The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 774: Boating on the West Lake, what did they say?

Zhang Chen and his Shanghai Huaihai Road store were still under renovation, but what Zhang Chen was most worried about happened.

They were meeting at Shangri-La by the West Lake. They said it was a meeting, but in fact they just called the general agents from all over the country. They all chatted together and gathered by the West Lake on a beautiful spring day. Zhang Chen represented the company. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for your support last year and listen to your opinions.

It lasted for two days, and the real meeting was only half a day. It was still half a day after renting a boat and rafting on the West Lake. Everyone ate melon seeds and fruits, drank tea and chatted, and prepared to end the meeting.

The rest of the time was spent traveling around Hangzhou. At that time, the Yaolin Wonderland in Tonglu was booming. The next day, Zhang Chen, He Hongmei and Xiao Sheng drove three cars and prepared to take everyone to Tonglu.

As a result, this incident broke out the afternoon before when they were still on the cruise ship in West Lake. The cause of the outbreak was Ma Ya and Guo Wentao, who thought that the 10% exchange rate was too low.

Zhang Chen explained to them that the exchange rate was actually not low. He gave an example that his company had put more effort into product management than other companies. However, last year, the company’s There is still a lot of inventory. If the exchange rate is high, I will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Mr. Zhang, you only think about your company. Have you ever thought about the interests of our general agent? For example, right now, these winter clothes are in our north. They can still be used. It's still early for spring clothes, but we want to change them." Regarding the delivery rate and replacement time, we still have to ask the subordinates to exchange their winter clothes for spring clothes before the Spring Festival, but to whom will these spring clothes be sold?" said the person from Beijing Zoo.

Guo Wentao and Ma Ya also agreed, saying that they also had this problem. The one from Beijing Zoo continued:

"Well, it turns out that I made the decision and kept some of the best-selling styles for them to continue selling. Well, all of these styles have now exceeded the replacement time and have become my inventory. Am I wronged? Am I wronged? If it had been returned earlier, wouldn’t it have become the company’s inventory?”

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "Okay, that's your high-spirited attitude, but having said that, if that were the case, we wouldn't have produced so many winter clothes. We would have already launched more spring clothes, and the inventory of winter clothes can still be controlled. You Say yes?"

"But in our Northeast, right now, spring clothes are not moving at all in retail stores," Ma Ya said.

"No, I think the biggest problem with such a low exchange rate is not what you are talking about, but that, for example, a newly opened store can obviously distribute 30,000 yuan of goods. In order to control the exchange rate, I only dare to give He deserves twenty-five thousand." said Zhengzhou Asia.

"It's the same as usual. I can give him five or six pieces of a style at a time. It's so easy to sell this way, and sales will definitely increase. But in the end, I only dare to give him three or four pieces, and I have to wait for him to sell. After buying a few pieces, I will give him a few more pieces, and there will be a lot of opinions from customers." The person from Kunming also said.

"Yes, yes, and, in the past, we were the only one doing specialty sales in this place. It was okay to make brands. If others didn't sell ours, they had no choice. But now, so many brands have come out, such as those from Guangzhou and Hangzhou. Everyone in the city and Hangzhou still calls themselves Hangzhou style clothing. Our requirements are strict, so others will make other brands." said the person from Lanzhou.

"That's it. I've lost a lot of customers here," shouted the person from the Beijing Zoo. "They look at other companies' agreements, then look at ours, then turn around and leave without even talking to us."

Everyone present was talking about the 10% exchange rate. The only one who remained silent and the most embarrassed was He Hongmei. From a customer's point of view, of course she also hoped that the exchange rate would be as high as possible.

Her sister He Dongmei also called her and told her that the lowest price of other brands now is 20%. You have a good relationship with Mr. Zhang. Can you adjust it to us in Chongqing privately? How could she talk to Zhang Chen Xiaozhao?

But the market is very realistic and harsh. Old customers are okay. They have sold this brand before and have confidence in the brand, so communication is not that difficult.

But for new customers, especially those who have made clothing before, but have never done specialty stores, now looking at specialty stores as a trend, looking back and thinking about opening a specialty store, they are indeed like this guy from the Beijing Zoo. That's what it said.

Everyone says their brand is good, how do customers know whether it is genuine or fake? They can only compare the conditions with each agreement. Everyone knows that the exchange rate is very important, so they all focus on this. This 10% exchange rate is indeed a bit advantageous compared with others' 30% or 40%. No, they turned around and went to another place.

But He Hongmei had been in the factory for a long time and dealt with Zheng Huihong and the others every day. She understood what Zhang Chen said, so she could only shut up, sit in the corner and look at the lakes and mountains outside, eating sunflower seeds.

After everyone's round of fire, Zhang Chen thought for a while and told them that what you all said makes sense. Indeed, in all agreements, as long as there is Party A and Party B, there is a game of interests, and there is this The question is whether the agreement is beneficial to Party A or Party B.

When we drafted this agreement, I dare not say how selfless I was, but I did fully consider everyone's interests. Who proposed the 10% exchange rate? I'm not the first to bring this up. At that time, people who were selling clothing, have you heard anything about the exchange rate? It’s not all a one-and-done deal.

Why I considered the 10% exchange rate at that time was because I thought that since it is a chain operation, everyone's destiny is one, that is, we must share the benefits and share the risks...

"Mr. Zhang, what you're talking about is history. We're talking about the present and we don't want to hear history." shouted someone from the Beijing Zoo.

"Okay, you said now, then let me talk about now. Everyone has a lot of opinions on this exchange rate. I am also very insistent on this. Why, because I know that as long as the exchange rate goes up, the inventory will definitely increase. If the inventory increases, the profits will of course be diluted. Of course, it may not matter to you, because the increased inventory belongs to my company..."

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Ma Ya interrupted him. Ma Ya said:

"Mr. Zhang, I think it's quite boring for you to say this, as if we are all here to threaten you. The reason why we all give our opinions is just for the benefit of our half-acre of land and to make this business bigger. "

"Yes, yes, Ma Ya is right." Zhengzhou Asia shouted, "Otherwise, Mr. Zhang, why did you call us over for a meeting, and build a cruise ship on this lake, making it look like you want to do that? , like the creation of heaven and earth."

Everyone laughed, and someone from the Beijing Zoo shouted: "You are thinking too much. They invited us to play on this lake and treat us to a meal. They originally wanted to give us some small favors and make us all shut up. Do you really think that?" Do you want to hear your opinion?"

These words were a little unpleasant, and Zhang Chen felt a little angry. Did he think this guy was here to cause trouble? He looked at everyone with a suppressed smile on his face, as if waiting to see the excitement. Zhang Chen still controlled his emotions and said to everyone sincerely:

"Let me finish. I said earlier that these inventories will eventually become the company's inventory. I don't mean to blame you. I say this because I want to tell you my true thoughts. I must retain the necessary profits. Space means that all profits cannot be swallowed up by inventory. This is also the fundamental guarantee that our brand can continue to grow.

"Everyone in the clothing business knows that the exchange rate can reduce business risks, but it cannot bring sales, let alone create more sales for everyone. It determines whether a clothing brand is good and whether it can continue. We still have to rely on a lot of things. In particular, a brand needs to be maintained. What does it rely on? It depends on profits.

"You may not know, how many samples do we need to make when we launch a season's products? There are thousands of pieces. We only have eight sample workers and four full-time pattern makers. In addition, we have the largest design center in Hangzhou. , the largest number of designers, all of which do not directly produce benefits. On the contrary, they all require us to spend a lot of money to support them.

"If my company's inventory is large and there is no profit, how can I support them? How can I ensure that our brand can continue to survive?"

"Speaking of all this, why don't you just ask us to help you raise people?" shouted the person from the Beijing Zoo.

These words were too harsh. Everyone just listened to Zhang Chen's words and felt a little relieved. Their faces showed smiles and wanted to hear Zhang Chen continue to speak. After hearing these words, their smiles froze. He Hongmei couldn't listen anymore. Cursed:

"That's too much! Can't you understand human language?"

"Hey, little girl, what do you mean by that?" shouted the person from the Beijing Zoo, "I'm giving my opinion, it's none of your business. By the way, we all know that you have a good relationship with Mr. Zhang, no wonder we Everyone is giving opinions, but you are the only one who is silent."

"What do you mean by this?" He Hongmei asked.

"You understand what it means, little girl. By the way, I want to ask, does this always have a special policy for you in Chongqing? Is your exchange rate different from ours, so you have no objection at all? "

When he said this, everyone else looked at He Hongmei and thought it was possible.

"Fart, I won't push it too far like you!" He Hongmei scolded.

"Little girl, keep your mouth clean,"

"Okay," He Hongmei stood up and shouted, "You said that our Chongqing is different from your Beijing. Well, let's put one hundred thousand yuan here each of us, and I will buy you a ticket to Chongqing. , you go look for it, and if you can find an agreement that is different from yours, one hundred thousand dollars will be yours, and I will compensate you another hundred thousand dollars. If you can’t find it, one hundred thousand dollars will belong to me, and you should stop giving me shit!"

They were about to quarrel. Zhang Chen quickly stood up and stopped them. Ma Ya also stood up, walked over and hugged He Hongmei and said:

"Sister, we are all our own people. It's just a matter of one or two sentences. Why are you so angry? It's not worth it. Come on, sit down and don't be angry."

The cruise ship was approaching Ruan Gongdun at this time. He Hongmei broke away from Ma Ya, stood up, walked to the bow of the ship, and jumped off before the ship could stop.

Everyone present looked at each other, and the boatman came over and said to them, Ruan Gongdun has arrived. This is one of the most famous scenic spots in the West Lake. The Three Pools Reflecting the Moon is here. If you don’t go ashore to play, we will stop here for an hour.

But everyone was sitting there, no one stood up, and no one spoke.

In the evening, Zhang Chen held a banquet and invited everyone to dinner in the building outside the building not far from Shangri-La. Neither He Hongmei nor the people from the Beijing Zoo came.

Although some people were absent, and everyone felt a little nervous, the food in the outer building was still delicious, and the private room was very happy.

When the wine was in full swing, Zhengzhou Asia raised his cup to toast Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen touched it and drank it all in one gulp, but he held the cup without moving. Everyone looked at him, and some people booed.

He held up the glass and said, "Mr. Zhang, if you don't adjust the exchange rate, then I won't be able to drink this wine."

Zhang Chen frowned and looked at him, and he looked at Zhang Chen. The whole box was silent. Zhang Chen smiled and said, I have finished my wine. It is up to you whether you want to drink it or not. However, there is one sentence Let me tell you, the exchange rate is absolutely impossible to adjust.

Zhengzhou Asia said, OK, I understand, farewell!

He put down the glass of wine, turned around and walked out.

The next day, no one went to Yaolin Wonderland. They were all bored in their rooms. Those at Beijing Zoo and Zhengzhou Asia seemed to have checked out early in the morning.

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