The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 773 The Book of Heaven on the Roadside of Huaihai

Zhang Chen stayed in Shanghai for three days, signed a lease agreement with Factory Director Cao and others, and also took photos of the "Shanghai Chaoyang Underwear Factory Sales Department" inside and outside, upstairs and downstairs, and drew a floor plan.

The total area of ​​this sales department, upstairs and downstairs, is more than 620 square meters, which is no smaller than the area of ​​the Esprit store opposite.

The decoration style of the Esprit store is very simple and impressive. The entire exterior wall of the store is made of glass. On the glass, plexiglass is used to make a huge white "Esprit" trademark with bold English characters. The first The letter "E", by removing the vertical line, simplified it into three horizontal lines of the same length, just like a mutated "three".

The font of the entire trademark is like the words engraved on cardboard in the early years and printed on the front and back of sportswear, showing the young, lively, interesting and creative side of Esprit.

Zhang Chen immediately thought that the entire exterior wall of their store must be made of glass. On the outside of the glass, he would use red plexiglass to make a huge, two-story-high paper-cut. On it, there is a white trademark of Half an Acre Field embedded on it.

This kind of design is like face to face, fighting in an arena. You are young and lively, I am romantic and clumsy, you are interesting, I am lively, everyone is creative, and the styles of clothing are very different. In this way, we use our own charm to attract consumers.

Zhang Chen was extremely excited when he came up with this idea. It was almost dark, but he was eager to return to Hangzhou. Even if it was too late, he would call Old Tang out to eat grilled lamb chops and discuss paper-cutting. What style to use and what content to use? Lao Tang is an expert in this aspect.

Xiaoli came over and said to Zhang Chen: "Mr. Zhang, show me your car keys."

Zhang Chen smiled and said, what's so interesting about car keys?

However, he still took out the key and gave it to Xiaoli. Xiaoli took it in her hand, smiled, and said to Zhang Chen, "I was ordered to confiscate it. Mr. Zhang, I will return this key to you tomorrow morning."

"Don't make trouble, I have to go back." Zhang Chen said.

"There is no trouble. It was Sister Xiaozhao who told me that I must keep you and not allow you to drive at night. If you want to go back, you call Sister Xiaozhao."

Xiaoli said with a smile. Only then did Zhang Chen realize that he had fallen into the trap. He dialed Xiao Zhao's number, but it was He Hongmei who answered the phone. Before Zhang Chen could speak, He Hongmei cursed:

"What's wrong with you? You're a novice. At this time, when there are the most large trucks on the national highway, you want to drive back to Hangzhou? Do you know how scary it is when the headlights of the trucks on the opposite side are shining towards you?"

Zhang Chen recalled the scene in the past when they were riding to Sijiqing before dawn. On Hanghai Road, the headlights of the cars on the opposite side were shining towards them. He said, OK, I will wait a little later. Can we wait until there are fewer cars in the middle of the night?

"No, do you know that truck drivers who like to drive late at night are crazy? If you meet one, you will be finished."

"Like you?"

"Yes, it's scary to be like me, right? There's no need to talk about this matter. Just stay there and come back tomorrow morning!" He Hongmei said and hung up the phone.

He Hongmei roared so loudly that Xiaoli clearly heard her words. Zhang Chen hung up the phone, but Xiaoli still looked at Zhang Chen and asked deliberately:

"How about it? Sister Xiao Zhao, do you agree? If you agree, I will return the car keys to you. No, Mr. Zhang, the voice on the phone doesn't seem to be Sister Xiao Zhao's. Who is it?"

Zhang Chen glared at her and was too lazy to pay attention to her. Xiaoli laughed.

The next morning, Xiaoli called a taxi and asked the driver to take Zhang Chen out of the city. When he came back, he would be charged according to the meter. After thinking about it, he said, forget it, you drive in front and lead us out of the city, and I will sit in the back. In the car, take me back to the exit of the city, and start counting the clock now.

Xiaoli got into the passenger seat of Zhang Chen and asked him to follow the taxi out of the city. When they got to National Highway 320, Xiaoli said to Zhang Chen. Next, they looked at the road sign of National Highway 320 and said, Mr. Zhang, you will never leave. Wrong?

"Yes." Zhang Chen said, "Or you can take me back to Hangzhou."

Xiaoli rolled her eyes at him: "You think I don't want to go back to Hangzhou? This Shanghainese always adds sugar to stir-fry vegetables, which makes them taste terrible."

Xiaoli said as she got out of the car, waved her hand, got into the taxi in front, and left.

Zhang Chen returned to Hangzhou and called Old Tang to come to Sanbao. When Old Tang heard that he was going to compete with Esprit in Shanghai, he became excited. He also thought Zhang Chen’s idea was very good and told Zhang Chen, Leave this pattern to me and I'll do it.

As a result, the two people worked on it for several days, but nothing was ideal. Many patterns were beautiful when painted on paper, but when they were enlarged, they would not work, and the overall sense of the picture was destroyed. This is also the reason why the paintings should not be too big. Paintings can only be viewed if they are placed in a large space so that people have enough distance.

This is also the long axis in ancient China. It is only horizontal, not vertical, and it uses scattered perspective. The vertical one cannot be seen. You cannot run from the third floor to the first floor to see a painting, but the horizontal one, When unfolded in the hand, each foot has its own content. It is actually an independent small painting.

A long axis is more like a large painting composed of countless small paintings, rather than parts separated from the large painting, whether it is a landscape painting like "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" or a "Riverside Scene during Qingming Festival" The same is true for character and genre paintings. Any section you can unfold with your hands can be cut into an independent chapter.

Old Tang enlarged the pattern that the two of them thought was good on paper and pasted it on the exterior wall of the new factory. The two of them had to walk to the construction site of the opposite office building before the whole painting could be seen.

Zhang Chen feels that such a painting is placed on the outer wall of the store on Huaihai Middle Road. Standing on the opposite side, that is, at the entrance of Esprit, looking this way, the painting can be seen in full view, and the effect is good, but if it is on the sidewalk on his side, , all I saw were red blocks, and I had no idea what they were.

You can’t say that the decoration of a store only attracts people from half of the street and misses the other half of the street.

For example, in the Esprit store, although the words "Esprit" are large, they are only as tall as a person. It is very eye-catching when you look at it from the opposite side, but you can also see it clearly when you are up close, and you can distinguish a person. After reading out the letters, it seems that someone has put a lot of effort into studying them.

Zhang Chen felt that this design would be perfect if it were placed in He Hongmei's store, with the Liberation Monument Square in front of it. It could attract people on the square, but it is obviously inappropriate to place it on Huaihai Middle Road. , he decided to abandon the idea.

"Give it to me." He Hongmei said, "When our store is renovated, I will use this."

Zhang Chen gave her the renderings.

Zhang Chen and Lao Tang were sitting in the Design Center on Stadium Road. The two of them were at a loss. Lao Tang was sitting there with a utility knife in his hand and had nothing to do. He took the "Qianjiang Evening News" on the table and wanted to edit the masthead. Four red letters, carved with a knife.

He Hongmei cursed, are you bored?

"It's just boring." Old Tang glanced at her and said helplessly, both he and Zhang Chen felt a sense of frustration.

After all, Old Tang studied printmaking. He had fat hands but was very skillful. He seemed to be carving so casually with a utility knife. After carving, the four words "Qian", "Jiang", "Wan" and "Bao" appeared. Above, there are four more girls' heads. Looking at these four words, they are four girls dancing gracefully in red skirts.

He raised the four words to show them. Zhang Chen and He Hongmei both laughed. He Hongmei said, "Give it to me, give it to me, this is fun, Old Tang."

Zhang Chen slapped his palm on the design table, which shocked both Old Tang and He Hongmei. He Hongmei looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Why, you want it too? If you want it, I'll share it with you." "

"Yes!" Zhang Chen shouted.

"What's up?" He Hongmei asked.

"Who has it? Do you have it?" Old Tang asked He Hongmei, "Whose is it?"

He Hongmei went to beat Old Tang, and Old Tang laughed.

"I have an idea, Old Tang."

Zhang Chen looked at Old Tang and shouted excitedly:

"Do you still remember what I told you about Xu Bing that day? Why can't we also use "Book of Heaven" here? On the transparent glass, white Chinese characters are made one by one. The style of the font is the same as that of engraving printing. The style, each character is as high as the other, just like "Book of Heaven", every character looks familiar, but in fact they are all additions or subtractions, and they are typos that no one recognizes."

"Okay!" Old Tang also shouted: "From across the street, it looks like a heavenly book with Chinese characters. People walking in front of it will be attracted by the characters that are as tall as themselves. What the hell? How could such big words be written wrong, and if I look at them, they are all wrong, and he can’t stop even if he wants to.”

"Yes, isn't it cool?" Zhang Chen asked.

"That's awesome!" Old Tang shouted, "I'm afraid this place will soon become a photo-taking spot."

"Old Tang, you immediately cut two out of foam, and we can find a place to try."

Old Tang said okay, I'll leave first, and you can come and get it in an hour.

Old Tang walked out of the design center as he spoke.

After more than an hour, Zhang Chen and He Hongmei drove Zhang Chen's station wagon downstairs. He Hongmei insisted that she drive, so Zhang Chen gave it to her. When they arrived at Old Tang's place, Old Tang had already put the two words " After the carving is done, one word is composed of "Word", "Shen" and "Talent". It looks like Xie, but it's not.

There is another one, which is composed of "廴" and "大". It looks like Da, but it is not.

Zhang Chen put down the back seat of the station wagon. Old Tang put these two words in and asked Zhang Chen, where to try?

Zhang Chen said the pole company.

"Okay." Old Tang waved his hand, got on the motorcycle and left. Zhang Chen and He Hongmei also got on the motorcycle and left.

Liu Ligan was not in the company, but everyone in the company knew Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen said he needed to paste these two words on the bright blue glass with double-sided tape, and everyone came to help.

After they pasted the words, Zhang Chen and Old Tang looked at them and laughed. Isn't this the effect they wanted? A whole page of a heavenly book composed of such words would be attractive even if it were not.

Moreover, the white three-dimensional plexiglass and somewhat broken-looking Song fonts look particularly majestic and elegant on this transparent glass. At night, when the lights inside the plexiglass words light up, they are so bright that they will definitely make the people on the opposite side look very bright. "Esprit" held down.

Ying Ying came over and said to Zhang Chen: "Mr. Zhang, are these two words written wrong?"

"That's right. Do you recognize him?" Zhang Chen asked.

Ying Ying shook her head, and Zhang Chen smiled and said: "It's okay if you don't know it, because this is a heavenly book, and every word contains heavenly secrets, which must not be leaked."

"Real or false?" Ying Ying looked at him and asked dubiously.

"There is still something to leak." He Hongmei said, "Mix the words half an acre of land into this book and make them the only three words that everyone can recognize."

"Great!" Zhang Chen and Old Tang shouted out almost at the same time.

Thanks to Ba Liang, On the Shore 131, and Doll Tin Soldier for the rewards! Thank you Cup Guy Api, Qianqian Dad, and book friend 161216122019876 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Happy Saturday everyone!

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