and friction.

Zhang Chen was thinking about whether the stores in Shanghai will be as successful as those in Hangzhou after they are opened. If so, he thinks this may be a new model, that is, like Hangzhou, the general agent will directly operate it. , and then develop the second-level specialty stores below, the layers in the middle will be reduced, and the conflicts will also be reduced.

At present, the stores they directly develop in East China feel better than other places, and the implementation of business philosophy and brand awareness is smoother than other places. Of course, Chongqing is a special case.

Zhang Chen even planned in his heart that if the store in Shanghai is successful, the next thing he will develop is the store in Beijing. Where Esprit fails to open, I, Zhang Chen, will have a try.

Zhang Chen told Zhao Zhigang that although the new factory has been built, don't rush to expand production or recruit people. It is better to focus on the quality of the products first. Zhang Chen always adheres to one concept, that is, a piece of clothing can only be sold. The entire sales activity is completed only when the product is in the hands of the consumer.

And among consumers, any small flaws you have will be discovered and even expanded.

Zhao Zhigang said yes.

Old Tang designed the entire Heavenly Book. Zhang Chen mobilized everyone in the design center to use white paper to enlarge the entire Heavenly Book to the required proportion, and then spliced ​​it together on the basketball court. Zhang Chen, Old Tang and He Hongmei stood on the Looking down at the basketball court from the second floor, I felt a little excited when I saw this piece of heaven.

Zhang Chen looked at it and asked Old Tang: "If the size of the characters is reduced and there are more words, will it have more visual impact?"

Old Tang thought for a while and said, yes, and it will be more attractive to people walking by.

They reduced the font by half, and half of the space was left, so they needed twice as many characters, which could not be repeated. Zhang Chen, Lao Tang and He Hongmei created a lot of Chinese characters. This was not a simple job, and we had to take into account To check the beauty of the structure of each newly created character, one has to check "Cihai" to confirm that the character does not originally exist.

When the three people were making characters, every time they created a new word, it was as if they had discovered a treasure, and they were as happy as the three children.

Old Tang asked Zhang Chen, do you think that when Cangjie first coined the character, was it one person or three people? Why do I feel that it should be three people?

Zhang Chen laughed and said, I don't know about this, you have to ask Teacher Cang.

Ge Ling and the others enlarged the words according to the required proportion, cut them out one by one, and then went to the basketball court below to splice them together. With more words, the visual impact of the heavenly book was indeed stronger than before.

"Ge Ling!"

Zhang Chen shouted from the second floor, and Ge Ling turned around. Zhang Chen said to her: "Take the words "Half an Acre of Field" up, paint them red, and put them back."

Ge Ling took out the words "half an acre of field" from the Book of Heaven, painted them red with paint, and put them back. Each of these three words was only 80 centimeters, which should be very small in such a large area. , but after putting it in, it is very eye-catching among the white text, and it pops out immediately, and it does not feel small at all.

"Perfect!" Old Tang and He Hongmei shouted at the same time.

He Hongmei smiled and scolded: "Why are you trying to imitate me?"

Old Tang shouted: "The conscience of heaven and earth is my mouth and my heart."

Zhang Chen also thinks it's perfect, so just settle on it and start construction as soon as possible.

That is to say, in the second half of last year, the original Huaxia Hotel opposite the market of Four Seasons Qinghai Gen was changed into a clothing wholesale market. The name of the market is Hangpai Clothing City. It and the Hangpai Boutique Clothing Market in Longxiang Bridge, It can be regarded as the official name of Hangzhou style clothing in the national clothing industry.

The operators inside all adopted the same franchise and chain model as Zhang Chen and others, allowing Hangpai clothing, mainly Hangpai women's clothing, to bloom in cities across the country. Suddenly, many media reported on it In response to this phenomenon, the Hangzhou City Government also intends to rely on its strong market radiation to develop the women's clothing industry into its own pillar industry.

The leaders in charge of commerce and trade held a symposium on promoting the development of Hangzhou-style women's clothing.

Although Zhang Chen and his half-acre farm are neither in Sijiqing nor Longxiangqiao, Director Liu still invited Zhang Chen to attend this symposium, and also included Zhang Chen and his half-acre farm in Zhejiang, Zhejiang Half-acre Clothing Co., Ltd., and Their brand "Half Acre Field" is named the leading enterprise and well-known brand of Hangzhou-style women's clothing.

The meeting was held in the conference room of the city government. Forty or fifty people came, including Leader Xiang, Director Liu, leaders of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, Commercial Bureau, Federation of Industry and Commerce, Individual Labor Association, the district chiefs of Jianggan District and Shangcheng District, and The bosses of Sijiqing and Longxiangqiao markets, as well as the clothing company representatives they selected, as well as reporters from Hangzhou Daily and Hangzhou TV Station.

Zhang Chen saw that Xu Wenhui was sent by Hangcheng Daily to interview and report on the meeting. Xu Wenhui saw Zhang Chen and came over to say hello to him.

In order to activate the atmosphere of the venue, the meeting took the form of a round table meeting, with people sitting in two circles around the long conference table. Of course, Zhang Chen sat in the front circle, face to face with Leader Xiang and Director Liu.

Zhang Chen originally hated this kind of meeting, but because of Director Liu's reputation, he had to come. Zhang Chen thought, just come and sit for a while and deal with it. Sitting in the conference room, he was still thinking Looking at the decoration of the Shanghai store and the meeting I had just ended a few days ago, I felt that there was something to be done here.

He looked at those who came to attend this meeting. He didn't know any of the so-called representative brands of Hangpai clothing, and he had no intention of knowing them. He just thought that these idiots were conducting exchange rate competitions, and the exchange rate was reduced by hundreds. Twenty-thirty-forty/twenty-four was done like this, and I felt a little angry.

A bunch of rabble, Zhang Chen cursed in his heart. He didn’t know whether those from Beijing Zoo, Zhengzhou Asia, and Kunming had signed an agreement with anyone here, or were they idiots who took pleasure in imitating their own clothes. Are you still shamelessly calling yourself Hangzhou-style clothing?

At the beginning of the meeting, Director Liu presided over the meeting. He positioned this meeting as a milestone in the development history of the Hangpai women's clothing industry, allowing everyone to speak freely and jointly provide suggestions for the Hangpai women's clothing industry to take root in China, break out of Asia, and go global.

Then came the speech of Leader Xiang. Leader Xiang spoke from a high position and quoted classics. He talked about the West Lake, the land of silk, the beauty of the West Lake that is unparalleled in the world, and the girls of Hangzhou with beautiful mountains and rivers and even more beautiful people. In the end, it all boils down to the conclusion that all this is destined to happen in This city, in this land and water, will give birth to Hangzhou-style women's clothing that is astonishing in the world.

Zhang Chen looked at him as he talked, thinking in his heart, this leader is very eloquent, he can talk so much eloquently without reading the manuscript, but I don't know what he said has anything to do with clothing. ? What does it have to do with a clothing brand?

Leader Xiang was still talking, and Zhang Chen's heart had already flown to nowhere. When he heard everyone burst into warm applause, he realized that the leader had finished speaking, and he also applauded.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang of half an acre of land, please express your opinion."

Director Liu's loud voice rolled over, and Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment before he realized that Director Liu was calling him.

What? I was not prepared at all when I was asked to speak. I just wanted to hang out for a while.

Zhang Chen raised his head and looked at Leader Xiang and Director Liu opposite him. They both smiled kindly at him. Damn it, it looked like he couldn't escape today. Zhang Chen quickly avoided their gazes and lowered his head.

"Mr. Zhang, just say a few words." Leader Xiang also encouraged.

Zhang Chen panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down. Just say a few words and express his true thoughts. Isn't it true that he can speak freely?

Zhang Chen lowered his head and rubbed the thumbs of his two hands together. He said:

"Originally, I shouldn't have come to this meeting because I don't think our company's products are Hangzhou-style clothing, and the fact is that they are not at all. I think the terms Hangzhou-style women's clothing or Hangzhou-style clothing are false propositions. It's scientific, but it also goes against the rules of the clothing industry.

"Why? Because clothing itself is the most individualistic and the most flamboyant. If everyone is the same, then do these brands still have the meaning to exist? I feel that not only do they have no meaning to exist, but they may also This brand is destined to die.

"There are so many well-known clothing brands in the world, so many in Italy and so many in France. I think, needless to say, everyone here can name a lot of brand names with their eyes closed, but have you ever heard of any Italian ones? Is it Italian-style clothing, or French-style clothing..."

Zhang Chen raised his head and saw Leader Xiang and Director Liu opposite him still looking at him, but their expressions were a bit ugly. Zhang Chen suddenly woke up. What the hell are you talking about?

Zhang Chen quickly shut up.

Thanks for the tip, Ba Liang! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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