The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 772 Two hundred and fifty thousand

Xiaoli and Xiaomi looked at Zhang Chen in confusion. Xiaoli asked: "Mr. Zhang, do you know any other big people in Shanghai?"

Zhang Chen said of course, have you seen the whiteboard hanging behind Director Cao?

Xiaoli and Xiaomi shook their heads together.

They didn't even see the whiteboard, let alone the content on the whiteboard. Zhang Chen told them that the whiteboard behind Director Cao said: "One hundred, delivery on March 5th."

Xiaoli and Xiaomi both laughed, and Xiaoli shouted: "Mr. Zhang, you mean, you want to go find Manager Chen?"

In this case, the products of Chaoyang Underwear Factory are also sold in the First Department Store. As long as it is in the First Department Store, how can you not sell the face of Manager Chen of the women's clothing department?

The three people immediately went out, got in the car and went to the First Department Store, where they found Manager Chen. Manager Chen was very happy to see Zhang Chen and quickly invited them to sit down. Zhang Chen told Manager Chen his purpose. Manager Chen asked if it was Which factory?

Zhang Chen told her about Chaoyang Underwear Factory.

"Where is Lao Cao? Have you looked for him?"

"I'm exhausted." Zhang Chen said.

Manager Chen laughed and said, Lao Cao is a bit tough, so Mr. Zhang, I have made an appointment to beat you up.

Zhang Chen quickly said thank you, thank you, Manager Chen.

The three people left the First Department Store and returned to their warehouse. As soon as they parked the car, Zhang Chen's phone number rang. It was Manager Chen. She said that at three o'clock in the afternoon, Lao Cao's store was on Huaihai Middle Road. The cafe opposite the department...

"Is it the one next to Esprit?" Zhang Chen asked.

Yes, that's right, we'll meet there at three o'clock in the afternoon. Manager Chen said.

Zhang Chen quickly said OK, thank you, Manager Chen, and we'll see you in the afternoon.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Chen and the three of them went to take a seat early. There was no private room in this cafe, so they could only sit in the lobby. Zhang Chen was at a table, and Xiaoli and Xiaomi were at a table next to them. The two of them put on their coats. Bags and other items were placed on the two chairs opposite Zhang Chen, making it look like someone was there. He also ordered two cups of coffee and placed them in front of the two empty seats.

There are a lot of people here, otherwise it would be difficult to get a seat.

After the two of them finished drinking their coffee, Zhang Chen told them that there were two more cups here, so they took them to drink. The two of them laughed, put the empty cups over, took away the two cups of coffee, and were drinking. Unexpectedly, The waiter came over and immediately took away the two empty cups. There were people coveting the two empty seats nearby. Xiaoli had no choice but to buy two more cups of coffee and put them there.

Zhang Chen told them, I don't like drinking coffee, and these two cups are yours too.

"I'm going to die, I'm full of water." Xiaoli frowned and shouted, Zhang Chen laughed.

At three o'clock, Manager Chen and Factory Director Cao walked in together. Factory Manager Cao was stunned for a moment when he saw it was them, with a bit of embarrassment on his face. Zhang Chen and Xiaoli Xiaomi quickly got up. The three of them stood there, what? Didn't say anything.

After Manager Chen introduced them to each other, Zhang Chen extended his hand to shake Director Cao's hand and said hello, Director Cao, thank you for meeting you.

They all pretended that what happened in the morning never happened.

After sitting down, Director Cao's smooth face began to look natural again.

Director Cao's face was indeed very smooth, as if he had shaved his face with a razor every day, and his chin was already blue.

Manager Chen told Director Cao about Zhang Chen's idea of ​​renting their sales department. Director Cao shook his head when he heard it and said, "If you come to San, you can definitely do it. If you rent Te Te, the sales department will be gone."

Manager Chen scolded, how many copper coins can your sales department sell in a month?

Factory Director Cao said, "Do you have any copper coins?" The sales department is here and no one has anything to say. It's gone. Many people want to gossip, which is too much to bear.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said, Director Cao, I went to your sales department across the street. Although your sales department is not small, I see that there are not many styles actually sold. There are many old models. I miss you. The factory probably doesn't produce anymore.

What can be sold is no more than one hand. Manager Chen said.

Zhang Chen nodded and continued: In this way, a lot of space is actually wasted. In fact, you only need one counter.

In our case, half. Manager Chen said.

Then I wonder if this is possible. Director Cao, you rent the sales department to us. After we renovate it, we will still leave a set of counters on the first floor for you to sell your products. I dare not say anything else about our store. If it opens, the traffic will definitely be more than what you have now, and maybe your sales will increase.

Yes, Mr. Zhang has a good idea. Manager Chen said, Lao Cao, you have never been to Mr. Zhang’s store in Hangzhou. The number of people coming and going in that store is similar to ours. Throw away the products that have not moved for several years and throw away the good-selling ones. The products are concentrated in a few counters. Isn’t your sales department still there? While doing business, paying rent and making money at the same time, don't make your life too easy.

Zhang Chen proposed this, and Manager Chen encouraged him like this. Factory Director Cao became a little more active and no longer said, "It's absolutely possible to cut down three of them."

Zhang Chen further said, and, Director Cao, if you rent this store to us, we will be the cooperative units. We have a dedicated design team. We can help you design a batch of underwear so that your products can be updated. .

Manager Chen clapped his hands and said, "Okay, Lao Cao, how many times have I told you that your things are all antiques. If it weren't for the sake of being an old cooperative company, I would have invited you out a long time ago. Look now." Look, Mr. Zhang and the others are doing this for you. Hello, Mr. Zhang and his colleagues, I can trust their design capabilities.

Lao Cao, I promise you, if this batch of your things comes out, I will give you a good position.

Manager Chen said that if you don't give me face, you won't be flattered. Director Cao thought for a while and said to Zhang Chen, Mr. Zhang, if you really want to rent, you also know that it is Huaihai Middle Road and the rent will not be paid. cheap.

Zhang Chen nodded and said, I know, we are all friends, just say it directly. Director Cao, how much can you rent for a year?

"Twenty-five thousand," Director Cao said.

"Are you crazy, Jie Ju?" Manager Chen was startled.

Factory Director Cao said that there was no other way, it was not expensive, it would not stop everyone’s mouths, and people thought I got some benefit in the process.

Zhang Chen knew in his heart that Factory Director Cao was not afraid of not being able to silence others, but because he was not able to discredit Manager Chen. In his heart, it was better to do less than to do more. He did not want to rent this store. He offered this price because he wanted to Let you retreat when faced with difficulties and retreat on your own.

Manager Chen looked at Zhang Chen and shook his head slightly. Xiaoli and Xiaomi were at the table next to them and kept winking at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and said, "Okay, Director Cao, then it's 250,000 a year."

Manager Chen sighed. Since Zhang Chen had agreed, she had nothing to say.

But in her heart, she was still angry with Factory Director Cao, feeling that he was too disrespectful to her. Manager Chen stood up and said to Factory Director Cao:

"Old Cao, when the blackmail comes here, it's time for you to stop. Please help me. I have to settle it down. I'm going back first."

After Manager Chen finished speaking, he nodded with Zhang Chen and walked out.

There was a blush on Director Cao's face. He turned to look at the back of Manager Chen as he walked out, looking a little embarrassed.

Zhang Chen smiled with him. He took out a rental agreement from his bag and said to Factory Manager Cao, "Director Cao, please take a look at this agreement. The others are all standard clauses. There should be a set reserved for you." This one at the counter is fine.

Factory Director Cao took the agreement and stuffed it into his bag without looking at it. He said to Zhang Chen, "Okay, that's it. You guys can come to the factory to sign the agreement tomorrow morning."

After he finished speaking, he stood up, said goodbye, and left.

As soon as Director Cao left, Xiaoli and Xiaomi immediately sat over and chatted. Xiaoli said, Mr. Zhang, don’t you know, this guy did it on purpose?

Xiaomi was on the side, cursing angrily, Aqiaoxi! Stiffness!

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "I know."

"I know you still agree?" Xiaoli said angrily.

Zhang Chen continued to smile: "Didn't you say that we want to be famous in Shanghai? Let me ask you, look at the store opposite. Do you see that our half-acre specialty store is going to be opened there, Huaihai Middle Road? How much benefit will it bring to expanding our brand awareness? How much does it cost to erect such a large billboard on Huaihai Middle Road a year?"

When Director Cao opened his mouth and offered a price of 250,000 yuan, Zhang Chen was indeed a little angry, but he immediately thought of Liu Ligan's company at the junction of Moganshan Road and Wensan Road, and Liu Ligan It's said that the glass should be so bright that it turns blue. His one is a billboard erected at the intersection. The one I have on the roadside in Huaihai Middle, Shanghai, isn't it even more of a billboard?

"How about it? Do you think it's a good deal? Is the money worth it?"

Zhang Chen asked Xiaoli and Xiaomi, you two looked at me, I looked at you, and finally looked at Zhang Chen together, Xiaoli said: "Okay, you are the boss, your one sentence is worth ten thousand."

As they drove back to the warehouse, Zhang Chen's eldest brother called out. It was Manager Chen. Manager Chen asked Zhang Chen, how was it?

Zhang Chen told her that he had already agreed to go to their factory to sign the agreement tomorrow morning.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand?" Manager Chen asked.

"Yes, two hundred and fifty thousand."

When Manager Chen heard this, he spoke Mandarin mixed with Shanghainese, and scolded Zhang Chen, saying how could he accept this price? I wonder if Lao Cao was ripping him off?

Zhang Chen didn't even have time to reply. Manager Chen then scolded Factory Director Cao. After the scolding, he felt a little relieved, so he lowered his tone and said to Zhang Chen:

"Xiao Zhang, I'm sorry, I didn't help you with this matter."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "No, no, Manager Chen, you have already helped us a lot. Otherwise, if we go find it ourselves, Director Cao will ignore us. I can accept this price. Really, Manager Chen, Thank you!"

"Ala, I'm going to find Yi. I'm crazy. Call me thirteen o'clock!" Xiaomi called from the side, and Manager Chen couldn't help but laugh on the phone.

The next day, Zhang Chen and Xiaoli Xiaomi went to Chaoyang Underwear Factory to sign an agreement. This time they walked into the office. Everyone in the office stood up, nodded and smiled at them. It seemed that Director Cao brought it back yesterday. Good news for them.

Could it be bad?

Zhang Chen and Director Cao signed a five-year rental agreement. After signing the agreement, Zhang Chen called Xiao Zhao and asked her to pay this year's rent of 250,000 yuan.

Xiao Zhao originally wanted to ask, why is the rent so expensive?

When she heard the voices on Zhang Chen's phone that were all from Shanghai, she knew that Zhang Chen was at the other party's place. Xiao Zhao didn't ask anything, but said, OK, I'll arrange it right away.

Thank you Mu Yangxiang for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good weekend evening everyone!

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